The following chronological list includes existing plucked-string tablatures from 1600-1699, as well as sources known to have existed that are now lost. Note that the list contains primarily music in some form of lute or guitar tablature, not music in staff notation that might possibly have been played on the lute or other plucked string instrument. Therefore, sources that may call for continuo with plucked string are also excluded, unless they contain actual tablature of some sort. Continuo sources with plucked string are listed separately.
The names of places have been given their modern English equivalent, for consistency, and the modern political names of the countries in which these cities are located have been added in brackets. The following sources were used in compiling this list:
Short Form | Full Citation |
[BOETTICHER 1979] | Boetticher, Wolfgang. "Zur inhaltichen Bestimmung des für Laute intavolierten Handschriftenbestands." Acta Musicologica 51:2 (Jul.-Dec., 1979): 193-203. |
[BROWN] | Brown, Howard Mayer. Instrumental Music Printed before 1600: A Bibliography (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979) |
[COELHO] | Coelho, Victor. The Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth-Century Italian Lute Music. (New York: Garland, 1995). |
[CRAIG-McFEELY 1993] | Craig-McFeely, Julia. "Fragments of English Lute Music II: Oxford Libraries." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXXIII (1993): 34-54. |
[GOY 2011] | Goy, François-Pierre. Musik für Barocklaute: Die Handschrift Schwerin Mus 641. (S.l.: Tree Edition, 2011). |
[MUSIQUES ANCIENNES 1980] | Gétreau, Florence, Josiane Bran-Ricci, Catherine Massip, and François Lesure. Musiques anciennes: Instruments et partitions (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale, 1980). |
[NESS 1981] | Ness, Arthur J. "(Review of:) Handschriftlich überlieferte Lautenen- und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts by Wolfgang Boetticher." Journal of the American Musicological Society 34:2 (Summer, 1981): 339-345. |
[NG] | The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (New York: Grove, 2001) |
[RISM A] | Einzeldrucke vor 1800 (Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1971- ). |
[RISM ID no.] | RISM Online |
[RISM B] | Recueils imprimés: XVIe-XVIIe siècles (München: G. Henle, 1960- ). |
[RISM B/VII] | Boetticher, Wolfgang. Handschriftlich Überlieferte Lauten- und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (Munich: G. Henle, 1978) |
[RUDÉN] | Rudén, Jan Olof. Music in Tablature: A Thematic Index with Source Descriptions of Music in Tablature Notation in Sweden (Stockholm: Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv, 1981) |
[SMT] | Sources manuscrites en tablature: Luth et théorbe (c.1500-c.1800), Christian Meyer, ed. (Baden-Baden & Bouxwiller, Valentin Koerner, 1991- ) |
[SPRING] | Spring, Matthew. The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music (Oxfored: Oxford University Press, 2001) |
[TYLER] | Tyler, James. The Guitar And Its Music: From The Renaissance To The Classical Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) |
[TYLER 1981] | Tyler, James. "The Mandore in the 16th and 17th Centuries." Early Music 9:1 (Jan. 1981): 22-31. |
[WARD 1979] | Ward, John M. "Sprightly and Cheerful Musick: Notes on the Cittern, Gittern & Guitar in 16th- & 17th-Century England." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXI (1979-1981) |
[YAKELEY] | Yakeley, M. June. "New Sources of Spanish Guitar Music for the Five-Course Guitar." Revista de musicología 19:1-2 (1996): 267-286. |
- I-IE Mus. Ms. Plan. 6/2 [beginning of the 17th century]
(Italy) [TYLER, p. 93]- 4- and 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-MOe Ms. 2 [beginning of the 17th century]
(southern Italy?) [TYLER, p. 93]- 5-course guitar and voice with alfabeto tablature and text only
- I-MOe Ms. 3 [beginning of the 17th century]
(southern Italy?) [TYLER, p. 93]- 5-course guitar and voice with alfabeto tablature and text only
- I-MOe Ms. 115 [beginning of the 17th century]
(southern Italy?) [TYLER, p. 93]- 5-course guitar and voice with alfabeto tablature and text only
- I-Rc Ms. 5437 [beginning of the 17th century]
"Cancionero de Casanatense." (southern Italy?) [YAKELEY, p. 284]- 5-course guitar and voice with alfabeto tablature
- US-CAh MS Mus 183 [beginning of the 17th century?]
(Italy?) [not in RISM; see Ness, Arthur J., and Ian Harwood. "Shelfmarks of Some Cittern and Lute Manuscripts at Harvard and at Mills College." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLI (2001): 47-48.]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature
- US-NYhsa Ms. B2334 [beginning of the 17th century?]
(Spain?) [YAKELEY p. 285; no. XIII in Catálago de los manuscritos poéticos ...]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and text only
- US-NYhsa Ms. B2499 [beginning of the 17th century?]
(Spain?) [YAKELEY p. 285; no. XVIII in Catálago de los manuscritos poéticos ...]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and text only
- US-NYhsa Ms. B2525 [beginning of the 17th century?]
"Baile." (Spain?) [theater ms.; YAKELEY p. 286; no. CXCIV in Catálago de los manuscritos poéticos ...]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and text only
- Adriaenssen 1600
Adriaenssen [Adriansen], Emanuel. Pratum musicum longe amoenissimum, cuius spatiosissimo, eoque incundissimo ambitu (praeter varii generis aytomata, seu phantasias) comprehenduntur . . . Editio nova priori locupletior. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
[RISM ID no.: 993121093]- 6-course lute, lute duets, lute trios, lute quartets in French tablature
- 6-course lute(s) and voice in staff notation and French tablature
- Anerio 1600
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco. Dialogo pastorale al presepio di nostro signore . . . a tre voci, con l'intavolatura del cembalo et del liuto. (Rome, [Italy]: Simone Verovio)
[RISM ID no.: 990001096]- lute and voices in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Caroso 1600
Caroso, Fabritio. Nobilità di dame . . . libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino. (Venice, [Italy]: il Muschio)
[RISM ID no.: 990008897]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and melody instrument in staff notation and Italian tablature
- Dowland 1600a
Dowland, John. The first booke of songes or ayres of foure partes with tablature for the lute: so made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the lute, orpherian or viol de gambo . . . (London, [England]: Peter Short)
[RISM ID no.: 990015233]- 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- one 7-course lute with two players in French tablature
- Dowland 1600b
Dowland, John. The second booke of songs or ayres, of 2. 4. and 5. parts: with tableture for the lute or opherian, with the violl de gamba . . . also an excelent lesson for the lute and base viol, called Dowlands adew. (London, [England]: Thomas Este)
[RISM ID no.: 990015237]- 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- 7-course lute and bass viol in French tablature and staff notation
- Ferrari 1600
Ferrari, Alfonso. Canzonette a tre voci . . . con l'intavolatura per sonar di liuto . . . libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990017541]- 7-course lute and voices in Italian tablature (?) and staff notation
- Francisque 1600
Francisque, Anthoine. Le trésor d'Orphée. Livre de tablature de luth contenant une susane un jour, plusieurs fantaisies, préludes, passemaises, gaillardes, pavanes d'Angleterre, pavannes espagnolle, fin de gaillarde, suittes de bransles tant à cordes avalées qu'austres voltes et courantes. (Paris, [France]: Robert Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 991018642]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- Gastoldi 1600
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo. Balletti a tre voci con la intavolatura del liuto . . . con li suoi versi per cantare. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Paul Kauffmann)
[RISM ID no.: 990019746]- 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and Italian tablature
- Jones c1600
Jones, Robert. The first booke of songes or ayres of foure parts with tableture for the lute. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
[RISM ID no.: 990032693]- 8-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Lupi da Caravaggio 1600
Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio. Mutanze di gagliarda, tordiglione, passo è mezzo canari, è passeggi. (Palermo, [Italy]: Heredi di Gio. Francesco Carrara)- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- dance treatise
- Morley 1600
Morley, Thomas. The first booke of ayres, or little short songs, to sing and play to the lute, with the bass viole. (London, [England]: William Barley)
[RISM ID no.: 990042299]- 7-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Rossi 1600
Rossi, Salamone. Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci . . . con alcuni di detti madrigali per cantar nel chittarrone, con la sua intavolatura, posta nel soprano. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
[RISM ID no.: 990056069]- 10-course chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Rude 1600a
Rude, Johann. Flores musicae, hoc est, suavissimae et lepidissimae cantiones, madrigalia vulgus nominat, una cum variis pavanis, paduanis, galliardis, intradiis, fantasiis & choriis, ex quam plurimis autoribus italicis, gallicis & germanicis magna industria collectae, et nunc primum ita descriptae, ut testudinis fidibus cani possint . . . (Heidelberg, [Germany]: Voegelin)
[RISM ID no.: 993121098]- 8-course lute in French tablature
- Rude 1600b
Rude, Johann. Florum musicae . . . collectorum liber secundus, qui non solum italicas sed etiam gallicas et germanicas cantiones complurium vocum, cum anglicis aliisque variis pavanis, paduanis, galliardis, intradis, fantasiis et choreis complectitur. (Heidelberg, [Germany]: Voegelin)
[RISM ID no.: 993121099]- 8-course lute in French tablature
- A-LIa Hs. 475 [c1600]
"Michael Eijsertt's Lute Book." (Germany?) [SMT III/1 p. 98]- 6-course lute in German tablature
- A-Wn SA.76.A.15. Mus 31 [c1600]
(ms addition at the end of Valderrábano 1547) [BROWN p. 104] (Spain?)
**ONLINE VERSION (A-Wn)**- 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
- B-Bc Ms. Littera S. No. 16.663 [1600-1610]
(Florence? [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 57 (incorrectly as for mandora); COELHO p. 66]- 8-course lute in Italian tabalture
- 9-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- CZ-Pnm Ms. V.C.25 [1600-1625]
(Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 288; SMT III/2 p. 32]- 6- and 8-course lute in German and French tablatures
- CZ-Pnm Ms. XIII.B.237 [1600-1625]
(Czech Republic) [RISM B/VII p. 290; SMT III/2 p. 36]- 6- and 10-course lute in German tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 221, Nr. 846 [1600-1650] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 42]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Ms. Danzig 4022 [1600-1632]
[229 Instrumental pieces]. (Germany?) [listed as lost in RISM B/VII p. 82]
[RISM ID no.: 452027607]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-Dl Ms. Mus. J.307 [1600-1605] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 94]- 6-course cittern in French tablature
- D-Fschneider Ms. without Sign. [1600-1620]
(northern Italy) [SMT II p. 117; COELHO p. 82]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- D-HRD Fü 9825 [1600-1620]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 130]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-HRD Fü 9829 [1600-1620]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 131]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-KNa Wallraf 4° 328* [1600]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 149; SMT II p. 144]- 10-course lute in French and Italian tablatures
- D-LEm Becker II.6.6 [1600-1650]
(Germany; ms. addition to Drusina 1556) [SMT II p. 154]
[RISM ID no.: 225006529]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 7-course lute in French tablature
- D-LEm MS II.6.23 [1600-1625]
"Tabulaturbuch des Johannes Fridericus." (Southern Germany) [SMT II p. 175]
[RISM ID no.: 225006515]- 7-course lute in French tablature
- D-Mbs 2° Mus. pr. 93 [1600-1630]
(ms. addition to Denss 1594). (Germany) [SMT II p. 237]
[RISM ID no.: 1001003365]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 7- and 8-course lute in inverted Italian tablature
- 6-course lute French tablature
- D-TH ohne Signatur [1600-1649]
Döbner, Johann Philipp. Optima musarum est, reliquis idcirco negatum, Artibus, à Musis Musica nomen habet. Studiosus sine Musica, est sicut canis sine cauda [olim No. 103?]. (Germany)
[RISM ID no.: 220003000]- keyboard or lute?
- E-Bbc M. 774/29 [1600-1632]
Pujol, Juan Pablo (1570-1626). Aquel cordero divino.
[RISM ID no.: 100500673]- 5-course guitar and voices in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Mn M.1370-2 [1600-1620]
(Spain?) [songbook with occasional chords; YAKELEY p. 283]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and staff notation
- E-OL Ms.I-VIII [c1600]
"Cancionero de Olot." (Spain?) [YAKELEY p. 283]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Szayas Ms. Mus. A-V-20 [c1600]
(northern Italy) [COELHO p. 157]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- lute and voice in Italian tablature and text only
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. ms. 127 [1600-1620]
[Musique pour luth (Italie, 1600-1650)].
[RISM ID no.: 840015795]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.4.22 [1600-1615]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 74]
**ONLINE VERSION (GB-Cu)**- 7-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.4.23 [c1600]
Holmes, Matthew. [RISM B/VII p. 74]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- 6-course cittern in Italian tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.9.33 [1600]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 76]- 7-course lute in French tablature
- 7-string bandora in French tablature
- lyra viol in French tablature
- ensemble with lute
- GB-Etwall Hall (Derbyshire), Bibliothek eines ungenannten Adligen Ms. without Sign. [1600-1633] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 106]- lute? in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 4900 [c1600]
[24 Songs]. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 800265419]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 15118 [1600-1625]
[9 solos for lute amongst vocal and viola da gamba music]. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 800268652]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- viola da gamba
- voice(s)
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31392 [c1600-1605]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 181]- 7-course lute in French tablature
- 7-course bandora in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Royal Appendix 64 [1600-1649]
Rahel, Sydrach (fl. 1626). [153 Psalms; olim Ms. Additional 5341]. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 800250115]- voices and lute in staff notation
- GB-Lbl Ms. Royal Appendix 76 [1600-1620]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 189]- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sign. 1242.g.1 [1600]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 193]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Willey Park (Shrewsbury, Shropshire), Forester Library [1600]
"Welde Lute Manuscript." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 361]- 7-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lam MS 600 [1600-1640]
"Browne Bandora and Lyra Viol Book." (England) [formerly in the collection of Robert Spencer; RISM B/VII p. 367]- 6-string bandora in French tablature
- viol...
- H-Bn Mus. pr. 19 [c1600]
(Bártfa [Bardejov], Slovakia) [RISM B/VII p. 374; SMT III/2 p. 82]- 6-course lute in German tablature
- I-Fc MS C.F.83 [1600-1620]
"Codex Barbera." (Florence, Italy) [not in RISM, TYLER p. 51]
[RISM ID no.: 850791526]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- I-Fc MS C.F.108 [1600-1649]
Sonate di Chitarra Spagniola. (Italy)
[RISM ID no.: 850791563]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 137 [c1600]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 91]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Fn)**- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- continuo treatise
- I-PESo, MS P XVII. 4 [2-22] [c1600]
Intavolatura; Albani MS (Italy)
**ONLINE VERSION (I-PESo)**- 6- and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- PL-ŁZu Ms. M 6983 [c1600]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 40 (as D-B Ms. 5102, lost); SMT III/2 p. 157]- 7- (and 8-)course lute in German tablature
- PL-Sorau Druck Sign. Nr. 539 [1600-1610] [LOST]
(Poland) [lost since 1942; ms. addition to 8 Gardano prints of the 16th century; RISM B/VII p. 324, where it is dated too early as 1550-1570]- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- PL-WRu Muz. 50075 [c1600]
(ms. addition to Kargel 1586). (Germany?) [formerly Muz. 405; RISM B/VII p. 374; SMT III/2 p. 235]- 7-course lute in German tablature
- US-CAh MS Mus 181 [1600-1633]
"Matthew Otley's Cittern Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 325, as lost, private library of Lord Braye]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-CAh)**- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- US-NYp Ms. Drexel 3904 [1600-1633]
(England?) [RISM B/VII p. 236]- lute in French tablature
- Campion and Rosseter 1601
Campion, Thomas, and Philip Rosseter. A booke of ayres, set foorth to be song to the lute, orpherian, and base violl. (London, [England]: Thomas East)
[RISM ID no.: 990056044]- 8-course lute/opharion, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Cerreto 1601
Cerreto, Scipione. Della prattica musica vocale et strumentale, opera necessaria a coloro, che di musica si dilettano. Con le postille poste dall'autore à maggior dichiaratione d'alcune cose occorrenti ne' discorsi . . . (Naples, [Italy]: Gio. Jacomo Carlino)- treatise
- 8-course lute in Italian tablature and staff notation (pp. 316-317)
- 4-course guitar in Italian tablature and staff notation (pp. 320-321)
- Hove 1601
Hove, Joachim van den. Florida, sive cantiones, e quam plurimis praestantissimorum nostri aevi musicorum libris selectae, ad testudinis usum accomodatae. (Utrecht, [Netherlands]: Salomon de Roy and Joannes Guilelmus de Rhenen)
[RISM ID no.: 990031464]
**ONLINE VERSION (A-Wn)**- 7- and 8-course lute in French tablature
- Jones 1601
Jones, Robert. The second booke of songs and ayres, set out to the lute, the base violl the playne way, or the base by tableture after the leero fashion. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
[RISM ID no.: 990032694]- 8-course lute, viols, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- lyra viol and voice in French tablature and modern notation
- A-KR Ms. L 64 [1601-1632]
(Rome, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 155; SMT III/1 p. 50; COELHO p. 90]
[RISM ID no.: 600153595]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- I-COc Ms. 1.1.20 [1601-1609]
Raimondi, P.P., et al. "Raimondi MS." (Como, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 68]- 8-course lute in Italian tablature
- Giancarli 1602
Giancarli, Heteroclito. Compositioni musicali intavolate per cantare et sonare nel liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990021024]- lute and voice in Italian? tablature
- Negri 1602
Negri, Cesare. Le gratie d'amore . . . [op. 9], et vaghissima, divisa in tre trattati. (Milan, [Italy]: Pacifico Pontio & Giovanni Battista Piccaglia)
[RISM ID no.: 990046914]- 7-course lute and melody instrument in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Vincenti 1602
Vincenti, Giacomo. Secondo libro d'intavolatura di citara, nel quale si contengono varie, et diverse sorti di Balli. Raccolta da diversi autori et nuovamente stampati. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121124]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 6-course diatonic cittern in Italian tablature
- D-Hbusch Ms. without Sign. [1602]
Herold, Christoph"Christoph Herold's Lute Book." (Padua, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 374; SMT II p. 122]- 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-course lute in French tablature
- S-Uu Ms. Vokalmusik i handskrift 132 [1602]
[one lute piece on f.2 in keyboard source?].
[RISM ID no.: 190006291]- 6-course lute in French tablature?
- Barbetta 1603
Barbetta, Giulio Cesare. Intavolatura di liuto delle canzonette a tre voci. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990003842]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 7-course lute and voices in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Besard 1603
Besard, Jean-Baptiste. Thesaurus harmonicus divini Laurencini Romani, nec non præstantissimorum musicorum, qui hoc seculo . . . excellunt, selectissima omnis generis cantus in testudine modulamina continens. Novum . . . opus . . . ex varijs authorum scriptis . . . in hoc volumen congestum, & decem libris . . . divisum . . . Additus est . . . De modo in testudine studendi libellus . . . ab eodem authore conscriptus, etc. (Cologne, [Germany]: Gerardus Greuenbruch)
[RISM ID no.: 993121139]- 9-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Dowland 1603a
Dowland, John. The first booke of songes or ayres of foure partes with tablature for the lute: so made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the lute, orpherian or viol de gambo . . . newly corrected. (London, [England]: E. Short)
[RISM ID no.: 990015234]- 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- one 7-course lute with two players in French tablature
- Dowland 1603b
Dowland, John. The third and last booke of songs or aires, newly composed to sing to the lute, orpharion or viols, and a dialogue for a base and meane lute with five voices to sing thereto. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
[RISM ID no.: 990015238]- 7-course lute, orpharion, or viols and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- 7-course lute and bass lute and voices in staff notation and French tablature
- Robinson 1603a
Robinson, Thomas. The Schoole of musicke: wherein is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute, pandora, orpharion, and viol de gamba; with most infallible generall rules both easie and delightfull. Also a method how you may be your owne instructor for prick-song, by the help of your lute . . . (London, [England]: Thomas Este)
[RISM ID no.: 990055133]- 7-course lute, pandora, orpharion in French tablature
- lyra viol in French tablature
- Robinson 1603b [LOST]
Robinson, Thomas. Medulla Musicke. (s.l.: s.n.)- 7-course lute? in French tablature?
- Rossi 1603
Rossi, Salamone. Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci . . . con alcuni di detti madrigali per cantar nel chittarrone, con la sua intavolatura, posta nel soprano . . . novamente corretto e ristampato. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
[RISM ID no.: 990056070]- 10-course chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- D-BAUk Druck 13.4°.85 [1603-1620]
(Ms. copy of Besard 1603). (southwest Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 15; SMT II p. 15]- 7-course lute in French tablature
- D-Dl Ms. M. 297 [1603]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 95; SMT II p. 114]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-W Ms. Codex Guelferbytanus 18.7. Augusteus 2° [1603-1604]
Hainhofer, Philipp. "Philip Hainhofer's Lute Book." (ms. copy of Besard 1603 and other material). (Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 361; SMT II p. 302]
[RISM ID no.: 451510301]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-W)**- 7-course lute in German, Italian, and French tablatures
- D-W Ms. Codex Guelferbytanus 18.8. Augusteus 2° [1603-1604]
Hainhofer, Philipp. "Philip Hainhofer's Lute Book." (Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 361; SMT II p. 307]
[RISM ID no.: 451510448]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-W)**- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- I-Gu M. VIII.24 [1603-1615]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 124]- 8-course lute in French and Italian tablatures
- Dowland 1604
Dowland, John. Lachrimae, or Seaven teares figured in seaven passionate pavans, with divers other pavans, galiards, and almands, set forth for the lute, viols, or violons, in five parts. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990015239]- 9-course lute or viols and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- Greaves 1604
Greaves, Thomas. Songes of sundrie kindes: first, aires to be sung to the lute, and base violl, next, songes of sadnesse, for the viols and voyce, lastly, madrigalles, for five voyces. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990022755]- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- viols and voices in staff notation
- Kapsperger 1604
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro primo d'intavolatura di chitarrone . . . raccolto del Sigr. Giacomo Antonio Pfender. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033025]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 10-course chitarrone in Italian tablature
- Negri 1604
Negri, Cesare. Nuove inventioni di balli. Opera vaghissima . . . per ogni sorte di ballo, balleto, & brando d'Italia, di Spagna, & di Franciz, con figure bellissime in rame, & regole della musica, & intavolatura, quali si richieggono al suono, & al canto, divisa in tre'trattati. (Milan, [Italy]: Girolamo Bordone)
[RISM ID no.: 990046915]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 7-course lute (and melody instrument?) in Italian tablature and staff notation
- I-PAc Ms. 1506/1 [1604-1612]
Bentivoglio, Ginevra. (Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Caroso 1605
Caroso, Fabritio. Nobilità di dame . . . libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino. (Venice, [Italy]: il Muschio)
[RISM ID no.: 990008898]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and melody instrument in staff notation and Italian tablature
- Hume 1605
Hume, Tobias. The first part of ayres, French, Polish and others together, some in tabliture, and some in pricke-song: with pavines, galliards, and almaines for the viole de gambo alone, and other musicall conceites for two base viols . . . and for two leero viols . . . and some songes to bee sung to the viole, with the lute . . . also an invention for two to play upon one viole. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990031822]- 8-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- lyra and bass viol music in French tablature and staff notation
- Jones 1605
Jones, Robert. [Ultimum Vale, with a triplicity of musicke, whereof the first part is for the lute, the voyce, and the viole degambo, the 2. part is for the lute, the viole, and foure partes to sing, the third part is for two trebles, to sing either to the lute or the viole or to both, if any please]. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990032695]- 8-course lute, viols, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Pilkington 1605
Pilkington, Francis. The first booke of songs or ayres of 4. parts: with tableture for the lute or orpherian, with the violl de gamba. (London, [England]: Thomas Este)
[RISM ID no.: 990049813]- 7-course lute/opharion, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- D-KNu 16a 6745 qu. [c1605]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 151]- 6- and 7-course lute in French tablature
- DK-Kk Ms. Thott 841, 4° [1605-1607]
"Peter Fabritius' Lute Book." (Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 148]- 6-course lute in German tablature
- F-Pn Rés. F. 993 [1605-1610]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 275; SMT I p. 98]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Omc Ms. 265 [1605-1610]
(England) [fragment; CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]- 6- and 7-course lute in French tablature (possibly with other instruments, originally)
- IRL-Dtc Ms. 408/2 [olim D. 1.21] [1605]
"William Ballet lute-book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 96]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- viol in French tablature
- LT-Va Ms. 285-MF-LXXIX [1605-1625]
Stobaeus of Königsberg. "Königsberg Manuscript." (Königsberg, Prussia [Kaliningrad, Russia]) [RISM B/VII p. 152 (as Ms. A 116); SMT III/2 p. 83]- 6-, 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in French tablature
- lute in broken consort
- 6-course pandora in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40591 [1605-1620]
(Rome? [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 33 (as D-B with incorrect instrumentation); SMT III/2 p. 134; COELHO p. 87]- 8-course lute in Italian tablature
- 8-course lute duet in French tablature
- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- Bartlet 1606
Bartlet, John. A booke of ayres with a triplicitie of musicke, whereof the first part is for the lute or orpharion, and the viole de gambo, and 4. partes to sing, the second part is for 2. trebles to sing to the lute and viole, the third part is for the lute and one voyce, and the viole de gambo. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990003966]- 7-course lute or orpharion, viola da gamba and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- 7-course lute and viol and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- [Cato 1606]
Cato, Diomedes. Rytmy lacinskie . . . uczynione . . . od krolewica polskiego Kazimierza . . . Przydane sa hymny z Godzinek . . . Wszystkie te rytmy . . . z notami . . . i tabulatura na lutnia. (Cracow, [Poland]: B. Skalski)
[RISM ID no.: 991015478; not for lute, just titled "lutenist"]- voices in staff notation [*although New Grove and other sources claim that this book is for "lute and voices," there is no tablature nor any other indication that it involves the lute]
- Coprario 1606
Coprario [Coperario, Cooper], John. Funeral teares. For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Devonshire. Figured in seaven songes, whereof sixe are so set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the lute and base viole, or else that the meane part may bee added . . . The seventh is made in forme of a dialogue, and can not be sung without two voyces. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990011011]- 6-course lute, bass viol, and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- Danyel 1606
Danyel, John. Songs for the lute, viol and voice. (London, [England]: Thomas East)
[RISM ID no.: 990012800]- 9-course lute(s), viol, and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- Dowland 1606
Dowland, John. The first booke of songes or ayres of foure partes with tablature for the lute: so made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the lute, orpherian or viol de gambo . . . newly corrected and amended. (London, [England]: Humfrey Lownes)
[RISM ID no.: 990015235]- 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- one 7-course lute with two players in French tablature
- Montesardo 1606
Montesardo, Girolamo. Nuova inventione d'intavolatura. (Florence, [Italy]: Christofano Farescotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990042034]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Additional 3056 [c1606-1610]
"Cosens Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 78 erroneously as "Cozens" and c1595]
**ONLINE VERSION (GB-Cu)**- 7-course lute in French tablature
- Anerio c1607
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco. Gagliarde a quattro voci . . . intavolate per sonare sul cimbalo et sul liuto, libro primo. (s.l.: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992004963]- 7-course lute and voices in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Campion 1607
Campion, Thomas. The description of a maske, presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990008384]- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- Ford 1607
Ford, Thomas. Musicke of sundrie kindes, set forth in two bookes. The first whereof are, aries for 4 voices to the lute, orphorion, or basse-viol, with a dialogue for two voices, and two basse viols in parts tuned the lute way. The second are pavens, galiards, almaines, toies, jigges, thumpes and such like, for two basse-viols, the liera way. (London, [England]: John Browne)
[RISM ID no.: 990018687]- 7-course lute/orpharion and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- viols
- Hume 1607
Hume, Tobias. Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke, principally made for two basse-viols, yet so contrived, that it may be plaied 8. several waies upon sundry instruments. (London, [England]: John Windet)
[RISM ID no.: 990031823]- lute/orpharion duet and bass viol in French tablature and staff notation
- viols in French tablature and staff notation
- Lupi da Caravaggio 1607
Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio. Libro di gagliarda, tordiglione, passo e mezzo canari è passeggi. Di Liuio Lupi da Carauaggio. Di nuouo corretti, & con l'aggiunta. (Palermo, [Italy]: Gio. Battista Maringo)- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- dance treatise
- Rossi 1607
Rossi, Salamone. Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci . . . con alcuni di detti madrigali per cantar nel chittarrone, con la sua intavolatura, posta nel soprano . . . novamente corretto e ristampato. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
[RISM ID no.: 990056071]- 10-course chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- D-B Mus. ms. 40141 [1607-1620]
"Johannes Nauclerus's Lute Book." (northern Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 23; SMT II p. 35]
[RISM ID no.: 466000003]- 6- and 7-course lute in French and German tablatures
- cittern in French tablature
- I-Nc Ms. 7664 [1607-1623]
Quartiron, Francesco. (Florence, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 107; TYLER p. 94]- 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 6-course diatonic cittern in Italian tablature
- 6-course diatonic cittern and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Bataille 1608
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121236]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Pico 1608: see Pico 16[9]8
- CZ-Pu Ms. XXIII.F.174 [c1608-1615]
Šmal, Mikuláš. ([Czech Republic]) "Mikuláš Šmal z Levendorfu MS." [RISM B/VII p. 297; SMT III/2 p. 71]- 6-, 7- and 8-course lute in German tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, II [1608]
(Florence, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 244 (with incorrect instrumentation); SMT II p. 248; COELHO p. 110]- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, III [1608-1610]
(Florence, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 245 (with incorrect instrumentation); SMT II p. 250; COELHO p. 113]- 11- and 12-course lute in Italian tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, IV [1608-1612]
(Florence, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 245 (with incorrect instrumentation); SMT II p. 251; COELHO p. 116]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute, voice and continuo in Italian tablature and staff notation
- GB-RI Ms. 36 [1608-1624]
"Anthony Higgin Notebook." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 300]- 4-course gittern(?) in French tablature [one piece only]
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 106 [1608-1609]
(Florence, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 110; COELHO p. 80]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- V-CVbav Ms. Vat. Mus. 570 [1608-1615]
(Florence, [Italy]) [olim I-Rvat Casimiri 36; COELHO p. 143]- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- Bataille 1609
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Second livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121263]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Ferrabosco 1609
Ferrabosco (the Younger), Alfonso. Ayres . . . [for one and two voices, with accompaniment for lute and a bass instrument]. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990017533]- 6-course lute, bass viol, and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- Jones 1609
Jones, Robert. A musicall dreame, or The fourth booke of ayres, the first part is for the lute, two voyces, and the viole de gambo; the second part is for the lute, the viole and foure voices to sing; the third part is for one voyce alone, or to the lute, the basse viole, or to both if you please. (London, [England]: William Barley)
[RISM ID no.: 990032697]- 7-course lute, viols, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Ornithoparchus 1609
Ornithoparchus, Andreas [translated by John Dowland]. Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus or Introduction: Containing the art of singing. Digested into foure bookes. Not onely profitable, but also necessary for all that are studious of musicke. Also the dimension and perfect use of the monochord, according to Guido Aretinus. By John Dowland lutenist, lute-player, and Bachelor of Musicke in both the universities. (London, [England]: Thomas Adams)- treatise
- Robinson 1609
Robinson, Thomas. New citharen lessons with perfect tunings of the same, from foure course of strings to fourteene course, euen to trie the sharpest teeth of enuie, with lessons of all sorts, and methodicall instructions for all professors and practitioners of the citharen ... (London, [England]: William Barley)- 4- to 14-course cittern in French tablature
- Rosseter 1609
Rosseter, Philip. Lessons for consort: made by sundry excellent authors, and set to sixe severall instruments: namely, the treble lute, treble violl, base violl, bandora, citterne, and the flute ... (London, [England]: Este, Thomas, alias Snodham)- lute, treble and bass viol, bandora, cittern, and flute in French tablature and staff notation [no complete exemplar]
- F-Pn Rés. 941 [1609-1616]
"Pierre de Pouille MS." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 270; SMT I p. 79; COELHO p. 118]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- GB-Ctc Ms. O.16.29 [1609]
Handford, George. "Ayres to be Sunge to the Lute." (England)- 8-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Lam MS 602 [1609]
"Sampson Lute Book." (formerly the "Tollemache Lute Manuscript"). (England) [formerly in the collection of Robert Spencer; RISM B/VII p. 133]- 7-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- GB-Lbl K.2.d.2 [c1609]
[MS addition to Robinson 1609]. (England)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 3145 [1609]
Tallocci, Mariotto. "Intavolatura della chitarra spagniola." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 123; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Corkine 1610
Corkine, William. Ayres, to sing and play to the lute and basse violl, with pavins, galliards, almaines and corantos for the lyra violl. (London, [England]: John Browne)
[RISM ID no.: 990011312]- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation; lyra viol in French tablature
- R. Dowland 1610a
Dowland, Robert. A musicall Banquet, furnished with varietie of delicious ayres, collected out of the best authors in English, French, Spanish and Italian. (London, [England]: printed for T. Adams)
[RISM ID no.: 993121307]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- R. Dowland 1610b
Dowland, Robert. Varietie of lute-lessons: Viz. Fantasies, Pavins, Galliards, Almaines, Corantoes, and Volts: selected out of the best approved authors, as well beyond the seas as of our owne country. (London, [England]: printed for T. Adams)
[RISM ID no.: 993121310]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- Jones 1610
Jones, Robert. The muses gardin for delights, or the fift booke of ayres, onely for the lute, the base-vyoll, and the voyce. (London, [England]: William Barley)
[RISM ID no.: 990032698]- 8-course lute, viols, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger 1610
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro primo di villanelle a I. 2 et 3 voci accomodate per qualsivoglia strumento con l'intavolatura del chitarone et alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolta dal Sigr. Cavalier Flamminio Flaminij. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033027]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 12-course chitarrone and voice(s) in Italian tablature and staff notation
- D-Kub Ms. 4° Mus. 108 I [1610]
"Princess Elisabeth of Hesse, Lute Book." (Hesse, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 137; SMT II p. 137]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature and staff notation
- D-LEm Becker II.5.32b [1610-1620]
(ms. addition to Villanelle d'Orlando di Lassus e d'altri eccellenti musici, libro secondo. [cantus part], Rome: Dorico, 1555). (France) [SMT II p. 153]
[RISM ID no.: 225006517]- 9-course lute in French tablature and staff notation
- F-Pn Ms. Español 390 [1610-1620]
Palumbi, Francesco. "Libro di villanelle Spagnuol et Italiane et Sonate spagnuole." "Palumbi MS." (Spain) [TYLER p. 90]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- F-Pn Rés. 1108 [1610-1620]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 271; SMT I p. 87]- 9-course lute in Italian tablature
- theorbo in Italian tablature?
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 29 [1610-1620]
(Florence? [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 227 (as Thibault II); SMT I p. 118; COELHO p. 120]- 7-, 8- and 9-course lute in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 31 [1610-1620]
(northern Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 227 (as Thibault I); SMT I p. 122; COELHO p. 126]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 49 [1610-1640]
[48 Pieces; alfabeto chart on p. 26]. (France?)
[RISM ID no.: 840018359]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Ckc Ms. Rowe ML Nr. 2 [1610-1615]
"Turpyn MS." (England?) [RISM B/VII p. 71]- 7-, 8-, and 9-course lute in French tablature
- lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.5.20 [1610-1630]
(England?) [RISM B/VII p. 74]- 6-course viola da gamba, lute, or bandora in French tablature
- GB-Gu Ms. Euing 25 [olim R.d.43] [c1610 (section for lute)]
"Euing lute-book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 126]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 6402 [1610]
[RISM ID no.: 806940136]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 15117 [1610-1640]
Swarland, John. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 806466375]- 6-, 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-course lute in French tablature
- bass viol and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Lbl Ms. Harley 7578 [1610-1620]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 188]- 6-course lute? in French tablature
- lyra viol? in French tablature
- GB-Ob Ms. Don. c.57 [1610-1620]
(England) [loose-leaf fragment; CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- lute or theorbo continuo
- GB-Occc Ms. 254 [1610]
(England) [fragment; single sheet bound in collection of loose papers; CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Landau-Finaly Mus. 175 [1610-1620]
Palumbi, Francesco. (Verona, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 115; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2793 [1610-1620]
Palumbi, Francesco. (Verona, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 118; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2804 [1610-1620]
Altoviti, Guglielmo, scribe. Francesco Palumbi, composer. (Verona, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 119; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2849 [1610-1620]
Palumbi, Francesco. (Verona, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 120; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2973 [1610-1620]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 122; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-PESo Rari Ms. b.14 [1610-1625]
(northern Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 283 (as Pc 40 / 7346c, with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 138]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- I-TRc Ms. 1947, No. 5 [1610-1630]
(northern Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 333; COELHO p. 160]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- I-VEc Ms. 1434 (82.3) [1610-1620]
Palumbi, Francesco. "Libro dell' Conte Paulo Canossi--Veronese." (Verona, Italy) [not in RISM; TYLER p. 95]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- S-B PB fil. 172 [1610-1620]
"Brahe Lute Book." (Germany and Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 322 (as S-SKOKLOSTER, Slotts Biblioteket Ms. without Sign. A); see RUDÉN p. 44]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Ballard 1611
Ballard, Robert. [Premier livre de tablature de luth] (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 991013540]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Bataille 1611
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Troisième livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 1001034334 and 993121319]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Gardano 1611
Gardano, Angelo [publisher]. Balletti moderni facili per sonar sopra il liuto, dove si contengono brandi, saltarelli, gagliarde, balletti francesi, tedeschi, Arie diverse, passamezi, padoane & canzoni francese . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- Kapsperger 1611
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro primo d'intavolatura di lauto . . . raccolto dal Sig: Filippo Nicolini. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033028]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 11-course lute (liuto attiorbato) in Italian tablature
- Maynard 1611
Maynard, John. The XII Wonders of the world. Set and composed for the violl de gambo, the lute, and the voyce to sing the verse, all three ioyntly, and none severall: also lessons for the lute and base violl to play alone. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990040174]- 7-course lute, bass viol, voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 7-course lute, bass viol in French tablature
- Morley 1611
Morley, Thomas. The first booke of consort lessons, made by divers exquisite authors, for sixe instruments to play together; viz. the treble lute, the pandoa, the citterne, the base-violl, the flute, and the treble-violl ... (London, [England]: Snodham, Thomas)
[RISM ID no.: 993121331]- lute, treble and bass viol, bandora, cittern, and flute in French tablature and staff notation
- Vecchi 1611
Vecchi, Orazio. Selva di varia ricreatione . . . nella quale si contengono varij soggetti, a 3, a 4, a 5, a 6, a 7, a 8, a 9 & a 10 voci, cioè madrigali, capricci, balli, arie, justiniane, canzonette, fantasie, serenate, dialoghi, un lotto amoroso, con una battaglia a diece nel fine, & accomodatovi la intavolatura di liuto alle arie, ai balli, & alle canzonette. (Venice, [Italy]: Melchiore Tradate)
[RISM ID no.: 990066065]- 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
- 6-course lute and instrumental ensemble in staff notation and Italian tablature
- Bataille 1612
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121356]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Corkine 1612
Corkine, William. The second booke of ayres, some, to sing and play to the base-violl alone: others to be sung to the lute and base violl, with new corantoes, pavins, almaines; as also divers new descants upon old grounds, set to the lyra-violl. (London, [England]: M. Lownes, J. Browne, and T. Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990011313]- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- bass viol, lyra viol
- Dowland 1612
Dowland, John. A Pilgrimes solace. Wherein is contained musicale harmonie of 3. 4. and 5. parts, to be sung and plaid with the lute and viols. (London, [England]: M. Lownes, J. Browne, and T. Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990015240]- 9-course lute, viols, and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- Hove 1612
Hove, Joachim van den. Delitiae musicae, sive cantiones, e quam plurimis praestantissimorum nostri aevi musicorum libris selectae, ad testudinis usum accommodatae. (Utrecht, [Netherlands]: Salomon de Roy and Joannes Guilelmus de Rhenen)
[RISM ID no.: 990031465]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 8-course lute in French tablature
- Kapsperger 1612
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro primo di arie passeggiate a una voce con l'intavolatura del chitarone . . . raccolto dal Sigr. Cav. Fra Jacomo Christoforo ab Andlaw. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033030]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 18-course chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Melli 1612 [LOST]
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. [Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato libro primo . . .]. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)- 13-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature?
- theorbo in Italian tablature?
- Montesardo 1612
Montesardo, Girolamo. I lieti giorni di Napoli, concertini italiani in aria spanguola a due, e tre voci con la lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra; madrigaletti, et arie gravi passagiate a una, e due voci per cantare alla tiorba, gravecimbalo, arpa doppia, et altri istrumenti . . . [op. 11]. (Naples, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Gargano and Lucrezia Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 990042037]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature
- theorbo continuo
- Rossi 1612
Rossi, Salamone. Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci . . . con alcuni di detti madrigali per cantar nel chittarrone, con la sua intavolatura, posta nel soprano . . . novamente corretto, & ristampato. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
[RISM ID no.: 990056072]- 10-course chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Sanseverino 1612? [LOST]
Sanseverino, Benedetto. El primo libro . . . (Milan? [Italy]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar and voices in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- B-Bc Ms. Littera S. No. 16.662 [1612]
(northern Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 57 (incorrectly as for mandora); COELHO p. 65]- 7-string lute in Italian tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 38539 [1612-1720]
"John Sturt or Margaret L. Lute Book." (England)
[RISM ID no.: 806350449]- 10- and 12-course lute and lute duet in French tablature
- 7-course lute and lyra viol in French tablature
- Bataille 1613
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Quatriesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121373]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Campion 1613
Campion, Thomas. Two bookes of ayres. The first contayning divine and morall songs: the second, light conceits of lovers. To be sung to the lute and viols, in two three, and foure parts; or by one voice to an instrument. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990008386]- 7-course lute, bass viol, and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- Coprario 1613
Coprario [Coperario, Cooper], John. Songs of mourning: bewailing the untimely death of Prince Henry (Campion), worded by Tho. Campion, and set forth to bee sung with one voyce to the lute, or violl. (London, [England]: John Browne)
[RISM ID no.: 990011012]- 6-course lute or viol and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Dowland 1613
Dowland, John. The first booke of songes or ayres of foure partes with tablature for the lute: so made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the lute, orpherian or viol de gambo . . . newly corrected and amended. (London, [England]: Humfrey Lownes)
[RISM ID no.: 990015236]- 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
- one 7-course lute with two players in French tablature
- Giaccio 1613 [LOST]
Giaccio, Orazio. Armoniose voci, canzonette in aria spagnola, et italiana, a tre voci . . . libro primo. (Naples, [Italy]: unknown)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Giaccio 1613-1618 [LOST]
Giaccio, Orazio. Fiori armonici, canzonette . . . libro secondo. (Naples, [Italy]: unknown)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Magni 1613
Magni, Bartholomeo (ed.). Orfeo. Musiche de diversi autori eccellentissimi da cantarsi a una e due voci. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Reymann 1613
Reymann, Matthias. Cythara sacra: sive Psalmodiæ Davidis ad usum testudinis accommodatæ. (Cologne [Germany]: Gerhardum Greuenbruch)
[RISM ID no.: 1000000300]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- B-Bc Ms. Littera S, No. 28.052 [1613]
Zuezerenge, Adr. Ger. (Utrecht, Netherlands) [TYLER p. 137]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Lwa unnumbered leaf, Box 5 [1613-1620]
(London, [England]?) [not in RISM; see Holman, Peter. "A New Source of Jacobean Lute Music." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXXIX (1999): 7-15.]- 6- and 7-course lute in French tablature
- I-Bc Ms. Q 34 [1613]
Amigoni, Giovanni. (Italy?) [TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar alfabeto tablature chart
- Ballard 1614
Ballard, Robert. Diverses pièces mises sur le luth. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 991013541]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Bataille 1614a
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Second livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121394]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Bataille 1614b
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Troisiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121395]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Bataille 1614c
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Cinquiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121375]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Campion 1614a
Campion, Thomas. Ayres made by severall authors: and sung in the maske . . . set forth for the lute and base violl, and may be exprest by a single voyce to eyther of those instruments. (London, [England]: L. Lisle)
[RISM ID no.: 993121386]- lute or bass viol, and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- Campion 1614b
Campion, Thomas. The description of a masque: presented in the Banqueting roome at Whitehall . . . whereunto are annexed divers choyse ayres . . . that may be sung with a single voyce to the lute or base-violl. (London, [England]: E. Allde)
[RISM ID no.: 990008385]- 7-course lute or bass viol, and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- Leighton 1614
Leighton, William. The Teares or Lamentacions of a sorrowful soule: composed with musicall ayres and songs, both for voyces and divers instruments ... (London, [England]: W. Stansby)
[RISM ID no.: 993121393]- lute, treble and bass viol, bandora, cittern, flute, and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- voices only in 4- and 5-parts in staff notation
- [Marinoni 1614]
Marinoni, Girolamo. Il primo libro de motetti a una voce et in fine una Salve Regina a doi, posti in musica per alfabeto. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990039439]- voice(s) in staff notation; NOTE: the "alfabeto" does not refer to the guitar alfabeto, merely the alphabetic ordering of pieces in the book by title. This is not a guitar source.
- Melli 1614
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato libro secondo, nel quale si contiene corrente, volte, gagliarde, preludi & una tastata, un carpicio, una corrente, & una volta cromatiche, un' aria di Firenze passeggiata dall'autore, un preludo, & una corrente per la tiorba, & nel fine del libro tre canzoni, & una corrente concertate a due liuti, dopo l'opera aggiuntovi una volta, & una gagliarda. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990040897]- 13-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- theorbo in Italian tablature
- Saracini 1614
Saracini, Claudio. Le musiche . . . nelle quali sono madrigali et arie a una e due voci per cantar e sonar nel chittarone, arpicordo et altri simili stromenti, con due toccate per il liuto attiorbato. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990057388]- 14-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- chitarrone continuo
- CH-SO DA 111 [1614-1620]
(Netherlands?) [ms. addition to Vallet collection; not in RISM; see: Schlegel, Andreas. "On Lute Sources and Their Music--Individuality of Prints and Variability of Music." Journal of the Lute Society of America XLII-XLIII (2009-2010): 91-164]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-Hs Ms. M.B/2768 [1614-1619]
"Schele Lute Book." (Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany and possibly England) [RISM B/VII p.129; SMT II p. 124; olim D-Hs ND VI 3238]- 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- 2 lutes in French tablature
- I-Bc Ms. V. 280 [1614-1625]
Pedruil [Pedrell?], Petrus Jacobus. "Libro de sonate diversi alla chitarra spagnola." (Rome, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 48; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature (text only)
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-TRa Ms. without shelfmark [1614- ]
(northern Italy) [COELHO p. 158]- 10-course lute in Italian and Neapolitan tablatures
- Bataille 1615
Bataille, Gabriel. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Sixiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121398]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Carrara 1615
Carrara, Michele. Regola ferma e vera [per l'intavolatura di liuto]. (Rome, [Italy]: Francesco Valesia)
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 8-course lute treatise in Italian, Neapolitan, and French tablatures
- Fuhrmann 1615
Fuhrmann, Georg Leopold. Testudo gallo-germanica: hoc est: novae et nunquam antehac editae recreationes musicae, ad testudinis usum et tabulaturam, tam gallicam quam germanicam, accommodatae . . . (Nuremberg, [Germany]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 993121411]
**ONLINE VERSION (PL-Kj)**- 9-course lute in French tablature
- Mertel 1615
Mertel, Elias. Hortus musicalis novus, fragrantissimis lectissimisque flosculis tum patriis, tum exoticis, testudine carpendis atque delibandis consitus: in cuius hac parte prima continentur praeludia, variis ex tonis, plusquam ducenta phantasiae item & fugae complures, in gratiam studiosorum omniumque eorum qui pulcherrimo huius artis exercitio sese oblectare solent, ex optimis quibusque authoribus Germanicis, Italicis, Gallicis, Anglicis, constructus. (Strasbourg, [France]: Elias Mertel and Anton Bertram)
[RISM ID no.: 990041011]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- Taylor 1615
Taylor [Tailour, Taylour], Robert. Sacred hymns, consisting of fifti select psalms of David . . . set to be sung in five parts, as also to the viole, and lute or orpharion. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990063596]- 10-course lute/orpharion and voice(s) in French tablature and staff notation
- lyra viol and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Vallet 1615a
Vallet, Nicolas. Een en twintich Psalmen Davids ghestelt om te singhen ende spelen 'tsamen. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065202]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Vallet 1615b
Vallet, Nicolas. Vingt et un pseaumes de David, accomodés pour chanter & jouer du luth ensemble. (s.l.: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992002626]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Vallet 1615c
Vallet, Nicolas. Secretum musarum . . . Het gheheymenisse der zanggodinnen waer in levendich wort vertoont de rechte maniere om wel ende veerdichlijck op de luyt te spelen. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Nicolas Vallet)
[RISM ID no.: 990065204]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Vallet 1615d [LOST]
Vallet, Nicolas. Le secret des muses . . . (Amsterdam? [Netherlands]: s.n.)- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. autogr. Hove 1 [1615]
Joachim van den Hoven? (Leiden, [Netherlands]) [RISM B/VII p. 18; SMT II p. 19]- 7- and 8-course lute in French tablature
- D-HVl Ms. IV, 420 [olim IV 204] [1615-1675]
Piecen für Guitarre. (France?)
[RISM ID no.: 450117517]- 5-course guitar in unknown tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, I [1615-1620]
(Bavaria, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 244; SMT II p. 242]- 7-, 8-, 9-, 10- and 11-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- viol in Italian tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, V [c1615]
(Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 245]- 6-course lute or mandore in French tablature
- F-AIXm Ms. Rés. 17 [c1615 (part I)]
"Livre des vers du lut." ("Ms. Reynaud"). (Provence, France) [RISM B/VII p. 3 (1600-1610); SMT I p. 38; GOY 2011 p. 24]- 10-course lute and voice (not notated) in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 28 [c1615]
(Venice? Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 229 (as Thibault V); SMT I p. 116]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 137305 [1615-1630]
["Audin Manuscript"; 24 Pieces]. (Italy)
[RISM ID no.: 840019019]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- voice and 7-, 10- and 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-, 10- and 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Nn.6.36 [1615]
Holmes, Matthew (England) [RISM B/VII p. 77]
**ONLINE VERSION (GB-Cu)**- 7-, 8-, and 9-course lute in French tablature
- 7-, 8-course bandora in French tablature; lyra viol
- GB-Lbl Ms. Royal Appendix 63 [1615-1625]
The Tears or lamentations of a sorrowful soul. (England?)
[RISM ID no.: 800250077]- 6-course lute or viol in French tablature
- GB-NH F.H.3431.c [1615]
[loose sheets]. (England)- 12-course lute duet in French tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 25 [1615]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 107; TYLER p. 85]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40641 [c1615]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 39 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 153]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- RUS-KA Geheimes Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Ms. S.S.25 [1615-1620] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 154; SMT III/2 p. 248]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- S-B Carl Gustaf Wrangels Bibliotek, 2245 [1615-1622]
Beckman, Lucas. "Lucas Beckman Lute Book." (Wittenberg, [Germany]) [RISM B/VII p. 323 (as S-SKOKLOSTER, Slotts Biblioteket Ms. without Sign. A); see RUDÉN p. 45]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- US-AAu Ms. M.2.1.T12 [1615-1630]
[RISM B/VII p. 7; NESS 1981 states that this is actually a German keyboard tablature, not a lute tablature]- German keyboard tablature
- US-BEm Ms. 757 [1615-1630]
(Bologna, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 51]- 7- and 12-course lute in Italian tablature
- US-BEm Ms. 760 [1615-1630]
Questo libbro si è me Giulia Catti. (Bologna, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 55]
[RISM ID no.: 000120153]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- US-BEm Ms. 761 [1615-1630]
(Bologna, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 57]- 7-lute in Italian tablature
- US-SFsc Ms. M2.1.M3 [1615-1625]
(Milan, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 317 (with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 154]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-SFsc)**- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- 13-course archlute in Italian tablature
- Aragona 1616a
Aragona, Paulo d'. Amorose querele, canzonette a tre voci, segnate con le lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra alla spagnolo, sopra la parte del basso, e canto . . . parte seconda. (Naples, [Italy]: Lucretio Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 990001308]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Aragona 1616b
Aragona, Paulo d'. Amorose querele, canzonette a tre voci, segnate con le lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra alla spagnolo, sopra la parte del basso, e canto . . . parte terza. (Naples, [Italy]: Lucretio Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 991012842]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Corradi 1616
Corradi, Flamminio. Le Stravaganze d'amore . . . a una, due et tre voci con la intavolature del chitarrone & della chitarra alla spagnola & con il basso continuo da sonare nel clavicembalo et altri istromenti simili. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990011327]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- chitarrone, guitar, and/or harpsichord and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Falconieri 1616
Falconieri, Andrea. Libro primo di villanelle a 1. 2. & 3. voci, con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990017365]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Hove 1616
Hove, Joachim van den. Praeludia testudinis, ad symphoniam duarum vocum duarumve violarum accommodata. (Leyden, [Netherlands]: Godefridus Basson)
[RISM ID no.: 990031466]- 8-course lute in French tablature
- Kapsperger 1616 [LOST]
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro II d'intavolatura di chitarrone. (Rome? [Italy]: s.n.)- chitarrone in Italian tablature
- Melli 1616a
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato libro terzo, nel quale si contiene varie sonate in una cordatura differente dall'ordinaria & differente ancora da quella che già quattro anni io mandai alle stampe nel fine del mio primo libro. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990040899]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 13-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- theorbo in Italian tablature
- Melli 1616b
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato libro quarto, nel quale si contiene due correnti sopra alcuni toni senza replica cioè una parte sopra l'altra, nel capo del libro un capricio et nel fine una corrente sopra una batalia, agiuntovi un balletto concertato con nove instromenti. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990040900]- 13-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- theorbo in Italian tablature
- harpsichord, lute trio, citara tiorbata, alpa doppia, bass viol, violin, flute in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Melli 1616c
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato libro secondo, nel quale si contiene corrente, volte, gagliarde, preludi & una tastata, un carpicio, una corrente, & una volta cromatiche, un' aria di Firenze passeggiata dall'autore, un preludo, & una corrente per la tiorba, & nel fine del libro tre canzoni, & una corrente concertate a due liuti, dopo l'opera aggiuntovi una volta, & una gagliarda. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990040898]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 13-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- theorbo in Italian tablature
- Salzilli 1616a
Salzilli, Crescentio. La sirena. Libro secondo delle canzonette a tre voci. (Naples, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Gargano & Lucrezio Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 990057160]- 5-course guitar and voices in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Salzilli 1616b
Salzilli, Crescentio. Amarille. Libro terzo delle canzonette a tre voci. (Naples, [Italy]: Lucretio Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 990057161]- 5-course guitar and voices in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Sanseverino 1616
Sanseverino, Benedetto. El segundo libro de los ayres, villançicos, y cancioncillas a la Española, y Italiana al uso moderno a dos, y tres bozes. Para cantar, y tañer en las Ghitarras. (Milan, [Italy]: Filippo Lomazzo)- 5-course guitar and voices in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Vallet 1616
Vallet, Nicolas. Het tweede boeck van de luyt-ta-blatuer ghenoemt Het gheheymenisse der sangh-doddinnen ettelijcke andere stukken op tablatuer ghestelt . . . om te spelen op vier luyten van verscheyden accord. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Nicolas Vallet)
[RISM ID no.: 990065206]- 10-course lute quartet in French tablature (9-course liutino in D, 8-course in A, 9-course in G, 10-course bass lute in D)
- GB-Lbl Ms. Egerton 2046 [1616-1685]
"Jane Pickering Lute Book." (England)
[RISM ID no.: 806043511]- 6- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- lute duet in French tablature
- I-PESc Rari Ms. b.10 [1616-1630]
(northern Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 282 (as 40 / 7346a, with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 135]- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- 12-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- P. Ballard 1617a
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Discours au vray du ballet danse par le Roy le dimanche 29 jour de Janvier 1617. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121467]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- P. Ballard 1617b
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth . . . Septiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121468]- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Besard 1617a
Besard, Jean-Baptiste. Isagoge in artem testudinariam. Das ist: gründtlicher Underricht über das künstliche Saitenspil der Lauten. Durch Joh. Bapt. Besardum von Bisantz auss Burgund. (Augsburg, [Germany]: David Frank)- lute treatise
- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Besard 1617b
Besard, Jean-Baptiste. Ioan. Bapt. Besardi vesontini novus partus, sive concertationes musicae, duodena trium, ac totidem binarum testudinum . . . (Augsburg, [Germany]: D. Frank)
[RISM ID no.: 993121461]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 10-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in French tablature
- 10-course lute and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- Campion 1617
Campion, Thomas. The third and fourth booke of ayres . . . so as they may be expressed by one voyce with a violl, lute, or orpharion. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990008387]- 7-course lute, orpharion, or viol, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Laelius 1617
Laelius, Daniel. Testudo spiritualis continens psalmos Davidis, juxta melodias Gallicas sive Lobwasseri ad testudinis usum non ineleganti modo accommodatos. (Arnhem, [Netherlands]: Joannes Jansson)
[RISM ID no.: 990036029]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- F-Sn R. 10.710 [1617-1620]
(Germany?) [SMT I p. 159]
[RISM ID no.: 840000944]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- S-Sk Ms. S. 253 [1617-1625]
(Brussels, [Belgium]) [RISM B/VII p. 326; see RUDÉN p. 43]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 10-course lute in French tablature
- viol
- Ballard 1618
Ballard, Pierre. Airs de différents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth par eux mesmes. Huictiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990059781]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 9-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- F. Caccini 1618
Caccini, Francesca. Il primo libro delle musiche a una, e due voci. (Florence, [Italy]: Zanobi Pignoni)
[RISM ID no.: 990007800]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation [2 pieces]
- Corradi 1618
Corradi, Flamminio. Le Stravaganze d'amore . . . a una, due et tre voci con la intavolature del chitarrone & della chitarra alla spagnola & con il basso continuo da sonare nel clavicembalo et altri istromenti simili . . . novamente ristampate et con diligenza corette. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990011328]- chitarrone, guitar, and/or harpsichord and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Fludd 1618
Fludd, Robert. Utriusque cosmi, maioris scilicet et minoiris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia . . . Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia, in partes undecim divisa . . . (Oppenheim, [Germany]: Johann Theodor de Bry)- treatise on instruments
- Giaccio 1618
Giaccio, Orazio. Laberinto amoroso, canzonette a tre voci . . . libro terzo. (Naples, [Italy]: Pietro Paolo Riccio)
[RISM ID no.: 990021003]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Mason & Earsden 1618
Mason, George, and John Earsden. The ayres that were sung and played, at Brougham Castle in Westmerland, in the Kings entertainment: Given by the Right Honourable the Earle of Cumberland, and His Right Noble Sonne the Lord Clifford. (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990039957]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1618
Romano, Remigio. Prima raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicale, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . (Vicenza? [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121478]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Stefani 1618
Stefani, Giovanni. Affetti amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi con la parte del basso, & le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chittarra alla spagnola raccolte de Giovanni Stefani con tre arie siciliane, et due vilanelle spagnole. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121476]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Vallet 1618
Vallet, Nicolas. Paradisus musicus testudinis, in quo multae insignes et ante hunc diem inauditae, Gallicae, Germanicae, Anglicae, Hispanicae, Polonicae, cantiones; nec non varia praeludia, fantasiae, tripudia continentur . . . [Le secret des muses] (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Jan Janssz.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065205]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-R)**- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-DS Ms. without Sign. [c1618] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 83; SMT II p. 77]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-Lr Ms. Mus. ant. pract. 2000 [1618-1620]
von Harling, Wolff Christian. "Wolff Christian von Harling Lute Book." (France?) [RISM B/VII p. 197; SMT II p. 199]
[RISM ID no.: 455023709]- 7-, 8-, and 9-course lute in French tablature
- I-Rsc Ms. A.247 [1618-1623]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 306; TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Falconieri 1619a
Falconieri, Andrea. Libro quinto delle musiche a una, due, e tre voci . . . (Florence, [Italy]: Zanobi Pignoni)
[RISM ID no.: 990017366]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Falconieri 1619b
Falconieri, Andrea. Musiche . . . a una, due & tre voci, libro sexto, con l'alfabbeto della chitarra spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990017367]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger 1619a
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro secondo di villanelle a 1. 2. & 3. voci; con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte dal Sig. Ascanio Ferrari. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990033033]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger 1619b
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro terzo di villanelle a 1. 2. & 3. voci accommodate per qual si voglia stromento con l'intavolatura del chitarone et alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte dal Sig. Francesco Porta. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033034]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- 18-course chitarrone and voice(s) in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger 1619c [LOST]
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro II d'intavolatura di lauto. (Rome? [Italy]: s.n.)- 10- and 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- Rontani 1619
Rontani, Raffaello. Le varie musiche . . . a una, due e tre voci, per cantare nel cimbalo, o in altri stromenti simili, con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola in quelle più a proposito per tale stromento. Libro terzo, [op. 7]. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antonio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990055796]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Vallet 1619a
Vallet, Nicolas. Vingt et un pseaumes de David, accomodés pour chanter & jouer du luth ensemble. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Ian Janssz.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065203]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-R)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Vallet 1619b
Vallet, Nicolas. Le second livre de tablature de luth, institulé le Secret des muses: contenant plusieurs belles pièces non encor ouyes par cidevant . . . ensemble plusieurs autres pièces mises en tablature . . . entr'autres quelques pièces mises pour jouer à quatre lute différemment accordez. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Ian Janssz.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065207]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-R)**- 10-course lute quartet in French tablature
- D-B Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv, N. Mus. ms. 479
Hoffmann, Wolfgang. (Strasbourg, France). "Wolfgang Hoffmann von Grünbühel's Lute Book." [not in RISM; see Richard Charteris, "Wolfgang Hoffmann von Grünbühel's Lute Book: A New Source from the Early Seventeenth Century." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLVI (2006): 1-42.]- 10-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- D-Dl Ms. Mus. 1/V/8 [1619] [LOST]
"Lautenbuch des Johann Joachim Loss." [olim Ms. Mus. B. 1030; RISM B/VII p. 87; SMT II p. 99]- 8-course lute in German tablature
- D-HVl Lb 2187 [olim Ms. IV, 422b] [1619-1650]
[9 instrumental pieces; Helwig Ms.]. (Germany?)
[RISM ID no.: 450117427]- 6?-course lute in French tablature
- D-LEm Becker II.6.15 [1619-1625]
"Dlugorai Lute Book." (Germany) [SMT II p. 159]
[RISM ID no.: 225006513]- 6-course lute in German tablature
- I-MOe Ms. Archivio Ducale Segreto per materie...Busta IV, Faszikel B [1619]
(Modena, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 210 (with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 97]- 18-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- Boësset 1620
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour mis en tablature de luth . . . neufiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006027]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Colonna 1620a
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio. Intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnuola. (Milan, [Italy]: heirs of Gio. Battista Colonna)
[RISM ID no.: 990010858]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Colonna 1620b
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio. Il secundo libro d'intavolatura di chittarra alla spagnuola. (Milan? [Italy]: heirs of Giovanni Battista Colonna?)
[RISM ID no.: 990010859]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- M. Galilei 1620
Galilei, Michelagnolo. Il primo libro d'intavolatura di liuto . . . nel quale si contengono varie sonate: come, toccate, gagliarde, correnti, volte passemezzi & saltarelli. (Munich, [Germany]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990019408]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- Giaccio 1620
Giaccio, Orazio. Armoniose voci, canzonette in aria spagnola, et italiana, a tre voci . . . novamente ristampate, & in questa terza impressione corrette, libro primo. (Naples, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Gargano and Matteo Nucci)
[RISM ID no.: 990021004]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Landi 1620
Landi, Stefano. Arie a una voce. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990036320]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Melli 1620
Melli (Melii), Pietro Paolo. Intavolatura di liuto attiorbato e di tiorba, libro quinto, nel quale si contiene balli italiani, alemani et francesi, nel capo del libro un capricio, & nel fine una volta sopra una bataglia, detta la Rotta del Mansfelt, con la gionta d'alcuni caprici, gagliarde, et corrente. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990040901]- 11-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- 13-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- Olivieri 1620
Olivieri, Giuseppe. La pastorella Armilla variamente cantata a una, a due, a tre voci . . . con il basso continuo per sonare . . . l'alfabeto della chitarra, un dialogo a 3 et una canzone concertata a 5. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antonio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 991023180]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Praetorius 1620
Praetorius, Michael. Syntagma musicum ex veterum et recentiorum ecclesiasticorum autorum lectione, polyhistorum consignatione, variarum linguarum notatione . . . vol. II, Theatrum instrumentorum. (Wolfenbüttel and Wittenberg, [Germany]: Elias Holwein and Johann Richter)- treatise
- Romano 1620a
Romano, Remigio. Seconda raccolta di canzonette musicali, bellissime per cantare, & suonare, sopra aria mordene [sic] . . . (Vicenza, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121523]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Romano 1620b
Romano, Remigio. Terza raccolta di bellissime canzoni alla romanesca. Per suonare, e cantare nella chitara alla spagnuola, con la sua intavolatura. Con altre canzonette . . . (Vicenza, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori) [BUC]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Rontani 1620a
Rontani, Raffaello. Varie musiche a una, e due voci . . . per cantare nel cimbalo, e nella tiorba . . . libro quarto, [op. 8]. (Rome, [Italy]: Antonio Poggioli)
[RISM ID no.: 990055797]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- theorbo and voice(s) in staff notation
- Rontani 1620b
Rontani, Raffaello. Varie musiche a una e due voci . . . per cantare nel cimbalo, e nella tiorba . . . libro quinto, [op. 9]. (Rome, [Italy]: Antonio Poggioli)
[RISM ID no.: 990055799]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- theorbo and voice(s) in staff notation
- Sanseverino 1620
Sanseverino, Benedetto. Intavolatura facile delli passacalli, ciaccone, saravande, spagnolette, fulie, pavaniglie, pass'e mezzi, correnti, & altre varie suonate composte, & accommodate per la chitarra alla spagnuola . . . [op. 3]. (Milan, [Italy]: Filippo Lomazzo)
[RISM ID no.: 990057365]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Stefani 1620
Stefani, Giovanni. Scherzi amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi, e raccolte da Giovanni Stefani con le lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra alla spagnuola . . . libro secondo novamente corretti et ristampati. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121513]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Vallet 1620
Vallet, Nicolas. Regia pietas, hoc est Psalmi Davidici concinne aptati ad modulantes fides (Piété royalle, c'est-à dire: Les cent cinquante pseaumes de David, accommodez pour iouer sur le luth, d'une nouvelle et très-facile mode, non encor veue ny ouye par cy devant). (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Nicolas Vallet)
[RISM ID no.: 990065208]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Vitali 1620
Vitali, Filippo. Musiche . . . a una, due 3 tre voci, per cantare nel cimbalo o in altri stromenti simili con l'alfabeto per la chiarra in quelle piu a proposito per tale stromento, libro terzo. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antonio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990067112]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- B-Bc Ms. Littera F. No. 704 w. [1620-1630]
(Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 53]- 8- and 9-course lute in Italian tablature
- B-Bc Ms. 26.369Z [c1620]
(Germany) [not in RISM; see Gale, Michael, and Tim Crawford. "John Dowland's 'Lachrimae' at Home and Abroad." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLIV (2004): 1-34.]- lute in French tablature
- CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.53 [1620-1635]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 13; SMT I p. 8]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Mbs Mus. Ms. 21646 [1620-1655]
Werl, Albrecht. "Albrecht Werlâs Lute Book." (Munich, [Germany]) [formerly in the possession of Robert Spencer; GOY 2011 p. 24]
[RISM ID no.: 456011903]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. ms. 59 [1620-1630]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 119]
[RISM ID no.: 840017175]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-Ctc Ms. O.16.2 [1620-1635]
(Cambridge, England) [RISM B/VII p. 72]- 10-, 11-, and 12-course lute in French tablature
- 7-course lute or bandora in French tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.14.24 [1620-1635]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 77; lute part book: GB-Cu Ms. Dd.3.18]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature (part book for a broken consort)
- GB-En Ms. K.33.b [c1620]
(England) [ms. addition to a treatise; RISM B/VII p. 105]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Eu Ms. La.III.487 [1620]
"Sir William Mure of Rowallan's Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 105]- 7-, 8-, and 9-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 29246 and 29247 [1620]
White, Robert, and Robert Parsons. "Paston Manuscript." (England?)
[RISM ID no.: 800272937]- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Landau-Finaly Mus. 252 [1620-1635]
"Questo libro di sonate di chitarra spagnuola è di Atto Celli da Pistoia." (Pistoia, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 116; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 24 [1620]
Rontani, Raffaello, et al. (Florence, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 107; TYLER p. 85]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fn ms. fragment [c1620]
[tablature fragment bound with music by Gioachino Rossini, sold in Florence by Gonnelli Casa d'Aste on 7th November 2009]- 13- or 14-course archlute in Italian tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2774 [1620]
"Intavolatura della chitarra spagnola." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 118; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2868 [1620-1640]
Belli, Mario. (Florence, Italy) [TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2951 [1620-1630]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 121; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 2952 [1620-1630]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 122; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-PEas Ms. VII-H-2 [1620-1640; beginning of the 18th century]
Doni, Gioseppe Antonio. "Libro di Leuto di Gioseppe Antonio Doni." (Rome?, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 279 (with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 130 (as ms. without sign.)]- lute or 14-course archlute in Italian tablature
- I-Tn Riserva musica IV, 23/2 [c1620]
Mesengeau, René?. (Paris, [France]) [not in RISM; see François-Pierre Goy, "Toelichting muziekbijdrage nr. 16: enkele stukken uit Turijn Ris. Mus. IV, 23/2, het onlangs in Turijn ontdekte handschrit." De Tabulatuur 16 (16 July 1987): 9-11.]- 11-course [?] lute in French tablature
- NL-Lu BPL 2792 [c1620]
(Netherlands) [ms. addition to Jacob Marcus, Deliciae Batavicae (Leiden?: Sub signo Mercuri, 1616); see: Jan W.J. Burgers, The Lute in the Dutch Golden Age: Musical Culture in the Netherlands 1580-1670. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013, p. 104]- lute in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40153 [1620-1621]
Garsi, Donino. (Padua, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 27 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 125; COELHO p. 84]- 13-course archlute in French tablature
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9096:1 [1620]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 240; see RUDÉN p. 38]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- US-LAtyler Ms. without Sign. [c1620]
Fiorini da Carpi, Giovanni Alberto. "Libro di varie canzonette da cantare sù la chitariglia." (Italy) [not in RISM; Private collection of James Tyler, see TYLER p. 95]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- US-NYp Ms. Drexel 4175 [1620-1625]
"Anne Twice's Songbook." (England)
[RISM ID no.: 102959]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- 5-string lyra viol in French tablature
- Boësset 1621
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour mis en tablature de luth . . . dixiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006028]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Boyer 1621
Boyer, Jean. Airs . . . mis en tablature de luth par luy mesme. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006809]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- D'India 1621
D'India, Sigismondo. Le musiche . . . a una et due voci da cantarsi nel chitarrone, clavicembalo, arpa doppia et altri stromenti da corpo, con alcune arie, con l'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . libro quarto. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990032001]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Robletti 1621a
Robletti, Giovanni Battista, publisher. Giardino musicale di varii eccellenti autori, dove si contengono sonetti, arie, et vilanelle, à una, e due voci, per cantare con il cimbalo, et altri stromenti simili, con l'alphabeto per la chitarra spagnola, in quelle più à proposito . . . (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121537]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Robletti 1621b
Robletti, Giovanni Battista, publisher. Raccolta de varii concerti musicali a una et due voci. De diversi eccellentissimi autori. Per cantare nel cimbalo & altri stromenti simili, con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnuola, in quelle più à proposito . . . (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121538]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1621
Romano, Remigio. Prima raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicale, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . (Vicenza? [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Stefani 1621
Stefani, Giovanni. Affetti amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi con la parte del basso, & le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola raccolte de Giovanni Stefani con tre arie siciliane, & due vilanelle spagnole. Novamente in questa terza impressione ristampate. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121539]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Veneri 1621
Veneri, Gregorio. Li varii scherzi . . . a una, due e tre voci per cantare nel cimbalo, o in altri stromenti simili con l'alfabeto per la chitarra in quelle piu a proposito per tale stromento, libro primo, [op. 5]. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antonio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990066130]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- D-B Ms. 4022 [1621-1626]
(Poland?) [listed as LOST in RISM B/VII p. 82]- 8-course lute in French tablature
- Attey 1622
Attey, John. The first booke of ayres of foure parts, with tableture for the lute . . . (London, [England]: Thomas Snodham)
[RISM ID no.: 990002674]- 10-course lute and voice(s) in French tablature
- Ballard 1622
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Airs de differents autheurs, mis en tablature de luth par eux mesmes . . . septiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121569]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice(s) in French tablature
- Castaldi 1622
Castaldi, Bellerofonte. Capricci a due stromenti, cioè tiorba e tiorbino, e per sonar solo varie sorti di balli e fantasticarie. (Modena, [Italy]: Bellerofonte Castaldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990009103]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 14-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- 14-course tiorbino in Italian tablature
- Guazzi 1622
Guazzi, Eleuterio. Spiritosi affetti a una e due voci, cioè arie, madrigali & romanesca da cantarsi in tiorba, in cimbalo & chitariglia & altri istromenti, con l'alfabetto per la chitara spagnola, libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990023659]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- theorbo continuo
- Marini 1622
Marini, Biagio. Scherzi, e canzonette a una, e due voci . . . accommodate da cantarsi nel chitarone, chitariglia, et altri stromenti simili . . . [op. 5]. (Parma, [Italy]: Anteo Viotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990039400]- 5-course chitariglia (guitar) in alfabeto tablature
- chitarrone continuo
- Milanuzzi 1622a
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Primo scherzo delle ariose vaghezze, commode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, arpa doppia, & altro simile stromenti, con le littere dell'alfabetto, con l'intavolatura, e con la scala di musica per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . [op. 7]. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041405]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Hs)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Milanuzzi 1622b
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Secondo Scherzo delle ariose vaghezze, commode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, arpa doppia, & altro simile stromenti, con le littere dell'alfabetto, con l'intavolatura, e con la scala di musica per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . aggiontovi . . .aclune sonate facili . . . [op. 8]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041406]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Mylius 1622
Mylius, Johann Daniel. Thesaurus gratiarum in quibus continentur diversorum authorum cantiones selectissimae, utpote praeambula, toccatae, fugae, fantasiae, galliardae, courantes, voltae, alemandi, passomezi, branles et eius generis choreae ad testudinis tabulaturam. (Frankfurt, [Germany]: Hartmann Palthenius)
[RISM ID no.: 993121104]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Robletti 1622
Robletti, Giovanni Battista, publisher. Vezzosetti fiori di varii eccellenti autori, cioe, madrigali, ottave, dialoghi, arie, et villanelle, a una, e due voci. Da cantarsi con il cembalo, tiorba, chitarra spagnola, &c. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121552]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- theorbo continuo
- Romano 1622a
Romano, Remigio. Prima raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicale, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . (Vicenza, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121559]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Romano 1622b
Romano, Remigio. Seconda raccolta di canzonetti musicali, bellissime per cantare & suonare, sopra aria moderne . . . (Vicenza, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993122168]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Romano 1622c
Romano, Remigio. Terza raccolta di bellissime canzoni alla romanesca. Per suonare, e cantare nella chitara alla spagnuola, con la sua intavolatura. Con altre canzonette vaghe, & belle, date alla stampa . . . (Vicenza, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121561]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Rontani 1622
Rontani, Raffaello. Le varie musiche . . . a una, e due voci, per cantare nel cimbalo, o in altri stromenti simili. Libro sesto, opera undecima. (Rome, [Italy]: Antonio Poggioli)
[RISM ID no.: 990055800]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- one piece for 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Sanseverino 1622
Sanseverino, Benedetto. Il primo libro d'intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnuola, de passacalli, ciaccone, saravande, spagnuolette, folie pavaniglie, pass'emezzi, correnti, et altre varie suonate . . . di nuovo ristampato, con aggionta d'alcune canzonette dal istesso autore . . . [op. 3]. (Milan, [Italy]: Filippo Lomazzo)
[RISM ID no.: 990057366]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Stefani 1622
Stefani, Giovanni. Scherzi amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi, e raccolte da Giovanni Stefani con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnuola . . . libro secondo. Novamente in questa terza impressione corretti, et ristampati. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121553]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Vitali 1622
Vitali, Filippo. Arie a 1. 2. 3. voci da cantarsi nel chitarrone, chitarra spagnuola & altri stromenti, libro quarto. (Venice, [Italy]: Gardano)
[RISM ID no.: 990067114]- 5-course guitar, chitarrone, and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- GB-Lam MS 603 [1622-1625]
"Board Lute Book." (England) [formerly in the collection of Robert Spencer; RISM B/VII p. 366]- 6-, 8-, 9, and 10-course lute in French tablature
- I-Nn Ms. Mus. MS XVII.30 [1622-1635]
Alvarez di Toldeo, Antonio, and Adrianna Basile-Barone. (Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-PIa Ms. without Sign. [1622]
Franci di Pistoia, Andrea. "Scelta di intavolature sopra la chitarra alla spagnuola cioè da sonare, cantare, ballare, e altro." (Pistoia? Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Ballard 1623a
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Airs de différents autheurs avec la tablature . . . unziesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121582]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 10-course lute and voice(s) in French tablature
- Ballard 1623b [LOST]
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Tablature de luth de differens autheurs, sur l'accord ordinaire et extraordinaire. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Colonna 1623
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio. Il terzo libro de intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnuola. (Milan, [Italy]: heirs of Gio. Battista Colonna)
[RISM ID no.: 990010860]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- D'India 1623
D'India, Sigismondo. Le musiche . . . da cantarsi nel chitarrone, clavicembalo, arpa doppia & altri stromenti da corpo, con alcune arie, con l'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . libro quinto. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990032002]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Ghizzolo 1623
Ghizzolo, Giovanni. Frutti d'amore in vaghe & variate arie, da cantarsi co'l chittarone, clavicembalo, o altro simile stromento, accomodatovi l'alfabetto con le letter per la chitarra spagnola . . . libro quinto, et [op. 21]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121574]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Giamberti 1623
Giamberti, Giuseppe. Poesie diverse poste in musica . . . a una e tre voci per cantar nel cimbalo et alcune con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola con due aggiunte una di Gio. Bernardino Nanini, l'altra di Paolo Agostini . . . libro primo. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antontio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990021016]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger 1623
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro quarto di villanelle a una e piu voci con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte dal Signor Marcello Panocchieschi de Conti d'Elci. (Rome, [Italy]: Luca Antontio Soldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990033036]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Manzolo 1623
Manzolo, Domenico. Canzonette . . . a una e due voci con alcune spirituali da cantarsi nel chitarrone, arpicordo, & et [sic] altri stromenti, con l'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990039121]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Marini 1623
Marini, Biagio. Le lagrime d'Erminia, in stile recitativo, con alcune ode da cantarsi . . . nel chitarrone, clavicordo, o altro stromento simile . . . [op. 6]. (Parma, [Italy]: Anteo Viotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990039401]- 5-course chitariglia (guitar) and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Milanuzzi 1623
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Terzo scherzo delle ariose vaghezze, commode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, arpa doppia, & altro simile stromento . . . con l'aggiunta nel fine di alcuni balletti, saravende, spagnolette, gagliarde, follie, ciaccone, & altre sonate . . . [op. 9]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041408]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Hs)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Piccinini 1623
Piccinini, Alessandro. Intavolatura di liuto, et di chitarrone, libro primo, nel quale si contengono dell'uno, & dell'altro stromento arie, baletti, correnti, gagliarde, canzoni, & ricercate musicali, & altre a dui, e tre liuti concertati insieme. (Bologna, [Italy]: heirs of Giovanni Paolo Moscatelli)
[RISM ID no.: 990049525]- 14-course archlute in Italian lute tablature
- 7-and 9-course duet in Italian lute tablature
- 7-, 8- and 10-course trio in Italian lute tablature
- 14-course chitarrone in Italian tablature
- Rigaud 1623
Rigaud, Louis de, Sieur de Fonlidon. Airs faits, et mis en tablature de luth. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990054784]- 10-course? lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1623
Romano, Remigio. Nuova raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicali, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . Parte quarta. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121573]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Rontani 1623
Rontani, Raffaello. Le varie musiche . . . a una, due e tre voci, per cantare nel cimbalo, o in altri stromenti simili, con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola in quelle più a proposito per tale stromento. Libro primo. (Rome, [Italy]: Antonio Poggioli)
[RISM ID no.: 990055793]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Stefani 1623a
Stefani, Giovanni. Affetti amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi autori con la parte del basso, & le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola raccolte de Giovanni Stefani con tre arie siciliane, et due vilanelle spagnole . . . novamente in questa quarta impressione ristampate. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121585]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Stefani 1623b
Stefani, Giovanni. Concerti amorosi. Terza parte delle canzonette . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121572]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- CH-D without Sign. [c1623]
Berchter, Jacob. "Berchtersches Chronik." (formerly "Berchtersches Tagebuch.") [not in RISM]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- CZ-Pnm Ms. IV.G.18 [1623-1637]
"Joannes Aegidius Berner von Rettenwert Lute Book." (Salzburg, Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 287; SMT III/2 p. 17]- 10-course lute in Italian and French tablatures
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 36877 [c1623]
Casalotti, Giovanni. "Villanelle di più sorte con l'intavolatura per Sonare, et cantare sù la chitarra alla spagnola." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 184; TYLER p. 90]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto and text only
- I-Bas Malvezzi-Campeggi, Ms. IV-86/746a [1623-1633]
(Bologna, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 59]- 13-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- 13-course theorbo and voice in Italian tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano VIII.1222bis [1623]
(Rome? Italy) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Arañés 1624
Arañés [Aranies], Juan. Libro segundo de tonos y villancicos a una dos tres y quatro voces, con la zifra de la guitarra espannola a la usanza romana. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990001309]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Berti 1624
Berti, Giovanni Pietro. Cantade et arie ad una voce sola con alcune a doi commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarrone & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola (libro primo). (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990004927]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Hs)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Boësset 1624
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . douziesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006029]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Milanuzzi 1624
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Quarto scherzo delle ariose vaghezze, commode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, arpa doppia, & altro simile stromento . . . [op. 11]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 991000999]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Hs)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Millioni 1624 [LOST]
Millioni, Pietro. Il primo, secondo, et terzo libro d'intavolatura . . . (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Moulinié 1624
Moulinié, Etienne. Airs avec la tablature de luth . . . [livre I]. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990042521]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-B)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1624a
Romano, Remigio. Canzonette musicali, e moderne, raccolte da autori nella poesia & musica eccellentissimi . . . Parte prima (seconda-quarta). (Turin, [Italy]: F. Cavaleris)
[RISM ID no.: 993121590]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1624b
Romano, Remigio. Seconda raccolta di canzonetti musicali. Bellissime per cantare, et suonare, sopra aria moderne . . . (Venice and Turin, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 993121591]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Romano 1624c
Romano, Remigio. Quarta raccolta di bellisime canzonette musicali et moderne, di autori gravissimi nella poesia et nella musica . . . (Venice and Turin, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 993121592]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- I-BRfranchi Ms. without shelfmark [1624]
(northern Italy) [COELHO p. 63]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- 10-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- US-Cn Case Ms. 7.Q.5 [1624]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 80; GOY 2011 p. 28]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Caignet 1625
Caignet, Denis. Cinquante pseaumes de David, mis en vers françoys par Philippe Des-Portes . . . et en musique, et sur le luth. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990007830]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Milanuzzi 1625
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Secondo Scherzo delle ariose vaghezze, commode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, arpa doppia, & altro simile stromenti, con le littere dell'alfabetto, con l'intavolatura, e con la scala di musica per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . aggiontovi . . .aclune sonate facili . . . [op. 8]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041407]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Miniscalchi 1625
Miniscalchi, Guglielmo. Arie . . . libro primo per cantarsi nella spinetta, chitarrone e simile istromento, con l'intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041508]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Moulinié 1625
Moulinié, Etienne. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . second livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990042522]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1625a
Romano, Remigio. Prima [-quarta] raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicali e moderne di autori gravissimi nella poesia & nella musica. (Pavia, [Italy]: G.B. de Rossi)
[RISM ID no.: 993121615]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Romano 1625b
Romano, Remigio. Nuova raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicali, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . Parte quarta. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121616]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Rontani 1625
Rontani, Raffaello. Varie musiche a una e due voci . . . per cantare nel cimbalo e nella tiorba, con l'alfabeto della chitarra spagnola in quelli più a proposito per tale instromento. Libro quarto, [op. 8]. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990055798]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- A-WPrivatbibliothek Graf Wilczek Ms. without Sign. II [1625] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 361]- lute in French tablature
- CH-BEsa Ms. HA Nr. 123 (Spiezer Archiv) [c1625]
(Paris? France) [RISM B/VII p. 45; SMT I p. 29]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-LEm Ms. III.11.26 [1625-1630?]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 190]
[RISM ID no.: 225003744]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 6-course lute in French tablature
- 13-course archlute in French tablature
- D-Us Ms. Smr Misc. 132 Kapsel [1625-1630]
Schermar, Anton. [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; TYLER 1981]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- mandore treatise
- D-Us Ms. Smr Misc. 133a [1625-1630]
Schermar, Anton, et al. [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; TYLER 1981]- 4-string mandore in French tablature
- D-Us Ms. Smr Misc. 133b [1625-1630]
Schermar, Anton, et al. "Mandor Buch." [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; TYLER 1981]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- F-Pm Ms. B Rés. 4.761 [c1625]
[ms. addition to Ballard 1611]. (France) [RISM B/VII p. 278; SMT I p. 71]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Ms. Fr. 19101 [c1625]
Lefort, Jehan. Quatre livres ou parties des Institutions harmoniques . . . (French translation of Zarlino). [not in RISM or SMT]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 7-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmf. ms. 52 [c1625?]
(Italy) Tablature italienne de guitare avec ex-libris 'Gio. Ma. Donati'. [see MUSIQUES ANCIENNES 1980, p. 105; uncataloged part of the Chambure Collection]
[RISM ID no.: 840018488]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Additional 8156 (olim Phillips 22216) [c1625]
"Cancionero de Corral." (Spain?) [YAKELEY p. 284]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- GB-En Ms. Adv. 5.2.15 [1625-1635]
"John Skene of Hallyards Lute Book." [RISM B/VII p. 98]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- GB-Lam Ms. 645 [1625 and 1650]
"Italian manuscript in tablature for 4-course chitarra (ca.1625) and single line tablature (?for violin)." (Italy) [not in RISM; see TYLER p. 83]- 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
- violin? in Italian tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 17795 [1625-1660]
[230 Pieces]. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 800271277]- viols and lute? in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sign. K.3.m.21 [1625-1635]
(Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 193]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- GB-WMl Recess VI, Music MS 7 [1625-1635]
"The Thynne Lutebook." (Italy and England) [SPRING p. 342; COELHO p. 164]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- 14-course chitarrone in Italian tablatures
- US-R Ms. Vault M140 .V186S [1625-1635]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 302]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Amat 1626
Amat, Joan Carles. Guitarra Española de cinco ordenes, la qual enseña de templar, y tañer rasgado todos los puntos naturales, y b, mollados, con estilo marauilloso . . . (Lerida, [Spain]: Anglada y Andreu Llorens).- guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
- Boësset 1626
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . treziesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006030]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Briçeño 1626
Briçeño, Luis de. Metodo mui facilissimo para aprender a tañer la guitarra a lo española. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)- guitar treatise with Castilian cifras
- Grandi 1626
Grandi, Alessandro. Cantade et arie a voce sola, commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte, & date in luce da . . . Andrea Ziotti, libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022549]- 5-course guitara and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Kapsperger 1626
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro 3° d'intavolatura di chitarrone. (Rome, [Italy]: M. Privii)
[RISM ID no.: 990033038]- chitarrone in Italian lute tablature
- Louis de Seigneur 1626 [LOST?]
Louis de Seigneur?. Livre de chansons en tablature de guitare. (Paris, [France]: unknown)- guitar in French? tablature
- Romano 1626
Romano, Remigio. Residuo alla quarta parte, di canzonette musicali, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia et nella musica . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993121624]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Severi 1626 [LOST]
Severi, Francesco. Arie . . . a una, due et tre voci. Da cantarsi nel chitarrone, clavicembalo et altri simili instromenti. Con alcune arie con l'alfabeto per la chitarra alla spagnola. Libro primo, Op. 2. (Rome, [Italy]: unknown)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Stefani 1626
Stefani, Giovanni. Affetti amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola poste in musica da diversi auttori con la parte del basso, et le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola raccolte de Giovanni Stefani con tre arie siciliane, et due vilanelle spagnole . . . novamente in questa quarta impressione ristampate. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121621]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Valerius 1626
Valerius, Adriaen. Neder-landtsche Gedenck-Clanck. Kortelick openbarende de voornaemste geschiedenissen van de seventhien Nederlandsche Provintien. 't sedert den aenvang der inlandsche beroerten ende troublen, tot den iare 1625 . . . de liedekens (meest alle nieu zynde) gestel op musyck-noten, ende elck op een verscheyden vois, beneffens de tablatuer van de luyt ende cyther. (Haarlem, [Netherlands]: Adriaen Valerius)
[RISM ID no.: 990065182]- 7-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 7-course lute trio in French tablature and staff notation (for optional voice)
- 4-course cittern and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- D-Us Ms. Smr Misc. 132 (Tresor) [c1626]
(France) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; SMT II p. 296]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-Us Ms. Smr Misc. 239 [1626]
Le Jumentier, Simon. (Paris, France and Padua, Italy) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; TYLER 1981]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 30 [1626-1635]
(Rome? [Italy]) [SMT I p. 120; COELHO p. 123]
[RISM ID no.: 840018489]- 14-course theorbo in Italian lute tablature
- Abatessa 1627
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Corona di vaghi fiori overo nuova intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990000004]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Aldigatti da Cesena 1627
Aldigatti da Cesena, Marcantonio. Grazie et affetti amorosi [canzonette a voce sola, libro secondo]. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Amat 1627
Amat, Joan Carles. Guitarra española de cinco órdenes . . . (Lerida, [Spain]: Anglada y Andrés Lorenço)- guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
- Berti 1627
Berti, Giovanni Pietro. Cantade et arie ad una voce sola con alcune a doi commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarrone & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola, libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990004928]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Colonna 1627
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio. Intavolatura di Chitarra alla Spagnola. Del Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Et Quarto, Libro. (Milan, [Italy]: heirs of Gio. Battista Colonna)
[RISM ID no.: 990010861]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and text only
- Costanzo 1627
Costanzo, Giovanni Battista. Fior novello libro primo. (Bologna, [Italy]: Nicolò Tebaldini)
[RISM ID no.: 990011592]- 5-course guitar, guitar duet, and guitar quartet in alfabeto tablature
- Fasolo 1627 [LOST; but edition made previously by Chilesotti]
Fasolo, Giovanni Battista. Il carro di Madama Lucia, e una serenata in lingua lombarda, che fa la gola, a carnevale; doppo; un ballo di tre zoppi; con una sguazzata di colasone, una morescha de schiavi a 3, et altre arie, e correnti francese, con le littere per la chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)- 5-course guitar, continuo, and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Landi 1627
Landi, Stefano. Il secondo libro d'Arie musicali . . . ad una voce. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990036322]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Millioni 1627a
Millioni, Pietro. Quarta impressione del primo, secondo, et terzo libro d'intavolatura. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041492]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Millioni 1627b
Millioni, Pietro. Seconda impressione del quarto libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041496]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Millioni 1627c
Millioni, Pietro. Prima impressione del quinto libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041498]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Millioni 1627d
Millioni, Pietro. Prima scielta di villanelle accommodate con l'intavolatura per cantare sopra la chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041491]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Millioni/Monte c1627: see Millioni/Monte c1640
- Miniscalchi 1627a
Miniscalchi, Guglielmo. Arie . . . libro primo per cantarsi nella spinetta, chitarrone e simile istromento, con l'intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . novamente ristampate et corrette. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041509]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Miniscalchi 1627b
Miniscalchi, Guglielmo. Arie . . . libro secondo per cantarsi nella spinetta, chitarrone e simile istromento, con l'intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041510]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Obizzi 1627
Obizzi, Domenico. Madrigali et arie a voce sola . . . da cantarsi in chittarone, clavicimbalo, o altre sorte d'instromenti, con l'alfabetto all'ariette per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . libro primo, [op. 2]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990047362]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Romano 1627a
Romano, Remigio. Nuova raccolta di bellissime canzonette musicali, e moderne, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia, & nella musica . . . Parte quarta. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 1001161921]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Romano 1627b
Romano, Remigio. Residuo alla quarta parte, di canzonette musicali, di auttori gravissimi nella poesia et nella musica . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 1001161923]- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- CH-Bfenyves Ms. without Sign. [1627]
(Bavaria, Germany) [SMT I p. 3]- 10-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in French tablature
- GB-En MS Adv.5.2.18 [1627-1629]
"Straloch Lute Book." [original lost; copy made c1847] (Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 99; SPRING p. 458]- 14-course lute in French tablature
- I-Bc Ms. Anhang AA/346 [c1627]
(Italy) [ms. addition to Millioni 1627d; RISM B/VII p. 49; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- US-Wc Ms. M140.G67 P5 (Case) [1627-1629]
(Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 350]- lute in French tablature
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini lat. 4145 [1627-1649]
(Rome, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 305 (as I-Rvat; with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 145]- 14-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- Boësset 1628
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . quatorziesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006031]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Crivellati 1628
Crivellati, Domenico. Cantate diverse a una, due, e tre voci, con l'intavolature per la chitarra spagnola in quelle più approposito. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990011768]- 5-course guitar, continuo, and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Del Giudice 1628 [LOST]
Del Giudice, Cesare. Madrigali concertati a 2, 3 e 4 voci, da cantarsi col cembalo, e altre canzonette alla napolitana e alla romana per la chitarra spagnola. (Messina, [Italy]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation?
- Fasolo 1628
Fasolo, Giovanni Battista. Il carro di Madama Lucia, e una serenata in lingua lombarda, che fa la gola, a carnevale; doppo; un ballo di tre zoppi; con una sguazzata di colasone, una morescha de schiavi a 3, et altre arie, e correnti francese, con le littere per la chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990017402]- 5-course guitar, continuo, and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Fedele 1628
Fedele, Diacinta. Scelta di villanelle napolitane bellissime con alcune ottave siciliane nove, con le sue intavolature di quitarra alla spagniola. (Vicenza, [Italy]: Francesco Grossi)
[RISM ID no.: 990017430]- 5-course guitar, continuo, and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature
- Milanuzzi 1628
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Sesto libro delle ariose vaghezze, comode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, o altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . [op. 15]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041413]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Pico 1628: see Pico 16[9]8
- Sabbatini 1628
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Il sesto [libro]. Opera ottava. (Bracciano, [Italy]: Andrea Fei)
[RISM ID no.: 990056580]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Tarditi 1628
Tarditi, Orazio. Amorosa schiera d'arie a voce sola per cantare sopra il clavicembalo, chitarrone, leuto, con le lettere, & intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . [op. 6]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990063754]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- chitarrone, lute continuo
- US-BEm Ms. 759 [1628-1630]
(Bologna, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 54]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- Chancy 1629
Chancy, François de. Tablature de mandore. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990009305]- 4-string mandore in French tablature
- Filmer 1629
Filmer, Edward. French court-aires, with their ditties englished, of foure and five parts. Together with that of the lute . . . (London, [England]: W. Stansby)
[RISM ID no.: 993121658]- lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Foscarini 1629
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo. Intavolatura di chitarra spagnola, libro secondo. (Macerata, [Italy]: Gio. Battista Bonomo)
[RISM ID no.: 990018722]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Grandi 1629 [LOST]
Grandi, Alessandro. Cantade et arie a voce sola, commode da cantarsi . . . libro quarto. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- chitarrone continuo
- Moulinié 1629
Moulinié, Etienne. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth et de guitarre . . . troisième livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990042523]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- J-Tn BM-4540-ne [c1629]
[MS addition to Robinson 1609].- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Caroso 1630
Caroso, Fabritio. Raccolta di varij balli fatti in occorenze di nozze, e festini . . . nuovamente ritrovati negli scritti del Sig. Fabritio Caroso . . . figure in rame, con aggiunta del basso, e soprano della musica & intavolature di liuto a ciascun ballo. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990008899]- 7-course lute in Italian tablature
- 7-course lute and melody instrument in staff notation and Italian tablature
- Foscarini 1630
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo. Il primo, seco[n]do, e terzo libro della chitarra spagnola. (s.l. [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990200111]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Kapsperger 1630
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro quinto di villanelle a una, due, tre et quattro voci con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte dal Sig. Andrea Donato. (Rome, [Italy]: Paolo Masotti)
[RISM ID no.: 991021452]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Kapsperger c1630?a [LOST]
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Intavolatura di Chitarra. ([Italy?]) [*date unknown]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature?
- Kapsperger c1630?b [LOST]
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Intavolatura di Chitarra Spagnola spizzicata. ([Italy?]) [*date unknown]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature?
- Milanuzzi 1630
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Settimo libro delle ariose vaghezze, comode da cantarsi a voce sola, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola, aggiuntavi un' arietta a due voci con sinfonie di due violini, se piace . . . [op. 17]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041416]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Miniscalchi 1630
Miniscalchi, Guglielmo. Arie . . . libro terzo per cantarsi nella spinetta, chitarrone e simile istromento, con l'intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041511]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- A-KR Ms. L 81 [1630-1658 (lute) and 1638 (guitar)]
"Countess Marie-Catharine-Ursula de Montfort MS." (Schloss Annenberg and Rome, [Italy]) [SMT III/1 p. 72; COELHO p. 92; TYLER p. 145]
[RISM ID no.: 600160466]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- 13-course archlute in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 137, Nr. 262 [1630-1650] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 40]- bass viol or lute in French tablature?
- D-B Mus. ms. 40165 [1630-1645]
[RISM B/VII p. 29, actually a ms. copy of GB-HAdolmetsch Ms. II.B.1 from 1895] - D-Ngm Ms. 3148/M.260 [1630]
(Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 244]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, VIII [1630]
(northern Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 246; SMT II p. 253; COELHO p. 117]- 12-course lute in Italian tablature
- 14-course archlute in Italian tablature
- keyboard
- F-Pn Rés. Vma ms. 1404 [1630-1632]
Reymes, Bullen. "Bullen Reymes MS." (France and England) [RISM B/VII p. 279; SMT I p. 67, as F-Pcnrs Ms. without Sign.]
[RISM ID no.: 840017897]- 10- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Cfm Ms. Mus. 689 [1630-1640]
"Lord Herbert of Cherbury Lute Book." (France?) [RISM B/VII p. 69]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 45 [1630]
(Florence, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 109; COELHO p. 76]- 12-course archlute in Italian tablature
- I-Tn Ms. Mauro Foà Nr. 9 [1630]
Blas, Desiderio. "Intavolatura della chitarra spagnola di Desiderio Blas." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 331; TYLER p. 95]- 6-course lute in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- RUS-SPan Ms. O N° 124 [1630-1660]
"The Swan Manuscript." (Germany) [SMT III/2 p. 252; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 10-, 11- and 12-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- baryton
- clavier
- US-LAuc M286 M4 L992 [olim Finney no. 24] [1630-1660]
"John Mansell Viol Book." (England) [one piece for lute; RISM B/VII p. 284 as Finney no. 24]- 6-course lute in French tablature
- viol
- US-NHub fb7 [c1630]
"Osborn fb7." (England) [not in RISM or SMT; nine folios at the end of a book of poetry by Sir Francis Hubert; see: McCoy, Stewart, John H. Robinson, and Ian Harwood, Osborn fb7: The James Marshall and Marie-Louise Osborn Collection, Beinecke rare book and manuscript library, Yale University. Lute Society Facsimiles, 5. Albury, England: Lute Society, 2007.]- 7-course lute in French tabalture
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini Lat. 4180 [1630]
(Rome, Italy) [COELHO p. 148 (as I-Rvat)]- 10-course lute in Italian tablature
- Ballard 1631
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Tablature de luth de differens autheurs, sur les accords nouveaux. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121677]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pa)**- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Millioni 1631
Millioni, Pietro. Corona del primo, secondo, e terzo libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Guglielmo Facciotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041494]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 4-course "chitarrino overo chitarra italiana"
- Moy 1631
Moy, Louys de. Le petit boucquet, de frise orientale, contenant quelques chansonnettes musicales; pour toucher du luth join deux violes de gambas parmy les vois: et autres paduanes pour le luth & violons communs; avec diverses pièces fort faciles pour toucher du luth seul. (s.l. [France]: Louys de Moy)
[RISM ID no.: 990042599]- 11-course lute, viols, and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 11-course lute and viols in French tablature and staff notation
- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Sabbatini 1631a
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Il terzo [de villanelle a una, due, e tre voci]. (Rome, [Italy]: Paolo Masotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990056582]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Sabbatini 1631b
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Il quarto de villanelle a una, due, e tre voci. (Rome, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990056583]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Boësset 1632
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . .quinziesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990006032]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature
- Foscarini c1632
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo. [Libro primo, secondo, terzo, e quarto]. (s.l. [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990200112]- 5-course guitar, guitar duet in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Kapsperger 1632
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Li fiori. Libro sesto di villanelle a una, due, tre e quattro voci con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolti dal Sig. Francesco Tempi. (Rome, [Italy]: Paolo Masotti)
[RISM ID no.: 991021453]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Moy 1632
Moy, Louys de. Airs de cour, à trois parties. Nouvellement composee. (Emden, [Germany]: H. Kallenbach)
[RISM ID no.: 990042600]- 11-course lute and voices in abbreviated French tablature and staff notation
- I-MOe Mus. G.239 [1632-1670]
Bertacchini, Pietro? "Cantate, canzonette per Soprano e Basso continuo e Cadenze finali per Liuto." (Modena, Italy) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 202; COELHO p. 101]- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- 11-course theorbo and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Camarella 1633
Camarella, Giovanni Battista. Madrigali et arie, Op. 1. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- continuo
- Moulinié 1633
Moulinié, Etienne. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . quatriesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990042524]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Pesenti 1633
Pesenti, Martino. Arie a voce sola commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra spagnola, con una cantata a voce sola sopra il passacaglio . . . libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990049083]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Tarditi 1633
Tarditi, Orazio. Madrigali a doi, tre, e quattro voci in concerto per cantar' e sonar' sopra il gravecembalo, chitarone, spinetta o altro simile istrumento, con una lettera amorosa in stile recitativo a voce sola, libro secondo, [op. 10]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990063755]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- I-Vnm Ms. Italiano classe IV, No. 1910 [1633-1667]
Riccio, Francesco. (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 338; TYLER p. 95]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
- Abatessa 1634
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Cespuglio di vari fiori, Overo Intavolatura de Chitarra Spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: il Grinani)
[RISM ID no.: 1001154355]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Fb)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Valvasensi 1634
Valvasensi, Lazaro Girolamo. Secondo giardino d'amorosi fiori, cioe arie a voce sola accomodate per cantarsi nel clavicembalo, tiorba, chitarone, overo altro simile istromento con l'alfabeto & intavolatura per la chitar spagnola . . . . [op. 8]. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990065219]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- theorbo, chitarrone continuo
- Vincenti 1634
Vincenti, Alessandro, publisher. Arie de diversi raccolte da Alessandro Vincenti commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo chitarrone, et altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121697]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Abatessa 1635
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Cespuglio di varii fiori, Overo Intavolatura de Chitarra Spagnola. (Orvieto, [Italy]: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
[RISM ID no.: 990000005]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Chancy 1635
Chancy, François de. Airs de cour à quatre parties. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990009306]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10-course lute and voices in French tablature and staff notation
- Fontei 1635
Fontei, Nicolò. Bizzarrie poetiche poste in musica . . . a 1. 2. 3. voci [libro primo]. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990018671]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Marchetti 1635
Marchetti, Tomasso. Il primo libro d'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: il Ca[talan]i)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Marini 1635
Marini, Biagio. Madrigaletti a una, due, tre, e quatro voci, con alcune vilanelle per cantare nella chitariglia spagnola chitarone . . . con il suo basso continuo, libro quinto, [op. 9]. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990039404]- 5-course chitariglia (guitar) and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Milanuzzi 1635
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Ottavo libro delle ariose vaghezze, comode da cantarsi a voce sola nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, o altro simile stromento . . . [op. 18]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041417]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Millioni 1635a
Millioni, Pietro. Corona del primo, secondo, e terzo libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Roma and Torino, [Italy]: Giovanni Manzolino & Domenico Roveda)
[RISM ID no.: 990041495]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 4-course "chitarrino overo chitarra italiana"
- Millioni 1635b
Millioni, Pietro. [Quart]o libro d'in[tav]olatura di chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Paolo Masotti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041497]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Moulinié 1635
Moulinié, Etienne. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . cinquiesme livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990042525]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-En Ms. 9450 [1635]
"Panmure House Music Book Nr. 11." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 102]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- GB-HAdolmetsch Ms. II.B.1 [1635-1660]
(Austria?) [RISM B/VII p. 131]- 9- and 10-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sloane 1021 [1635-1640]
"Johannes Stobaeus Lutebook." (Brandenburg, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 190]- 6-course lute in French and German tablatures
- GB-Oeh EE.12 [1635]
(England) [fragment from the binding of Hugonis Grotius, Annotationes in libros Evangeliorum (Amsterdam, 1641); CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 105 [1635]
"Giulio Medici Lute Manuscript." (Florence, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 110; COELHO p. 78; TYLER p. 91]- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40159 [1635-1640]
(Königsberg, Prussia [Kaliningrad, Russia]) [RISM B/VII p. 28 (as D-B); SMT III/2 p. 131]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- Fontei 1636
Fontei, Nicolò. Delle bizzarrie poetiche poste in musica . . . libro secondo, a 1. 2. 3. voci. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990018672]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Manelli 1636 [LOST]
Manelli, Francesco. Musiche varie a una due e tre voci cioe cantate, arie, canzonette & ciaccone con l'aggointa della luciata . . . [Op. 4]. Libro quarto . . . [exemplar in Breslau destroyed, but 3 pieces survive in transcription] (Venice, [Italy]: Bartolomeo Magni)- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Mersenne 1636
Mersenne, Marin. Harmonicorum libri in quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis, . . . opus utile grammaticis, oratoribus, philosophis, jurisconsultis, medicis, mathematicis, atque theologis . . . (Paris, [France]: Guillaume Baudry)
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- treatise on instruments (Livre second)
- 10-course lute in French tablature and staff notation
- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 4-string mandore in French tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian, French and alfabeto tablatures, Castilian cifras, and staff notation
- 4-course cittern in French tablature and staff notation
- Millioni 1636
Millioni, Pietro. Corona del primo, secondo, e terzo libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Milano, [Italy]: Filippo Ghidolfi, G.B. Cerri & C. Ferrardi)
[RISM ID no.: 990041493]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 4-course "chitarrino overo chitarra italiana"
- Monte c1636
Monte, Lodovico. Vago fior di virtù dove si contiene il vero modo per sonare la chitarriglia spagnuola, con sonate facili per principianti, et per chi sona bene sonate non più viste. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 993122183]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Pesenti 1636
Pesenti, Martino. Arie a voce sola commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarone, & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra spagnola, con una cantata nel fine . . . libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990049085]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Sances 1636
Sances, Giovanni Felice. Il quarto libro delle cantate, et arie a voce sola . . . commode da cantarsi sovra [sic] spinetta, tiorba, arpa, o altro simile instrumento, con due canzonette a due, e una aria a tre voci nel fine. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990057258]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini Lat. 4395 [1636-1640]
Valentini, Pier Francesco. Ordine (. . .) il quale serve a sonare, et intavolar nel Lauto . . . (Rome, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 150 (as I-Rvat)]- treatise on lute playing
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini Lat. 4433 [1636-1640]
Valentini, Pier Francesco. (Rome, [Italy]) Il Leuto Anatomizzato. [COELHO p. 150 (as I-Rvat)]- treatise on lute playing
- Abatessa 1637
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Cespuglio di varii fiori, Overo Intavolatura de Chitarra Spagnola. (Florence, [Italy]: Zanobi Pignoni)
[RISM ID no.: 990000006]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- Colonna 1637
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio. Intavolatura di Chitarra Spagnuola Del primo, secondo, terzo, & quarto Libro. (Milan, [Italy]: Dionisio Gariboldi)
[RISM ID no.: 990010862]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Landi 1637
Landi, Stefano. Il quinto libro d'arie da cantarsi ad una voce, con la spinetta & con le littere per la chitara. (Venice, [Italy]: Bartholomeo Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990036325]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Millioni/Monte 1637
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Rome and Macerata, [Italy]: Heirs of Salvioni & Agostino Grisei)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Richard 1637
Richard, François. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 990054667]
**ONLINE VERSION (B-Br)**- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Sfondrino 1637
Sfondrino, Giovanni Battista. Trattenimento virtuoso Disposto in leggiadrissime sonate per la chitarra. (Milan, [Italy]: Giorgio Rolla)
[RISM ID no.: 990059272]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Cfm Ms. Mus. 688 [1637]
"Lowther Lute Book." (Hamburg, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 68]- 9-, 10-, and 11-course lute in French tablature
- Ballard 1638
Ballard, Pierre, publisher. Tablature de luth de differens autheurs, sur les accords nouveaux. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 993121714]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Busatti 1638
Busatti, Cherubino. Arie a voce sola commode da cantarsi nel clavicembalo, chitarone & altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra spagnola. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990007680]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Gabrielli 1638
Gabrielli, Francesco. Infermità testamento, e morte di Francesco Gabrielli detto Scappino. Composto, e dato in luce a requisitione de gli spiritosi ingegni. Con l'intavolatura della Chitarriglia Spagnola, sue Lettere, e Chiaccona. (Verona, Padua, and Parma, [Italy]: li Viotti)- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- P. Gautier 1638
Gautier [Gaultier], Pierre (i). Les œuvres de Pierre Gaultier Orléanois. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990019799]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Millioni 1638
Millioni, Pietro. Corona del primo, secondo, e terzo libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Francesco Zannetti)
[RISM ID no.: 991001022]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-MOe app. 719 γ.I.5.35 [1638- ]
"Campori Manuscript." (Perugia, Italy) [not in RISM; see TYLER p. 93]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Amat 1639
Amat, Joan Carles. Guitarra Española de cinco ordenes, la qual enseña de te[m]plar, y tañer rasgado, todos los puntos naturales, y b, mollados, con estilo marauilloso . . . (Barcelona, [Spain]: Lorenço Dèu)- guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
- Corbetta 1639
Corbetta, Francesco. De gli scherzi armonici trovati, e facilitatì in alcune curiosissime suonate. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti and Carlo Zenero)
[RISM ID no.: 990011037]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Pesenti 1639
Pesenti, Martino. Correnti alla francese, gagliardi, e balletti da cantarsi à voce sola, e Suonarsi nel Clavicembalo, & altri Instromenti . . . libro primo, opera decima. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990049088]
**ONLINE VERSION (CH-E)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Piccinini 1639
Piccinini, Alessandro, and Leonardo Maria Piccinini. Intavolatura di liuto . . . nel quale si contengono toccate, ricercate musicali, corrente, gagliarde, chiaccone e passacagli alla vera spagnola, un bergamasco, con varie partite, una battaglia et altri capricci . . . (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti and Carlo Zenero)
[RISM ID no.: 990049526]- 13-course archlute in Italian lute tablature
- 13-course archlute duet in Italian lute tablature
- chitarrone in Italian tablature
- Trombetti 1639a
Trombetti, Agostino. Intavolatura di sonate nuovamente tradotte sopra la Chitarra Spagnuola . . . Libro Primo. (Bologna, [Italy]: Nicolò Tebaldini?)
[RISM ID no.: 990064759]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Trombetti 1639b
Trombetti, Agostino. Libro secondo d'intavolatura sopra la chitarra spagnuola. (Bologna, [Italy]: Nicolò Tebaldini)
[RISM ID no.: 990064759]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31432 [1639-1641]
Lawes, William. "William Lawe's Autograph Songbook." (England) [SPRING p. 379]
[RISM ID no.: 806350314]- at least one piece in tablature for lute? (rest for lyra viol)
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9074 [1639-1645]
(Paris, [France]) [see RUDÉN p. 37]
[RISM ID no.: 190001098-190001110]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- S-Sm Ms. 63/64 Autograph 2 [1639-1642]
(Sweden; 6 pieces copied from Vallet 1615) [RISM B/VII p. 327; see RUDÉN p. 36]- 9-course lute in French tablature
- Amat 1640
Amat, Joan Carles. Guitarra Española de cinco ordenes . . . (Barcelona, [Spain]: Sebastian y Iayme Matevad)- guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
- Bartolotti 1640
Bartolotti, Angelo Michele. Libro primo di chitarra spagnola. (Florence? [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990003975]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Carbonchi 1640
Carbonchi, Antonio. Sonate di chitarra spagnola con intavolatura franzese. (Florence, [Italy]: Amador Massi and Lorenzo Landi)
[RISM ID no.: 990008736]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Doizi de Velasco 1640
Doizi de Velasco, Nicolás. Nuevo modo de cifra para tañer la guitarra con variedad, perfección, y se muestra ser instrumento perfecto, y abundantissimo. (Naples, [Italy]: Egidio Longo)
[RISM ID no.: 990015100]- 5-course guitar treatise with a unique system of chord letters
- Foscarini 1640
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo. Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola. (s.l. [Rome, Italy?]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990018723]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Kapsperger 1640a
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro quarto d'intavolatura di chitarrone . . . raccolto dal Sigr. Gioseppe Pozzobonelli. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990033045]- 19-course chitarrone in Italian lute tablature
- Kapsperger 1640b
Kapsperger [Kapsberger], Giovanni Girolamo. Libro settimo di villanelle a una, e piu voci con l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola . . . raccolte dal Sig. Don Hippolito Franceschi. (Rome, [Italy]: V. Bianchi)
[RISM ID no.: 991021454]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Millioni/Monte c1640
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Salvadori)
[RISM ID no.: 990041500]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and text only
- Sabbatini 1640
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Canzoni spirituali ad una, a due, et a tre voci, da cantarsi, e sonarsi sopra qualsivoglia istromento, libro secondo, [op. 13]. (Rome, [Italy]: Ludovico Grignani)
[RISM ID no.: 990056584]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- AUS-Mml Ms. LHD 242 [1640-1660]
(northern Italy) [Herlin, Catalogue of the Hanson-Dyer Music Collection the University of Melbourne, p. 99]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- B-Gu BHSL.HS.3898/03 [1640?]
"Muziek voor luit [sic]." (Low Countries?) [not in RISM or SMT]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- CH-Zz Ms. Q.907 [1640-1642]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 372; SMT I p. 33]- 10-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40160 [1640]
(Kassel, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 28; TYLER p. 145]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-KA Mus. ms. 1214 [1640-1645]
(Munich? Germany) [SMT II p. 97]
[RISM ID no.: 1001144456]- 6- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc ms. 155 [1640-1650]
"Recueil de pièces et accompagnements en tablature italienne alphabétique de guitare." [not in RISM or TYLER]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and text only
- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Psg Ms. 1070 [c1640]
Trichet, Pierre. "Traité des instruments . . ." (Bordeaux, France) [TYLER p. 185]- treatise
- GB-HAdolmetsch Ms. II.C.23 [1640 (and earlier)]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 133; TYLER p. 90]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature [later section]
- GB-Ob Ms. Bodleian 955 [1640-1650]
(Oxford, England) [RISM B/VII p. 251]- 12- and 13-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Ob MS Mus. Sch. B.2 [1640]
Lawes?, William, and Mesangeau, René. (England) [SPRING, p. 351]
[RISM ID no.: 800273400]- 12-course lute duets in French tablature
- other vocal and instrumental works by Lawes
- I-Bc Ms. AA/360 [1640-1680]
(northern Italy) [COELHO p. 62; TYLER p. 91]- 8-course lute in Italian tablature
- 14-course archlute in Italian tablature
- 14-course archlute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 143 [1640-1650]
Carbonchi, Antonio. (Florence, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 112; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Mt Cod. 55 [1640-1650]
Pesori? Stefano. (Italy) [TYLER p. 93]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-PEc Ms. 586 [1640]
Carbonchi, Antonio. "Sonate per Chitarra." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 280; TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-PESc Ms. Pc. 40 / 7346 b [1640-1650]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 282; TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9096, 11 [1640-1645]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 241; see RUDÉN p. 37]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- S-Sk Ms. S 176 [1640]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 327; see RUDÉN p. 43]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- S-Uu Ms. Instr. musik i h. 8:3b [1640]
(Sweden?) [RISM B/VII p. 335; see RUDÉN p. 53]
[RISM ID no.: 190006420]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Laurenzi 1641
Laurenzi, Filiberto. Concerti et arie a una, due, e tre voci, con una serenata a 5. e doi violini, e chitarrone. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990036897]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Sabbatini 1641
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Varii capricci, e canzonette a una e tre voci da cantarsi sopra qualsivoglia istromento, con l'alfabeto della chittara spagnola . . . libro settimo, [op. 14]. (Rome, [Italy]: Vincenzo Bianchi)
[RISM ID no.: 990056586]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Ziani 1641
Ziani, Pietro Andrea. Primo libro de canzonette a voce sola da potersi cantare nel clavicembalo, spinetta, tiorba e nella chitarra spagnuola . . . op. 3. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 991007423]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- theorbo continuo
- Boësset 1643
Boësset, Antoine, Sieur de Villedieu. Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth . . . seizième livre. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Ballard)
[RISM ID no.: 991014414]- 10-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Carbonchi 1643
Carbonchi, Antonio. Le dodici chitarre 'spostate. (Florence, [Italy]: Francesco Sabatini)
[RISM ID no.: 990008737]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Corbetta 1643
Corbetta, Francesco. Varii capricii per la ghittara spagnuola. (Milan? [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992005481]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Milanuzzi 1643
Milanuzzi, Carlo. Nono libro delle ariose vaghezze, comode da cantarsi a una, e due voci nel clavicembalo, chitarrone, o altro simile stromento, con le lettere dell'alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . [op. 20]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990041419]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- GB-En Dep. 314, 23 [1643-1648]
"Lady Margaret Wemyss Lute Book." (Scotland) [SPRING, p. 458]- 10- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- voice and bass viol in staff notation
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31440 [1643-]
[tablature added to a ms. by Angelo Notari]
[RISM ID no.: 806933509]- guitar in French tablature (fols. 1, 20-21, 41v, and 111)
- theorbo? and voice in French tablature and staff notation (fols. 69v-70)
- voice and continuo in staff notation
- Busatti 1644
Busatti, Cherubino. Settimo libro d'ariette a voce sola [accompagnamento per la chitarra alla spagnola]. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990007682]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Millioni/Monte 1644
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Francesco Vieceri)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and text only
- Mylius 1644 [LOST]
Mylius, Johann Daniel. Thesaurus gratiarum . . . (Frankfurt, [Germany]: s.n.)- 10-course lute in French tablature
- Reusner, Sr. 1645
Reusner, Sr., Esaias. Musicalischer Lust-Garten, das ist: Herren D. Martini Lutheri, wie auch anderer Gottseliger (der Reinen Augspurgischen Confession zugethaner) Männer, Geistliche Kirchen- und Hauß-Lieder: Auff Lauten Tabulatur gesetzt. (Breslau, [Germany]: Georg Baumann)
[RISM ID no.: 990054585]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Thomassini 1645
Thomassini, Filippo, publisher. Conserto vago di balletti, volte, corrente, et gagliarde, con la loro canzone alla franzese nuovamente posti in luce per sonare con liuto, tiorba, et chitarrino a quatro corde alla napolitana insieme, o soli ad arbitrio, e diletto de' virtuosi, et nobili professori, o studiosi dei questo instromento. (Rome, [Italy]: Filippo Thomassini)
[RISM ID no.: 1001193110]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- 8-course lute in Italian tablature
- 11-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40085 (Z 85) [c1645]
Carbonchi?, Antonio. (Rome, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 23]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- D-Private Collection in Saxony [c1645]
Das Rodauer Lautenbuch [not in RISM; see François-Pierre Goy & Andreas Schlegel Accords nouveaux)- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6211 [c1645 and 1670-1675]
"Lamare le Gras MS." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 260; SMT I p. 138; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Calvi 1646
Calvi, Carlo [and an anonymous author]. Intavolatura di chitarra e chitarriglia con le piu necessarie e facili suonate a chi si diletta di tal professione havute da duo eccellenti professor e dedicate all' signore il sig. Bartolomeo Bolognini. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 993121762]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Granata 1646
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Capricci armonici sopra la chitarriglia spagnuola. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022468]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Tarditi 1646
Tarditi, Orazio. Arie a voce sola . . . per cantar nella spinetta, chitarrone e altro istrumento, con le lettere, & intavolatura per la chitarra alla spagnola, racolte da Alessandro Vincenti. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Vincenti)
[RISM ID no.: 990063759]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Valdambrini 1646
Valdambrini, Ferdinando. Libro primo d'intavolatura di chitarra. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065071]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- F-Pn Rés. 1110 [c1646-1656]
Ruthven, Jean. "Lady Jean Ruthwen Manuscript." (France and Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 272; SMT I p. 91; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus b.1 [1646-1656]
Wilson, John. "John Wilson's Songbook." (England) [SPRING, p. 338]
[RISM ID no.: 800272712]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- lute or theorbo continuo
- Millioni/Monte 1647
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Rome and Macerata, [Italy]: Agostino Grisei)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Valdambrini 1647
Valdambrini, Ferdinando. Libro secondo d'intavolatura di chitarra a cinque ordini. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990065072]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- anonymous 1648
[anonymous]. Il primo libro d'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola. Con una regola facilissima per poter' imparare à sonare accordare, e far le lettere di detta Chitarra da se medesimo, Composto, e dato in luce da incerto Autore. Et in detto libro si contengono anco molte sonate passeggiate. non piu da altri date in luce. (Rome, [Italy]: il Catalani)
[RISM ID no.: 993121483]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Corbetta 1648
Corbetta, Francesco. Varii scherzi di sonate per la chitara spagnola. (Brussels? [Belgium]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992005482]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Mersenne 1648
Mersenne, Marin. Harmonicorum libri in quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis, . . . opus utile grammaticis, oratoribus, philosophis, jurisconsultis, medicis, mathematicis, atque theologis . . . Harmonicorum libri XII . . . Editio aucta. (Paris, [France]: Guillaume Baudry)- treatise on instruments
- Pesori 1648
Pesori, Stefano. Galeria musicale . . . compartita in diversi scherzi di chitarriglia . . . parte battute e parte sminuite; con un discorso utile, e curiosissimo alla virtuosa gioventù. (Verona, [Italy]: Gio. Battista, & Fratelli Merli)
[RISM ID no.: 990049096]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Pesori c1648
Pesori, Stefano. Lo scrigno armonico. [op. 2] . . . ove si rinchiudono vaghissime danze, & ariette al modo italiano, spagnolo, e francese; per suonare in concerto con basso, violino, manacordo, & altri instrumenti: et molte vaghissime villanelle, con l'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola. ([Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992006807]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Strobel 1648 [LOST]
Strobel, Valentin (ii). Concerts für 1 Mandora und 3 Lauten oder für 4 Lauten mit Diskant und Bass. (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)- lute, mandore, other instruments in ensemble in unknown notation
- A-Ila Ms. Nr. 533 [1648]
"Maria Catherine Ursula, Comptesse de Montfort MS." (Germany/Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 135 (as A-Innsbruck Landesregierungsarchiv); TYLER p. 145]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Foscarini 1649 (see TYLER p. 67)
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo. Inventione di toccate sopra la chitarra spagnuola. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990018724]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- F-Psg Ms. 2344 [1649]
Monsieur Dupille. (France) [RISM B/VII p. 275; TYLER p. 120; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Psg Ms. Rés. 2349 [1649]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 276; TYLER p. 120]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Abatessa c1650
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Ghirlanda di varii fiori, Overo Intavolatura de Ghitarra Spagnuola. (Milan, [Italy]: Lodovico Monza)
[RISM ID no.: 990000008]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-R)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Corbetta c1650
Corbetta [Corbera], Francesco. Guitarra española y sus differencias de sonos. (S.l.: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 455044964]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Gianoncelli 1650
Gianoncelli, Bernardo. Il liuto de Bernardo Gianoncelli. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990021027]- 14-course liuto attiorbato in Italian tablature
- Granata 1650
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Nuove suonate di chitarriglia spagnuola piccicate, e battute . . . [op. 2]. (Bologna?, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992001673]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Kircher 1650
Kircher, Athanasius. Athanasii Kircheri fuldensis e Soc. Jesu presbyteri Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta. Quà universa sonorum doctrina, et philosophia, musicaeque . . . aperiuntur et demonstrantur. Tomus I [-II]. (Rome, [Italy]: heirs of Francesco Corbelletti)- treatise
- Pellegrini 1650
Pellegrini, Domenico. Armonioso Concerti. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990048734]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Playford 1650 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A New book for the cithren. (London, [England]: s.n.)- 4-course cittern in French tablature?
- Sabbatini 1650
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Prima scelta di villanelle a una voce delli dieci libri . . . da cantare sopra a qualsivoglia instrumento, con l'alfabeto della chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Vitale Mascardi)
[RISM ID no.: 990056587]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- B-Bc Ms. FA VI 10 (olim Littera S. No. 5616) [1650-1670]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 54; GOY 2011, p. 22]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- B-Gu BHSL.HS.3898/02 [1650?]
"Muziek voor luit." [not in RISM or SMT]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- B-Gu BHSL.HS.3898/10 [1650?]
"Muziek voor luit [sic]." [not in RISM or SMT]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- B-Gu BHSL.HS.3898/11 [1650?]
"Muziek voor luit [sic]." [not in RISM or SMT]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- B-Gu BHSL.HS.3898/12 [1650?]
"Muziek voor luit [sic]." [not in RISM or SMT]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 237, Nr. 963 [1650-1700] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 43].- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- D-SWl Ms. Mus. 641 [1650-1660]
Ballard, Robert (c1575-c1650). "Mens gedeinck zu starben." (France and Germany) [SMT II p. 292; GOY 2011 p. 24]
[RISM ID no.: 240007790]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- E-Bc Mús. 165 [1650-1700]
(Spain) [guitar tutor; YAKELEY p. 275; TYLER p. 162]- 5-course guitar tutor with Catalan cifras
- E-Bc Mús. 736/6 [1650-1700]
"Pensamiento vuela, vuela." (Spain) [single sheet; YAKELEY p. 277]- 5-course guitar and voice in Italian tablature only
- E-Bc Mús. 736/35 [1650-1700]
"Clausulas con guitarra." (Spain) [single sheet of exercises for continuo; YAKELEY p. 277]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature for continuo
- E-Bc Mús. 744/33 [1650-1700]
"Duo al nacimiento, a zagalejas dejad." (Spain) [YAKELEY p. 277]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Bc Mús. 774/29 [1650-1700]
"Tono a quatro con guitarra." (Spain) [incomplete; YAKELEY p. 279]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Bc Mús. 896 [1650-1700]
"Libro de diversas letras." (Spain) [YAKELEY p. 279]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras with lyrics only
- harp
- E-Mlg Ms. 26 [1650-1700]
(Spain) [theater MSS; YAKELEY p. 281]- 5-course guitar and voice, possibly with Castilian cifras
- E-Mn Ms. 3657 [1650-1700?]
(Spain) [guitar exercises f. 163-164v; YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar exercises in unknown tablature
- E-Mn Ms. 3700 [1650-1700]
(Spain) [YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 3747 [1650-1700?]
(Spain) [YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 3985 [1650-1700?]
(Spain) [YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 4123 [1650-1700]
"Bailes." (Spain) [theatrical company collection; YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 14851 [1650-1700]
"Bailes." (Spain) [theatrical company collection; YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 14856 [1650-1700]
"Bailes." (Spain) [theatrical company collection; YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- E-Mn Ms. 15088 [1650-1700]
"Bailes." (Spain) [theatrical company collection; YAKELEY p. 282]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. ms. 89 [c1650]
(France?) [SMT I p. 110; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. 170 (2) [c1650?]
"Tablature française de guitare.'" [ms. addition to Foscarini 1629; see MUSIQUES ANCIENNES p. 105]
[RISM ID no.: 840018911]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. 1402 [1650-1660]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 273; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Psg Rés. 2351 [1650-1670]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 277; TYLER p. 120]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-En Ms. 9451 [c1650]
"Panmure House Music Book Nr. 4." (Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 103; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- GB-En Ms. 9452 [1650?]
"Panmure House Music Book Nr. 5." (Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 103; TYLER p. 136]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Egerton 2013 [1650-1675]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 186; SPRING, p. 379]- 12-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Llp Ms. 1041 [1650-1660]
Colman, Charles. "Lady Ann Blount Song Book." (England) [SPRING p. 380; TYLER p. 136; GOY 2011 p. 26]
[RISM ID no.: 806252983]- 13-course theorbo and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 5-course guitar in French tablature [fragment]
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. E. 410-414 [1650-1660]
[91 Consorts]. (England)
[RISM ID no.: 800272224]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- I-BIad Ms. V.E.45 [1650]
Abatessa?, Giovanni Battista. (Bitonto? Italy) [not in RISM; see TYLER, p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Nc Ms. 1321 [1650]
Costantini, Fabio. "Canzoni e madrigali." (Naples, Italy) [not in RISM; see TYLER p. 93]- 13-course "catarra" (theorboed guitar?) and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- I-NOVi without Sign. [1650-1680]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-PEas Ms. Fondo Sermattei della Genga [1650]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-Raa Ms. without Sign. [1650]
"Ballata di Michel Angelo del Violino." (Italy) [TYLER p. 94]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- keyboard
- I-VEc Ms. 1560 [1650]
Pesori, Stefano. "Toccate di chittariglia." (Verona, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 339; TYLER p. 95]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- US-CAh MS Mus 179 [1650-1655]
"Boteler Cittern Book." [RISM B/VII p. 15; was GB-BEas Ms. D.D.TW. 1174, see WARD 1979, p. 173]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- US-Wc Ms. M2.1.I8 [1650]
(Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 346]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- US-Wc Ms. M2.1.T2.17B [1650-1665]
Petti, Jacinto. (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 346; TYLER p. 95]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- D-DS Ms. Mus. 1656 [middle of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 82]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-Rp Ms. AN 63 [middle of the 17th century]
"Domenico Romani tablature book." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 299]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- GB-Gu Ms. Euing 25 [olim R.d.43] [middle of the 17th century (section for theorbo)]
"Euing lute-book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 126]- theorbo in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-HUj Ms. DDDHO/20/2 [middle of the 17th century (guitar section)]
(England) [fragment of guitar piece added to a flute consort partbook from 1588; TYLER p. 136 (as GB-Hu)]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-Och Ms. Mus. 532 [middle of the 17th century to 1680]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 258]- 14-course lute in French tablature
- viol
- I-COc Ms. 3.1.11 [middle of the 17th century]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- I-Fc Ms. B. 2521 [middle of the 17th century]
(Italy) [TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano VII.618 [middle of the 17th century]
(Italy) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano VII.894 [middle of the 17th century]
(Italy) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; TYLER p. 91]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- I-Fr Ms. 3121 [middle of the 17th century]
Baldinotti, Filippo. "Questo libretto e di Filippo Baldinotti il quale serve per le sonate della chitarra spagnuola." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 123; TYLER p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- I-MOe app. 612 γ.L.10.21 [middle of the 17th century]
Carbonchi?, Antonio. Onorio Marinari, (copyist). (Florence, Italy) [not in RISM; see TYLER p. 93]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- NL-DHk Ms. 133.K.6 [middle of the 17th century]
Langenhove, Isabel van. (Netherlands) [RISM B/VII p. 86; TYLER p. 137]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- PL-GD Ms. 4021 [middle of the 17th century] [LOST]
[not in the D-B with 4022; RISM B/VII p. 81; SMT III/2 p. 95]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- US-CAh MS Mus 182 [middle of the 17th century]
Ridout, John. "John Ridout's Commonplace-Book." (England) [WARD 1979, p. 183]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini lat. 4177 [middle of the 17th century]
Barberini, Carlo. (Rome, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 305; TYLER p. 94 (as I-Rvat)]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- V-CVbav Ms. Barberini lat. 4178 [middle of the 17th century]
Barberini, Nicolò. (Rome, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 306; TYLER p. 94 (as I-Rvat)]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Granata 1651
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Nuova Scielta di capricci armonici e suonate musicali in vari tuoni . . . [op. 3]. (Bologna, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990022469]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Strobel 1651 [LOST]
Strobel, Valentin (ii). Concerts . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)- lute, mandore, other instruments in ensemble in unknown notation
- Abatessa 1652
Abatessa, Giovanni Battista. Intessitura di varii fiori, overo intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnola. (Rome and Lucca, [Italy]: the Pieri's and Paci's)
[RISM ID no.: 990000007]
**ONLINE VERSION (I-Bc)**- -course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and text only
- Mathew 1652
Mathew, Richard. The lutes apology, for her excellency: wherein is contained variety of ayres, easie, pleasant, and delightfull, newly set to the french lute. (London, [England]: Thomas Harper)
[RISM ID no.: 990040045]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1652
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Bortoli)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Playford 1652
Playford, John (i). A booke of new lessons for the cithern & gittern: containing many new and excellent tunes, both easie and delightfull to the practioner. With plain and easie instructions, teaching the right use of the hand, and perfect tuning of both instruments, never before printed. (London, [England]: [Thomas Harper])- 4-course "bell" gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Sabbatini 1652a
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Prima scelta di villanelle a una voce delli dieci libri . . . da cantare sopra a qualsivoglia instrumento, con l'alfabeto della chitarra spagnola . . . di nuovo ristampate, e corrette. (Rome, [Italy]: Vitale Mascardi)
[RISM ID no.: 990056588]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Sabbatini 1652b
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Prima scelta di villanelle a due voci . . . da sonarsi in qualsivoglia instromento, con le lettere accommodate alla chittara spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Vitale Mascardi)
[RISM ID no.: 990056589]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-Wc)**- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Sabbatini 1652c
Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo. Seconda scelta di villanelle a una voce delli dieci libri . . . da cantare sopra a qualsivoglia instrumento, con l'alfabeto della chittara spagnola . . . di nuovo ristampate e corrette. (Rome, [Italy]: Vitale Mascardi)
[RISM ID no.: 990056590]- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40142 [1652]
Döremberg, Johann Caspar von. (Paris, France) [RISM B/VII p. 24 (as D-B and LOST); GOY 2011 p. 27; TYLER p. 146]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Banfi 1653
Banfi, Giulio. Il maestro della chitara. (Milan, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 991013555]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Playford 1653 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A New book of lessons with instructions for the cithern and gittern. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford c1653? [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A New book of lessons and instructions for the cithern and gittern. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- D-DS Ms. Mus. 1655 [1653-1670]
(Germany) [photocopy of lost original; RISM B/VII p. 82; SMT II p. 73]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-DS)**- 11-and 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-Kub Ms. 2° Mus. 61.L1 [1653-1670]
(Kassel, Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 136; SMT II p. 135]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- baritone viol in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmf. ms. 51 [c1653]
(Strasbourg? France) [SMT I p. 130; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 4388 (Ad. 4) [after c1653]
[WARD 1979, p. 171]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1654 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A New book of lessons with instructions for the cithern and gittern. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Strobel 1654a [LOST]
Strobel, Valentin (ii). Concert für 1 Mandora und 3 Lauten oder für 4 Lauten mit Diskant und Bass. (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)- lute, mandore, other instruments in ensemble in unknown notation
- Strobel 1654b [LOST]
Strobel, Valentin (ii). Symphonie für 3 Lauten und 1 Mandora (oder für 4 Lauten und Bass). (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)- lute, mandore, other instruments in ensemble in unknown notation
- Bartolotti c1655
Bartolotti, Angelo Michele. Secondo libro di Chitarra. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990003976]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Marini 1655
Marini, Biagio. Per ogni sorte d'istromento musicale, diversi generi di sonate, da chiesa, e da camera, a due, tre, & a quattro, con l'alfabeto alle più proprie, per la chitarra alla spagnola . . . libro terzo, [op. 22]. (Venice, [Italy]: Francesco Magni)
[RISM ID no.: 990039411]- 5-course guitar and violins, viola and bass in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- chitarrone continuo
- Playford 1655 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A New book of lessons with instructions for the cythern and gittern. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. I [1655-1670]
van Reede, Johan. (Netherlands) [SMT III/1 p. 3; GOY 2011, p. 21]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-B 30402 [1655-1680]
"Französische Chansons und Singtänze um 1675 mit 2 Beilagen." (France?)
[RISM ID no.: 455039211]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40264 [1655-1660]
"Virginia Renata von Gehema's Lute Book." (Danzig [Gdańsk, Poland]) [RISM B/VII p. 31; SMT II p. 42]- ?-course lute in French tablature
- D-Bkk Ms. 78.C.12 [1655-1660]
Gaultier, Denis. La rhétorique des dieux. (Paris, France) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; SMT II p. 69]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6216 bis [1655-1670]
Brossard, Sébastien de. Capriccio sopra Fra Jacopino. (France) [SMT I p. 150]
[RISM ID no.: 840018043]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40068 [1656-1674]
Lautentabulatur Wolkenstein-Rodenegg (Austria) [SMT II p. 28]
[RISM ID no.: 1001018502]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-B)**- 11-, 12-course lute in French and Italian tablatures
- 13-course archlute in Italian tablature
- GB-CRr DL T/B33 [1656]
Leycester, Peter. "Tabley [cittern] MS." [WARD 1979, p. 98]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- lyra viol
- Neri 1657
Neri, Filippo, (ed.). Canzonette spirituali, e morali, che si cantano nell'Oratorio di Chiavenna, eretto sotto la protettione di S. Filippo Neri. Accomodate per cantar à 1. 2. 3. voci come più piace, con le lettere della chitarra sopra arie communi e nuove date in luce per trattenimento spirituale d'ogni persona. (Milan, [Italy]: C.F. Rolla)
[RISM ID no.: 993121851]- 5-course guitar and voice(s) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- I-Vnm Ms. Italiano classe IV, No. 1793 [1657-1666]
(Venice, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 338 (with incorrect instrumentation); COELHO p. 162; TYLER p. 95]- 13-course archlute in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- RA-BAn Ms. 236. R [c1657 and 1720-1740]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 67]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Playford 1658 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Cithren & gittern lessons, with plain & easie instructions for beginners thereon. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40626 [1658]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 36 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 147; TYLER p. 120; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 11-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- anonymous 1659 [LOST]
anonymous. Nuove canzonette musicali de diversi auttori. (Venice, [Italy]: unknown)- 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Granata 1659
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Soavi concenti di sonate musicali per la chitarra spagnuola . . . [op. 4]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022470]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- "chitarra atiorbata" in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar, violin and basso continuo in alfabeto and Italian tablature and staff notation
- continuo treatise in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1659
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Bortoli)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Playford 1659 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A booke of new lessons for the citharen and gittern, containing many new and pleasant tunes, with plain and easie instructions for beginners thereon. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- E-Mn Ms. M.2618 [1659]
"Gaspar." (Spain) [TYLER p. 162]- violin ms. with guitar tuning instructions
- NL-HOwfa 1667-1 (olim Enkuizen 1667-1) [1659]
van Vossen, Andries. Andreas van vossen jungatur cum Margareta vesterman ut, quos junxit amor, quos hora novissima solvet. (Enkhuizen, Holland)- 11-course lute in French tablature
- S-SK Ms. Katedralskolans musiksamling No. 493b [1659-1665]
Düben, Gustaf. (Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 321; see RUDÉN p. 43; GOY 2011 p. 28; TYLER p. 138]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- keyboard
- Fleury 1660
Fleury, Nicolas. Méthode pour apprendre facilement à toucher le théorbe sur la basse-continue. (Paris, [France]: Robert Ballard)- theorbo continuo treatise in French tablature and staff notation
- Marchetti 1660
Marchetti, Tomasso. Il primo libro d'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola. (Rome, [Italy]: Francesco Moneta)
[RISM ID no.: 990039230]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Pesori c1660a
Pesori, Stefano. Toccate di chitarriglia, parte terza . . . ove con cinque bellissimi ordini descritta si vede una facilissima regola per apprendere il modo di suonare la chitarriglia di Spagna. (Verona, [Italy]: Andrea Rossi & fratelli)
[RISM ID no.: 990049097]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Pesori c1660b
Pesori, Stefano. I concerti armonici di chitarriglia . . . ridotti in cinque beliss. ordini. (Verona, [Italy]: Andrea Rossi & fratelli)
[RISM ID no.: 990049095]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 221, Nr. 843 [1660-1670] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 41]- viola da gamba or lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40600 [c1660]
(Strassbourg? France) [RISM B/VII p. 35; SMT II p. 50]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Dl Ms. Dresd. App. 1548 [1660-1664]
[RISM B/VII p. 93]- 4-course cittern [cithrinchen?] in French tablature
- D-Gs 4° Mus. V 3150 [1660-1670]
[Ms. supplement to Besard 1603.] (Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 126; SMT II p. 120]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1522 [1660]
"Adelaida di Savoya MS." (Bavaria, Germany) [TYLER p. 145]
[RISM ID no.: 1001032723]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- D-Ngm Ms. 33748, VI [1660-1665]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 246; SMT II p. 252; GOY 2011 p. 24 (as 33748/271.6)]- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Vmb. ms. 58 [1660-1675]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 266; TYLER p. 119 (as mid-18th century)]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-En Ms. 9477 [1660-1665]
"Alexander MacAlman's Music Book." [RISM B/VII p. 104]- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 16889 [c1660?]
(Flanders?, Belgium/Netherlands) [RISM B/VII p. 176; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- theorbo? in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sloane 3888 [1660-1680]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 192]- 10-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Mp Ms. M.5.832.Vu.51 [1660-1670]
(England) [RISM B/VII (as GB-MANCHESTER, Dr. Henry Watson Library ) p. 206]- 5- or 6-course viol or lute in French tablature
- GB-Mr Tabley [1660-1670]
"Tabley [lute] MS." (Cheshire, England) [GOY 2011 p. 26]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Ob MS Broxbourne 84.9 [1660-1663]
Colman, Charles. (England) [see: Callon, Gordon J. "Songs with Theorbo by Charles Colman and his Contemporaries in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Broxbourne 84.9 and London, Lambeth Palace Library MS 1041." Journal of the Lute Society of America.XXIV (1991): 15-51.]- theorbo and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. C.94 [1660-1685]
Gallot, Henry François de. Pièces de guittarre de differends autheurs recueillis par H.F. de Gallot. (Nantes, France [and England?]). [RISM B/VII p. 252 (incorrectly listed as 12-course lute); TYLER p. 120; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 12-course theorboed guitar in French tablature
- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. F. 572 [1660-1685]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 255; TYLER p. 136]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- viol
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. F. 575 [1660]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 255]- 7-, 8-, 9-, and 10-course lute in French tablature
- viol
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. G. 616 [1660-1680]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 257]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-MOe Ms. Archivio Ducale Segreto per materie...Busta IV, Faszikel C [1660-1675]
(Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 211; TYLER p. 93 (as IV/3]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- violin and viola da gamba in Italian tablature
- J-Tma Ms. without Sign. II [1660-1675]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 331]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- US-Wc Ms. M2.1.C55 [1660-1670]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 345]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- US-Wc Ms. M2.1.T2.17D [1660-1670]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 348; TYLER p. 120]- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- 11-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- Millioni 1661
Millioni, Pietro. Nuova corona d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola, novamente ristampato secondo il vero originale di Pietro Millioni. (Rome, [Italy]: heirs of Mancini)
[RISM ID no.: 990041499]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. II [1661-1670]
van Reede, Johan. (Netherlands) [SMT III/1 p. 7; GOY 2011, p. 21]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- bass viol
- GB-Lanhydrock House Library, Cornwall, Robarts Collection [c1661]
"Hender-Robarts Lutebook." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 130, GB-Harrow (Middlesex), private library of Ian Harwood; SPRING p. 344; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Playford 1662 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace on the cithren and gittern, with many new lessons and pleasant tunes, with some instructions for the practitioners on the same. (London, [England]: John Playford)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Bottazzari 1663
Bottazzari, Giovanni. Sonate nuove per la chittarra spagnola. ([Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990006474]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Martin 1663
Martin, François. Pièces de guitairre [sic], à battre et à pinser . . . premier livre. (Paris, [France]: François Martin?)
[RISM ID no.: 990039496]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmf. ms. 48 [1663-1682]
Keller, Johann David. Album amicorum. (Schleitheim, Switzerland) [RISM B/VII p. 229 (as Thibault VI); SMT I p. 124; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature and staff notation
- keyboard and voice in staff notation
- Playford 1664 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace on the cithren and gittern, containing many easy lessons and delightful tunes, with instructions for practitioners. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40622 [1664-1685]
(Hamburg, [Germany]) [RISM B/VII p. 36]- 5-string cithrinchen in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6212 [1664 (angélique) and c1690 (lute)]
Monin, Marguerite, and Pierre Dubut le fils. "Monin MS." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 261; SMT I p. 142; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- 10- theorbo in French tablature
- 16 stringed angélique in French tablature
- Marchetti c1665
Marchetti, Tomasso. D'i[ntavolatura . . .?]. (Rome? [Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990039230]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature with text only
- Playford 1665 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace containing lessons and instructions for the cithren and gittern. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- A-Wn Ms. 10248 [1665-1690]
"Orazio Clementi MS." (Vienna, Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 359; TYLER p. 142-143]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and French tablature
- CZ-BER Ms. without Sign. [1665-1680]
(France??) [RISM B/VII p. 213 (as CZ-MORAVSKE BEROUN); could not be located in 1999]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-AIXm Ms. Rés. 17 [1665-1670 (part II)]
Livre des vers du lut. ("Ms. Reynaud.") (Provence, France) [RISM B/VII p. 3; SMT I p. 38; GOY 2011 p. 24]- 10-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- GB-En Ms. 9449 [1665-1670]
Campbell, Jeane. "Lady Jeane Campbell's Music Book" or "Panmure House Music Book Nr. 8." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 101]- 12-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lam MS 604 [1665-1670]
"Lute Book Method of Miss Mary Burwell." (England) [formerly in the collection of Robert Spencer; RISM B/VII p. 242; GOY 2011 p. 26 (Ms. 614 sic)]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-MOe MS Mus. F 1528 [c1665]
Raccolta di balli per la chitarra spagnuola. (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 374; BOETTICHER 1979 p. 201; TYLER p. 93]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature
- US-LAuc Ms. f. C.697.M.4 [1665-1675]
Reggio, Pietro. (England) [TYLER p. 136]
[RISM ID no.: 000136430]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1666
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Bortoli)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Nivers 1666
Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel. Méthode facile pour apprendre à chanter la musique, par un maistre célèbre de Paris. (Paris, [France]: Robert Ballard)- treatise
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1666
Playford, John (i). Musick's delight on the cithren restored and refined to a more easie and pleasant manner of playing than formerly; and set forth with lessons al a mode, being the choicest of our late new ayres, corants, sarabands, tunes, and jiggs. To which is added several new songs and ayres to sing to the cithren. (London, [England]: W. Godbid)
[RISM ID no.: 993121909]
**ONLINE VERSION (GB-En)**- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- D-W Ms. Codex Guelferbytanus 302 Blankenburg (Nr. 1-38) [1666-1699]
Christine Louise, Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg [?] [Guitar tablature]. (Germany)
[RISM ID no.: 451509536]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sloane 1247 [1666-1670]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 191]- 6-course lute or viol in French tablature
- Playford 1667a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight on the cithren, containing many new lessons and delightful tunes, after a more new and easie manner of playing then formerly hath been published, with instructions for practitioners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1667b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, or the cithren revived, containing new and pleasant lessons with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. 1667a
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Delitiae testudinis, praeludiis, paduanis, allemandis, courantis, sarabandis, giguis et gavottis conditae. ([Germany]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992000604]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. 1667b
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Delitiae testudinis . . . Erfreuliche Lauten-Lust, darinnen befindlich Praeludia Paduanen, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Gign [sic] & Gavot. (Breslau, [Germany]: Veit Jakob Trescher)
[RISM ID no.: 990054586]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 28 [1667-1700]
[RISM B/VII p. 107]- 4-course mandola/mandolin in Italian tablature
- I-Fn Ms. Magliabechiano, classe XIX, codice 29 [1667-1700]
[RISM B/VII p. 108]- 4-course mandola/mandolin in Italian tablature
- Strobel 1668 [LOST]
Strobel, Valentin (ii). Concerts. (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)- angéliques, theorbo, and other instruments in ensemble in unknown notation
- I-MOe Ms. Mus. G.289 [c1669]
Pittoni, Giovanni. [ms. copy of Pittoni 1669a]- 14-course theorbo in Italian tablature and and violin
- Bartolotti 1669
Bartolotti [Bartolomi], Angelo Michele. Table pour apprendre facilement à toucher le theorbe sur la basse continue. (Paris, [France]: s.n.)- theorbo treatise in French tablature and staff notation
- Gaultier c1669
Gaultier, Denis. Pièces de luth . . . sur trois différens modes nouveaux. (Paris, [France]: Denis Gaultier)
[RISM ID no.: 990019795]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Pittoni 1669a
Pittoni, Giovanni. Intavolatura di tiorba nella quale si contengono dodici sonate da chiesa per tiorba sola col basso per l'organo . . . [op. 1]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990049919]- 14-course theorbo and basso continuo in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Pittoni 1669b
Pittoni, Giovanni. Intavolatura di tiorba nella quale si contengono dodeci sonate da camera per tiorba solo col basso per il clavicembalo . . . [op. 2]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990049920]- 14-course theorbo and basso continuo in Italian tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1669a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). A booke of new lessons for the citharen and gittern, containing many new and pleasant tunes, with plain and easie instructions for beginners thereon. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1669b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Cithren & gittern lessons, with plain & easie instructions for beginners thereon. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1669c [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace, containing lessons and instructions for the cithren, newly printed in a more easie method than it was formerly. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Coriandoli 1670
Coriandoli, Francesco. Diverse sonate ricercate sopra la chitarra spagnuola. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990011310]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Nivers 1670
Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel. Méthode facile pour apprendre à chanter la musique, par un maistre célèbre de Paris . . . Seconde édition. (Paris, [France]: Robert Ballard)- treatise
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1670a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musical delight, containing new and pleasant lessons on the cithron, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1670b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing new and pleasant lessons on the cithron, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1670c [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace, containing lessons and instructions for the cithren, newly printed in a more easie method than it was formerly. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. IV [1670-1685]
Bohr von Bohrenfels?, Andreas. (Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 13; GOY 2011, p. 21]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. VI [1670-1685]
(Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 18]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- B-Br Ms. II 276 [1670-1680]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 58]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Kub Ms. 4° Mus. 108, vol. IV [1670-1690]
(Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 139]- theorbo in French tablature?
- viola da gamba in French tablature
- D-MZfederhofer Ms. without Sign. [1670-1675]
(France and Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 204; SMT II p. 202; TYLER p. 119]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 11-course lute in Italian tablature
- angélique in Italian tablature
- D-Rp Ms. AN 62 [c1670]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 298; SMT II p. 255; GOY 2011 p. 24]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-ROu Ms. Mus. Saec. XVII.54 [c1670]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 310; SMT II p. 266; GOY 2011 p. 24]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. ms. 6 [1670-1699]
Michele, Agnolo. (Italy) [TYLER p. 90; 2 pieces for guitar in a bass part book]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 375 [c1670]
(France) [SMT I p. 71]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6213 [c1670]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 261; SMT I p. 146; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Cu Ms. Dd.6.48 [1670-1685]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 76]- 5- or 6-course lute or bandora in French tablature
- GB-Hengrave Hall (Bury St. Edmunds), Priv. Lib. of John Wood Ms. without Sign. I [1670-1680]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 134]- Lyra viol [or lute?] in French tablature
- GB-Hengrave Hall (Bury St. Edmunds), Priv. Lib. of John Wood Ms. without Sign. II [1670-1680]
(England) [RISM B/VII p. 135]- Lyra viol [or lute?] in French tablature
- GB-Lna box C/108/63, unnumbered fragment [c1670]
"William Montagu fragment." (England) [see: Michael Gale, "Two Newly Discovered English Lute Tablature Fragments." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLVIII (2008): 54-70.]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fc Ms. B. 2556 [1670-1680]
Questo libro di sonate di chitarre e di Giovanni Antonij. (Italy) [TYLER p. 91]
[RISM ID nos.: 850791563, 850791622, 850791623, 850791625]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature?
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40637 [c1670]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 38 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 152; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 12-course lute duet in French tablature
- PL-Sorau Druck Sign. Nr. 1200 [1670-1680] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 324]- lute in French tablature
- RA-BA Ricardo Rojas Museum without Sign. [1670-1709]
Zuola, Gregorio de. Libro de varias curiosidades. (Peru) [YAKELEY p. 285; TYLER p. 164]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and staff notation
- S-Smf Ms. MMS 23 [c1670-1680]
(France and Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 329; see RUDÉN p. 39; GOY 2011 p. 28]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- US-CAh Mus. ms. 174 [1670-1680?]
Dubut le fils, Pierre, and unknown hand. (France) [SPRING p. 348; GOY 2011 p. 28]- 11?-course lute in French lute tablature
- US-R Ms. Vault ML96 .L973 [1670-1700?]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 47 and 304 (with incorrect location); GOY 2011 p. 28; TYLER p. 147]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 5-string mandora in French tablature
- US-R Ms. Vault M125 .FLXVII [1670]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 301 (with many inaccuracies, see: TYLER p. 142)]- 5-string mandore in French tablature
- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Carré 1671
Carré, Antoine, Sieur de la Grange. Livre de guitarre contenant plusieurs pieces . . . avec la manière de toucher sur la partie ou basse-continue. (Paris, [France]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990008917]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Corbetta 1671
Corbetta, Francesco. La guitarre royalle dediée au roy de la Grande Bretagne [Charles II]. (Paris, [France]: H. Bonneuil)
[RISM ID no.: 990011039]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- A-Wös Harrach, H. 639 [c1671]
Platano, Michele. Sonate oue si contengono diuersi Preludij, Alemande, Gigue, Corrente, e Sarabande con alcune sonate all'Accordatura Inglese, & in fine il Modo per sonare sopra la parte[discovered in 2011] (Austria?)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- PL-Pu Ms. 7917 [after 1671]
Sonate oue si contengono diuersi Preludij, Alemande, Gigue, Corrente, e Sarabande con alcune sonate all'Accordatura Inglese, & in fine il Modo per sonare sopra la parte [discovered in 2011] (Germany?) [GOY 2011 p. 27]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Gaultier c1672
Gaultier, Denis. Livre de tablature des pièces de Mr. Gaultier Sr. de Nève et de Mr. Gaultier son cousin. (Paris, [France]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 993122173]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 11-course lute in French tablature?
- Playford 1672a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing variety of new and pleasant lessons and instructions for the cithren. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1672b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace, containing lessons and instructions for the cithren, newly printed in a more easie method than it was formerly. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Salmon 1672
Salmon, Thomas. An essay to the advancement of musick, by casting away the perplexity of different cliffs and uniting all sorts of musick, lute, viol, violin, organ, harpsechord, voice, &c. in one universal character. (London, [England]: J. Macock)- treatise on instruments
- A-Wn Mus. Ms. 18826 [1672-1675]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 354; SMT III/1 p. 132]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 370 [1672-1676]
Brossard, Sébastien de. Pieces de luth recüeillies und écrites a Caen und autres lieux ès années 1672-73 &c. par S. De Brossard. (France) [RISM B/VII p. 259; SMT I p. 132; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1673a
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Didini)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1673b
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Francesco Busetto)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1673c
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice and Macerata, [Italy]: Piccini)
[RISM ID no.: 1001035765]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Playford 1673a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing variety of new and pleasant lessons and instructions for the cithren. (London, [England]: John Playford)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1673b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace, containing lessons and instructions for the cithren, newly printed in a more easie method than it was formerly. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. 1673 [LOST]
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Musikalischer Blumenstrauss, zusammengebunden von hundert allerhand nach französischer Manier zur Lust dienender Präludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Gavotten, Giquen, Arien, Maskeraden, Galliarden und Bouréen. (Bremen, [Germany]: unknown)- 11?-course lute in French tablature?
- A-ETgoëss Ms. Théorbe [1673-1682]
van Reede, Johan. Livre contenant diverses pièces de theorbe des plus illustres maistres de ce temps. (Netherlands) [SMT III/1 p. 27; GOY 2011, p. 22]- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Amat 1674 [LOST]
Amat, Joan Carles. Guitarra Española de cinco ordenes . . . (Barcelona, [Spain]: Vincente Surià)- guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
- Asioli 1674
Asioli, Francesco. Primi scherzi di chitarra. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990002504]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Corbetta 1674
Corbetta, Francesco. La guitarre royalle dediée au roy [Louis XIV]. (Paris, [France]: H. Bonneuil)
[RISM ID no.: 990011040]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 5-course guitar duet in French tablature
- Granata 1674
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Novi capricci armonici musicali in varj toni per la chitarra spagnola, violino, e viola concertati, et altre sonate per la chitarra sola, [op. 5]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022471]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Sanz 1674
Sanz, Gaspar. Instruccion de musica sobre la guitarra española, y método de sus primeros rudimentos, hasta tañerla con destreza . . . Libro primo. (Zaragoza, [Spain]: heirs of Diego Dormer)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature with staff notation
- Pesori c1675
Pesori, Stefano. Ricreationi armoniche overo toccate di chitarriglia . . . ove con bellissimo ordine descritto si vede il vero modo per sonare ad uso moderno la chittariglia di Spagna. ([Italy]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992006808]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Playford 1675a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing new and pleasant lessons on the cithron, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1675b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing variety of new lessons and tunes for the cittern, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1675c [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing variety of new lessons and tunes for the cithern, with plain and easie instructions for beginners. (London, [England]: John Playford)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Sanz 1675
Sanz, Gaspar. Libro segundo. De cifras sobre la guitarra española, con arte nuevo para aprender a tañerla sin maestro, con gran facilidad. (Zaragoza, [Spain]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Sanz c1675
Sanz, Gaspar. Libro tercero de musica. De cifras sobre la guitarra española, que contiene las diferencias mas primorosas de passacalles . . . (Zaragoza, [Spain]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- A-KR Ms. L 78 [1675-1700]
Biechteler, Matthias Siegmund. (Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 58]
[RISM ID no.: 992006808]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 137, Nr. 263 [1675-1700] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 41]- 14-course lute in Italian tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40601 [1675-1690]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 35; SMT II p. 53]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- lute, violin, bass, chalumeau, oboe, bassoon, and viole d'amour in staff notation
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 62 [1675-1700] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 43]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-Nst Ms. Autogr. 2353 a [1675-1706]
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706). [2 Dances for lute]. (Nuremberg, [Germany])
[RISM ID no.: 1001007925]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-SWl Mus.640 [1675-1700]
anonymous. [suites, dances].
[RISM ID no.: 240006968]- angélique in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6214 [c1675]
Brossard, Sébastien de. "Bocquet MS." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 262; SMT I p. 147; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9096:8 [1675-1699]
Amour quels sont les maux.
[RISM ID no.: 190001131]- lute in French tablature? and voice
- Asioli 1676
Asioli, Francesco. Concerti armonici per la chitarra spagnuola. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990002505]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Mace 1676
Mace, Thomas. Musick's monument; or, A remembrancer of the best practical musick, both divine, and civil . . . divided into three parts, the first part, shews a necessity of singing psalms well . . . the second part, treats of the noble lute . . . directing the most ample way, for the use of the theorboe . . . in the third part, the generous viol . . . is treated upon; with some curious observations, never before handled, concerning it, and musick in general. (London, [England]: T. Radcliffe and N. Thompson)
[RISM ID no.: 990038784]
**ONLINE VERSION (GB-En)**- lute/music treatise
- 12-course theorbo-lute in French tablature
- Médard 1676
Médard, Remy. Pièces de guitarre. (Paris, [France]: Ganière)
[RISM ID no.: 991000697]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Millioni 1676
Millioni, Pietro. Nuova corona d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola, novamente ristampato secondo il vero originale di Pietro Millioni. (Rome, [Italy]: Francesco Tizzoni and Francesco Leone)
[RISM ID no.: 1000000251]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Playford 1676 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing variety of new lessons and tunes for the cittern, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. 1676
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Neue Lauten-Früchte Allen dieses Instruments Liebhabern zur Ergötzlichkeit, Übung und Nutzen, mit besonderem Fleisse auffgesetzet und verleget. (s.l.: Esaias Reusner, Jr.)
[RISM ID no.: 990054591]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. c1676
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Hundert Geistliche Melodien Evangelischer Lieder, welche auf die Fest- und andere Tage, so wohl in der christlichen Gemeine, als auch daheim gesungen werden . . . nach itziger Manier, in die Laute gesetzet und . . . zum Kupfer befodert und verleget. (s.l.: Esaias Reusner, Jr.)
[RISM ID no.: 990054592]
**ONLINE VERSION (A-Wn)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- A-Wengel Bensbergh [1676] [LOST]
Bensbergh, Godfredus. (Germany) [SMT III/1 p. 146; GOY p. 29 (private library of Robert Engel)]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- CZ-Nrlk Ms. II.Kk.84 [1676]
Blouvin, Julien. Pièces de luth. Julien Blovin a Rome, 1676. (Rome, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 297; SMT III/2 p. 68 (as CZ-Pu); GOY 2011 p. 23 (as CZ-Nlobkowicz)]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 18380 [1676-1680]
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. (Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 21; SMT II p. 26; MS appendix to Reusner, Jr. 1676]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- D-B 4230 [1676-]
(Sweden) [GOY 2011 p. 23 (olim Danzig)]
[RISM ID no.: 452027873]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-B)**- 11-course lute duet in French tablature (2nd lute part missing)
- Carré 1677 [LOST]
Carré, Antoine, Sieur de la Grange. Traite de la guitarre. (France]: Christophe Ballard)- 5-course guitar treatise
- Francisco c1677 [LOST]
Seignior Francisco [Francesco Corbetta?]. Easie lessons on the guittar for young practitioners: single, and some of two parts. (London, [England]: John Carr)- 5-course guitar in French tablature?
- Ribayaz 1677
Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas. Luz y norte musical para caminar por las cifras de la guitarra española, y arpa, tañer, y cantar á compás por canto de organo; y breve explicacion del arte, con preceptos faciles, indubitables, y explicados con claras regas por teorica, y practica. (Madrid, [Spain]: Melchor Alvarez)
[RISM ID no.: 990054618]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature and Castilian cifras
- Ricci 1677
Ricci, Giovanni Pietro. Scuola d'intavolatura. Con la quale ciascuno senza Maestro puole imparare à suonare la Chitarriglia Spagnuola, accordare, fare il trillo, il repicco, trasmutar da una lettera all'altra corrispondenti. . . (Rome, [Italy]: Paolo Moneta)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- mandola and guitar in staff notation and alfabeto tablature
- US-NYpm Ms. E.34.B [= PML 17524] [1677-1690]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 235; GOY 2011 p. 28]- 12-, 13-, and 14-course lute or theorbo in French tablature
- anonymous 1678
[anonymous]. Novissime canzonette musicali de diversi auttori. (Venice, [Italy]: il Zini)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Carré c1678-1688
Carré, Antoine, Sieur de la Grange. Livre de pièces de guitarre et de musique. (Paris, [France]: s.n.) [TYLER p. 109]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Millioni/Monte 1678
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Zini)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice with text only (no tablature)
- Playford 1678 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace, containing lessons and instructions for the cithren, newly printed in a more easie method than it was formerly. (unknown)- 4-course gittern in French tablature
- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Mouton c1679
Mouton, Charles. Pièces de luth sur différents modes. (Paris, [France]: Charles Mouton)
[RISM ID no.: 990042591]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Perrine 1679
Perrine. Livre de musique pour le lut. Contenant une métode nouvelle et facile pour aprendre à toucher le lut sur les notes de la musique, aved des règles pour exprimer par les mêmes notes toutes sortes de pièces de lut dans leur propre mouvement. (Paris, [France]: Perrine)
[RISM ID no.: 991009915]- 11-course lute treatise in French tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1679 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing new and pleasant lessons on the cithron, with instructions for beginners. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40275 [1679-1685]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 31; SMT II p. 47]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- 7-string cithrinchen in French tablature
- Di Micheli 1680
Di Micheli, Antonino [De Michaele, Antoninus]. La nuova chitarra di regole, dichiarationi, e figure con regola della scala. (Palermo, [Italy]: Barbera, Rummolo, & Orlando)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Gaultier c1680
Gaultier, Denis. Livre de tablature des pièces de luth sur plusieurs diferents modes, avec quelques reigles qu'il faut observer pour le bien toucher. (Paris, [France]: s.n.)- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Granata 1680
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Nuovi sovavi concenti di sonate musicali in varij toni per la chittara spagnola, et altre sonate concertate a due violoni, e basso, [op. 6]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022472]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar, 2 violins, basso continuo in alfabeto and Italian tablature and staff notaion [incomplete]
- Grenerin 1680
Grenerin, Henry. Livre de guitarre et autres pièces de musique meslées de symphonies avec une instruction pour jouer la basse continue. (Paris, [France]: H. Bonneuil)
[RISM ID no.: 990022836]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- Grenerin c1680
Grenerin, Henry. Livre de théorbe, contenant plusieurs pièces sur différens tons, avec une nouvelle méthode trés-facile pour aprendre à jouer sur la parite les basses coninues et toutes sortes d'airs à livre ouvert. (Paris, [France]: Henry Grenerin)- theorbo in French tablature; theorbo treatise
- Matteis c1680
Matteis, Nicola. Le False consonanse della musica per poter' apprendere a toccar da se medesimo la chitarra sopra la parte. Esempii curiosi con havertimenti chiarissimi e dichiarationi dove ciasche d'uno potrà in breve accompagnar le arie in musica, e sonar qual si voglia basso . . . Il tutto è diviso in quattro parti. (London, [England]: s.n.)- continuo treatise for the 5-course guitar in French tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1680 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks delight, containing lessons for the cittern. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. V [1680-1700]
Blouin, Julien, and Andreas Bohr von Bohrenfels? (Italy and Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 15; GOY 2011, p. 21]- 11-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- A-KR Ms. L 82 [c1680]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 159; SMT III/1 p. 77; ms. copy Bittner 1682]
[RISM ID no.: 600160622]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- A-KR Ms. L 83 [1680-1705]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 159; SMT III/1 p. 86]
[RISM ID no.: 600160836]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- B-Br Ms. III, 1037 [c1680]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 66]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- CZ-LEVOČA (Leutschau), Evangelická Cirkevná Knižnica ms. without Sign. [1680-1690]
(Bohemia??) [RISM B/VII p. 170]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- CZ-ROUDNICE, Bibliothek des Fürsten Lobkowitz [olim CZ-Pu Ms. II.Kk.51] [1680-1700]
anonymous. (Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 293; SMT III/2 p. 55 (recently restored to the Lobkowitz family)]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40149 [1680-1690]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 26; SMT II p. 40]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40179 [1680-1690]
[RISM B/VII p. 30]- 6-course mandore in French tablature
- D-HVl Ms. IV, 421 [olim 199] [1680-1730]
[RISM ID no.: 450117199]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-Mbs 3232 d [1680-1720]
[6 Dances - lute].
[RISM ID no.: 1001130263]- lute in French tablature
- D-TUTZING (Oberbayern) Musikantiquariat Hans Schneider, Ms. without Sign. [1680-1695] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 334]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-TUTZING (Oberbayern) Musikantiquariat Hans Schneider, Ms. without Sign. [1680] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 334]- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- E-Bc Mús. 691/2 [1680-1700]
Surcaba en brasos de Paris. (Spain?) [YAKELEY p. 279; TYLER, p. 162]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras and staff notation
- E-Bc Mús. 759/2-15 [1680-1700]
(Spain) [miscellaneous loose sheets with songs for voice and guitar; YAKELEY p. 277; TYLER, p. 162]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Mn Ms. 5917 [1680]
Guerrero, Joseph. Arte de la guitarra. (Spain) [RISM B/VII p. 204; YAKELEY p. 283; TYLER p. 162]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature and Castilian cifras
- E-VAu Ms. 119 [c1680]
Libro de bailes. (Spain) [theatrical company collection]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- F-Pn Vm7 6216 [c1680]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 262; SMT I p. 150]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6235 [1680]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 264; TYLER p. 119]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 6236 [1680]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 265; TYLER p. 119]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmc. ms. 5 [1680]
(Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 267; TYLER p. 90]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmd. ms. 15 [1680-1690]
Dubut le fils, Pierre. "Lyon MS." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 231 (as Thibault VIII); SMT I p. 111; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Cmc Ms. 2805 [1680]
Morelli, Cesare. A table to the Guitarr by Seign.r: Caesare Morellij. 1680. (England) [TYLER p. 136]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- continuo treatise
- GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 14399 [1680-1700]
[RISM ID no.: 806940163]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Lbl Ms. Sloane 2923 [1680-1683]
(Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 191; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 11- and 12-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. G. 617 [1680-1700]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 257; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. G. 618 [1680-1700]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 257; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-MOe Mus. E. 323 [1680-1700]
Corbetta, Francesco. (Modena? Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 374; BOETTICHER 1979 p. 201; TYLER, p. 93; ms. copy mostly from Corbetta 1643]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- NL-At Ms. 205-B-32 [1680-1700]
Dubut le fils, Pierre. (France) [RISM B/VII p. 6; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40152 [1680-1690]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 27 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 125]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40593 [1680-1690?]
Dubut le fils, Pierre, and unknown hand. (France and Germany) [RISM B/VII p. 34 (D-B); SMT III/2 p. 135; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- US-R Ms. Vault ML96 .M.435 [1680-1685]
Matteis, Nicola. (Italy?) [ms. copy of Matteis c1680; RISM B/VII p. 303; TYLER p. 95, 136]- continuo treatise for the 5-course guitar in French tablature and staff notation
- Garcia Hidalgo 1681-1691
Garcia Hidalgo, Jose. Principios para estudiar el nobilisimo y real arte de la pintura. ([Spain]: s.n.)- treatise on drawing with some examples of 5-course guitar chords using Catalan cifras
- D-LEm Ms. II.6.24 [1681-1700]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 179; GOY 2011 p. 24]
[RISM ID no.: 225006516]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-LEm Ms. III.12.16 [1681]
(Germany and Vienna, Austria) [SMT II p. 198]
[RISM ID no.: 225004064]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. 169 [1681]
Manuscrit Béthune, Tablature d'angélique. (Strasbourg, France) [RISM B/VII p. 269; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 16-string angélique in French tablature
- J-Tma Ms. without Sign. I [1681-1700]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 331; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- Bittner 1682 [1702?]
Bittner, Jacob. Pièces de lut. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990005525]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Matteis 1682
Matteis, Nicola. The False consonances of musick or instructions for playing the true base upon the guitarre, with coice examples and cleare directions to enable any man in a short time to play all musicall ayres . . . (London, [England]: J. Carr)- continuo treatise for the 5-course guitar in French tablature and staff notation
- Perrine 1682
Perrine. Livre de musique pour le lut. Contenant une métode nouvelle et facile pour aprendre à toucher le lut sur les notes de la musique, aved des règles pour exprimer par les mêmes notes toutes sortes de pièces de lut dans leur propre mouvement . . . Et une table pour aprendre à toucher le lut sur la basse continüe pour accompagner la voix. (Paris, [France]: Perrine)- 11-course lute treatise in French tablature and staff notation
- Visée c1682
Visée, Robert de. Livre de guitarre, dédié au Roy. (Paris, [France]: Bonneuil and Nicolas Cheron)
[RISM ID no.: 990067100]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- treble and bass instruments in staff notation
- F-Pn Rés. 823 [1682-1700]
"Milleran MS." (France) [SMT I p. 75; GOY 2011 p. 25]
[RISM ID no.: 840018238]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-IE Ms. Plan. 3 [1682]
Fiorini, Gio. Francesco. (Italy) [TYLER, p. 92]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Bittner 1683 [LOST]
Bittner, Jacob. Galantheste Methode die Laute zu tractiren . . . (Nuremberg, [Germany]: s.n.)- 11?-course lute in French tablature?
- Perrine c1683
Perrine. Pieces de luth en musique avec des regles pour les toucher parfaitement sur le luth et sur le clavessin . . . par le Sr. Perrine. (Paris, [France]: Perrine)
[RISM ID no.: 990049007]- 11-course lute in staff notation
- CZ-Nrlk Ms. II.Kk.80 [1683-]
Mouton, Charles. (France) [RISM B/VII p. 296; SMT III/2 p. 64 (as CZ-Pu); GOY 2011 p. 23 (as CZ-Nlobkowicz)]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Gallot c1684
Gallot, Jacques. Pièces de luth composées sur differens modes. (Paris, [France]: H. Bonneuil)- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Granata 1684
Granata, Giovanni Battista. Armoniosi toni di varie suonate musicali concertate, a due violini, e basso, con la chitarra spagnola, [op. 7]. (Bologna, [Italy]: Giacomo Monti)
[RISM ID no.: 990022473]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar, 2 violins, basso continuo in alfabeto and Italian tablature and staff notation [incomplete]
- Millioni/Monte 1684
Millioni, Pietro and Lodovico Monte. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'Alfabeto, et accordatura ordinarii, ma anco con un'altro Alfabeto, et accordatura straordinarii, nuovamente da inventati . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Zini)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice with text only (no tablature)
- US-CAh Ms. Music 139 [1684-1685]
Cromwell, Elizabeth, and Mary Mathewes. "Cromwell/Mathewes Gittar Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 79; TYLER p. 136]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- A-KR Ms. L 85 [1685-1705]
(Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 91]
[RISM ID no.: 600153641]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- N-Ou Ms. 294 [1685-1705]
[RISM B/VII p. 250, incorrectly identified as for lute]- 6-course viola da gamba in French tablature
- Visée 1686
Visée, Robert de. Livre de pièces pour la guittarre. (Paris, [France]: Bonneuil and A. Letteguine)
[RISM ID no.: 990067101]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- treble and bass instruments in staff notation
- A-Kla Ms. I 38 [1686]
Vogl, Johann. "Goëss Vogl MS." (Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 43 (A-Klm); TYLER p. 145]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-LEm MS II.6.14 [1686- ]
(Germany) [SMT II p. 156]
[RISM ID no.: 225006514]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-LEm)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Playford 1687 [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace on the cittern: containing variety of new and easie lessons, with directions how to play them . . . (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Derosiers 1688 [LOST?]
Derosiers, Nicolas. Douze ouvertures pour la guitar . . . op. 5. (The Hague, [Netherlands]: unknown)- 5-course guitar in French tablature?
- Kremberg 1689
Kremberg, Jakob. Musicalische Gemüths-Ergötzung, oder, Arien, samt deren unterlegten hochdeutschen Gedichten . . . Welche also eingerichtet, daß sie entweder mit einer Stimme allein zu singen, benebenst dem General Baß, oder aber . . . auf der Lauthe, Angelique, Viola di Gamba, und Chitarra können gespielet werden. (Dresden, [Germany]: Christoph Mathesius)
[RISM ID no.: 990034796]- voice in staff notation with continuo part, and realizations in French tablature for 5-course guitar, 11-course lute, viol, and 16-string angélique
- E-Bc Ms. 888 [1689]
Fontaner y Martel, Francesc. Libro de diversas letras. (Spain) [YAKELEY p. 275]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras with lyrics only
- Delair 1690
Delair, Etienne Denis. Traité d'accompagnement pour le théorbe et le clavessin. (Paris, [France]: Denis Delair)- continuo treatise for theorbo and keyboard in French tablature and staff notation
- Derosiers c1690
Derosiers, Nicolas. Les principes de la guitarre . . . (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: Antoine Pointel)- 5-course guitar treatise in French tablature
- A-KR Ms. L 79 [1690-1710]
Fischer, P. Ferdinand. (Kremsmünster, Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 60; ms. copy of Reusner, Jr. 1676]
[RISM ID no.: 600153848]- 11-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- A-Wn Mus. Ms. 17706 [1690-1700]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 351; SMT III/1 p. 121]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- CZ-Pdobrovského Ms. b 2 [c1690-1700]
(Bohemia) [RISM B/VII p. 286; TYLER p. 147]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and French tablature
- CZ-Pu Ms. II.Kk.83 [c1690]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 296; SMT III/2 p. 66]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40226 [1690]
(France?) [RISM B/VII p. 30; SMT II p. 42]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- olim F-Pbérès ms. without Sign. [c1690]
(France) [SMT I p. 66]- 11?-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Rés. Vmb. ms. 7 [c1690-1700]
"Manuscrit Barbe." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 266; SMT I p. 99; GOY 2011 p. 25]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- F-Pn Vmb. ms. 59 [c1690-1720]
(France) [RISM B/VII p. 267; TYLER p. 119]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- F-Pn Vm7 675 [1690-1700 (Goy); c1665 (Tyler)]
"Bauyn MS." (Paris, France) [RISM B/VII p. 260; SMT I p. 135; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 11-course lute in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. F. 576 [1690-1700]
(Netherlands) [RISM B/VII p. 256; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- I-Fc CF.42 [1690-1699]
anonymous. Danze. Mandolino o Arpa.
[RISM ID no.: 600153848 (as mandolin)]- mandola in Italian tablature
- GB-Ob MS Mus. Sch. F.579 [1690-1700]
Pearson, Hannah. (England; and France?) [TYLER, p. 120; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- guitar continuo
- PL-WARSAW Aleksander Poliński Private Library, Ms. without Sign. [1690-1700?] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 344; SMT III/2 p. 168]- 11?-course lute in inverted French tablature
- S-Uu Vok. mus. i hs. 67:22 [1690-1697]
Eimwag, Joachim. Concert a 2 Violdamour 2 Violdigamba. 2 Fleute doux 1 Luth et 2 Voce et Basso Continuo. (Sweden?)- 11?-course lute in French tablature
- US-NHub MS16, "Osborn Music MS 16" [c1690-1720].
Kusser, Johann Sigmund, (England) [commonplace book with instrument tunings on a couple of pages]
[RISM ID no.: 190008265]
**ONLINE VERSION (US-NHub)**- tunings for theorbo, guitar, and Spanish guitar in staff notation (p. 228)
- Derosiers c1691 [LOST]
Derosiers, Nicolas. Ouverture, courante, sarabande, gigue etc. sur huit tons differents à 3 et 4 parties, ou l'on peut jour la guitarre avec, ou, seul sy l'on veut . . . op. 5. (Amsterdam, [Netherlands]: s.n.)- 5-course guitar in French tablature [?]
- 5-course guitar with other instruments [in French tablature and staff notation?]
- angélique in unknown notation [French tablature?]
- Roncalli 1692
Roncalli, Ludovico. Capricci armonici sopra la chitarra spagnola . . . [op. 1]. (Bergamo, [Italy]: Sebastian Casetti)
[RISM ID no.: 990055776]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- S-SK Ms. Katedralskolans musiksamling No. 468 [1692-1726]
Mörner, Hedvig. Schaccon. (Sweden) [see RUDÉN p. 44; GOY 2011 p. 28; TYLER p. 138]
[RISM ID no.: 190007292]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- viola da gamba
- US-Wc Ms. M140.F675 (Case) [1692]
(Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 350]- lute in French tablature
- A-ETgoëss Ms. III [c1693]
Bohr von Bohrenfels?, Andreas. (Austria) [SMT III/1 p. 10; GOY 2011, p. 21]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Cmc Ms. 2591 [1693]
Morelli, Cesare. Songs & other compositions light, grave and sacred, for a single voice . . . with a thorough-base on the guitar by Cesare Morelli. (England) [TYLER p. 135]
[RISM ID no.: 806918300, 806918305, 806918309, 806918315]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Cmc Ms. 2802 [c1693]
Morelli, Cesare. Liber I: Voice & Ghittarre by Sigr Cesare Morelli. (England) [TYLER p. 135]
[RISM ID no.: 806918313]- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Cmc Ms. 2803 [c1693]
Morelli, Cesare. Liber II: Songs sett by Sigr Pietro Reggio &c. (England) [TYLER p. 135]
[RISM ID no.: 806923978]- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- GB-Cmc Ms. 2804 [c1693]
Morelli, Cesare. Liber III: Songs, & Operas of Sigr Pietro. & Sigr Baptist. (England) [TYLER p. 135]- 5-course guitar and voice in French tablature and staff notation
- NL-DHnmi Kluis D 1 [c1693-1702]
"Princess An's Guitar Book." (Holland) [RISM B/VII p. 83; TYLER p. 137 (as NL-DHgm Ms. 4.E.73)]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- S-Sk Ms. Tabulatur No. 3 [1693-1700]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 327; see RUDÉN p. 33]- 6-course lute or lyra viol in French tablature
- S-Uu Vok. mus. i hs. 67:3 [1693]
Ach Swea Trohn är klädd i Sorgedrächt . . . Aria. Soprano Solo con Stromenti. (Sweden?)
[RISM ID no.: 190004602]- theorbo in French tablature (2 examples)
- Guerau 1694
Guerau, Francisco. Poema harmonico compuesto de varias cifras por el temple de la guitarra española. (Madrid, [Spain]: Manuel Ruiz de Murga)
[RISM ID no.: 990023697]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature and Castilian cifras
- D-B Mus. ms. 40627 [1694-1695]
(Prague, Czech Republic) [SMT II p. 60]
[RISM ID no.: 1001005139]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-B)**- 11-course lute in French tablature
- PL-Lw Ms. 1985 [1694]
Gallot, Pierre, Julien Blouin, et al. (France and Rome, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 195; SMT III/2 p. 160; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- 14-course theorbo in French tablature
- PL-Pu Ms. 7033 [1694-1701]
(England) [SMT III/2 p. 165]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Le Sage de Richée 1695
Le Sage de Richée, Philipp Franz. Cabinet der Lauten in welchem zu finden 12. neue Partien, aus unterschiedenen Tonen und neuesten Manier so aniezo gebräuchlich, welche bestehen in Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Giquen, Gavotten, Menuetten, Boureen, Chagonen, Passagalien, Ouverturen, Rondeau sambt Echo. Denen Liebhabern zu einer Distraction an das Licht gegeben. (Breslau [Wrocław, Poland]: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 990037815]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- A-Kla Ms. 5/37 [c1695]
(Austria) [RISM B/VII p. 141; SMT III/1 p. 40]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-En Acc. 9769 84/1/6 [on loan] [1695-1701]
"Balcarres Manuscript" or "Lord Crawford lute book." (Scotland) [RISM B/VII p. 16 (as GB-BEas Ms. without Sign.); SPRING p. 458; GOY 2011 p. 26]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- GB-Och Ms. Mus. 1187 [c1695]
"Talbot manuscript." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 258; TYLER p. 184]- lute in French tablature
- 5-course mandore in French tablature
- cittern in French tablature
- J-Tn Ohki collection, N-4/42 [1695-1710 and c1730 (archlute)]
"Cesare Morelli lute book." (England) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; SPRING, p. 444].- 12-course lute in French tablature
- 14-course archlute continuo
- Kremberg 1696
Kremberg, Jakob. Musikalische Gemüths-Ergetözung, Bestehend in Allergand Arien, mit einer Singe-Stimme, und dem General-Bas. (s.l.: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992005825]- voice in staff notation with continuo part, and realizations in French tablature for 5-course guitar, 11-course lute, viol, and 16-string angélique
- Nivers 1696
Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel. Méthode facile pour apprendre à chanter la musique, par un maistre célèbre de Paris . . . Seconde édition. (Paris, [France]: Robert Ballard)- treatise
- 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
- Playford 1696a [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musick's delight, lessons for the cittern. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Playford 1696b [LOST]
Playford, John (i). Musicks solace on the cittern. (unknown)- 4-course cittern in French tablature
- Reusner, Jr. 1697
Reusner, Jr., Esaias. Delitiae testudinis . . . Erfreuliche Lauten-Lust, darinnen befindlich Praeludia Paduanen, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Gign & Gavot. (Leipzig, [Germany]: Johann Herbord Kloss)
[RISM ID no.: 990054587]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- Sanz 1697
Sanz, Gaspar. Instruccion de musica sobre la guitarra española, y método de sus primeros rudimentos, hasta tañerla con destreza. Con dos laberintos ingeniosos, variedad de sones, y dances de rasgueado, y punteado, al estilo español, italiano, françès, y inglès. Con un breve tratado para acompañar con perfeccion, sobre la parte muy essencial para la guitarra, arpa, y organo, resumido en doze reglas, y exemplos los mas principales de contrapunto, y composicion . . . Libro primo [-tercero]. (Zaragoza, [Spain]: heirs of Diego Dormer)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- Di Micheli 1698
Di Micheli, Antonino. La nuova chitarra di regole dichiarationi, e figure con la regola della scala. (Palermo, [Italy]: P. Coppula)- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- Perrine 1698
Perrine. Livre de musique pour le lut. Contenant une métode nouvelle et facile pour aprendre à toucher le lut sur les notes de la musique, aved des règles pour exprimer par les mêmes notes toutes sortes de pièces de lut dans leur propre mouvement . . . Et une table pour aprendre à toucher le lut sur la basse continüe pour accompagner la voix. (Paris, [France]: Perrine)- 11-course lute treatise in French tablature and staff notation
- Pico 16[9]8
Pico, Foriano. Nuova scelta di sonate per la chitarra spagnola . . . con alcune sonate e passegiate non più poste alla stampa, tutte curiose tra le quali vi s'è aggiunto la Siciliana e le letanie de'santi, con l'intavolature messe spezzatamente, e la Romanella. (Naples, [Italy]: Giovan. Francesco Paci)
[RISM ID no.: 990049761]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- olim GB-Lspencer [1698] [LOST?]
Veterani, Domenico. (Italy?) [not in RISM; see TYLER p. 90; sold at Sotheby's auction 2006, current location unknown]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- lute
- mandola
- Derosiers 1699
Derosiers, Nicolas. Nouveaux principes pour la guitare, avec une table universelle de tous les accords qui se trouvent dans la basse-continüe sur cet instrument. Ce qui peut servir aussi aux personnes qui joüent du luth, du théorbe et de la basse de viole. (Paris, [France]: Christophe Ballard)- 5-course guitar continuo treatise in French tablature
- Hinterleithner 1699
Hinterleithner, Ferdinand Ignaz. Lauthen Concert mit Violin, Bass: und Lauthen. (s.l.: s.n.)
[RISM ID no.: 992001255]
**ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**- lute, violin, and bass (or lute solo) in French? tablature and staff notation
- Mouton 1699
Mouton, Charles. Pièces de luth sur différents modes [Livre II]. (Paris, [France]: Charles Mouton)
[RISM ID no.: 991028251]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-BFb C-ha 60 [1699]
Chansons. [France?]
[RISM ID no.: 450000091]- 11?-course lute in French tablature
- E-Mn Ms. M.2209 [c1699]
Santa Cruz, Antonio de. Livro donde se verán pazacalles de los ocho tonos . . . (Spain) [RISM B/VII p. 203; TYLER p. 162]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- F-B Ms. 279.152 [1699-1716?]
Vaudry, Jean Etienne, Seigneur de Saizenay et de Poupet. "Ms. Vaudry de Saizenay, Nr. I." (France) [SMT I p. 48; GOY 2011 p. 25]
**ONLINE VERSION (F-B)**- 11-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
- 14-course theorbo, theorbo duet in French tablature
- F-B Ms. 279.153 [1699- ]
Vaudry, Jean Etienne, Seigneur de Saizenay et de Poupet. "Ms. Vaudry de Saizenay, Nr. II." (France) [RISM B/VII p. 46; SMT I p. 61; GOY 2011 p. 25]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- PL-ŁZu Ms. M.3779 [1699]
(France) [SMT III/2 p. 155; GOY 2011 p. 27]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- CZ-OLu Ms. II.234 [end of the 17th century]
(Bohemia) [RISM B/VII p. 249; SMT III/2 p. 14]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- CZ-Pnm Ms. II.L.a.1 [end of the 17th century]
(Bohemia) [ms. addition to Kremberg 1689; RISM B/VII p. 287; TYLER p. 147]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 221, Nr. 847 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 42]- lute in French tablature
- D-B Mus. ms. 40631 [end of the 17th century]
(France or Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 37; TYLER p. 119 and 145]- 5-course guitar in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 73 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 44]- 13-course lute in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 74 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 44]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 75 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 44]- 11-course lute in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 76 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 44]- 13-course lute in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 77 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 44]- 13-course lute in French tablature
- D-Grunewald, Werner Wolffheim Ms. 78 [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 45]- 13-course lute in French tablature
- D-Lubeck? Ms. without Sign. [end of the 17th century] [LOST]
[RISM B/VII p. 196]- 10- and 11-course lute in French tablature
- E-B Biblioteca Pública Arús R -3-5-81 [end of the 17th century?]
(Italy?) [YAKELEY p. 281]- 5-course guitar in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- E-Bc Mús. 1637/II/21 [end of the 17th century]
Corazon amor. (Spain) [loose sheets for voice and guitar; YAKELEY p. 281]- 5-course guitar and voice in Catalan cifras and staff notation
- E-Bc Mús. 3658 [end of the 17th century?]
(Italy?) [YAKELEY p. 279]- 5-course guitar, mandola, and violin in alfabeto and Italian tablature
- E-Bc Mús. 3660 [end of the 17th century?]
(Italy?) [YAKELEY p. 279]- 5-course guitar, voice, and continuo in Italian tablature and staff notation
- E-Bit 82690-82967 [end of the 17th century?]
Hidalgo?, Maria. "Bailes." (Spain) [theatrical company collection; YAKELEY p. 281]- 5-course guitar and voice in Castilian cifras with lyrics only
- GB-Cfm Ms. Mus. 727 [end of the 17th century]
Marín, José. "Cancionero de Marín" or "Cancionero de Cambridge." (Spain) [RISM B/VII p. 70; TYLER p. 163]- 5-course guitar in Italian tablature
- I-Moe Ms. Archivio Ducale Segreto per materie...Busta IV, Faszikel A [end of the 17th century]
(Modena, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 209; COELHO p. 96]- 14-course theorbo in Italian tablature
- MEX-Msaldívar Codex Saldívar No. 2 [end of the 17th century]
Aguirre, Sebastian de. Metodo de citara. (Mexico?) [TYLER p. 163]- 4- and 5-course vihuela (guitar) in Spanish tablature
- cittern in Spanish tablature
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9096, 2 [end of the 17th century]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 240; see RUDÉN p. 38; TYLER p. 138]- 5-course guitar and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
- S-N Ms. Finspong Nr. 9096, 14 [end of the 17th century-beginning of the 18th century]
(Sweden) [RISM B/VII p. 241; see RUDÉN p. 39; TYLER p. 138]- 5-course guitar in French tablature