New Materials

February 2025

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Inconis, Raimondo. Il controfagotto: storia e tecnica = The contrabassoon: history and technique. (Milano: Ricordi, 2013). Music Stacks MT412 .I53 2013

Masters, Richard. Encyclopedia of American classical pianists: 1800s to the present. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Naliwajek, Katarzyna. Sounds of apocalypse: music in Poland under German occupation. (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022]. Music Stacks ML3917.P6 N35 2022

Tertis, Lionel. Cinderella no more. (London: P. Nevill, 1953). Music Stacks ML418.T47 A3 1953

NEW BOOKS—Music Education:

Camlin, Dave A. Music making and civic imagination: a holistic philosophy. (Bristol: Intellect Books, 2023).

Chun, Edna Breinig. Transformational music teaching. (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).

Hendricks, Karin S. The Oxford handbook of care in music education. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Jaworski Koriath, Emily. Trauma and the voice: a guide for singers, teachers, and other practitioners. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Katz, Martin. The complete collaborator: the pianist as partner. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). Music Stacks MT236 .K27 2009

Stauffer, George B. J.S. Bach: the organ works. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2024). Music Stacks MT145.B11 S73 2024

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Einzeln überlieferte Klavierwerke = Miscellaneous works for piano. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1999). Music Stacks 11.B118 A032

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Das Wohltemperierte Klavier = The well-tempered clavier. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1989-1995). Music Stacks 11.B118 W023

Bozza, Eugène. Rustiques: pour cornet Si♭ ou trompette ut ou Si♭ et piano. (Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1955). Music Stacks 37.12.B793 R87

Cuong, Viet. Inland ocean: for concert band: (2023). (McKinney, TX: Murphy Music Press, 2023). Music Oversize 63.C973 I55

Day, Kevin. Shimmering sunshine: (for concert band). (McKinney, TX: Murphy Music Press, LLC, 2019). Music Oversize 63.D274 S55

Forbes, Michael. Auburn is the colour--: for euphonium-tuba quartet, 1995. (Vuarmarens, Switzerland: Editions Bim, 2003). Music Stacks 53.04.F694 A8

Ozi, Étienne. 42 Capricen für Fagott = 42 caprices for bassoon. (Leipzig: Hofmeister, 2018). Music Stacks 34.01.O99 N703

Previn, André. Sonata for bassoon and piano. (New York: G. Schirmer, 1999). Music Stacks 34.12.P944 S67

NEW BOOK—Music Industry:

Hovinga, Arlette. How to build relationships in the music industry: a guide for musicians. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

NEW BOOK—Popular Music:

Hilburn, Robert. A few words in defense of our country: the biography of Randy Newman. (New York, NY: Hachette Books, 2024).


January 2025

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Ege, Samantha. South Side impresarios: how race women transformed Chicago's classical music scene. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2024).

Price, Florence. Price's piano teaching music. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2015). Music Stacks MT758.P753 P53 2015

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel. Die sechs Württembergischen Sonaten für Klavier, Wq 49 = The six Württemberg sonatas for piano, Wq 49. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2001). Music Stacks 11.B1172 S6032

Blazhevich, V. (Vladislav). 70 studies for BB flat tuba. Volume I. (S.l.: Robert King Music Co., 2010). Music Stacks MT485.B53 2010

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Sämtliche Sonaten für Klavier = Complete sonatas for pianoforte. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2019). Music Stacks 11.B415 S6022

Bonds, Margaret. More Margaret Bonds: Three dream portraits: (high key); and, Three original songs. (Ann Arbor, MI: Videmus, 2023). Music Stacks 75.1.B711 A035

Bonds, Margaret. Six songs on poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay. (Bryn Mawr, PA: Hildegard Publishing Company, 2020). Music Stacks 75.1.B711 S6037

Bonds, Margaret. Troubled water: arranged for cello and piano by the composer. (Ann Arbor, MI: Videmus, 2023). Music Stacks 23.12.B1176 T76

Capers, Valerie. Song of the seasons: for soprano, cello, and piano. (Fayetteville, AR: Classical Vocal Reprints, 2023). Music Stacks 75.1.C239 S8

Chausson, Ernest. Chanson perpétuelle pour soprano et orchestre. (Paris: A. Durand & fils, n.d.). Music Stacks 75.6.C499 C43

Dvorak, Antonin. Largo from Symphony No. 9 "From the New World". Music Stacks 36.04.D989 S998

Fauré, Gabriel. Fantaisie Opus 79; und Morceau de lecture: für Flöte und Klavier = Fantaisie op. 79 ; Morceau de lecture : for flute and piano. (München: G. Henle Verlag, 2015). Music Stacks 31.12.F265 F35

Hailstork, Adolphus C. Sonata for trumpet and piano. (King of Prussia, PA: Theodore Presser Company, 2002). Music Stacks 37.12.H151 S67

Handel, George Frideric. Klavierwerke in vier Bänden = Keyboard works in four volumes. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2009). Music Stacks 11.H236 A033

Hindemith, Paul. Sonate für Basstuba und Klavier: (1955). (Mainz: Schott, 1985). Music Stacks 39.12.H662 S68

Jeffreys, George. 1, Liturgical music and motets for one, two and four voices and basso continuo. (London: Stainer & Bell, 2024). Music Reference Scores 05 .M942

McKee, Kevin. Full tilt: for brass quintet. (Greenbelt, MD: Kevin McKee Music, 2023). Music Stacks 53.05.M154 F85

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Einzelstucke fur Klavier = Miscellaneous works for piano. (Kassel: Barenreiter, 1982). Music Stacks 11.M939 A0321

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Klaviersonaten = Piano sonatas. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2011). Music Stacks 11.M939 S60221

O'Toole, Anthony. Bittersweet memories: tuba quartet (EETT). (Ledyard, CT: Cimarron Music Press, 2011). Music Stacks 53.04.O88 B4

O'Toole, Anthony. Blowfest: (overture for trombones). (New London, CT: Cimarron Music Press, [2011]© 2011. Music Stacks 38.06.O88 B56

O'Toole, Anthony. The Golden Gate 2022. (S.l.: Anthony J. O'Toole, 2022). Music Stacks 63.O88 G65

O'Toole, Anthony. Journey through space: a gallactic tone poem. (New London, CT: Cimarron Music Press, 2011). Music Stacks 53.08.O88 J6

O'Toole, Anthony. War machine. (S.l.: Anthony J. O'Toole, 2012). Music Stacks 38.04.O88 W3

Price, Florence. An album of piano pieces. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2016). Music Stacks 11.P942 A031

Price, Florence. Communion service: in F for SATB choir and organ. (Fayetteville, AR: Clarnan Editions, 2015). Music Stacks 83.1.P946 C8

Price, Florence. Five art songs: medium-high voice and piano. (Fayetteville, AR: Classical Vocal Reprints, 2011). Music Stacks 75.1.P942 S67

Price, Florence. Music of Florence Beatrice Price. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 1993-1996). Music Stacks 16.P942 A033

Price, Florence. Seven songs on texts of African American poets. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2024). Music Stacks 75.1.P942 S48

Price, Florence. String quartet in G major (1929). (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2017). Music Stacks 52.04.P945 Q4

Price, Florence. Three Negro spirituals: for two pianos. (Fayetteville, AR: Clarnan Editions, 2017). Music Stacks 15.22.P945 S64

Price, Florence. Three Negro spirituals: for violin and piano. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions 2022). Music Stacks 21.12.P945 T47

Price, Florence. Twelve pieces for piano solo. (Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2024). Music Stacks 11.P942 A033

Quartier, Bart. Image: 20 children's songs for marimba. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music, 1992). Music Stacks 46.1.Q1 I4

Rachmaninoff, Sergei. Complete piano works: in 13 volumes. (Moskva: P. I︠U︡rgenson, 2023). Music Stacks 12.2.R119 A035

Saint-Saëns, Camille. Concerto no. 1 in A minor, opus 33: for cello and piano. (New York City: International Music Company, 1952). Music Stacks 23.12.S152 C7334

Schubert, Franz. Klaviersonaten = Piano sonatas. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2020-2023). Music Stacks 11.S384 S6022

Tartini, Giuseppe. Edizione critica = Critical edition. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2022- ). Music Reference Scores 03.T195 A022

Wilder, Alec. Sonata for bass trombone and piano [Newly edited (1983) by Gunther Schuller]. (Newton Centre, MA: Margun Music, 1976). Music Stacks 38.12.W673 S63


Magidson, Jeff. Gypsy jazz guitar. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2022). Music Stacks MT588 .M34 2022

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Forde, Eamonn. 1999: the year the record industry lost control. (London: Omnibus Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3790 .F6629 2024

Morrison, Matthew D. Blacksound: making race and popular music in the United States. (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2024).


November 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Berger, Harris M. The Oxford handbook of the phenomenology of music cultures. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021).

Brittan, Francesca. Berlioz and His World. (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2024).

Broad, Leah. Quartet: how four women changed the musical world. (London: Faber & Faber, 2023).

Frühauf, Tina. The Oxford handbook of Jewish music studies. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023).

Glover, Eric M. African American perspectives in musical theatre. (London: Methuen Drama, 2024).

Gratzer, Wolfgang. The Routledge handbook of music and migration: theories and methodologies. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2024).

Haas, Michael. Music of exile: the untold story of the composers who fled Hitler. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023).

Hamer, Laura. The Routledge companion to women and musical leadership: the nineteenth century and beyond. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2025).

Hardesty, Jacob. The jazz problem: education and the battle for morality during the jazz age. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2023).

Meucci, Renato. The horn. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023).

Nussbaum, Martha C. The tenderness of silent minds: Benjamin Britten and his War requiem. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024).

Sholl, Robert. Olivier Messiaen: a critical biography. (London: Reaktion Books, 2024).

Tomes, Susan. Women and the piano: a history in 50 lives. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024).

Zionkowski, Linda. Women and music in the age of Austen. (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Music Education:

Kuligowski, Waldemar. Festivals and Values: Music, Community Engagement and Organisational Symbolism. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023).

Maust, Paula. Expanding the music theory canon: inclusive examples for analysis from the common practice period. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2024).

NEW BOOKS—Music Therapy:

Lee, Colin. The Oxford handbook of queer and trans music therapy. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022).

Oppert, Claire. The Schubert treatment: a story of music and healing. (Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2024).

Tomaino, Concetta M. Music Has Power® in senior wellness and healthcare: best practices from music therapy. (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2024).

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Dosman, Nicolás Alberto. Growing your choral program: a practical guide for new directors. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024).

Kurzbauer, Heather. Employment and vulnerabilities in the world of orchestral musicians: symphonic metamorphoses. (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2023).

Mandanici, Marcella. Digital music learning resources: from research to educational practice. (Singapore: Springer, 2023).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The bassoon, how it works: a practical guide to bassoon ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The clarinet, how it works: a practical guide to clarinet ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The flute, how it works: a practical guide to flute ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The oboe, how it works: a practical guide to oboe ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The saxophone, how it works: a practical guide to saxophone ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024).

Wallen, Errollyn. Becoming a composer. (London: Faber & Faber Limited, 2023).

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Chorsätze aus dem Weihnachts-Oratorium Teil I-III = Choral settings from the Christmas oratorio part I-III: BWV 248. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2012). Music Stacks 88.7.B118 C3483

Bach, P. D. Q. Echo sonata: (S. 99999999): for two unfriendly groups of instruments (flute, oboe, bassoon; trumpet in B♭, French horn, trombone). (Bryn Mawr, PA: T. Presser, 1992). Music Stacks 53.06.B124 E24

Bartók, Béla. Rumänische volkstänze = Romanian folk dances [arranged for oboe and piano by Christian Tuns]. (Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, 2016). Music Stacks 32.12.B292 R66

Brenet, Thérèse. Trois fugues: pour quatuor de saxophones SATB. (Lagny Sur Marne: Musik Fabrik, 2015). Music Stacks 34.04.B837 F85

Castil-Blaze. Trio opus 17, no. 2 in C, 3 bassoons. (Ampleforth, Yorkshire England: Emerson Edition, 1990). Music Stacks 34.03.C346 T82

Castil-Blaze. Trio, opus 17, no. 3 in E flat, 3 bassoons. (Ampleforth, Yorkshire England: Emerson Edition, 1990). Music Stacks 34.03.C346 T83

D'Rivera, Paquito. Aires tropicales: for woodwind quintet. (Richmond, VA: International Opus, 1994). Music Stacks 53.05.D782 A37

Falla, Manuel de. Farruca: from El sombrero de tres picos [arr. for horn quartet by Klaus Wallendorf]. (Munich: Köbl Music for Brass, 2013). Music Stacks 36.04.F194 S75

Giraud, Hubert. Sous le ciel de Paris [arr. for horn quartet by Klaus Wallendorf]. (Munich: Köbl Music for Brass, 2013). Music Stacks 36.04.G522 S7

Hidas, Frigyes. 5 miniatures: for wind instruments = 5 miniatuʺr: fúvós hangszerekre. (Budapest: Editio Musica, 1991). Music Stacks 53.06.H632 M56

Kuzma, Marika. Carols of Birds, Bells, and Sacred Hymns From Ukraine: An Anthology and Cultural Companion. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024).

Markiewiczówna, Władysława. Sonatina na fagot i fortepian = Sonatina for bassoon and piano. (Kraków, Poland: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1979). Music Stacks 34.12.M345 S68

Markiewiczówna, Władysława. 3 Bagatelle per fagotto e pianoforte. (Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1980). Music Stacks 34.12.M345 B38

Parry, C. Hubert H. Seven chorale preludes: set 1 for organ. (Boca Raton, FL: Masters Music Pub., 1990?). Music Stacks 16.P264 P8031

Piazzolla, Astor. Tango ballet: for string quartet. (Darmstadt, Germany: Tonos, 2008). Music Stacks 52.04.P

Ridout, Alan. The shepherd's calendar: after John Clare: for four bassoons (with narrator). (Ampleforth, North Yorkshire: Emerson Edition, 2000). Music Stacks 34.04.R547 S54

Sanders, Bernard Wayne. An American hymn tune sampler: preludes on folk hymns. (Dayton, OH: The Sacred Music Press, 2016). Music Stacks 16.S213 A036

Schwartz, Elliott. Rows garden: for wind quintet. (Berkeley, CA: Fallen Leaf Press, 1996). Music Stacks 53.05.S398 R69

Tiomkin, Dimitri. Best of the west: 4 hits from Western movies [arr. for horn quartet by Andreas Kowalewitz]. (Munich: Edition Diewa, 2013). Music Stacks 36.04.K88 B4

Turner, Kerry. Fandango for horn quartet. (Enschede, The Netherlands: Phoenix Music Publications, 1997). Music Stacks 36.04.T948 F3

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Fairclough, Kirsty, Benjamin Halligan, Nicole Hodges Persley and Shara Rambarran. Diva: feminism and fierceness from pop to hip-hop. (Fairclough, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023).

Franklin, Marianne. Change the record: punk women music politics. (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2024).

Govenar, Alan B. See that my grave is kept clean: the world and music of Blind Lemon Jefferson. (Dallas, TX: La Reunion, 2023).

Harris, Craig. Rise up!: Indigenous music in North America. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

Jones, Steven L. Murder Ballads Old & New: a Dark & Bloody Record. (Port Townsend, WA: Feral House, 2023).

Nickells, Kev. Taylor Swift for adults: taking Swift seriously. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire: White Owl, 2024).

Ribowsky, Mark. Crying in the rain: the perfect harmony and imperfect lives of the Everly Brothers. (Essex, CT: Backbeat Books, 2024).

Robb, Catherine M. Taylor Swift and philosophy: essays from the Tortured Philosophers Department. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2025).

Stein, Jordan Alexander. Fantasies of Nina Simone. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2024).

Taylor, Katherine Yeske. She's a badass: women in rock shaping feminism. (Essex, CT: Backbeat Books, 2023).


October 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Lainé, Frédéric. Corpus pédagogique pour l'alto. (Sprimont: Mardaga, 2002- ). Music Reference MT282 .C67 2002

Wright, Harold, and Harris Goldsmith. Clarinet music book: advanced level. (Elmsford, NY: MMO Music Group Inc., 1995). Music Stacks 33.01.AW949 A3

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Alexander, Jeffrey, and Robert Spencer. The Willoughby lute book. (Kilkenny, Ire.: Reproduced under the direction of Leslie Hewitt for Boethius Press, 1978). Music Reference Scores 44.AW739 W7

Balay, Guillaume. Petite piece concetante for trumpet or cornet & piano. (San Antonio, TX: Southern Music, c2014). Music Stacks 37.12.B171 P47

Briceño, Luis de. Metodo mui facilissimo para aprender a tañer la guitarra a lo español. (Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1972). Music Reference Scores 42.1.B849 M48

Devienne, François. Sonata for bassoon and basso continuo in G minor = Sonate für Fagott und Basso continuo g-moll: op. 24, no. 5. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2000). Music Stacks 34.12.D492 S615

Gaultier, Ennemond. Pièces de luth en musique. (Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1982). Music Reference Scores 44.1.AG271 P54

Harbinson, William G. Sonata for flute and piano. (United States: ALRY Publications, LLC c2015). Music Stacks 31.12.H255 S63

Kellner, David. Sechzehn auserlesene Lauten-Stücke. (Genève: Minkoff, 1985). Music Reference Scores 44.1.K29 A97

Marescot, Charles de. La guitaromanie. (Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte, 1985). Music Reference Scores 42.1.M325 G85

Médard, Rémy. Pièces de guitarre. (Genève: Minkoff, 1988). Music Reference Scores 42.1.M535 P54

Minguet é Irol, Pablo. Reglas y advertencias generales: que ensenan el modo de taner todos los instrumentos mejores, y mas usuales, como son la guitarra, triple, vandola, cythara, clavicordio, organo, harpa, psalterio, bandurria, violin, flauta traversera, flauta dulce y la flautilla. (Genève: Minkoff, 1981). Music Reference Scores 42.M666 R44

Nava, Antonio. Serenata per chitarra e flauto, op. 16. (London: Tecla Editions, 1985). Music Reference Scores 42.N316 S426

Nishimura, Yukiko. Sparklers: for marimba and percussion. (Greensboro: C. Alan Publications, 2018). Music Stacks 46.92.N725 S63

Ropartz, J. Guy. Andante et allegro: for trumpet or cornet and piano, revised by Mager and Andraud. (San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Company, 1969). Music Stacks 37.12.R784 A53

Spencer, Robert. The Brogyntyn lute book. (Kilkenny, Ire.: Reproduced under the direction of L. Hewitt for Boethius Press, 1978). Music Reference Scores 44.AB866 B8

Walker, George. String quartet no. 1: 1946. (Maryland Heights, MO: Lauren Keiser Music Publishing, 2008). Music Stacks 52.04.W179 Q1

Xenakis, Iannis. Rebonds: pour percussion solo. (Paris, France: Éditions Salabert, 1991). Music Stacks 47.01.X5 R43


September 2024

NEW DVD—Music Education:

Adamek, Mary S. Music in special education. (Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association, 2007). Music Recordings MDVD-352

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bax, Arnold. Fantasy sonata: for harp & viola. (London: Chappell Music, 2012). Music Stacks 22.52.B355 F33

Hailstork, Adolphus C. Bassoon set: for solo bassoon. (King of Prussia, PA: Theodore Presser Company, 2003). Music Stacks 34.01.H151 S48

Hogan, Moses. The deep river collection: ten spirituals arranged for solo voice and piano, Low voice. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2000). Music Stacks 75.7.AH714 D4

Nichols, Roger. 30 Italian songs and arias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Medium-high voice. (London: Edition Peters, 2007). Music Stacks 75.7.AN622 I83

Rodrigo, Joaquín. Cuatro madrigales amatorios, high voice and piano: inspirados en música española del siglo XVI. (London: Chester Music, 1965). Music Stacks 75.7.R696 M33

Rodrigo, Joaquín. Cuatro madrigales amatorios, [for] medium voice and piano: inspirados en música española del siglo XVI. (London: Chester Music, 1965). Music Stacks 75.7.R696 M33

Walker, George. String quartet no. 2: 1968. (Maryland Heights, MO: Lauren Keiser Music Publishing, 2008). Music Stacks 52.04.W179 Q2

Zare, Roger. Blaze star fanfare: for brass and percussion. (S.l.: Roger Zare Music, 2024). Music Stacks 53.99.Z36 B53

Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe. Concerto for bassoon and orchestra. (Bryn Mawr, PA: Merion Music, 1994). Music Stacks 34.12.Z98 C7

NEW DVD—World Music:

Ral, Johan. From the sitar to the guitar: Brussels, 24 and 25 November 1995. Kairos Communications, 2006. Music Recordings MDVD-371

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021


August 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Becket Collection. The Becket Collection of historical musical instruments. (London: The Royal Academy of Music, 2010). Music Reference ML462.L6 B43 2010

Bomberger, E. Douglas. The Cambridge companion to Amy Beach. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML410.B36 C35 2023

Camastra, Nicole J. Hemingway, Fitzgerald and the muse of Romantic music. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML79 .C363 2024

Ciufo, Thomas. Improvising across abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3920 .I567 2024

Curtis, Robert I. Sheet music of the Confederacy: a history. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML3562 .C87 2024

Farina, William. Florence Price: the life, compositions and influence of a Black American composer. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.P835 F37 2024

Flynn, Timothy. César Franck: composer, teacher, organist: a guide to research. (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellon Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.F82 F59 2024

Head, Matthew William, and Susan Wollenberg. The Cambridge companion to women composers. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML82 .C358 2024

Herresthal, Anne. Norway's greatest 19th century musician: the extraordinary life of Ole Bull. (New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML418.B9 H47 2023

Irving, D. R. M., and Alexander Rehding. A cultural history of Western music. (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024). Music Stacks ML160 .C96 2024

Kendall, Bryan. In search of the saxophone: its origins and functions. (Hutchins, TX: Kendallhouse Publishing, 2022). Music Stacks ML975 .K46 2022

Olivieri, Guido. String virtuosi in eighteenth-century Naples: culture, power, and music institutions. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML290.8.N2 O45 2024

Rattray, David. Masterpieces of Italian violin making (1620-1850): important stringed instruments from the collection at the Royal Academy of Music. (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2000). Music Reference ML462.L6 R697 2000

Rattray, David. Violin making in Scotland, 1750-1950. (Oxford: British Violin Making Association, 2006). Music Reference ML828.7.S36 R38 2006

Suárez-Pajares, Javier. A light in the darkness: the music and life of Joaquín Rodrigo. (New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.R6318 L54 2024

Waldoff, Jessica Pauline. The Cambridge companion to The magic flute. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML410.M9 C256 2023

Walvin, James. Amazing grace: a cultural history of the beloved hymn. (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML3270 .W35 2023

Weiner, Howard T. The early trombone: a catalogue of music. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023). Music Reference ML128.T76 E27 2023

NEW BOOKS—Music Education:

O'Flynn, John. Music education for the twenty-first century: legacies, conversations, aspirations. (Cork, Ireland: Cork University Press, 2023). Music Stacks MT3.I73 M87 2023

Perman, Tony. Music making community. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3916 .M8757 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music Therapy:

Gooding, Lori F. Medical music therapy: building a comprehensive program. (Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association, 2014). Music Stacks ML3920 .M42 2014

Renihan, Colleen, John Spilker, and Trudi Wright. Sound pedagogy: radical care in music. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2024). Music Stacks MT1 .S618 2024

NEW BOOK—Music Pedagogy:

Carberry, Chris. The music of space: scoring the cosmos in film and television. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML2075 .C358 2024

Dean, Geoffrey. The Orphic I: a philosophical approach to musical collaboration. (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2023). Music Stacks ML430 .D43 2023

Janeček, Karel. Foundations of modern harmony. (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2024). Music Stacks MT50 .J3613 2024

Kalinak, Kathryn Marie. Film music: a very short introduction, Second edition. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML2075 .K33 2023

Kaschub, Michele. The Oxford handbook of music composition pedagogy. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024). Music Stacks MT40 .O94 2024

Mayer, Gabriela. The art of the unspoken: rhetorical devices, linguistic parallels and the influence of the singing voice in classical and romantic piano literature. (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023). Music Stacks ML700 .M395 2023

Moore, Gerald. The unashamed accompanist, Revised edition. (London: MacRae, 1990). Music Stacks ML417.M85 A3 1984

Nelson, Samuel H. The Feldenkrais method for instrumentalists: a guide to awareness through movement. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024). Music Stacks ML3820 .N45 2024

Reid, Cornelius L. The free voice: a guide to natural singing. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018). Music Stacks MT820 .R365 2018

Rhee, Heasook. The art of instrumental accompanying: a practical guide for the collaborative pianist. (New York, NY: Carl Fischer, 2012). Music Reserve MT236 .R43 2012

Stannard, Neil. The collaborative pianist's guide to practical technique: excerpts from instrumental duos and art songs for technical study. (S.l.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015). Music Reserve ML128.P3 S73 2015

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Agay, Denes. The joy of piano duets: familiar melodies in easy arrangments for one piano four hands. (New York: Yorktown Music Press, 2021). Music Stacks 12.AA264 J6

Baumgartner, Eric. First 50 piano duets you should play: 1 piano, 4 hands. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2018). Music Stacks 12.AB348 F4

Grainger, Percy. Lincolnshire posy: for band. (London: Schott, 1940). Music Stacks 63.G743 L565

Vierne, Louis. Œuvres complètes pour orgue = Complete organ works. (Stuttgart: Carus, 2008). Music Stacks 16.V665 A023

NEW BOOKS—World Music:

Amico, Stephen. Ethnomusicology, queerness, masculinity: silence=death. (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024). Music Stacks ML3798 .A45 2024

Farrugia, Simon. The Maltese wind band: a musical tradition and its practice today. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2023). Music Stacks ML1351.M35 F37 2023


Baker, Chet. Jazz icons: Chet Baker live in '64 & '79. Reelin' in the Years Productions, 2006. Music DVDs MDVD-776

Davison, Wild Bill. Wild Bill Davison with the Alex Welsh Band. Jazzology, 1997. Music Recordings CD-9895


Bang, Derrick. Vince Guaraldi at the piano, Second edition. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML417.G78 B36 2024

Kaplan, James. 3 shades of blue: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, and the lost empire of cool. (New York: Penguin Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML395 .K37 2024

Mueller, Darren. At the vanguard of vinyl: a cultural history of the long-playing record in jazz. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3506 .M84 2024

Singer, Barnett, and Jesse Read. Artie Shaw: icon of swing. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML419.S52 S55 2024

Tye, Larry. The jazzmen: how Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie transformed America. (New York: Mariner Books, 2024). Music Stacks ML395 .T94 2024

Veal, Michael E. Living space: John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and free jazz, from analog to digital. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3506 .V4 2024

NEW SCORES—Popular Music:

The real pop book. Volume I, C instruments. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2016). Music Stacks 59 .AP82

The real pop book. Volume II, C instruments. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2020). Music Stacks 59 .AP82

The real R & B book. C instruments. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2015). Music Stacks 59 .AR25

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Bedrosian, Daniel. The authorized P-Funk song reference: official canon of Parliament-Funkadelic, 1956-2023. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). Music Stacks ML156.7.P46 2023

Broyles, Michael. Revolutions in American music: three decades that changed a country and its sounds. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML200 .B76 2024

Case, Ryan B. Mr. Bojangles, dance: Jerry Jeff Walker, Sammy Davis, Jr., and the song that made Nixon cry. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML420.W172 C3 2024

Cosby, James A. Rock music, authority and western culture, 1964-1980. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML3534 .C6695 2024

Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum. Western edge: the roots and reverberations of Los Angeles country-rock. (Nashville, TN: Country Music Foundation Press, 2022). Music Stacks ML3918.C68 W47 2022

Heine, Erik. The music of the How to train your dragon trilogy: a guide to the scores of John Powell. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.P7884 H45 2024

Lowe, Barry. Deanna Durbin in Hollywood: her life, films and music. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks PN2287.D873 L69 2024

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021

Miller, Leta E. Union divided: Black musicians' fight for labor equality. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3795 .M524 2024

Popoff, Martin. The Clash: all the albums, all the songs. (Oakland, CA: PM, 2022). Music Stacks ML421.C57 P66 2022

Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr. Hamilton, history and hip-hop: essays on an American musical. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.M67976 H36 2024

Zoppas, Marco. Bob knows: conversations with Dylanologists. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2024). Music Stacks ML420.D98 Z67 2024


July 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Barz, Gregory F. Queering the field: sounding out ethnomusicology. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020). Music Stacks ML3798 .Q43 2020

Cohen, Brigid Maureen. Musical migration and imperial New York: early Cold War scenes. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2022). Music Stacks ML200.8.N4 C65 2022

Hyland, Anne M. Schubert's string quartets: the teleology of lyric form. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021

Nedbal, Martin. Mozart's operas and national politics: canon formation in Prague from 1791 to the present. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Reynolds, Dwight Fletcher. The musical heritage of Al-Andalus. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021). Music Stacks ML315.2 .R49 2021

Rodgers, Stephen. The songs of Clara Schumann. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Wilson, Alexandra. Puccini in context. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

NEW BOOK—Music Therapy:

Lehmberg, Lisa J. Music, senior centers, and quality of life. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

NEW BOOK—Music Pedagogy:

Cole, Amanda. Marjorie Barstow and the Alexander Technique: critical thinking in performing arts pedagogy. (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). Music Stacks BF172 .C66 2022

NEW BOOK—Music Business:

Pittman, Menzie. The new musician: the art of entrepreneurship in today's music business. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024).

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Albert, Adrienne. Serenade: for solo bassoon. (Los Angeles, CA: Kenter Canyon Music, 2020). Music Stacks 34.01.A333 S4

Brandon, Jenni. Colored stones: for solo bassoon. (Medina, NY: Imagine Music, 2014). Music Stacks 34.01.B819 C6

Kay, Ulysses. Sonata: for bassoon and piano: 1941. (New York, NY: American Composers Alliance Inc., 2021). Music Stacks 34.12.K23 S6

Ponce, Manuel M. Six works for guitar: prepared from autograph manuscripts. (Germany: Verlag Michael Macmeeken, Guitar Heritage, 2020). Music Stacks 42.1.P792 A035

Ponce, Manuel M. 24 preludios parra guitarra: a new critical-performing edition prepared from the composer's autograph manuscripts. (Germany: Verlag Michael Macmeeken, Guitar Heritage, 2019). Music Stacks 42.1.P792 P7026

Scott, Jeff. Elegy for innocence: for bassoon and piano. (Tallevast, FL: TrevCo Music, 2008). Music Stacks 34.12.S247 E5

Siqueira, José. Drei Etüden für Fagott und Klavier = Three etudes for bassoon with piano accompaniment. (Tallevast, FL: TrevCo Music, [201?]). Music Stacks 34.12.S618 E8

NEW CDs—Classical Music:

Beach, Amy. Mrs. H.H.A. Beach: ballad in D-flat, valse caprice, nocturne, prelude & fugue, four sketches, hermit thrush, suite for two pianos on Irish melodies. Koch International, 1995. Music Recordings CD-10738

Beach, Amy. Under the stars. Arabesque Recordings, 1998. Music Recordings CD-10739

Langlais, Jean. The complete organ works of Jean Langlais. Voix du Vent, 2011. Music Recordings CD-10737a-m

Ore, Cecilie. Codex temporis. Aurora, 1995. Music Recordings CD-10741


Borshuk, Michael. Jazz and American culture. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2024).

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Ashton, Bodie A. The Pet Shop Boys and the political: queerness, culture, identity, and society. (Chicago: Omnibus Press, 2023).

Herbst, Jan-Peter, and Alexander Paul Vallejo. Rock guitar virtuosos: advances in electric guitar playing, technology, and culture. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Morrison, Matthew D. Blacksound: making race and popular music in the United States. (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2024). Music Stacks ML3479 .M69 2024

Summers, Tim. The queerness of video game music. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

NEW CD—Popular Music:

Nelson, Willie. My way. Legacy Recordings, 2018. Music Recordings CD-10740


June 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021

Russell, Anna. I'm not making this up, you know: the autobiography of the queen of musical parody. (New York: Continuum, 1985). Music Stacks ML420.R925 A3 1985

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Alderson, Richard. Complete handbook of voice training. (West Nyack, NY: Parker Pub. Co., 1979). Music Stacks MT820 .A45 1979

Alexander, F. Matthias. The Alexander technique: the essential writings of F. Matthias Alexander. (New York, NY: Carol Pub. Group, 1995). Music Stacks BF172 .M35 1995

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Larsen, Robert L. Mezzo-soprano: 10 essential arias with plot notes, International Phonetic Alphabet, recorded diction lessons and recorded accompaniments. (New York, NY: G. Schirmer, Inc., 2015). Music Stacks 75.7.AL37 A027

Liebergen, Patrick M. Classics for solo singers. Medium high. (Van Nuys: Alfred, ©2010. Music Stacks 75.7.AL54 C54

Liebergen, Patrick M. Classics for two: 10 masterwork duets from the Renaissance through the Romantic Era. (Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Pub., 2007). Music Stacks 76.7.AL54 C53

Schönberg, Claude-Michel. Martin Guerre: a musical [vocal score]. (London, UK: Bouberg Music Ltd., 1996). Music Stacks 93.7.S366 M3

Schönberg, Claude-Michel. Miss Saigon: Cameron Mackintosh presents a musical by Alain Boublil & Claude-Michel Schönberg [vocal score]. (New York, NY: A. Boublil Music, 1987-1991). Music Stacks 93.7.S366 M4

NEW CDs—Classical Music:

Hespèrion XXI. Orient-occident: 1200-1700. Alia Vox, 2006. Music Recordings CD-5495

Tallis, Thomas. Music for the Divine Office: Music for a Reformed Church. Signum, 1997. Music Recordings CD-5396a-i

NEW CDs—Jazz:

Lagrène, Biréli. Djangology; To bi or not to bi. Dreyfuss Jazz, 2006. Music Recordings CD-6237

Reinhardt, Django. The complete Django Reinhardt = Intégrale Django Reinhardt. Frémeaux & Associés, 1997. Music Recordings CD-5871-5886


May 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Hutton, Greig. Hutton's guide to Martin guitars: 1833-1969. (Anaheim Hills, CA: Centerstream Publishing, 2022). Music Stacks ML424.M275 H88 2022

Nieweg, Clinton F. Music for bass trombone: compositions for solo bass trombone with orchestra or band, Third edition revised and enlarged. (Vancouver, BC: Clinton F. Nieweg, 2018). Music Reference ML128.T76 N5 2018

Skinner, J. Scott. My life and adventures. (Aberdeen: City of Aberdeen, Arts and Recreation Division in association with Wallace Music, 1994). Music Stacks ML418.S556 A4 1994

NEW BOOK—Music Education:

Hanley, Darla S. Jazz is elementary: creativity development through music activities, movement games, and dances, for K-5. (Boston, MA: Berklee Press, 2022). Music Stacks MT1.H141 2022

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Burstein, Scott. Modern band method: a beginner's guide for group or private instruction. Teacher edition. Book 1. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2021). Music Stacks MT733 .B87 2021

Clendinning, Jane Piper, Elizabeth West Marvin, and Joel Phillips. The musician's guide to fundamentals, Third edition. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022). Music Stacks MT6 .C5677 2022

Fein, Evan. Inner hearing: the systematic and progressive approach to sight singing. (King of Prussia: Presser, 2020). Music Stacks MT870.F327 2020

Palmer, Matt. The virtuoso guitarist: method for guitar. Volume 1: a new approach to fast scales. (United States: MP Music Co., 2011). Music Stacks MT582 .P34 2011

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Assad, Sérgio. Sonata for guitar solo. (Tokyo, Japan: Gendai Guitar Co., 1999). Music Stacks 42.1.A844 S65

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Das Arienbuch. Alto = The aria book [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1998). Music Stacks 78.7.B118 C1032 Alto

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Arien für Basso = [Cantata] arias for bass [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1998). Music Stacks 78.7.B118 C1032 Bass

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Arien für Sopran = Arias for soprano [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1998). Music Stacks 78.7.B118 C1032 Soprano

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Das Arienbuch Tenore = The aria book [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1998). Music Stacks 78.7.B118 C1032 Tenor

Berlioz, Hector. Symphonie fantastique: from = nach = d'après Hector Berlioz, New edition of the complete works, vol. 16. (London: Eulenburg, 1993). Music Miniature Scores 61.B515 S94

Bobrowicz, J. N. de (Jan Nepomucen). Grandes variations sur un duo de Don Juan, de Mozart: pour guitarre. (Paris: Henry Lemoine, 1992). Music Stacks 42.1.B663 G735

Bobrowicz, J. N. de (Jan Nepomucen). Wielki polonez: op. 24, na gitare. (Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1980). Music Stacks 42.1.B663 W547

Boccherini, Luigi. Introduction and fandango [arr. for guitar and harpsichord by Julian Bream]. (London: Faber Music, 1969). Music Stacks 42.1.B664 I58

Boccherini, Luigi. Konzert E-dur, für Gitarre und Orchester. (Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1967). Music Stacks 42.1.B664 C5797

Boccherini, Luigi. Sei quintetti per quartetto d'archi e chitarra. (Milano: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1973). Music Stacks 52.45.B664 Q5036

Boccherini, Luigi. Sinfonia concertante (1771) per archi in do maggiore. (Padova: G. Zanibon, 1963). Music Stacks 51.B664 Q5268

Llobet, Miguel. Works. (Mainz: Verlag Michael Macmeeken, 2022). Music Reference Scores 03.L792 A025, vols. 1-10

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Die Entführung aus dem Serail: deutsches Singspiel in drei Aufzügen = The abduction from the Seraglio: German Singspiel in three acts: KV 384 [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2007). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 E583

Park, Moon-Sook. Korean art songs: an anthology and guide for performance and study [1 High voicev. 2 Original keys]. (Fayetteville, AR: Classical Vocal Reprints, 2017). Music Stacks 75.1.AP235 K67

Schubert, Franz. Lieder. Mittlere Stimme = Medium voice. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2018). Music Stacks 75.1.S384 S6032 med.

Schubert, Franz. Lieder. Tiefe Stimme = Low voice. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2018). Music Stacks 75.1.S384 S6032 low

Schubert, Franz. Streichquintett in C = String quintet in C major, D 956 - op. post. 163. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1989). Music Stacks 52.05.S384 Q62

Sondheim, Stephen. Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of Fleet Street [vocal score]. (New York: Rilting Music, Inc., 2010). Music Stacks 93.7.S698 S99

Sor, Fernando. The collected works for guitar: new critical edition [edited by Erik Stenstadvold], Second edition, revised. (Columbus, OH: Guitar Heritage, 2022). Music Reference Scores 03.5.S713 A024 vols. 1-14

Southworth, Christine. Heavy metal: for Balinese gamelan gong kebyar, robots, and electric strings. (Lexington, MA: Airplane Ears Music, 2018). Music Stacks 55.69.S728 H43

Strauss, Richard. Ein Heldenleben: Tondichtung = A hero's life: tone poem, op. 40. (London: Eulenburg, 2014). Music Miniature Scores 61.S912 H44

Stravinsky, Igor. Les noces = Svadebka: scènes chorégraphiques russes avec chant et musique: for four pianos, percussion and voices in a revised and corrected edition based upon relevant autograph and printed sources [vocal score]. (London: Chester Music, 2005). Music Stacks 96.7.S913 S943

Walters, Richard, ed. The art song anthology. [High voice]. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2009). Music Stacks 75.1.AW234 A78 high [with 2 CDs]

NEW BOOKS/SCORES—Popular and Jazz:

Beatles. The Beatles fake book. (Winona, MN: H. Leonard Pub. Corp., 1987). Music Stacks 59.B43 A034

Davis, Miles. Miles Davis omnibook: for bass clef instruments: transcribed exactly from his recorded solos. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2015). Music Stacks 59.AD263 M42

Davis, Miles. Omnibook: for B♭ instruments: transcribed exactly from his recorded solos. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2015). Music Stacks 59.AD263 M43

Davis, Miles. Omnibook: for E♭ instruments: transcribed exactly from his recorded solos. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2015). Music Stacks 59.AD263 M44

Riley, John. The jazz drummer's workshop: advanced concepts for musical development. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2021). Music Stacks MT662.3 .R57 2021

Steinel, Mike. Running the changes: the definitive guide to jazz improvisation for all instruments. (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2022). Music Stacks MT68.S74 2022

April 2024

NEW BOOK—Music History:

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021

NEW BOOK—Music Pedagogy:

Artaud, Pierre-Yves. Harmoniques: cahier d'exercices: monophoniques et polyphoniques pour flûte = Harmonics: exercise book: simple notes and multisounds for flute. (Paris: G. Billaudot, 1992). Music Stacks MT345.A783 1992

Gilbert, Geoffrey. Sequences, fluteSequences: for flute: twelve sets of daily exercises based on scales and chords. (San Antonio, Texas: Southern Music Company, 1990). Music Stacks MT345 .G488 1990

Guenther, Ralph R. Twenty etudes for flute: "for these changing times." (Miami, FL: Belwin Mills: 1992). Music Stacks MT345 .G86 1992

Tremblay, George. The definitive cycle of the twelve tone row, by George Tremblay. (S.l.: Criterion Music Corp., 1974). Music Stacks MT40 .T74

Wye, Trevor. A piccolo practice book. (London: Novello, 1990). Music Stacks MT357.W93 P5 1990

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bergh, Haakon. Caprice No. 4: for flute and piano. (Los Angeles: Avant Music, 1963). Music Stacks 31.12.B493 C34

Böhm, Theobald. Fantasie über ein Thema von Schubert: op. 21, für Flöte und Klavier = Fantasy on a theme from Schubert: op. 21, for flute and piano. (Wien: Universal Edition, 1978). Music Stacks 31.12.B6714 F39

Bozza, Eugène. Polydiaphonie: pour flûte et guitare. (Paris: Éditions musicales A. Leduc, 1972). Music Stacks 31.12.B793 P65

Damase, Jean-Michel. Sonate en concert: pour flute, piano et violoncelle ad libitum. (Paris: H. Lemoine, 1952). Music Stacks 55.13.D154 S64

Danzi, Franz. Trio no. 1 in G major, opus 71, no. 1, for flute, violin and cello. (New York: International Music Co., 1973). Music Stacks 55.03.D199 T871

Danzi, Franz. Trio no. 2 in G major, opus 71, for flute, violin, and cello. (New York: International Music Co., 1973). Music Stacks 55.03.D199 T872

Doppler, Franz. Andante et rondo, op. 25, pour deux flûtes et piano. (Paris: G. Billaudot, 1978). Music Stacks 31.13.D692 A52

Dussek, Johann Ladislaus. Sonate: in F-dur für Flöte, Violoncello und Klavier, op. 65. (Zürich: Eulenburg, 1977). Music Stacks 55.13.D974 S6165

Haydn, Joseph. Three trios, op. 11, no. 4-6: for flute, violin, and cello. (London: Musica Rara, 1961). Music Stacks 55.03.H415 T8216

Liebermann, Lowell. Sonata for flute and piano. (Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Theodore Presser Company, 1988). Music Stacks 31.12.L716 S68

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Drei Trios: für Flöte (Oboe, Violine), Violine und Violoncello = Three trios: for flute (oboe, violin), violin and cello. (Winterthur, Switzerland: Amadeus, 1980). Music Stacks 55.03.M939 D4539

Nelhybel, Vaclav. Concert etudes: for flute solo. (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: General Music Pub. Co., 1978). Music Stacks 31.12.N419 E85

Reicha, Anton. Trio für Flöte, Violine und Violoncello. (New York: Edition Eulenberg, 1974). Music Stacks 55.03.R347 T84

Sancan, Pierre. Sonatine pour flute et piano. (Paris: Durand, 1946). Music Stacks 31.12.S194 S63

Schmidt, Eric. Le chevrier d'Erymanthe: pour flûte et piano. (Paris: A. Leduc, 1972). Music Stacks 31.12.S347 C44


March 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Ferguson, Franklin C. Pilgrimage in faith: an introduction to the Episcopal Church. (Wilton, CT: Morehouse-Barlow Co., 1979). Music Stacks BX5930.2 .F47 1979

Franceschina, John Charles. The musical theatre of Charles Dibdin. (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024). Music Stacks ML410.D44 F73 2024

Funk, Eric. Letters to a young composer: the four-year email correspondence between a young composer and her mentor [Eric Funk and Athena Carson]. (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2023). Music Stacks MT40 .F75 2023

Howard, Thomas. The liturgy explained. (Wilton, CT: Morehouse-Barlow, 1981). Music Stacks BX5945 .H68 1981

Maust, Paula. Expanding the music theory canon: inclusive examples for analysis from the common practice period. (Albany: SUNY Press, 2024). Music Stacks MT91 .M38 2024

Ryom, Peter. Antonio Vivaldi: thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke = thematic-systematic catalogue of his works: (RV), Second revised ed. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 201818. Music Reference ML134.V7 R98 2018

Storino, Mariateresa. Women composers in new perspectives, 1800-1950: genres, contexts, and repertoire. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023). Music Stacks ML82 .W65 2023

Young, William H. Music of the World War II era. (New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024). Music Stacks ML3477 .Y683 2024

NEW BOOK—Music Education:

Jones, Bessie. Step it down: games, plays, songs, and stories from the Afro-American heritage. (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). Music Stacks MT948.J66 1987

NEW BOOK—Music Therapy:

Devlin, Kerry, and Kyurim Kang. Music therapy and music-based interventions in neurology: perspectives on research and practice. (Cham: Humana Press, 2023).

NEW BOOK—Music Pedagogy:

Dent, Edward J. Notes on fugue for beginners. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). Music Stacks MT59 .D36 2014

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Belov, Anton, compiler. Russian romantic art song [High voice]. (Fayetteville, AR: Classical Vocal Reprints, 2015). Music Stacks 75.7.AB452 R877

Bozza, Eugène. Jour d'été à la montagne: pour quartre flûtes. (Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 2020). Music Stacks 31.04.B793 J6

Bozza, Eugène. New Orléans: pour saxhorn basse si♭ ou tuba ut ou trombone basse et piano. (Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 2010). Music Stacks 39.12.B793 N4

Bozza, Eugène. Sonatine: pour quatre clarinettes inégales (1 pte clarinette mi♭, 2 clarinettes si♭, et 1 clarinette basse si♭) ou pour quatour a vent (flûte, hautbois, clarinette si♭ et basson). (Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1971). Music Stacks 33.04.B793 S65

Bull, John. Keyboard music: 1. (London: Stainer and Bell, 2023). Music Reference Scores 05 .M942

Caldwell, John, 1938- editor. Early Tudor organ music. (London: Published for the British Academy by Stainer and Bell, 2023). Music Reference Scores 05 .E125

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Ballata dall'esilio: per voce e chitarra. (Ancona, Italy: Edizioni musicali Bèrben, 1979). Music Stacks 75.2.C3492 B33

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Capriccio diabolico: omaggio a Paganini, per chitarra. (Milano: Ricordi, 2001). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 C353

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Concerto: for 2 guitars and orchestra, op. 201. (Ancona: Edizioni musicali Bèrben, 1973). Music Stacks 51.C3492 C7301

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. The divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra: a cycle of songs for voice and guitar, op. 207. (Ancona: Bèrben, 1973). Music Stacks 75.2.C3492 D58

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Eclogues: for flute, English horn and guitar. (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: General Music Publishing Company, Inc., 1973). Music Stacks 53.43.C3492 E256

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Escarramán: a suite of Spanish dances from the XVIth century: (after Cervantes): op. 177, for guitar. (Ancona: Edizioni musicali Bèrben, 1979). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 E83

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Fuga elegiaca: for 2 guitars. (Columbus, OH: Guitar Heritage, 1993). Music Stacks 42.2.C3492 F84

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Les Guitares bien tempérées: 24 preludes & fugues for 2 guitars, Op. 199. (S.l.: Bruzzichelli, 1974). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 G85

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Naranjos en flor. (Buenos Aires: Ricordi Americana, 1939). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 A736

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Ninna - nanna: (for guitar), (a lullaby for Eugene), da "Greeting Cards" Op. 174-Nr.14. (Firenze: A. Forlivesi & C. Editori, 1959). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 N56

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Preludio in forma di habanera: (sul nome di Bruno Tonazzi), (da "Greeting Cards" Op. 170-Nr.7). (Firenze: A. Forlivesi, 1959). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 G744

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Rondo pour guitare seule, op. 129. (Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1958). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 R66

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Sonata per chitarra: "Omaggio a Boccherini." (Ancona, Italy: Bèrben, 2007). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 S63

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Sonatina canonica, pour deux guitares [op. 196]. (Paris: Éditions M. Eschig, 1971). Music Stacks 42.2.C3492 S76

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Tonadilla sur le nom de Andrés Segovia, pour guitare seule, op. 170, nr. 5. (Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1956). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 G757

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario. Variations plaisantes sur un petit air populaire: pour guitare. (Ancona: Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, 1969). Music Stacks 42.1.C3492 V37

Cochran, Matthew C. Toccata for Joe: guitare seule = solo guitar. (Québec, Canada: Les Productions d'OZ, 2022). Music Stacks 42.1.C661 T66

Croft, William. Three odes with orchestra. (London: Stainer and Bell, 2023). Music Reference Scores 05 .M942

Davydov, K. (Karl). Concerto no. 1 in B minor, opus 5 for cello and piano. (New York: International Music Co., 1969). Music Stacks 23.12.D249 C714

Davydov, K. (Karl). Concerto no. 2 in A major, opus 14, for cello and piano. (New York: International Music Co., 1971). Music Stacks 23.12.D249 C724

Davydov, K. (Karl). Concerto no. 4 in E minor, opus 31, for cello and piano. (New York City: International Music Co., 1971). Music Stacks 23.12.D249 C744

Duarte, John W. Danserie no. 2, op. 87 (1980). (Köln: Gitarre + Laute Verlagsgesellschaft, 1983). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 D325

Duarte, John W. Etude diabolique: op. 49, guitar solo. (Ancona: Edizioni musicali Bèrben, 1973). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 E859

Duarte, John W. Partita. (Washington, DC: Columbia Music Co., 1976). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 P33

Duarte, John W. Sonatinette: for guitar solo. (S.l.: Novello, 1968). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 S6

Duarte, John W. Suite ancienne: op. 47. (Ancona: Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, 1978). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 S957

Duarte, John W. Suite française: op. 61 pour deux guitares. (Ancona: Bèrben, 1979). Music Stacks 42.2.D812 S871

Duarte, John W. Tout en ronde: op. 57, guitar solo. (S.l.: Universal Edition, 1977). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 T67

Dyens, Roland. Chansons Françaises. v.2: adapteés pour la guitare. (Paris: Editions Henry Lemoine, 1995). Music Stacks 42.1.D9953 C432

Eastwood, Tom. Uirapurú: for oboe or flute & guitar. (Heidelberg, W. Germany: Chanterelle, 1983). Music Stacks 32.42.E131 U37

Foote, W. H. My grandfather's clock: bassoon solo with piano accompaniment. (New York, NY: Pro Art Publications, 19--). Music Stacks 34.12.F687 M97

Frank, Marcel G. Six reflections: for percussion quartet. (New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1975). Music Stacks 54.04.F797 R44

Frazeur, T. C. Uhuru: a percussion ballet (percussion ensemble for seven percussionists). (Delevan, NY: Kendor Music, 1970. Music Stacks 54.07.F797 U38

Gershwin, George. The George and Ira Gershwin critical edition. (Mainz: Schott, 2023). Music Stacks 03.G831 A027

Grainger, Percy. Lincolnshire posy: for band. ([United States]: G. Schirmer, [198-]). Music Stacks 63.G743 L565

Hause, Chr. Humoreske über Der Karneval von Venedig: für Fagott und Klavier. (S.l.: s.n., n.d.). Music Stacks 34.12.H417 H86

Holst, Gustav. Hammersmith: prelude and scherzo, op. 52. (London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1956). Music Stacks 63.H756 H32

Mahler, Gustav. Das Lied von der Erde: für Tenor- und Alt- (oder Bariton-) Stimme und Orchester = The song of the earth: for tenor and alto (or baritone) voice and orchestra. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2022). Music Reference Scores 03.5.M214 S9022

Mahler, Gustav. Symphonie Nr.1; und, Symphonischer Satz: "Blumine": für Orchester = Symphony no. 1; and, Symphonic movement: "Blumine": for orchestra. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 2019). Music Reference Scores 03.5.M214 S9022

Mahler, Gustav. Symphonie Nr. 3 für Alt-Solo, Knabenchor, Frauenchor und Orchester = Symphony no. 3 for alto solo, boys' choir, female choir and orchestra. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2021). Music Reference Scores 03.5.M214 S9022

Mahler, Gustav. Symphonie Nr. 9 für Orchester = Symphony no. 9 for orchestra. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2023). Music Reference Scores 03.5.M214 S9022

Mahler, Gustav. Die Symphonien / the symphonies. (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 2019). Music Reference Scores 03.5.M214 S9022

Makris, Andreas. Aegean festival overture. (London: Galliard, 1970). Music Stacks 61.M236 A34

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Così fan tutte, ossia, La scuola degli amanti: dramma giocoso in due atti, KV 588 [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2019). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 C831

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Idomeneo: dramma per musica in tre atti [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2020). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 I32

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Le nozze di Figaro: opera buffa in quattro atti [vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2020). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 N73

Puccini, Giacomo. La Bohème [vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2005). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 B61

Prokofiev, Sergey. Sinfonia concertante, op. 125. (London: Boosey & Hawkes, 2000). Music Stacks 23.12.P964 S452

Rossini, Gioacchino. Il barbiere di Siviglia = (The barber of Seville) [vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2006). Music Stacks 91.7.R835 B26

Rossini, Gioacchino. La gazza ladra = The thieving magpie: melodrama in two acts [vocal score]. (Milan: Ricordi, 1997). Music Stacks 91.7.R835 G681

Rossini, Gioacchino. Sei sonate a quattro, per due violini, violoncello e contrabasso. (Pesaro: Fondazione Rossini, 2014). Music Stacks 52.04.R835 S6037

Seawell, Brent. Scope: tympany concerto #1. (Hollywood, CA: Try Pub. 1965). Music Stacks 54.04.S442 S36

Semler-Collery, Jules. Barcarolle et danse: pour saxo alto Mi♭ et piano. (Paris: M. Eschig, 1969). Music Stacks 39.12.S472 B34

Sor, Fernando. Music for voice & guitar: a collected edition. (Heidelberg: Chanterelle, 2005). Music Stacks 75.2.S713 A033

Still, William Grant. Miniatures: for woodwind quintet. (Richmond, VA: International Opus, 1996). Music Stacks 53.05.S857 M44

Wagner, Richard. Parsifal: ein Bühnenweihfestspiel in drei Aufzügen, WWV 111 (1877-1882) [vocal score]. (Mainz: Schott, 2012). Music Stacks 91.7.W134 S77

York, Andrew. Evening dance: for 2 guitars. (San Francisco: Guitar Solo Publications, 1990). Music Stacks 42.2.Y61 E94

York, Andrew. Green galliard: for solo guitar. (San Francisco: Guitar Solo Publications, 1985). Music Stacks 42.1.Y62 G74

York, Andrew. Numen: for solo guitar. (San Francisco: Guitar Solo Publications, 1994). Music Stacks 42.1.Y62 N86

York, Andrew. Reflections: for solo guitar. (San Francisco, CA: Guitar Solo Publications, 1989). Music Stacks 42.1.Y62 R44

York, Andrew. Waiting for dawn: for solo guitar. (San Francisco: Guitar Solo Publications, 1989). Music Stacks 42.1.Y62 W35

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Barg, Lisa. Queer arrangements: Billy Strayhorn and midcentury jazz collaboration. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML410.S9325 B37 2023

DaCosta, Glen. This is reggae: my life in Jamaican music, from Zap Pow to Bob Marley and the Wailers. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2023). Music Stacks ML419.D13 A3 2023

Herbst, Jan-Peter. The Cambridge companion to metal music. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML3534 .C25 2023

Klosner, Dana. Beatlemania lives on: superfans in the 21st century. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2023). Music Stacks ML421.B4 K62 2023

Manuel, Peter. Flamenco music: history, forms, culture. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML3712 .M34 2023

McCullough-Brabson, Ellen. We'll be in your mountains, we'll be in your songs: a Navajo woman sings. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2001). Music Stacks ML3557 .M36 2001

Nelson, Willie. Energy follows thought: the stories behind my songs. (New York: William Morrow, 2023). Music Stacks ML420.N4 A3 2023

Rand, Harry. The 12 days of Christmas: the outlaw carol that wouldn't die. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2023). Music Stacks ML2881.E5 R25 2023


February 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Amos, Charles Nelson. Lute practice and lutenists in Germany between 1500 and 1750. (diss. University of Iowa 1975). Music Stacks ML1013.A46 1976

Clarke, Robert Paul. A musical history of the guitar. (M.M. thesis Duquesne University, 1983). Music Stacks ML1015.G9 C65 1983

Lindemann, Frayda B. Pastoral instruments in French Baroque music: musette and vielle. (diss. Columbia University, 1978). Music Stacks ML497.L56 1978

Otero, Corazón. Manuel M. Ponce y la guitarra. (México, D.F.: Fondo Nacional para Actividades Sociales, 1981). Music Office ML410.P773 O829 1981

Otero, Corazón. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: su vida y su obra para guitarra. (México: Ediciones Musicales Yolotl, 1987). Music Office ML410.C386 O84 1987

Russell, Craig H. Santiago de Murcia: Spanish theorist and guitarist of the early eighteenth century. (diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981). Music Stacks ML410.M963 R9 1981

Starkie, Walter, 1894-1976. Spain: a musician's journey through time and space. (Geneva: EDISLI, 1958). Music Reference ML315 .S83 1958

Tinnell, Roger D. An annotated discography of music in Spain before 1650, Second edition. (Madison, WI: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1990). Music Reference ML156.4.N3 S88 1990

NEW BOOK—Music Education:

Lew, Jackie Chooi-Theng. Games children sing: Malaysia: Malay, Chinese, and Tamil-Indian children's songs and lore. (Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing, 2006). Music Stacks 73.1.M236 L669

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Bogle, James G. The development of a musically logical procedure for solving the problems of transcription for guitar performance of J.S. Bach's Suite in E minor (BWV 996). (diss. University of Oklahoma, 1982). Music Stacks MT92.B1 B645 1982

Silva, Sri. Latin pronunciations for singers: a comprehensive guide to the classical, Italian, German, English, French, and Franco-Flemish pronunciations of Latin, Second edition. (S.l.: s.n., 2020). Music Stacks MT883 .S54 2020

Thompson, James. The buzzing book: complete method. (Vuarmarens, Switzerland: Éditions Bim, 2003). Music Stacks MT442 .T646 2003

Yates, Stanley. The baroque guitar, late Spanish style as represented by Santiago de Murcia in the Salvidar manuscript (1732): with three recitals of selected works by Bach, Rak, Brouwer, Hummel, Gnattali and others. (diss University of North Texas, 1993). Music Stacks ML1015.G9 Y38 1993

NEW SCORES—Classical Music:

Bax, Arnold. Elegiac trio: for flute, viola and harp. (London: Music Sales Ltd., 1997). Music Stacks 55.53.B355 T83

Bax, Arnold. Legend, viola and piano. (London: Chappell, 1943). Music Stacks 22.12.B355 L4

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Triple concerto in C major, op. 56, for violin, cello, piano and 2nd piano (reduction of the orchestra). (New York: International Music Co., 1964). Music Stacks 52.13.B415 C766

Bowen, York. Concerto in C minor for viola and orchestra, op. 25. (London: Josef Weinberger, 1998). Music Stacks 22.12.B7875 C73 (2 copies)

Bowen, York. Fantasia for viola and organ. (London: Josef Weinberger, 2009). Music Stacks 22.22.B786 F3

Brahms, Johannes. Concerto in A minor, op. 102, for violin, cello and piano (“Double concerto") [piano reduction by the composer]. (New York: International Music Co., 1970). Music Stacks 52.13.B813 C65

Brotons, Salvador. Concert per a viola i orquestra = Concerto for viola and orchestra [viola and piano reduction]. (Barcelona: Brotons & Mercadal, 2007). Music Stacks 22.12.B874 C7206

Domeniconi, Carlo. Koyunbaba: Suite für Gitarre (op. 19), 1985. (Berlin: Edition Margaux, 1990). Music Stacks 42.1.D668 K5

Domeniconi, Carlo. Moon lights: for guitar solo. (Berlin: Bote & Bock, 1978). Music Stacks 42.1.D668 M55

Dowland, John. English lute songs: with the original lute tablature and guitar transcriptions. (London, England: Tecla Editions, 1982). Music Stacks 44.1.D747 S7038

Duarte, John W. In honorem Ioanni Doulandi: opus 97 (1984). (Vancouver, BC: NovaScribe Editions, 1990). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 I5

Delpriora, Mark. Ten short studies in kaleidoscope: for guitar. (Columbus, OH: Editions Orphée, 2003). Music Stacks MT585 .D36 2003

Duarte, John W. Variations on a Catalan folk song: Canco del Lladra: opus 25. (London: Novello, 1968). Music Stacks 42.1.D812 V3

Elgar, Edward. Concerto in E minor, opus 85 for violoncello and orchestra [arrangement for violoncello and piano by the composer]. (London: Novello, 2004). Music Stacks 23.12.E41 C795

Feltkamp, Aiden K. NewMusicShelf anthology of new music. Trans and nonbinary voices. Vol. 1. (Astoria, NY: NewMusicShelf, 2021). Music Stacks 75.1.AN53 A62

Goltermann, Georg. Concerto no. 1 in A minor, opus 14, for cello and piano. (New York City: International Music Co., 1957). Music Stacks 23.12.G629 C714

Goltermann, Georg. Concerto no. 2 in D minor, opus 30, for cello and piano. (New York: International Music, 1945?). Music Stacks 23.12.G629 C724

Handel, George Frideric. Giulio Cesare in Egitto: opera in tre atti, HWV 17. [Vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2019). Music Stacks 91.7.H236 G52 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. La clemenza di Tito: opera seria in due atti, KV 621 [Vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2020). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 C62 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Der Schauspieldirektor: Komödie mit Musik in einem Akt, KV 486 [Vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2022). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 S312 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Die Zauberflöte: eine deutsche Oper in zwei Aufzügen = The magic flute: a German opera in two acts, KV 620 [Vocal score]. (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2021). Music Stacks 91.7.M939 Z2 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Padovec, Ivan. Padovec collection: 21 original guitar solos by the legendary Croatian composer. (Pacific, MO: Mel Bay, 2006). Music Stacks 42.1.P124 A035

Poulenc, Francis. Les chemins de l'amour: valse chantée. (Paris: Editions M. Eschig, 1945). Music Stacks 75.1.P874 L44

Poulenc, Francis. Sur les poèmes de Paul Éluard: pour chant & piano = On the poems of Paul Éluard: for voice and piano. (Paris, France: Éditions Max Eschig, 2013). Music Stacks 75.1.P874 A034

Puccini, Giacomo. Edgar: dramma lirico in tre atti di Ferdinando Fontana [Vocal score]. (Milano: BMG Pub., 2005). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 E67 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. La fanciulla del West: opera in tre atti (dal dramma di David Belasco) = The girl of the golden West: an opera in three acts [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2009). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 F67 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. Gianni Schicchi: opera in one act [Vocal score]. (New York: Ricordi, 1978). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 G66 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. Madama Butterfly: tragedia giapponese in tre atti = Japanese tragedy in three acts [Vocal score]. (San Giuliano Milanese, Italia: Ricordi, 2006). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 M173

Puccini, Giacomo. Manon Lescaut: dramma lirico in quattro atti: opera completa per canto e pianoforte [Vocal score]. (Milano: BMG Ricordi Music Pub., 2005). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 M262 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. Suor Angelica: opera in un atto = Sister Angelica: an opera in one act [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2006). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 S871 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. Il tabarro: opera in un atto = The cloak: an opera in one act [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2006). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 T16

Puccini, Giacomo. Tosca: melodramma in tre atti = Tosca: melodramma in three acts [Vocal score]. (San Giuliano Milanese: Ricordi, 2008). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 T76 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Puccini, Giacomo. Turandot: lyric drama in three acts & five scenes [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 1993). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 T965

Puccini, Giacomo. Turandot: dramma lirico in tre atti e cinque quadri [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2007). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 T97

Puccini, Giacomo. Le villi: opera-ballo in due atti [Vocal score]. (Milano: Ricordi, 2009). Music Stacks 91.7.P977 V66

Romberg, Bernhard. Concertino for violoncello & piano, op. 51. (New York City: International Music Company, 1960). Music Stacks 23.12.R7622 C661

Rossini, Gioacchino. La Cenerentola, ossia, La bontà in trionfo = Cinderella, or, Goodness triumphant [Vocal score]. (San Giuliano Milanese: BMG Ricordi, 2004). Music Stacks 91.7.R835 C37 [2 vols., 2 copies]

Strickling, Laura. NewMusicShelf anthology of new music. Soprano. Vol. 1. (Astoria, NY: NewMusicShelf, 2018). Music Stacks 75.1.AN53 A62

Thomson, Virgil. Collected songs: 24 songs for high voice and piano. (New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 2011). Music Stacks 75.1.T485 A037

Thomson, Virgil. Collected songs: 25 songs for low voice and piano. (New York: G. Schirmer, 2011). Music Stacks 75.1.T485 A037

Tobenski, Dennis. NewMusicShelf anthology of new music. Baritone. Vol. 1. (Astoria, NY: NewMusicShelf, 2018). Music Stacks 75.1.AN53 A62

Tobenski, Dennis. NewMusicShelf anthology of new music. Tenor. Vol. 1. (Astoria, NY: NewMusicShelf, Inc., 2018). Music Stacks 75.1.AN53 A62

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Abrams, Jonathan P. D. The come up: an oral history of the rise of hip-hop. (New York: Crown, an imprint of Random House, 2022.

Kozinn, Allan. The guitar: the history, the music, the players. (New York: Quill, 1984). Music Stacks ML1015.G9 G845 1984

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021

Pérez Sanjurjo, Elena. Historia de la música cubana. (Miami, FL: Moderna Poesía, 1986). Music Stacks ML207.C8 P47 1986


January 2024

NEW BOOKS—Music History:

Adams, Byron, and Daniel M. Grimley. Vaughan Williams and his world. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023).

Athnos, Gregory S. Handel's Messiah: A New View of Its Musical and Spiritual Architecture, Study Guide for Listeners and Performers. (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books 2023).

Balough, Teresa. The life and work of Percy Aldridge Grainger: till life become fire. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023).

Bodley, Lorraine Byrne. Schubert: a musical wayfarer. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023).

Breckling, Molly M. Hidden treasures: cultural, social, and political commentary in Mahler's songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn. (Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2023).

Cormac, Joanne. Liszt in context. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Ernjakyan, L. V. The musical world of Alan Hovhaness: east-west crossroads. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023).

Gribenski, Fanny. Tuning the world: the rise of 440 Hertz in music, science, and politics, 1859-1955. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2023).

Jackson, Larisa Petrushkevich. Rimsky-Korsakov's harmonic theory: the Practical manual of harmony, its sources, history, and traditions. (Denton, Texas: University of North Texas Press, 2022).

Koay, Kheng K. Female Recreation of Music Traditions: Women's Sounds of the Past and Present. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023).

Miller, Malcolm, and Jutta Raab-Hansen. Music and exile: from 1933 to the present day. (Leiden: Brill, 2023).

Platt, Heather Anne. Lieder in America: on stages and in parlors. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2023). Music Stacks ML2811 .P53 2023

Shaw, Paul Ambrose, III. The women's music movement: music as feminist praxis, 1973-1980. (Leiden: Brill, 2023).

Sutherland, Andrew. Queer opera. (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023).

NEW BOOK—Music Education:

Littleton, Danette, and Meryl Sole. Knowing the children we teach: essays on music learning. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Mellizo, Jennifer M. Re-imagining curricula in global times: a music education perspective. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023).

Randles, Clint, and Pamela Burnard. The Routledge companion to creativities in music education. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Music Therapy:

Barnes, Geoff. Music therapy with preschool children on the autism spectrum: moments of meeting. (New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2022).

Bruscia, Kenneth E. Assessment in music therapy: options and resources. (Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers, 2023).

Goodman, Karen D. Developing issues in world music therapy education and training: a plurality of views. (Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd., 2023).

Jeffery, Tracy. Developing early verbal skills through music: using rhythm, movement and song with children and young people with additional or complex needs. (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2023).

Oldfield, Amelia. Music therapy groups with children: activities for groups with particular needs. (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2023).

Pedersen, Inge Nygaard, Charlotte Lindvang, and Bolette Daniels Beck. Resonant learning in music therapy: a training model to tune the therapist. (Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2023).

Sami, Alanne. The theory and practice of psychodynamic music psychotherapy. (New Braunfels: Barcelona Publishers, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Music Pedagogy:

Adams, Allison D., and Brian R. Horner. Playing & teaching the saxophone: a modern approach. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023).

Hunsaker, Leigh Anne. The Art of Trumpet Teaching: the Legacy of Keith Johnson. (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, 2022).

Lee, Gavin S. K. Queer ear: remaking music theory. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The cello, how it works: a practical guide to cello ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The double bass, how it works: a practical guide to double bass ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Pagliaro, Michael J. The viola, how it works: a practical guide to viola ownership. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Perks, Rich, and John McGrath. 21st century guitar: evolutions and augmentations. (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023).

Stephens, Emery, and Caroline Helton. Singing down the barriers: a guide to centering African American song for concert performers. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Tobutt, Jonathan. The Impact of the British Oboist léon Goossens: a breath in time. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Music Business and Technology:

Brickell, Scott. The business behind the song: navigating a career in the music industry. (Nashville, TN: Forefront Books, 2023).

Dollman, Emily. Opening doors: orchestras, opera companies and community engagement. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023).

Hepworth, David. Abbey Road: the inside story of the world's most famous recording studio. (New York: Pegasus Books, 2023).

Lind, Stephanie. Authenticity in the music of video games. (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023).

Singer, Howie. Key changes: the 10 times technology transformed the music industry. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023).

NEW BOOKS—Musicals:

Donovan, Ryan. Queer approaches in musical theatre. (London: Methuen Drama, 2023).

McHugh, Dominic. The big parade: Meredith Willson's musicals from The Music Man to 1491. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021). Music Stacks ML410.W714 M34 2021


Levy, Aidan. Saxophone Colossus: the life and music of Sonny Rollins. (New York, NY: Hachette Books, 2022).

NEW BOOKS—Popular Music:

Everett, Walter. Sex and gender in Pop/Rock music: the Blues through the Beatles to Beyoncé. (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023).

Fuentes Korban, Delia Pamela. Memory and history in Argentine popular music. (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023).

Hirsch, Lily E. Can't stop the grrrls: confronting sexist labels in pop music from Ariana Grande to Yoko Ono. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).