Sources for the English Guittar

The so-called "English guittar," actually a type of cittern, was popular in England and America from the mid 18th century into the 19th century. Much of this music is explicitly for amateurs and is often no more than a simple melody to play with other accompaniment. Sources were rarely explicit about the type of instrument to be used, but often use the spelling "guittar" or imply a single-line instrument. For example, many sources call for flute or guittar. Almost all of these works are in standard musical notation.

Since these sources are radically different from other sources for the French (5-course or 5-string) guitar or the Spanish (6-string or 6-course) guitar, they are presented here separately. No doubt, there are more sources for the English guittar in the main list and a few of these sources might be here incorrectly. The bibliography is a work in progess, especially as I approach and move past the year of 1800.

The following sources were used for this list:

Short FormFull Citation
[BUC]The British Union-Catalogue of Early Music Printed before the Year 1801 (London: Butterworths, 1957)
[NG]The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (New York: Grove, 2001)
[RISM A]Einzeldrucke vor 1800 (Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1971- ).
RISM A/II]Music Manuscripts after 1600.
[RISM B]Recueils imprimés: XVIe-XVIIe siècles (München: G. Henle, 1960- ).
[TYLER] Tyler, James. The Guitar And Its Music: From The Renaissance To The Classical Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)
[TYLER 1980]Tyler, James. The Early Guitar: A History and a Handbook (London: Oxford University Press, 1980)
[TYLER MAND]Tyler, James. The Early Mandolin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989).
[WC]WorldCat database from OCLC FirstSearch

Dates followed by a question mark are my own educated guess. Definite dates (i.e., without the "c") are from RISM unless otherwise noted.

The names of places have been given their modern English equivalent, for consistency, and the modern political names of the countries in which these cities are located have been added in brackets. For manuscript sources, "RISM B/VII" refers to Wolfgang Boetticher, Handschriftlich Überlieferte Lauten- und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (Munich: G. Henle, 1978). Other manuscripts have been added from a variety of more recent sources. Printed sources were found in the RISM A and B series, The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians (2000 ed.), and a wide variety of other sources and original research.

N.B.: After 1750, all sources are assumed to be in modern staff notation unless otherwise noted.

  • Galliard c1740
    Galliard, John Ernest, [and J.C. Pepusch?]. The comic tunes in the entertainment Perseus & Andromeda and the Rape of Proserpine . . . for the harpsicord, German flute, violin, or guitar. (London, [England]: J. Walsh) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Cloes 1749
    Cloes, Nicolas. One hundred French songs set for a voice, German flute, violin, harpsichord and pandola, etc. (London, [England]: John Walsh)
    [RISM ID no.: 990010632]
    • pandola [English guittar]
  • anonymous c1750a
    anonymous. The Birks of Endermay (The smiling morn, the breathing spring [2 voices, flute, guitar]). (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070642]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1750b
    anonymous. The Compleat tutor for the guittar, containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency, to which are added a choice collection of the most celebrated Italian, English & Scotch tunes, curiously adapted to that instrument. (London, [England]: C. & S. Thompson)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1750c
    anonymous. Twenty-four favourite duetts for French horns or guittars. (London, [England]: J. Johnson) [BUC]
    • English guittar duet
  • Arne c1750?
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. A dawn of hope . . . a favorite song adapted for the harpsichord, violin german flute and guittar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991012958]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1755
    anonymous. The Compleat tutor for the guittar, containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency, to which are added a choice collection of the most celebrated Italian, English & Scotch tunes, curiously adapted to that instrument. (London, [England]: J. Johnson)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1755
    anonymous. The pocket companion for the guittar. Containing a favourite collection of the best Italian, French and Scotch songs. Adapted for that instrument and the voice. Book II [-VI]. (London, [England]: J. Oswald)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1755?
    anonymous. Lochaber, a two part song, set for the german flute [and guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004268]
    • English guittar
  • Costa c1755
    Costa, António Pereira da. XII Serenatas for the guitar. (London, [England]: James Oswald)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048876]
    • English guittar
  • Granom c1755
    Granom, Lewis Christian Austin. The musical miscellany; or, Monthly magazine, consisting of duetts for german-flutes, violins, and guittars, airs, and songs; with figur'd-basses for the harpsichord. (London, [England]: Lewis Christian Austin Granom)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022581]
    • English guittar duet
  • Jommelli and Hasse c1755-1762
    Jommelli, Nicolò, and Johann Adolf Hasse. Duets or canzonets for two voices, guitars or two german flutes and a bass compos'd by sigr. Jomelli, Hasse and the most eminent Italian masters [Nos. I-X]. (London, [England]: J. Walsh)
    • English guittar duet
  • Rutherford c1755
    Rutherford, David. The Ladies' pocket guide or the compleat tutor for the guittar, containing easy rules for learners . . . with a choice collection of the most favourite airs. (London, [England]: David Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990056531]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1757
    anonymous. Eighteen Divertimento's for two guitars or two mandelins [sic]. Properly adapted by the best masters. (London, [England]: J. Oswald)
    • English guittar or mandolin duet
  • Marella 1757
    Marella, Giovanni Battista. Sixty six lessons for the cetra or guittar, in every key, both flat & sharp . . . [op. 3]. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990039235]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1758
    anonymous. Forty airs for two violins German flutes or guittars. Consisting of tattoo's, night pieces & marches as they are perform'd in the Hessian and Prussian armies. (London, [England]: J. Oswald) [BUC]
    • English guittar duet
  • Bremner 1758
    Bremner, Robert [Jr.?]. Instructions for the guitar; with a collection of airs, songs and duets, fitted for that instrument. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006954]
    • English guittar method
  • Oswald 1758
    Oswald, James. Twelve divertimentis for the guitar. (London, [England]: James Oswald)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047562]
    • English guittar
  • GB-P N.29 [1758-1765]
    [73 pieces].
    [RISM ID no.: 800000929]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous 1759a
    anonymous. All the tunes in the Beggar's Opera transpos'd into easy and proper keys for the guittar as also for the English flute. (London, [England]: G. Jones) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1759b
    anonymous. A Pocket Companion for the guittar containing XL of the newest and most favourite minuets country-dances jiggs airs &c. All carefully tranposed and properly adapted to that instrument, to which is added the Prussian march in two parts and the favorite hymn for Easter. (London, [England]: T. Habgood) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Bremner c1759
    Bremner, Robert. The songs in the Gentle Shepherd, adapted for the guitar. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006948]
    • English guittar
  • Lapis 1759
    Lapis, Santo. Miss Mayer. A new guittar book in 4 parts, viz. Italian, French, English airs, and duets for the voice, accompanied with the guittar and a thorough bass for the harpsicord . . . [op. 16]. (London, [England]: R. Liesem)
    [RISM ID no.: 990036458]
    • English guittar?
  • Zuckert c1759
    Zuckert [Zuchert], John Frederick [Johann Friedrich]. Six sonatas or solos for the guittar and bass . . . [op. 2]. (London, [England]: John Frederick Zuckert and Sarah Phillips)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070042]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1760a
    anonymous. The Compleat tutor for the guittar, containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency, to which are added a choice collection of the most celebrated Italian, English & Scotch tunes, curiously adapted to that instrument. (London, [England]: Thompson & Son)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1760b
    anonymous. The Compleat tutor for the guittar . . . With two scales shewing the method of playing in the keys of C. and G.: to which is added eighteen favourite songs adapted for that instrument. Book 1st [-2nd]. (London, [England]: J. Oswald)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1760c
    anonymous. A curious collection of Scots, English, & Irish tunes for the guittar. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Neil Stewart) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1760d
    anonymous. The Masquerade minuet, as performed at the theatre royal in Covent-Garden. [2 violins/flutes and bass; arr. for 2 German flutes or guitars]. ([London, England]: J. J[ohnston])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071782]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1760e
    anonymous. The Masquerade minuet, as performed at the theatre royal in Covent-Garden. [2 violins/flutes and bass; arr. for 2 German flutes or guitars]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004294]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1760f
    anonymous. The Queen's minuet, as performed in the masquerade at the theatre-royal in Drury-Lane. [2 violins/guitars and continuo]. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072236]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1760g
    anonymous. The Queen's minuet, as performed in the masquerade at the theatre-royal in Drury-Lane. [2 violins/guitars and continuo]. (London, [England]: s.n.) [WC]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1760h
    anonymous. The tunes in the Beggar's Opera. Adapted for the guitar or common flute, etc. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Bremner) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1760
    Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778). The monthly melody, or polite amusement for gentlemen and ladies. (London, [England]: G. Kearsly)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001998]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • English guittar
  • Bremner c1760
    Bremner, Robert. Twelve Scots songs for a voice or guitar with a thorough bass, adapted for that instrument. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 991014705]
    • English guittar
  • Call c1760
    Call, Thomas. The tunes & hymns as they are used at the Magdalen Chapel, properly set for the organ, harpsicord, and guittar. (London, [England]: Thomas Call)
    [RISM ID no.: 990007871]
    • English guittar
  • Geminiani 1760
    Geminiani, Francesco. The art of playing the guitar or cittra, containing several compositions with a bass for the violoncello or harpsichord. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990020757]
    • English guittar method in Italian tablature and staff notation
  • Giardini c1760
    Giardini, Felice. VI Trii per cetra, violino e basso. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992001558]
    • English guittar
  • Pasqualino de Marzis c1760?
    Pasqualino de Marzis. Six sonatas for the cetra or kitara with a thorough bass. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048582]
    • English guittar
  • Rush c1760
    Rush, George. XII Favourite lessons or airs for two guittars, [op. 2]. (London, [England]: James Oswald)
    [RISM ID no.: 990056501]
    • English guittar duet
  • Rutherford c1760a
    Rutherford, David. A curious collection of the most celebrated country dances and airs . . . to which are added four favorite Italian songs, neatly fitted for the guittar. (London, [England]: David Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990056532]
    • English guittar
  • Rutherford c1760b
    Rutherford, David. The Delightful pocket companion for two guittars containing sixty of the most celebrated airs both old and new, which are now in vogue; neatly adapted for that instrument & is the most useful book for young practitioners, yet published . . . Book 2d. N.B. These airs are proper for two french horns, two german flutes or two violins. (London, [England]: David Rutherford)
    • English guittar method
  • Schumann c1760
    Schumann [Schuman], Friedrich Theodor. A second set of lessons for one and two guittars . . . [op. 2]. (London, [England]: J. Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990058832]
    • English guittar
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31678 [1760-1780]
    Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre (1729-1817). Tout me dit que l'indor est charmant. Ariette.
    [RISM ID no.: 806046762]
    • English guittar
  • Agus 1761
    Agus, Giuseppe. The comic tunes to all the late Opera Dances as perform'd at the Kings Theatre in the Hay Market for the harpsicord, German flute or violin. Or guitar . . . [vol. 8, pt. 2 of The celebrated comic tunes to the Opera Dances]. (London, [England]: I. Walsh)
    • English guittar
  • Ford c1761
    Ford, Ann. Lessons and instructions for playing on the guitar. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    • English guittar treatise
  • Parry 1761a
    Parry, John. A collection of Welsh, English & Scotch airs with new variations, also four new lessons for the harp or harpsichord . . . to which are added twelve airs for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048539]
    • English guittar
  • Parry 1761b
    Parry, John. A collection of Welsh, English & Scotch airs with new variations, also four new lessons for the harp or harpsichord . . . to which are added twelve airs for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048538]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1762
    anonymous. A collection of psalm and hymn-tunes As they are performed at the Magdalen and Foundling Chapels, properly set for the organ, harpsichord and guittar by several eminent masters. (London, [England]: John Phillips) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1762
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The overture, songs & duetts in the opera of Artaxerxes . . . properly dispos'd for the voice, harpsichord, violin, german-flute or guittar. (London, [England]: Music shops)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001626]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1762?a
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The airs in the opera of Artaxerxes, set for the german-flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001628]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1762?b
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The airs in the opera of Artaxerxes, set for the german-flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001629]
    • English guittar
  • Handel c1762
    Handel, George Frideric. Handel's favourite minuets from his operas & oratorios with those made for the balls at court, for the harpsicord, german flute, violin or guitar, book I (-IV). (London, [England]: J. Walsh)
    [RISM ID no.: 990025600]
    • English guittar?
  • Hintz c1762
    Hintz, Frederick. A choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes set for the cetra or guittar. (London, [England]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990029718]
    • English guittar
  • Marella 1762
    Marella, Giovanni Battista. Compositions for the cetra or guittar with an accompaniament [sic] consisting of a variety of pieces in every stile of music . . . book II, [op. 4]. (London, [England]: Giovanni Battista Marella)
    [RISM ID no.: 990039236]
    • English guittar
  • Pepusch c1762
    Pepusch, Johann Christoph. The comic tunes in Perseus and Andromeda. Set for the violin, German-flute, guittar & harpsichord. (London, [England]: Charles & Samuel Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 991023723]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1763-1784
    anonymous. The Dusky night, a favorite hunting song (The dusky night rides down the sky [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]). ([London, England]: I. F[entum])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071056]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1763a
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The airs with all the symphonies in the opera of Artaxerxes, correctly transpos'd for the german flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990001627]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1763b
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Thomas and Sally, or The sailor's return . . . a musical entertainment . . . set for a german flute, violin, or guitar. (London, [England]: John Johnson) [BUC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990001929]
    • English guittar
  • Cocchi 1763
    Cocchi, Gioacchino. Sixteen songs and duets with a thorough bass for the harpsichord, also adapted for the violin, hautboy, german flute, guitar and violoncello . . . [op. 63]. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990010651]
    • English guittar
  • Holmes 1763
    Holmes, Valentine Arnold. Twenty-four duetts in a pleasing taste for two french-horns or two guittars as also for german-flutes or two violins . . . [op. 1]. (London, [England]: Jonathan Fentum) [BUC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990030393]
    • English guittar duet
  • Rush c1763
    Rush, George. A first set of sonatas for the guittar, with an accompanyment for another guittar or violin. (London, [England]: George Rush) [NG]
    [RISM ID no.: 990056502]
    • English guittar duet
  • Schumann 1763a
    Schumann [Schuman], Friedrich Theodor. Thirty eight lessons, with an addition of six French & Italian songs, for the guittar . . . [op. 1]. (London, [England]: Michael Rauche)
    [RISM ID no.: 990058852]
    • English guittar
  • Schumann 1763b
    Schumann [Schuman], Friedrich Theodor. A collection of the most celebrated songs set by several authors, adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: Michael Rauche) [BUC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990058831]
    • English guittar
  • D-B 626 [1763]
    anonymous. Andantino Amoroso. Mandolino, Chitarra Francese.
    [RISM ID no.: 468062600]
    • mandolin, English guittar in ensemble
  • anonymous 1764
    anonymous. Midas, a comic opera as it is perform'd at the theatre royal in Covent Garden, for the harpsichord, voice, german flute, violin or guitar [Compilation of popular songs]. (London, [England]: I. Walsh)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071825]
    • English guittar
  • anoynmous c1764
    anonymous. Midas, a comic. Set for a German flute, violin or guitar. (London, [England]: I. Walsh) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765a
    anonymous. The airs with all the symphonies in the comic opera of Love in a village correctly transposed for the guittar. (London, [England]: David Rutherford) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765b
    anonymous. Genteel Damon (Genteel is my Damon [voice and continuo; with guitar arr.]). (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071265]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765c
    anonymous. The Hymns, anthems & tunes with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel, set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, german flute or guitar. Book I. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071419]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765d
    anonymous. The Maid of the Mill. A comic opera adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765e
    anonymous. A new collection of Scots and English tunes adapted to the guittar with some of the best songs out of the Beggars opera, & other curious ballads, most of them within the compass of the common flute. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Neil Stewart)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765f
    anonymous. Six divertimentis or lessons for the guittar with a thorough bass for the harpsicord [sic] or violoncello. Compos'd by a Gentleman for his own private entertainment, etc. (London, [England]: Michael Rauche) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765?a
    anonymous. The Duke of Glocester's march, as performed before his Majesty at the review in Hyde-Park . . . In compass for two guittars. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992003875]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765?b
    anonymous. Genteel Damon (Genteel is my Damon [voice and continuo; with guitar arr.]). (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071264]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765?c
    anonymous. Hence with cares, sung by Mr. Beard in Love in a village [voice and piano/guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004270]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1765?d
    anonymous. The world is a well furnish'd table, sung by Mr. Beard in Love in a village [voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004271]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1765a
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The New Songs Sung at Vaux-Hall. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990002000]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1765b
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. A second collection of psalms and hymns used at the Magdalen chapel, the words by Dr. Watts, Dr. Doddridge, Dr. Dodd, Mr. Dryden, and Mr. Lockman. The musick . . . by Dr. Arne, Mr. W. Selby and Mr. A. Smith . . . Set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, violin, German flute and guittar. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1765a
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Rule Britannia. Set to music [with an arrangement for the guitar]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001596]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1765b
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Rule Britannia [with an arrangement for the guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992005004]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1765c
    Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778). Water parted from the sea. In Artaxerxes. (London, [England]: Robert Falkener)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001720]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1765d
    Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778). Thomas and Sally. A dramatic pastoral as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden . . . for the harpsicord, voice, German flute, or violin. (London, [England]: I. Walsh)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001927]
    • English guittar
  • Bremner c1765
    Bremner, Robert [Jr.?]. Instructions for the guitar; with a collection of airs, songs and duets, fitted for that instrument. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Bremner, Robert)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006955]
    • English guittar
  • Carey c1765
    Carey, Henry. The favourite songs, in the interlude called True Blue or the Press Gang . . . set for the harpsichord, violin, german flute, and guitar. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990008836]
    • English guittar
  • Ghillini di Asuni 1765
    Ghillini di Asuni. A collection of duets songs and airs for the guittar . . . To which is added several favourite English, French & Italian songs by the best masters. (London, [England]: Peter Welcker) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Ghillini di Asuni c1765
    Ghillini di Asuni. The Lady's amusement, being an entire new collection of favourite French and Italian songs, airs, minuets & marches, none ever before publish'd, compos'd and adapted for the guitar by sr. Ghillini di Asuni. (London, [England]: Peter Welcker)
    • English guittar
  • Hintz c1765
    Hintz, Frederick. A choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes set for the cetra or guittar. (London, [England]: Hintz's music shop)
    [RISM ID no.: 990029719]
    • English guittar
  • Noferi c1765
    Noferi, Giovanni Battista. Six solos for a guitar with a thorough bass for the harpsichord . . . [op. 3]. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047282]
    • English guittar
  • Parry c1765
    Parry, John. Twelve airs for one and two guitars. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048543]
    • English guittar duet
  • Potter c1765
    Potter, John. The comic tunes to the principal scenes in the Rites of Hecate or Harlequin from the moon, as they are perform'd at the Theater Royal in Drury Lane, set for violins, ye tenor, the guittar, german flute or harpsichord. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990052654]
    • English guittar
  • Simon c1765
    Simon, Louis Victor (1753-1820). Chansons pour la guitarre avec accompagnement de violon et violoncelle. (Paris, [France]: Mlle. Vendôme)
    [RISM ID no.: 1001036389]
    • English guittar
  • Straube c1765
    Straube, Rudolf. Lessons for two guittars with a thorough bass. (London, [England]: Michael Rauche)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063214]
    • English guittar duet
  • Tacet 1765
    Tacet, Joseph. Second collection of Italian, French, and English favorite airs and minuets with variations adapted for two german flutes or two violins or two guittars by Mr. Tacet. (London, [England]: Joseph Tacet)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063551]
    • English guittar duet
  • Thackray 1765a
    Thackray, Thomas. Six lessons for the guittar [Op. 1]. (York, [England]: Haxby, Thomas)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064153]
    • English guittar
  • Thackray 1765b
    Thackray, Thomas. Six lessons for the guittar [Op. 1]. (York, [England]: Longman & Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064154]
    • English guittar
  • US-NH Misc. Ms. 497 [1765]
    Recueil d'airs avec accompagnement de guittare.
    [RISM ID no.: 900003500]
    • English guittar?
  • US-U Q. M780.82 EN34 v.4 [1765-1819]
    anonymous. He Stole my tender Heart away. (London, [England])
    [RISM ID no.: 1001154164]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1766?
    anonymous. The Hapless swain [voice and piano, with guitar arr.]. ([London, England]: Bland)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071343]
    • English guittar
  • Cumberland 1766
    Cumberland, Richard. Airs in the Summer's Tale, a musical comedy. Set for the guitar. (London, [England]: I. Walsh) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Merchi 1766a
    Merchi, Giacomo. Scelta d'arietta francesi, italiane ed inglesi, con accompagnamento di chitarra, [op. 15]. (London, [England]: Giacomo Merchi)
    [RISM ID no.: 990040967]
    • English guittar
  • Merchi 1766b
    Merchi, Giacomo. Dodici suonate per la chitarra, sei a due chitarre o con accompagnemento di violino e sei a solo . . . [op. 16]. (London, [England]: Giacomo Merchi)
    [RISM ID no.: 990040969]
    • English guittar
    • English guittar and violin
  • anonymous c1767a
    anonymous. The country wedding, sung by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Dorman, in the Elopement [voice and continuo; arr. for flute and guitar]. ([London, England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071082]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1767b
    anonymous. Fair Hebe (Fair Hebe I left with a cautious design [voice and continuo with guitar arr.]). (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071114]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1767c
    anonymous. The Masquerade minuet, as performed at the theatre royal in Covent-Garden [2 violins/flutes and bass; arr. for 2 German flutes or guitars]. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071781]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1767d
    anonymous. The New spinning-wheel (One summer's eve as Nancy [voice, violin, and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071954]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1767e
    anonymous. Plato's advice (Says Plato why should man be vain) [voice and continuo; arr. for guitar]. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072166]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1767f
    anonymous. Select airs for the guitar collected from operas and the most favourite songs, minuets, &c . . . by the best masters . . . perform'd at the theatres. Vol. 1 [-2]. (London, [England]: J. Walsh)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1767?
    anonymous. Plato's advice [voice and piano/guitar]. (Glasgow, [Scotland]: A. McGoun)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072165]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous 1767-1772
    anonymous. The Musical magazine, or compleat pocket companion for the year 1767 [-1772] consisting of songs and airs for the german flute, violin, guittar and harpsichord; by the most eminent masters. Vol. I [-VI]. (London, [England]: T. Bennett)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1768
    anonymous. Come hast to the wedding, sung by Mrs. Scott & Mrs. Dorman in the new pantomime call'd the Elopement at the theatre royal in Drury Lane [voice and continuo; arr. for flute and guitar]. ([London, England]: C. & S. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071083]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1768
    Dibdin, Charles. The songs in the comic opera of The padlock adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014339]
    • English guittar
  • Fischer c1768
    Fischer, Johann Christian. Favourite rondeau, set for the harpsichord, hautboy, violin, german flute or guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Benjamin Rhames)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018243]
    • English guittar
  • Gervasio c1768
    Gervasio, Giovanni Battista. Airs for the mandoline, guittar, violin or german flute, interspersed with songs . . . [op. 3]. (London, [England]: Welcker) [TYLER]
    [RISM ID no.: 990020869]
    • mandolin or English guittar
  • Giordani c1768
    The comic tunes in the Pantomime of the Elopement perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane with the Overture . . . for the Harpsichord Violin or German Flute. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 1001136058]
    • English guittar (one song)
  • Monro c1768
    Monro (Monroe), George. Help me each harmonious grove. Colin's request . . . adapted for the harpsichord, german flute, violin, or guitar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992006420]
    • English guittar
  • Oliver y Astorga c1768
    Oliver y Astorga, Juan. Twelve Italian songs and duets for voice and harpsichord, with an accompanyment for a guitar . . . [op.2]. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990002644]
    • guitar and voice
  • Straube 1768
    Straube, Rudolf. Three sonatas for the guittar, with accompanyments for the harpsichord or violoncello . . . With an addition of two sonatas for the guittar accompanyd with the violin. Likewise a choice collection of the most favourite English, Scotch and Italian songs for one, and two guittars, of different authors . . . Also thirty two lessons by several masters. (London, [England]: Michael Rauche)
    • English guittar and continuo
  • anonymous c1769
    anonymous. Twelve of the most favourite English songs collected from the comic operas represented at Paris, and adapted to the guitar. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    • English guittar
  • Thackray 1769
    Thackray, Thomas. Six lessons for the guittar . . . [op. 2]. (London, [England]: Thomas Thackray)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064155]
    • English guittar
  • Alcock c1770
    Alcock, John (ii). Twelve songs for the guittar. (London, [England]: Thompson, Charles & Samuel)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000788]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770a
    anonymous. A Companion to the Magdalen-Chapel, containing the hymns, psalms, ode and anthems, used there, set for the harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guitar. The music composed by the most eminent masters. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770b
    anonymous. Compleat instructions for the guitar, containing the most modern directions, with proper examples for learners to obtain a speedy proficiency, corrected by the most eminent masters. To which is added a collection of favourite minuets, marches, songs &c. adapted purposely for that instrument. (London, [England]: J. Longman & Co.)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1770c
    anonymous. The Contented miller (In a plain pleasant cottage conveniently neat [voice and piano/guitar]. ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070879]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770d
    anonymous. The Cotillon (Hail politeness, pow'r divine [arr. for 2 guitars]). ([London, England]: L[ewis] L[avenu])
    [RISM ID no.: 990070894]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1770e
    anonymous. The Fairest of the fair, sung at Ranelagh (O Betsy wilt thou gang wi'me [voice and continuo, with arr. for flute or guitar]). ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071118]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770f
    anonymous. The Favourite songs sung at Ranelagh for the voice and harpsichord also adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: Robert Bremner)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770g
    anonymous. The Hymns, anthems & tunes with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel, set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, german flute or guitar. Book I. (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 455033253 and 990071418]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770h
    anonymous. An Invitation to pleasure, sung by Mr. Taylor at Maryeone [sic] (Pleasure, goddess all divine [voice and continuo; arr. for flute and guitar]). (London, [England]: R. Falkener)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071453]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770i
    anonymous. The Jest (Young Jenny the blythest that [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]). (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071475]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770j
    anonymous. Jockey, a favourite new Scotch ballad, sung by Mrs. Baddeley at Vauxhall (My Jockey is the blithest lad [voice and continuo; arr. for flute and guitar]). (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071480]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770k
    anonymous. Lango Lee, a favorite Irish song [voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. ([London, England]: L[ewis] L[avenu?])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071560]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770l
    anonymous. Lionel and Clarissa . . . adapted for the German-flute violin hautboy and guittar. (London, [England]: J. Johnson) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770m
    anonymous. Love in disguise, sung by Mr. Bellamy at Covent Garden theatre (At Totterdown hill there dwelt an old pair [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]). ([London, England]: L[ewis] L[avenu?])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071668]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770n
    anonymous. On those fair eyelids. To Sylvia sleeping. Adapted for the harpicord, violin, German flute and guittar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770o
    anonymous. The Roast beef cantata: 'Twas at the gate of Calais Hogarth tells [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar] How hard O Sawney. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004420]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770p
    anonymous. Stratford Jubilee, as sung by Mr. Love . . . at Finch's Gardens (Come, brothers of Stafford [sic; voice and piano/guitar]). ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072548]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770q
    anonymous. Twelve new songs and a cantata with a compleat scale for the guitar. (London, [England]: J. Longman & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770r
    anonymous. The Weary pilgrim (I am a weary pilgrim, and yet must tread this stage [piano with text; arr. for guitar]). ([London, England]: C. [&] S. T[hompson])
    [RISM ID no.: 990072752]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770?a
    anonymous. Captain Reed's or the Third Regt. of Guard's march. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992003776]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770?b
    anonymous. Chloe out of humour (Dear Chloe how blubber'd is [voice and guitar]). (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070810]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770?c
    anonymous. Cold stream or Second Regt. of guards march [arr. for voice and guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992003810]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770?d
    anonymous. The Cotillon (Hail politeness, pow'r divine). ([London, England]: [R. Falkener?])
    [RISM ID no.: 990070895]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1770?e
    anonymous. The Dorsetshire march, adapted to violins or german-flutes, with a bass [also for guitar]. ([London, England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071024]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1770?f
    anonymous. The Dorsetshire march, for two german flute [sic] and a bass [also for guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992003870]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1770
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Love in a village. A comic opera . . . the musick by Handel, Boyce, Arne . . . for the harpsichord, voice, german flute, violin, or guittar. (London, [England]: J. Longman)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001860]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold c1770
    Arnold, Samuel. A Song Sung by Mr. Du-Bellamy, in the Entertainment of Mother Shipton. (London, [England]: R. Falkener)
    [RISM ID no.: 1001153472]
    • English guittar
  • Bates c1770a
    Bates, William. Ariadne one morning. A bacchanalian song. Followed by an arrangement for the guitar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013665]
    • English guittar
  • Bates c1770b
    Bates, William. Eighteen duettinos for two guittars, two french horns, or two clarinetts. (London, [England]: Longman, James, and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004093]
    • English guittar duet
  • Bates c1770c
    Bates, William (c1733-1778). The Ladies Frolick, a comic opera being the airs, simphonies, overture, duets, & vaudevilles with the words . . . for one, and two guittars. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004073]
    • English guittar(s)
  • Bates c1770d
    Bates, William. On the origin and improvement of kisses. A genuine recipe, adapted for the harpsichord, german flute or guittar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004087]
    • English guittar
  • Bianchi c1770
    Bianchi, Mr. The Marquis of Kildara's March. Set for two guitars, or two violins. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Benjamin Rhames)
    [RISM ID no.: 991014090]
    • English guittar duet
  • Carey c1770
    Carey, Henry. The favourite songs, in the interlude called True Blue or the Press Gang . . . set for the harpsichord, violin, german flute, and guitar. (London, [England]: James & John Simpson and Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990008837]
    • English guittar
  • Clagget c1770
    Clagget, Charles. Best as th'immortal gods. For the guitar [and voice]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991016230]
    • English guittar
  • Cocchi c1770
    Cocchi, Gioacchino. Sixteen songs and duets with a thorough bass for the harpsichord, also adapted for the violin, hautboy, german flute, guitar and violoncello . . . [op. 63]. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990010652]
    • English guittar
  • Dale c1770
    Dale, Joseph. Damon and Phillis. A new song . . . adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute, and guitar. (London, [England]: Robert Falkener)
    [RISM ID no.: 990012671]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1770a
    Dibdin, Charles. The ballads sung by Mr. Dibdin in the evening at Ranelagh: and a conclusion piece, properly transposed for the german flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Charles Dibdin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014668]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1770b
    Dibdin, Charles. The songs, airs and dances . . . adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014226]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1770?
    Dibdin, Charles. Serenade . . . for two voices, with an accompanyment for a guittar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014233]
    • English guittar
  • Fischer c1770
    Fischer, Johann Christian. Favourite variations on the celebrated Irish air of Gramachree Molly, sett for the harpsichord, violin, german flute, and guittar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: S. Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018237]
    • English guittar
  • Handel c1770
    Handel, George Frideric.Minuet in Ariadne with variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the violin, german flute or guittar. (London, [England]: Thompson, Charles & Samuel)
    [RISM ID no.: 990024494]
    • English guittar
  • Haxby c1770?
    Haxby, R.Twenty four easy airs for the guitar made on purpose for young beginners. (London, [England]: J. Longman & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990026616]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1770a
    Hook, James. Chiling o Guiery. With variations for the harsichord [sic] or piano forte, also for the guittar. (London, [England]: Charles & Samuel Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031376]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1770b
    Hook, James. Young Dorilas an artless swain. Dorilas and Daphne [for voice and basso continuo, arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: H. T[horowgood])
    [RISM ID no.: 991021077]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1770c
    Hook, James. Young Dorilas an artless swain. Dorilas and Daphne [for voice and basso continuo, arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 991021078]
    • English guittar
  • Keith c1770
    Keith, William. The airs as sung at the Jews Synagogue, in 3 parts . . . also adapted for the harpsichord, violin, German flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, J., & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990033088]
    • English guittar
  • Langdon c1770
    Langdon, Richard. Ev'ry bliss that heav'n can give. A favorite rondo. Sung by Miss Marshall at the Grotto Gardens. Adapted for the harpischord Germand flute and guittar. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992005920]
    • English guittar
  • Lapis 1770
    Lapis, Santo. A libro aperto. Light airs with minuets for the harpsichord and for all sorts of guittars; containing 36 easy lessons . . . [op. 17]. (London, [England]: Santo Lapis)
    [RISM ID no.: 990036459]
    • English guittar
  • Real c1770?
    Real, Joseph. Twenty four duets for two french-horns, two guittars, or two german flutes. (London, [England]: Thompson & son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990053877]
    • English guittar duet
  • Remy c1770?
    Remy, Francis. The constant maid [song with accompaniment for flute/guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992000601]
    • English guittar
  • Schumann c1770a
    Schumann [Schuman], Friedrich Theodor. A second set of English, French and Italian songs, adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990058853]
    • English guittar
  • Schumann c1770b
    Schumann [Schuman], Friedrich Theodor. A second set of English, French and Italian songs, adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: Friedrich Theodor Schumann)
    [RISM ID no.: 990058854]
    • English guittar
  • Stannard c1770
    Stannard, A. The Norwich march, adapted for the violin, german flute and guittar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990061010]
    • English guittar
  • Tacet c1770
    Tacet, Joseph. A collection of Italian, French, and English favourite airs and minuets with variations, adapted for two german flutes or two violins or two guittars by Mr. Tacet. (London, [England]: Joseph Tacet)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063550]
    • English guittar duet
  • Thackray c1770?a
    Thackray, Thomas. Six lessons for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 991004260]
    • English guittar
  • Thackray c1770?b
    Thackray, Thomas. Six lessons for the guittar . . . [op. 2]. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 991004261]
    • English guittar
  • Weideman c1770
    Weideman, Carl Friedrich. Weideman's favorite minuet, for the harpsicord, two german flutes or two guittars. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992002932]
    • English guittar duet
  • Dibdin 1771
    Dibdin, Charles. The overture, songs, duets, trios, choruses, marches, &c in The institution of the garter, or Arthur's round table restored . . . adapted with the words for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014215]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1772?
    anonymous. Lovely nymph asswage my anguish. A favorite song, sung by . . . this season in the character of Apollo in Midas, at the theatre royal Covent Garden [piano with text; flute or guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004310]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1772
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. A second collection of psalms and hymns used at the Magdalen chapel . . . set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, violin, german flute and guittar. (London, [England]: Henry Thorowgood)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001978]
    • English guittar
  • Corri 1772
    Corri, Domenico. Six canzones for two voices and bass or guitar. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990011440]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin 1772a
    Dibdin, Charles. A collection of catches and glees for two, three or four voices, with accompanyments for guittars and flutes. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014669]
    • English guittars
  • Dibdin 1772b
    Dibdin, Charles. The palace of mirth. A musical introduction to the entertainments at Sadlers Wells, 1772 . . . adapted for the harpsichord, voice, violin, german flute & guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014350]
    • English guittar
  • Hook 1772
    Hook, James. The country courtship. A pastoral dialogue, and a favorite hunting duet, perform'd at Sadlers Wells, 1772 . . . adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute & guittar [op. 2]. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030772]
    • English guittar
  • Thackray 1772a
    Thackray, Thomas. Twelve divertimenti for two guittars or a guittar & violin . . . [op. 3]. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064156]
    • English guittar duet
  • Thackray 1772b
    Thackray, Thomas. A collection of forty four airs . . . for one or two guittars. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064157]
    • English guittar
  • Thackray c1772?
    Thackray, Thomas. 12 divertissements pour deux guittars avec l'accompagnement d'un violon ou guittar 2me. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992002534]
    • English guittar duet
  • Vernon 1772
    Vernon, Joseph. The new songs in the pantomime of the Witches, the celebrated epilogue in the comedy of Twelfth Night, a song in the Two gentlemen of Verona and two favorite ballads sung by Mr. Vernon at Vaux Hall . . . to which are added the new comic tunes, in the Witches and a favourite French air sung in . . . Twelfth Night, by Mrs. Abington, all properly adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute or guittar. (London, [England]: John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990066312]
    • English guittar
  • Vernon c1772
    Vernon, Joseph. A widow bewitch'd with her passion. Epilogue to the Irish widow, sung by Mrs. Barry [for voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991005214]
    • English guittar
  • Arne 1773
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The music in The trip to Portsmouth . . . the overture and dances composed by Dr. Arne, and the songs by Charles Dibdin, with transpositions for the german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001965]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1773?
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The music in The trip to Portsmouth . . . the overture and dances composed by Dr. Arne, and the songs by Charles Dibdin, with transpositions for the german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, and John Johnston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001966]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1774-1775
    anonymous. The New musical and universal magazine. Consisting of the most favourite songs, airs . . . adapted for the G. flute, violin, guitar and harpsichord, also is included 16 pages of letter press . . . (London, [England]: R. Snagg)
    • English guittar
  • Ritter c1774
    Ritter, D. A choice collection of XII of the most favorite songs for the guittar sung at Vaux Hall and in the Deserter . . . with an addition of the overture in the Deserter [P.A. Monsigny], two favorite rondeaus & six cotillons properly adapted for that instrument with an easy bass throughout by D. Ritter. (London, [England]: D. Ritter)
    [RISM ID no.: 990055090]
    • English guittar
  • Alcock c1775
    Alcock, John (ii). Twelve divertimentis for the guittar, harpsichord or piano forte . . . book 2d. (London, [England]: John Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 991012661]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775a
    anonymous. Ev'ry shrub its sweetness sheds. Summer. Sung by Miss Marshall at the Grotto Gardens. Adapted for the harpsichord, German flute and guittar. (s.l.: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775b
    anonymous. Fair Hebe (Fair Hebe I left with a cautious design [voice and continuo with guitar arr.]). (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071115]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775c
    anonymous. Go tunefull bird that gladst the skies. The Sky Lark [song, words by W. Shenstone]. Adapted for the harpsichord, German flute or guitar. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775d
    anonymous. Gramachree Molly with variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin or guitar. (London, [England]: Straight & Skillern)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071320]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775e
    anonymous. How fearful the sound to poor mothers and wives. March of the XVth Regiment. For the harp, harpischord, violin, German flute, or guittar. (London, [England]: P. H[odgson]) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775f
    anonymous. The hymns, anthems & tunes with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel,. Set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guitar. (London, [England]: C. & S. Thompson) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775g
    anonymous. Lady Barrimore's favourite minuet, perform'd at Bath & most polite assemblys, adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitar. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071544]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775h
    anonymous. Mrs. Talbot's minuet [for harpsichord, flute and guitar]. (London, [England]: I. R[utherford]) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775i
    anonymous. A pocket book for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey and Broderip)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1775j
    anonymous. The Sportsman's companion being a collection of the most favourite hunting & shooting songs adapted for the voice, harpsicord, violin, german flute and guitar. Book I [-II]. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey and Broderip)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775k
    anonymous. Strephon and Chloe (Why heaves my fair one's snowy breast [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]). ([London, England]: L[ongman], L[ukey] & B[roderip])
    [RISM ID no.: 990072549]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775l
    anonymous. The Tight Rope Dancers Tunes . . . adapted for the harpsicord violin German flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775m
    anonymous. To fly like birds. The Prudent Fair. A favorite song sung by Miss Marshall . . . adapted for the harpsicord, German flute, or guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775n
    anonymous. The tunes in the Beggar's Opera adapted for the guitar or common flute, etc. (London, [England]: Robert Bremner) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775o
    anonymous. The Vauxhall Marybone & Grotto songs as sung by Miss Jameson, Mr. Vernon, Mr. Barnshaw &c. purposely adapted for the guittar. 1st book. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775?a
    anonymous. Gramachree Molly with variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin or guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Elizabeth Rhames)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071321]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1775?b
    anonymous. The Whistling plowman, sung at Sadlers-Wells (The whistling plowman hails the blushing dawn [piano with text; arr. for guitar]). ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072783]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1775
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The overture and airs in the opera of Artaxerxes set for one & two german flutes, violins or guittars. (London, [England]: Logman, Lukey and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001630]
    • English guittar
  • J.C. Bach c1775
    Bach, Johann Christian. A sonata for the guitar with an accompaniment for a violin. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003336]
    • English guittar and violin
  • Bennet c1775
    Bennet. Sequester'd in a lonely vale. The complaint . . . Adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013905]
    • English guittar
  • Carter c1775
    Carter, Thomas. La lumière. A favourite French song with variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the violin, german flute or guitarr. (London, [England]: Thompson, Charles & Samuel)
    [RISM ID no.: 990009019]
    • English guittar
  • Giardini 1775
    Giardini, Felice. Six trios for the guittar, violin, and piano forte; or harp, violin and violoncello . . . [op. 18]. (London, [England]: William Napier)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021135]
    • English guittar, violin, and piano
  • Hook c1775a
    Hook, James. For Sally I sigh. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031379]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775b
    Hook, James. Lovely nymph. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031386]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775c
    Hook, James. Martini's minuet. With variations for the harpsichord, harp, or piano forte, also for the violin, german flute, and guittar. (London, [England]: Charles & Samuel Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031387]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775d
    Hook, James. Rural felicity. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin, and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031392]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775e
    Hook, James. Saw you my father. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin, and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031393]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775f
    Hook, James. To thee oh gentle sleep. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin, and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031397]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1775g
    Hook, James. Tweed side. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin, and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031398]
    • English guittar
  • Legros c1775?
    Legros, (Joseph?). Le délire de l'amour. Romance, la musique et l'accompt. de guitthare du Cn. Legros. (Paris, [France]: Frère)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037405]
    • English guittar
  • Merchi c1775
    Merchi, Giacomo. Twelve divertimentos for two guittars or a guittar and violin . . . [op. 21]. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990040971]
    • English guittar duet,
    • English guittar and violin
  • Merchi c1775?
    Merchi, Giacomo. Twelve divertimentos for two guittars or a guittar and violin . . . [see op. 21]. (London, [England]: Robert Bremner)
    [RISM ID no.: 990040981]
    • English guittar duet
    • English guittar and violin
  • Noferi c1775
    Noferi, Giovanni Battista. Six sonatas or lessons for the guitar . . . [op. 12]. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047295]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • English guittar
  • Philidor c1775
    Philidor, François-André (1726-1795). Ariette Des Femmes Vengées. (S.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992006840]
    • English guittar
  • Rozelli c1775?
    Rozelli. Twenty one duets for two french horns or two guittars, to which is added three trios for 3 horns . . . op. 4. (London, [England]: Charles & Samuel Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990056315]
    • English guittar duet
  • Shield c1775a
    Shield, William. A collection of favourite songs, adapted for the voice, harpsichord, violin, guitar or german flute, to which is added a duett for two violins . . . book 1st. (Durham, [England]: Thorne)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059656]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1775b
    Shield, William. Johnny and Mary. The favorite new Scotch song introduc'd by Miss Catley in Love in a village for the guittar. (London, [England]: J. Fentum) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Smart c1775
    Smart, Henry. Gramachree Molly. With variations for the harpsichord or piano forte also for the german flute, violin or guitar. (London, [England]: Straight & Skillern)
    [RISM ID no.: 991004702]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pnm XLII A 123 [1775-1799]
    anonymous. Andante pour la guittare anglaise.
    [RISM ID no.: 551004732]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pnm XLII A 217 [1775-1799]
    anonymous. Adagio pour la guittare anglaise.
    [RISM ID no.: 551004926]
    • English guittar
  • US-SFsc *M2.5 v. 52 [1775-1799]
    [44 Pieces].
    [RISM ID no.: 117640]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1776a
    anonymous. A collections [sic] of lessons, airs, jiggs, minuets & marches for the guittar composed . . . by an eminent master. (London, [England]: J. Preston) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1776b
    anonymous. Jockey and Moggy, a favorite Scotch song, sung at the publick gardens (O'er the meadows, o'er the moor [voice and continuo; arr. for guitar]). ([London, England]: L[ongman] & B[roderip])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071484]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1776
    Hook, James. The jolly young waterman. With variations for the harpsichord, or piano forte, also for the german flute, violin and guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990031380]
    • English guittar
  • Parry, John c1776
    Parry, John. A collection of Welsh, English & Scotch airs with new variations, also four new lessons for the harp or harpsichord . . . to which are added twelve airs for the guittar. (London, [England]: Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048540]
    • English guittar
  • Noferi c1777?
    Noferi, Giovanni Battista. Six trios for the guittar, violin, and piano forte or violoncello . . . [op. 16]. (London, [England]: John Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047301]
    • English guittar, violin and piano/cello
  • anonymous 1778
    anonymous. The morning fresh. A favorite duett sung by Mrs. Mattocks and Mr. Gaudry in the comedy of Know your own Mind. Accompanied on the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman & Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1778a
    anonymous. Dorilas and Daphne (Young Dorilas [voice and flute/guitar]). (London, [England]: H. Fougt)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071023]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1778b
    anonymous. Drinking song (While the flowing bowl I see [voice and continuo; also arr. for flute or guitar]). (London, [England]: P. H[odgson])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071034]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1778c
    anonymous. The morning fresh. [Duet from the comedy of Know your own Mind by A. Murphy]. Set for the harpsichord, two violins, German flutes, or guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1778d
    anonymous. Trip to Cox Heath (There's beef and mutton roast and boil'd). Sung by Mr. Heryman at Sadlers Wells in the favorite interlude call'd A trip to Cox heath [voice and piano/guitar]. ([London, England]: S. [&] A. T[hompson])
    [RISM ID no.: 990072652]
    • English guittar
  • Noferi 1778
    Noferi, Giovanni Battista. The opera dances for 1778 including the favorite Spanish dance as performed by Monsieur Simonet & Mademoiselle Bacelli, Composed & adapted for the harp, guittar, germ. flute and piano forte. (London, [England]: John Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047307]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1778
    Shield, William. A collection of favourite songs, adapted for the voice, harpsichord, violin, guitar or german flute, to which is added a duett for two violins . . . book 1st. (London, [England]: Lukey & Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059657]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1779a
    anonymous. The Court of Vauxhall, written for and sung by Mr. Vernon, 1778 and 1779, set to musick by the author [voice and piano/flute/guitar]. (London, [England]: S. and A. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070935]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1779b
    anonymous. Ode to the sun, sung by Mrs. Weichsell at Vauxhall 1779. The words by Mr. Dobey [voice, violins, continuo; arr. for guitar or flute]. (London, [England]: Skillern)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072032]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1779?
    anonymous. A Cruizing we will go, a song sung at the theatre royal in Covent Garden in The Liverpool prize (Behold upon the swelling wave [piano with text; arr. for flute or guitar]). ([London, England]: A. Portal)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071634]
    • English guittar
  • Boyce c1779
    Boyce, William. Come cheer up my lads. Sung by Mr. Champnes in Harlequin Invasion. For the harpsichord or guitar. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006730]
    • English guittar
  • Purcell 1779
    Purcell, Henry. Two daughters of this aged stream . . . favourite duet, sung by the Syrens . . . for two voices, flutes or guittars (in: Hibernian Magazine, Feb. 1779). (Dublin, [Ireland]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990053161]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1780
    anonymous. The Paphian Doves, a new book of kisses, set for the harpsichord or piano-forte with an accompanyment for the violin, and transpositions for the german flute and guittar. The songs & music . . . by different ingenious masters. (London, [England]: A. Portal)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780a
    anonymous. Come gentle god of soft repose, for the guittar or ger. flute. ([London, England]: I. F[entum])
    [RISM ID no.: 990070851]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780b
    anonymous. A Companion to the Magdalen-Chapel, containing the hymns, psalms, ode and anthems, used there, set for the harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guitar. The music composed by the most eminent masters [An Appendix to the Magdalen Hymns, etc.]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780c
    anonymous. Compleat instructions for the guitar, containing the most modern directions, with proper examples for learners to obtain a speedy proficiency, corrected by the most eminent masters. To which is added a collection of favourite minuets, marches, songs &c. adapted purposely for that instrument. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1780d
    anonymous. Guardian angels, a favourite song, sung by Mr. Mahon at Dublin and by Miss Catley in the Golden Pippin. For the ger: flute [voice and continuo, arr. for guitar]. ([London, England]: I. F[entum])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071311]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780e
    anonymous. Histoire de Malbrouk, ou le petit page, a celebrated French song with a new accompaniment for the harp, piano forte, violin, ger. flute, & guitar, by an eminent master, as sung by Miss George at the theatre royal Drury Lane (Venez scavoir l'histoire). (London, [England]: S. Babb)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071377]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780f
    anonymous. In airy dreams (In airy dreams soft fancy flies) [voice and continuo; arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: P. H[odgson])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071433]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780g
    anonymous. The King's minuet [for strings, flutes, and guitar]. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071509]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1780h
    anonymous. Lady Barrimores minuet. Perform'd at Bath . . . Adapted for the harpsichord, violin, German flute, and guittar. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780i
    anonymous. Let beauty with the sun arise. Serenade for 2 voices with an accompanyment for a guittar. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780j
    anonymous. March of General Lotton's Regiment in Berlin [piano and guitar or flute]. (London?, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar and piano
  • anonymous c1780k
    anonymous. The much admired catch of "Care thou canker of our joys" adapted for the harpsichord and voice; also for the German flute and guittar. (London, [England]: G. Smart) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780l
    anonymous. A select collection of lessons, airs, marches, minuets, reels, jiggs, &c., with the most favourite songs, for the guittar. To which are added some excellent songs, with a thorough bass . . . by an eminent master. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Robert Ross) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780m
    anonymous. Thirty favorite Scots songs, adapted for a voice and harpsichord, violin, German flute and guitar, the words by Allen Ramsay, &c. Book I. (London, [England]: Longman & Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780n
    anonymous. The Tinker, sung by Mr. Keen at Sadlers Wells (I'll tell you my neighbours [piano with text; arr. for guitar]). (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004536]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780o
    anonymous. Venez scavoir l'histoire. Histoire de Malbrouk, ou le petit page, a celebrated French song with a new accompaniment for the harp, piano forte, violin, Ger. flute, & guittar, by an eminent master, as sung by Miss George at the theatre royal Drury Lane. (London, [England]: John Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071378]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780p
    anonymous. You bid me write my charming dove. Flora. Adapted for the harpisord, violin, German flute, and guittar. (London, [England]: P. E[vans]) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?a
    anonymous. Care thou canker, a much admired catch for 3 voices, adapted for the harpsichord and voice, also for the ger. flute & guittar (Care thou canker of our joys). (London, [England]: A., S. & P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070758]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?b
    anonymous. Gramachree Molly, a favorite Irish air [words by George Ogle] [voice and continuo, arr. for guitar]. ([London, England]: W. N[apier])
    [RISM ID no.: 990071319]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?c
    anonymous. Gramachree Molly . . . (As down on Banna's banks) [voice and piano, arr. for guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004199]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?d
    anonymous. May we live all the days of our lives (Let care be a stranger to each jovial soul [voice and piano; arr. for clarinet or guitar]). (Glasgow, [Scotland]: A. McGoun)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071792]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?e
    anonymous. The Paphian Doves, a new book of kisses, set for the harpsichord or piano-forte with an accompanyment for the violin, and transpositions for the german flute and guittar. The songs & music . . . by different ingenious masters . . . A new edition. (London, [England]: A. Portal)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1780?f
    anonymous. The Prince of Brunswick's march [arr. for 2 guitars]. ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072207]
    • English guittar duet
  • Arne c1780?
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. A selection from the much admired works of the late Dr. Arne, consisting of airs, songs, duets, overtures &c., adapted for the voice, harpsichord, ger[ma]n flute, & guitar, vol. 1. (London, [England]: Charles Wheatstone)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001570]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1780?
    Giordani, Tommaso (c1733-1806). Six solos for a guitar with a thorough bass for the harpsichord, and one trio for a guitar, violin and bass. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 553003372]
    • English guittar, violin, and bass
  • Leeves c1780
    Leeves, William. Since Jenny she has married. Jennie's complaint, or The sequel to Auld Robin Gray, set to the original . . . air, for the harpsichord, violin, flute & guittar. ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992006049]
    • English guittar
  • Linley c1780
    Linley, Thomas. The Duenna, or The double elopement. A comic opera . . . for the guitar. (London, [England]: Thompson, Charles & Samuel)
    [RISM ID no.: 990038130]
    • English guittar
  • Paxton c1780?
    Paxton, Stephen (1735-1787). The sun sets in night [for voice and piano, arr. for flute or guitar] (Dublin, [Ireland]: Edmund Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 991023662]
    • English guittar
  • Pepusch c1780
    Pepusch, Johann Christoph. Dr. Pepusch's ground, with variations for the harspichord, violin, and guittar. (London, [England]: Thomas Straight)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048828]
    • English guittar
  • Purcell c1780
    Purcell, Henry. From rosie [rosy] bow'rs . . . [Song from Don Quixote, Part III] . . . adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitarr. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992000417]
    • English guittar
  • J. Rutherford c1780
    Rutherford, John. A collection of the most celebrated songs set to music by several eminent authors, adapted for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990056535]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1780a
    Shield, William. All his soul was love. Sung by Mrs. Kennedy in Henry and Emma. Written by an officer, followed by an arrangement for german flute or guitar. (London, [England]: Thomas Straight)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059389]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1780b
    Shield, William. Johnny and Mary. The favorite new Scotch song introduc'd by Miss Catley in Love in a village. For the guittar. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1780c
    Shield, William. Johnny and Mary. The favorite new Scotch song introduc'd by Miss Catley in Love in a village. For the guittar. (Glasgow, [Scotland]: James Aird) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Smethergell c1780
    Smethergell, William. Delia. A favorite song, sung by Mr. Vernon at Vauxhall . . . adapted for the harpsicord, violin, german flute, and guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059980]
    • English guittar
  • Weldon c1780
    Weldon, J. Hope, thou nurse. Sung by Miss Brent and Miss Hallam in Love in a village. For the harpsicord, and guittar. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Werner c1780
    Werner, Francis. A compleat collection of the most favorite cotillions, country dances, and allemands . . . carefully transpos'd . . . for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Rutherford)
    [RISM ID no.: 990068281]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 123 [c1780]
    Lanza, Giuseppe (c1750- ). VI Ariette con Recitativo Con Accompagnamento di Chitarra Francese.
    [RISM ID no.: 550400326]
    • English guittar
  • DK-Sa (R343) [1780-1800]
    [6 Sonatas].
    [RISM ID no.: 150201265]
    • English guittar, violin and bass
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 30952 [1780-1800]
    Dibdin, Charles  (1745-1814). I'm jolly Dick the Lamplighter.
    [RISM ID no.: 806040528]
    • English guittar in ensemble
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 30953 [1780-1800]
    Dibdin, Charles  (1745-1814). Patrick O'Row.
    [RISM ID no.: 806040561]
    • English guittar in orchestra (inc.)
  • M. Arne c1781
    Arne, Michael. The Foes of Old England. A song in praise of . . . Prince William [and] The Devonshire minuet for the guittar [and] Dances by Sigr. Vestris at the Opera House, London. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Rhames, Elizabeth)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001516]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold 1781
    Arnold, Samuel. Alla stagion novella. The favourite song . . . (adapted for the guittar, in: Hibernian Magazine, July, 1781). (Dublin, [Ireland]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990002347]
    • English guittar
  • Curtis 1781
    Curtis, Thomas. The Jessamine. A collection of songs for the voice and harpsichord within the compass of the german flute and transpos'd for the guitar . . . book the 3d. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990011936]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani c1781
    Giordani, Tommaso. The favorite airs . . . in The critic . . . adapted for the voice, harpsichord, violin, german flute & guittar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021258]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold c1782
    Arnold, Samuel. Address to a locket. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013096]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani c1782a
    Giordani, Tommaso. The new Gilderoy, a favorite Scotch ballad, for the piano-forte, violin, German flute or guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1782b
    Giordani, Tommaso. The new Gilderoy. A favorite Scotch ballad, for the piano-forte, violin, german flute or guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021383]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1782c
    Giordani, Tommaso. Slave bear the sparkling goblet round, for the piano-forte, german-flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021385]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1782
    Shield, William. The comic opera of the Poor soldier, for the guitar . . . (London, [England]: John Bland)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059493]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1783
    anonymous. The Ladies' Amusement, being a collection of favourite songs and lessons within compass of the guitar, etc. No. 1. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1783
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Love in a village. A comic opera . . . the musick by Handel, Boyce, Arne . . . for the harpsichord, voice, german flute or guittar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001861]
    • English guittar
  • Dezède c1783?a
    Dezède, Nicolas. Sitôt que Lubin m'aima. A favorite air [from Péronne Sauvée] . . . adapted for the piano forte, violin, german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014046]
    • English guittar
  • Dezède c1783?b
    Dezède, Nicolas. Sitôt que Lubin m'aima. a favorite air [from Péronne Sauvée] . . . adapted for the piano forte, violin, german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: John Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014047]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1783?
    Hook, James. The hours of love. A collection of sonnets, containing Morning, Noon, Evening and Night . . . properly adapted for the voice, harpsichord, violin, german-flute, or guitar . . . a new edition. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030657]
    • English guittar
  • Philidor c1783?
    Philidor, François-André (1726-1795). Ariette des Femmes Vengées.
    [RISM ID no.: 992006843]
    • English guittar
  • Taylor c1783?
    Taylor, Raynor [Rayner]. Overture to Circe and Ulysses, a comic burletta . . . composed and adapted for the harpsichord. NB. In this overture a movement adapted to the celestina or organiz'd piano forte with accompaniments for a guittar and flute or hautboy. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063838]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1784
    anonymous. The Beauties of music and poetry . . . The whole adapted for the harpsichord or piano-forte, violin, german flute and guitar. Vol 1 [Number I-VI]. (London, [England]: J. Preston)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1784
    anonymous. A Plan entirely original. Number II . . . of the beauties of music and poetry . . . The whole adapted for the harpsichord or piano-forte, violin, german-flute and guitar. (London, [England]: J. Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072164]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1784?
    Shield, William (1748-1829). Fontainbleau, or Our Way to France; a Comic Opera as Performed at the Theatre-Royal Covent-Garden.
    [RISM ID no.: 990059367]
    • English guittar in ensemble
  • anonymous c1785a
    anonymous. The Apprehension, or the devil among the lawyers. A favorite new song . . . Adapted for the violin, Ger: flute, and guittar. The words by Mr. Oakman [by I.B.]. (London, [England]: C. Fentum) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785b
    anonymous. Bland's first collection of twenty four airs, marches, minuets, &c. Twelve for one, & twelve for two guitars or a guitar and violin, composed by the best masters. (London, [England]: J. Bland)
    • English guittar duet
    • English guittar and violin
  • anonymous c1785c
    anonymous. Complete instructions for the guittar containing the most useful directions & examples . . . (London, [England]: J. Preston) [BUC]
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1785d
    anonymous. Elegant Extracts for the guittar, consisting of . . . songs . . . canzonets, rondos, airs with variations, allemands, dances, &c. . . . by the most eminent masters. Vol. (II). (London, [England]: J. Preston) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785e
    anonymous. A fifth sett of psalm and hymns used at the Magdalen Chapel, adapted for the organ, harpischord, voice, violin, German flute & guittar. (London, [England]: John Preston) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785f
    anonymous. The Hymns, anthems & tunes, with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel; set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, German flute or guittar. Book I. (London, [England]: A. Bland and Weller) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785g
    anonymous. Mon père je viens devant vous. Lise penitente. A celebrated French song with a new accompaniment for harp. piano forte. violin. or German flute. Also adapted for two guittars. No. XII. (London, [England]: Birchall and Andrews) [BUC]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1785h
    anonymous. My William I have lost. William far away. A favorite song for the piano-forte, violin, German-flute, or guittar, &c. (London, [England]: T. Skillern) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785i
    anonymous. The new Spanish or Count Almodovar's minuet. For the harpsicord, German flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785j
    anonymous. The New spanish or Count Almodovar's minuet for the harpsichord, german flute and guitar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991011352]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785k
    anonymous. The Tobacco box, or Soldier's pledge of love, a favorite dialogue (Tho' fate of battle). [voice and piano/guitar or flute] ([London, England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072627]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785l
    anonymous. When in war on the ocean, a celebrated sea song, sung by Mr. Bannister at the anacreontic society (War on the ocean we meet the proud Foe. [piano with text; arr. for guitar]) (London, [England]: T. Skillern)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072773]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785?a
    anonymous. A general toast, by Mr. Vernon in the School for scandal (Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen. [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]) [Music arranged from the traditional air Half Hanykin by Thomas Linley]. ([London, England]: Str[aight])
    [RISM ID no.: 990072404]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1785?b
    anonymous. In airy dreams . . . A favorite song, adapted for the harpsichord, ger: flute, violin & guitar. [also arr. for 2 guitars] (London, [England]: Longman & Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071437]
    • English guittar
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1785?c
    anonymous. In airy dreams . . . A favorite song, adapted for the harpsichord, ger: flute, violin & guitar. [also arr. for 2 guitars] (London, [England]: Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071438]
    • English guittar
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1785?d
    anonymous. The Shepherd's evening, sung at Sadlers Wells, adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute or guittar (Now to pant on Thetis' breast). ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072445]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1785a
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. The airs in the opera of Artaxerxes, set for the German-flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: S. A. and P. Thompson) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1785b
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Love in a village. A comic opera . . . the musick by Handel, Boyce, Arne . . . for the harpsichord, voice, german flute or guitar. (London, [England]: H. Wright)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001862]
    • English guittar
  • Barthélemon c1785
    Barthélemon, François-Hippolyte. Five new favourite English songs, and one Italian duett. Sett for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and adapted to the guittar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Samuel Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013622]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1785
    Dibdin, Charles. The pupil's compendium. A novel & interesting musical work. To be published in six numbers, intituled The pupil's compendium, or The bee of Apollo, to consist of Italian, French and English music . . . adapted to the harpsichord with occasionally an accompanyment for the violin, flute or guitar, No. 1. (London, [England]: John Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014753]
    • English guittar
  • Ghillini di Asuni c1785
    Ghillini di Asuni. A select collection for one, two and three guitars of six favorite English . . . French . . . Italian songs and six easy lessons or solos . . . compiled and composed by Sig. Ghillini di Asuni. Op. 19. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    • English guittar
  • Giordani c1785a
    Giordani, Tommaso. Damon and Delia. A favourite dialogue and duett for the piano-forte, violin, german flute, & guittar. (London, [England]: Robert Birchall)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021341]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1785b
    Giordani, Tommaso. Gentle river. A favourite ballad, for the pianoforte, german flute, guitar & violin. (London, [England]: Tommaso Giordani)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021347]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1785c
    Giordani, Tommaso. Gentle river. A favourite ballad, for the pianoforte, german flute, guitar & violin. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021348]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1785d
    Giordani, Tommaso. Slave bear the sparkling goblet round, for the piano-forte, german-flute, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: John Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 991019132]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1785?a
    Giordani, Tommaso. Gentle river. A favourite ballad, for the pianoforte, german flute, guitar & violin. (London, [England]: John Welcker)
    [RISM ID no.: 991019122]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani 1785?b
    Giordani, Tommaso. Slave bear the sparkling goblet round, for the piano-forte, german-flute, violin & guittar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021386]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1785
    Hook, James. The hours of love. A collection of sonnets, containing Morning, Noon, Evening and Night . . . properly adapted for the voice, harpsichord, violin, german flute, or guitar; a new edition. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030658]
    • English guittar
  • Light c1785
    Light, Edward. The art of playing the guitar . . . to which is added a variety of . . . lessons, airs, divertimentos, songs &c . . . adapted for that instrument. (London, [England]: J. Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990038070]
    • English guittar method
  • Shield 1785a
    Shield, William. Love in a camp . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059422]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1785b
    Shield, William. The nunnery . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059476]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1785a
    Shield, William. The comic opera of Robin Hood. For the guitar. (London, [England]: John Bland)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059534]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1785b
    Shield, William. Fontainbleau . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059368]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1785c
    Shield, William. The overture, songs and duets of Rosina . . . set for the voice, harpsichord, violin, ger. flute & guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059566]
    • English guittar
  • US-AUS Finney 41 [c1785?]
    anonymous. For the Guitar.
    [RISM ID no.: 000115552]
    • English guittar (one piece in a collection)
  • Dibdin c1786
    Dibdin, Charles. Sweet Willy O. As perform'd . . . in the entertainment of The jubilee . . . a favorite rondo for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014235]
    • English guittar
  • Paisiello 1786
    Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816). A Favourite Song in the new comedy of the heiress, as performed with universal Applause at Drury-Lane Theatre. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048173]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1786
    Shield, William. Rosina. A comic opera, adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059565]
    • English guittar
  • Tibbs c1786
    Tibbs, William. My sheep I neglected. A favorite song [voice and piano, arr. for guitar or flute]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991004282]
    • English guittar
  • F-Pn VM7-6254 (bis) [1786-1790]
    [16 Pieces].
    [RISM ID no.: 840016584]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1787
    anonymous. When Phoebus gilds the orient morn. The Sweets of Love. A favourite song for the voice, hapsichord [sic], violin, German flute, or guittar. (London, [England]: J. Clarke) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold 1787
    Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802). Inkle and Yarico. A comick opera . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990002264]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold c1787
    Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802). Mrs. Billington's additional song: Introduced at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden in the opera of Inkle and Yarico. (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 1064369126]
    • English guittar
  • Ghillini di Asuni c1787
    Ghillini di Asuni. Twenty four of the most elegant, and favourite English songs adaped for one, two and three guitars with an accompaniment . . . Op. 20. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    • English guittar(s)
  • Grétry c1787
    Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste. Richard Cœur-de-Lion . . . A favorite opera . . . Adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990023236]
    • English guittar
  • Hook 1787
    Hook, James. Je pense à vous. The much admired song of Je pense à vous, sung by Mr. Incledon at Vauxhall Gardens . . . adapted for the harpsichord or piano forte, violin, german flute, or guitar. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030964]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1787
    Shield, William. The farmer . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059332]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1788?
    anonymous. The Suffering Negro. A favorite song for the voice, harps.d, violin o flute & guittar (Some kindly genious now assist). (London, [England]: G. Goulding, Burry & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072554]
    • English guittar
  • Shield 1788
    Shield, William. Marian . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059437]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1789
    anonymous. O! dear what can the matter be. A favorite duett with an accompaniment for the piano-forte or harp [arr. for guitar and 2 flutes]. (London, [England] : Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072003]
    • English guittar
  • Leigh 1789
    Leigh, Samuel Egerton. The new hours of love, containing morning, noon, evening and night; written by a young lady . . . set to music . . . for the piano forte, violin, ger[ma]n flute & guittar. (London, [England]: Fentum)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037426]
    • English guittar
  • Aldridge c1790
    Aldridge. The Irish lilt. A favourite dance for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991012683]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1790
    anonymous. The Musical Companion containing a collection of the newest and most fashionable songs, &c. as sung at the different theatres and public gardens in England and Ireland; properly adapted for the violin, German flute, and guitar [Number IV]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Joseph Hill) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790a
    anonymous. Complete instructions for the guittar, containing the most useful directions & examples for learners to obtain a speedy proficiency. To which is added a choice collection of favourite airs, minuets, marches, songs, &c. properly adapted for that instrument. (London, [England]: J. Preston)
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1790b
    anonymous. Concinamus, o sodales. The favorite song of Dulce Domum performed annually at Winchester College . . . adapted for the harpischord, piano forte, guitar and flute. (London, [England]: I. Bland) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790c
    anonymous. The Duke of Clarence's March, adapted for the harpsichord, violin, German flute or guitar. (London, [England]: T. Skillern) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790d
    anonymous. The first Journal Musick Book, containing about fifty tunes, some with variations; altered for one guittar of English, Scotch, Irish, Italian, French, and stage dances. (London, [England]: s.n.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790e
    anonymous. The Hymns, anthems and tunes with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel. Set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guittar. Book I. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 1000000646]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790f
    anonymous. In airy dreams. A favourite song, adapted for the harpsichord, Ger: flute, violin & guitar. (London, [England]: Bland & Weller) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790g
    anonymous. The lasses with obliging care. The White cockade. A favorite air to which is added two fashionable dances adapted for the harpsichord, violin, Ger: flute and guitar. (London, [England]: Skillern, T.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790h
    anonymous. Longman and Broderip's pocket companion for the guitar with easy rules for tuning to which is added a favorite selection of the most admired airs, songs, minuets, marches, dances, cotillons and allmands, judiciously adapted for that instrument. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790i
    anonymous. The Match girl, a favorite ballad, composed by a Lady [voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. ([London, England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071785]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790j
    anonymous. Mon cher ami, the answer to Ma chère amie, a favorite song, written and composed by a gentleman [arr. for guitar and german flute]. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071862]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790k
    anonymous. Oh! the hours I have pass'd in the arms of my dear. Coolun. A celebrated Irish air to which is added variations for the piano forte, violin, German flute, and guitar. (London, [England]: T. Skillern) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790l
    anonymous. When first she came to town. Jess Macpharlane, a favourite old Scots duett, set for one, or two voices pianoforte, violin, or guitar. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: J. Walten) [BUC]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1790m
    anonymous. When you tell me your heart is another's, a favorite song with an accompaniment for the harp or piano forte [arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Broderip & Wilkinson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072778]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?a
    anonymous. Coolun, a celebrated Irish air to which is added variations for the piano forte, violin, german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Bland & Weller)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070888]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?b
    anonymous. The Fortune teller (I've been with ye woman of deep penetration [voice and piano, with guitar arr.]). ([London, England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071214]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?c
    anonymous. God save the King, for two voices [2 voices, 2 flutes, 2 guitars, and variations for piano]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071305]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?d
    anonymous. There's nae luck about the house, a favorite old Scots song, set for the voice, piano forte, guitar, flute or clarinet (And are ye sure the news is true). (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Watlen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072598]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?e
    anonymous. Yeo yeo sir, sung by Mrs. Jordan in The spoil'd child (I am a brisk and sprightly lad [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]). (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072535]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?f
    anonymous. The Village holyday, a favorite new air [piano with text; arr. for flute or guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004570]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?g
    anonymous. The Waefu' heart, a much admired Scots song, as sung at the public concerts [voice and piano/violin; arr. for flute or guitar]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072727]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?h
    anonymous. When you tell me your heart is another's, a favorite song with an accompaniment for the harp or piano forte [arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072780]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1790?i
    anonymous. The White cockade, a favorite air to which is added two fashionable dances adapted for the harpsichord, violin, ger: flute and guitar (The lasses with obliging care). ([London, England]: Wheatstone)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072784]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1790
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. A second collection of psalms and hymns use'd [sic] at the Magdalen Chapel. The words by Dr. Watts, Dr. Doddridge, Dr. Dodd, Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lockman. The musick compos'd by Dr. Arne, Mr. Will.m Selby and Mr. Adam Smith . . . Set for the organ, harpsichord, voice, violin, German flute and guittar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Arrowsmith c1790
    Arrowsmith, D. The Sprig of Myrtle. A favourite new ballad [. . . followed by accompaniments for the german flute and guitar]. (London, [England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990002498]
    • English guittar
  • Bolton c1790
    Bolton, Thomas. Twenty four easy and pleasing lessons for the guitar or piano forte guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006150]
    • English guittar or "piano forte guitar"
  • Campbell c1790
    Campbell, William. Campbell's pocket companion for the guitar, containing a choice collection of the newest cotillions, allmands, duetts. (London, [England]: William Campbell)
    [RISM ID no.: 991015272]
    • English guittar
  • Collins c1790
    Collins, John. The chapter of kings. A celebrated historical song [with accompaniment for piano and violin, or flute or guitar]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: B. Cooke)
    [RISM ID no.: 990010821]
    • English guittar
  • Costellow c1790
    Costellow, Thomas. O the bonny bonny bells. A favorite ballad . . . [with an arrangement for guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990011607]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1790
    Dibdin, Charles. I will be yours another year, a favorite ballad [for voice and continuo, flute/guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991017351]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1790?
    Dibdin, Charles. Lawyers pay you with words, a favorite song [for voice and piano or flute/guitar]. (London, [England]: Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 991017353]
    • English guittar
  • Fischer c1790
    Fischer, Johann Christian. Fischer's variations on Gramachree Molly. Sett for the harpsichord, violin, German flute, and guittar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    • English guittar
  • Fischer c1790?a
    Fischer, Johann Christian. A celebrated Irish air with favorite variations . . . sett for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018239]
    • English guittar
  • Fischer c1790?b
    Fischer, Johann Christian. Variations on Gramachree Molly. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018238]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani c1790
    Giordani, Tommaso. I smile at love and all his arts. A favorite canzonet. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [WC]
    • English guittar
  • Jackson c1790
    Jackson, William. A collection of favourite Irish tunes . . . properly adapted to the harpsichord, violin, german flute, and guitar. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Joseph Hill)
    [RISM ID no.: 990032160]
    • English guittar
  • Kirshaw c1790
    Kirshaw, George. The London march for the piano forte, violin, german flute, or guittar. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992005584]
    • English guittar
  • Lefevre c1790
    Lefevre, Joseph. A concise method to attain the art of playing on the cistre . . . (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    • English guittar method
  • Leigh c1790
    Leigh, Samuel Egerton. First quarter May 18th 1790. Apollo's quarterly gift . . . properly adapted to the voice, harpsichord, violin, german flute & guitar [19 songs]. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037420]
    • English guittar
  • Leigh c1790?
    Leigh, Samuel Egerton. The disgrace of France, contrasted by the glory of . . . Great Britain, under George our most Gracious King . . . properly adapted to the voice, harpsichord, violin, german flute & guitar. (London, [England]: Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037421]
    • English guittar
  • Monsigny c1790
    Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre. Tho' prudence may press me [for voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. (New York, [USA]: J. Hewitt)
    [RISM ID no.: 991027947]
    • English guittar
  • Mussolini c1790
    Mussolini, Cesare. Six new songs and six minuets . . . with a new pastoral air . . . adapted for ye guittar & mandolin with accompanyments for the harspichord & violin. (London, [England]: Cesare Mussolini)
    [RISM ID no.: 990046568]
    • English guittar?
  • Shaw c1790
    Shaw, D. The dauntless sailor [for voice, flute, and guitar]. (London, [England]: Fentum)
    [RISM ID no.: 991002209]
    • English guittar?
  • Shield c1790
    Shield, William. By her own lovely self . . . a favorite song in The woodman [arr. for the guitar]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: Elizabeth Rhames)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059638]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1790?a
    Shield, William. The crusade. An historical romance adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991002223]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1790?b
    Shield, William. Rosina. A comic opera, adapted for one or two guitars. (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059564]
    • English guittar
    • English guittar duet
  • Smart c1790
    Smart, Thomas. When war's alarms . . . with variations for the harpsichord, piano forte, violin, german flute or guittar. (London, [England]: Thomas Straight)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059966]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1791?
    Shield, William. Zephyr, come, thou playful minion . . . in the comic opera of The woodman [for voice and basso continuo, arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991011751]
    • English guittar
  • Carter c1792
    Carter, Thomas. Examine the world with attention. A favorite song [for voice, harpsichord, guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991015447]
    • English guittar
  • Eley c1792
    Eley, Chr. Fr. The Duke of York's new march, as performed by His Royal Highness's new Band in the Coldstream Regt. of Guards. Composed, and arranged for the piano forte by C.F. Eley [in fact, an arrangement of "Non più andrai" from Mozart, with an arrangement for two flutes, and an accompaniment for guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1793
    anonymous. In the dead of the night, as sung by Master Knyvett, at the vocal concerts, Willis's rooms [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072759]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1793?a
    anonymous. In the dead of the night, as sung by Mrs. Jordan in The wedding day [voice and bass; arr. guitar]. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992004585]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1793?b
    anonymous. In the dead of the night, sung by Mrs. Jordan at the theatre royal Drury Lane in the new comedy of The wedding day [voice and piano; arr. guitar]. (London, [England]: A. Bland & Weller)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072760]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1793?c
    anonymous. In the dead of the night, sung by Mrs. Jordan in The wedding day adapted for the piano forte [voice and piano; arr. guitar]. ([London, England]: Walker & Gladman)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072761]
    • English guittar
  • Shield c1793?
    Shield, William (1748-1829). The lamp of hope . . . in Sprigs of laurel, a comic opera [voice and piano, arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991011752]
    • English guittar
  • Storace 1793a
    Storace, Stephen (1762-1796). Capti[v]ity: A Ballad. Supposed to be Sung by the Unfortunate Marie Antoinette, During her Imprisonment in the Temple. (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063197]
    • English guittar?
  • Storace 1793b
    Storace, Stephen (1762-1796). The prize . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063140]
    • English guittar?
  • Watlen 1793
    Watlen, John. Watlen's collection of the most admired Scots songs both antient and modern selected from the best authors without being italianised . . . plain and simple as sung at most of the publick places in Scotland set for the voice, piano forte, flute or guitar. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Watlen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067794]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1794?
    anonymous. When in war on the ocean, a celebrated sea song, written by the late Earl of Sandwich, sung by Mr. Kelly in the musical entertainment called The first of June, and by Mr. Bannister at the Anacreontic Society [voice and piano/guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071193]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1794
    Dibdin, Charles. I lock'd up all my treasure . . . a favorite song . . . followed by an arrangement for guitar (in: The gentleman's amusement). (Philadelphia, [USA]: R. Shaw)
    [RISM ID no.: 991017308]
    • English guittar
  • Pleyel 1794
    Pleyel, Ignace Joseph. Why turns my Jen her head. Air . . . (in: The Philadelphia pocket companion for guittar or clarinett, vol. I). (Philadelphia, [USA]: Carr)
    [RISM ID no.: 990050193]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 109 [1794]
    Weigl, Joseph (1766-1846). Mamma mia non mi sgridate: Una Canzonetta per la Chittara Inglese.
    [RISM ID no.: 550400300]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795a
    anonymous. A[h] vous derais [sic] je mama. A celebrated French song, to which is added variations for the harpsichord, piano forte, German flute, violin and guittar. (London, [England]: T. Skillern) [BUC]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1795b
    anonymous. Begone dull care. A favorite duett, sung with the utmost applause at Harrison & Knyvetts Vocal Concerts [arr. for 2 guitars or flutes]. (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070603]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1795c
    anonymous. Begone dull care. A favorite English song or duett set for the pianoforte, guitar, flute or two voices . . . (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: J. Watlen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070604]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795d
    anonymous. Indeed young man, I must deny . . . sung by Miss Milne [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]. (New York, [USA]: G. Gilfert & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071447]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795e
    anonymous. Oh! where and oh where is your Highland laddie gone. A true copy of The Blue Bell of Scotland. A . . . Scotch song with an accompaniment for the piano forte, harp, guittar or lute as sung . . . by Mrs. Jordan, etc. (London, [England]: J. Dale) [BUC]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1795f
    anonymous. Precious goblet, a favorite song, sung by Mr. Meredith at the Music Hall Liverpool and by Mr. Sedgwick at the anacreontic society (voice and piano/flute/guitar). (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072201]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795g
    anonymous. Reflection, a favorite ariette, with an accompaniment for the piano forte, harp, guitar and flute, etc. (London, [England]: W. Rolfe) [BUC]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1795?a
    anonymous. Indeed young man, I must deny [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]. (New York, [USA]: G. Gilfert & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071446]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795?b
    anonymous. Jamie's complaint or the sequel to Auld Robin Grey, set to the original and much admired airs for the harpsichord, violin, flute & guittar. (Dublin? [Ireland]: Lee?)
    [RISM ID no.: 991011924]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795?c
    anonymous. Phillida, an original Welch air, sung by Mr. Vernon [voice and piano/guitar]. ([London, England]: S.A. and P. Thompson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072117]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795?d
    anonymous. We all love a sup in our turn, a favorite new song, written by Mr. Connell, and sung by Mr. Johannot in The land we live in (A sup of good whisky will make you glad [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]). (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071558]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1795?e
    anonymous. With the sun I rise at morn, a favorite ballad sung by Miss Worral [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar]. (Dublin, [Ireland]: F. Rhames)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072799]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1795?
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Rule Britannia. A favorite song [followed by an accompaniment for the guitar]. (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001590]
    • English guittar
  • Bolton c1795
    Bolton, Thomas. Six rondeaus, three songs, three preludes composed; and three songs, selected and adapted, with an accompaniment for the guitar or piano forte guitar . . . [op. 3]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006151]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1795
    Dibdin, Charles. I lock'd up all my treasure . . . a favorite song . . . followed by an arrangement for guitar. (London, [England]: H. Andrews)
    [RISM ID no.: 990014404]
    • English guittar
  • Leite 1795
    Leite, António da Silva. Estudo de guitarra, em que se expoem o meio mais facil para aprender a tocar este instrumento . . . (Porto, [Portugal]: Antonio Alvarez Ribeiro)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037434]
    • English guittar method
  • Shield 1795
    Shield, William (1748-1829). The Overture, Songs &c, in the Favorite Entertainment of Mago & Dago, Performed at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden . . . (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990059434]
    • English guittar [p. 13 only]
  • Shield c1795?
    Shield, William (1748-1829). Whilst with village maids I stray [for voice, piano, flute, or guitar]. Sung by Mrs. Billington in Rosina. (London, [England]: T. Gladman)
    [RISM ID no.: 991002318]
    • English guittar
  • Storace c1795
    Storace, Stephen. The pirates, an opera . . . adapted for the guitar. (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [RISM ID no.: 990063098]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1796a
    anonymous. Days of yore. The minstrel's song, sung by Mrs. Clendining, in the dramatic romance of Days of yore. Performed at the theatre royal, Covent Garden. With an accompaniment for the piano forte or hapr [arr. for flute or guitar] (Where is the tow'ring spirit fled [words by Richard Cumberland]). (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070981]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1796b
    anonymous. Mrs. Jordan's favorite song, In the dead of the night, sung in the comedy of The wedding day [voice and piano; arr. for guitar]. (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072762]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1796c
    anonymous. When oer the moon a misty veil. The Muleteer. A favorite ballad. Arranged for the piano forte, harp, violin & guittar. (London, [England]: W. Cope) [BUC]
    • English guittar?
  • Hamilton c1796
    Hamilton, John.A collection of twenty-four Scots songs . . . set for the voice, piano forte, ger: flute, clarinet, guitar or harpsichord. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Hamilton)
    [RISM ID no.: 990026148]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1796
    Hook, James. The hours of love. A collection of sonnets containing Morning, Noon, Evening and Night . . . for the voice, piano-forte, violin, german flute or guitar. New edition. (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [RISM ID no.: 991020896]
    • English guittar
  • Leite 1796
    Leite, António da Silva. Estudo de guitarra, em que se expoem o meio mais facil para aprender a tocar este instrumento . . . (Porto, [Portugal]: Antonio Alvarez Ribeiro)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037435]
    • English guittar method
  • Watlen 1796
    Watlen, John. (Watlen's collection of Scots songs). (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Watlen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067795]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1797
    anonymous. A collection of hymns for a voice, harpsichord, or guitar. Composed by different authors. (Dublin, [Ireland]: John McCalley) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1797?a
    anonymous. The Cottager's daughter (Ah tell me ye swains have ye seen my pastora [voice and piano/guitar]. (Philadelphia, [USA]: B. Carr)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070901]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1797?b
    anonymous. The Cottager's daughter (Ah tell me ye swains have ye seen my pastora [voice and piano/guitar]. (Philadelphia, [USA]: G. Willig)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070902]
    • English guittar
  • Arne c1797
    Arne, Thomas Augustin. Love in a village. A comic opera . . . the musick by Handel, Boyce, Arne . . . for the harpsichord, voice, german flute or guitar. (London, [England]: Harrison and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001863]
    • English guittar
  • Collins c1797
    Collins, John. The chapter of kings. A celebrated historical song [with accompaniment for piano and violin, or flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 990010821]
    • English guittar
  • Dignum c1797
    Dignum, Charles (c1765-1827). The chapter of kings. A celebrated historical song [with accompaniment for piano, flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman and Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991017393]
    • English guittar
  • Stevenson 1797
    Stevenson, Sir John (Andrew). First selection of French and English songs, with accompaniments for the guittar. (London, [England]: John Stevenson)
    [RISM ID no.: 990062404]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1798a
    anonymous. Somebody (Were I obliged to beg my bred [voice and piano/guitar]). (New York, [USA]: I.C. Mollers)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072479]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1798b
    anonymous. Two bunches a penny primroses [voice and piano/guitar]. (Philadelphia, [USA]: G. Willig)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072670]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1798c
    anonymous. Ye sons of England take your arms. A British Allons enfans de la patrie . . . Adapted for the piano forte, harp, harpsichord, German flute & guitar. (London, [England]: J. Dale) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1798?a
    anonymous. Somebody (Were I obliged to beg my bred [voice and piano/guitar]). (Boston, [USA]: P.A. von Hagen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072478]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1798?b
    anonymous. Somebody (Were I obliged to beg my bred [voice and piano/guitar]). (Philadelphia, [USA]: G. Willig)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072480]
    • English guittar
  • Carter c1798
    Carter, Thomas. Oh! Nanny wilt thou fly from me [for voice, violin, harpsichord, or flute/guitar]. (London, [England]: M. Clementi & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991015451]
    • English guittar
  • Phile c1798
    Phile, Philip. The favorite new Federal song (Hail! Columbia, happy land), adapted to the Presidents march . . . for the voice, piano forte, guittar and clarinett. (s.l.: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 992006821]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous 1799
    anonymous. Apollo et Terpsichore. To be continued monthly. No. 1 [-12]. A collection of the most celebrated songs duetts, rondos, airs, &c. extracted from the latest operas & other entertainments adapted for the piano-forte, violin, guitar, or german flute. (London, [England]: W. Rolfe)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000218]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1799a
    anonymous. The Linnets (Ye tunefull linnetsess my care [voice and piano; arr. for clarinet or guitar]). (Boston and New York, [USA]: P.A. von Hagen and G. Gilfert)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071625]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1799b
    anonymous. Lucy or Selim's complaint (Night o'er the world her curtain hung [voice and piano/guitar]). (Boston and New York, [USA]: P.A. von Hagen and G. Gilfert)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071681]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1799c
    anonymous. Rosa and Henry . . . the much admired song in the new comedy of The secret [words by E. Morris] . . . properly disposed of for the harp or piano forte, the music by a Lady of fashion [also arr. for flute or guitar]. (London, [England]: Longman, Clementi, & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072420]
    • English guittar
  • Hook c1799
    Hook, James. The hours of love . . . for the voice, harpsichord, violin, german flute, or guitar. (Philadelphia and Baltimore, [USA]: Carr & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030663]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1800
    anonymous. A collection of practical lesson's and most celebrated songs extracted from the latest operas, & those sung at the publick concerts adapted for the lute or guittar (London, [England]: J. Buckinger)
    • English guittar or lute
  • anonymous c1800a
    anonymous. The Blue Bell of Scotland. A favorite Scotch song, with an accompaniment for the piano forte, harp, guittar or lute, as sung . . . by Mrs. Jordan at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, [England]: J. Dale) [BUC]
    • English guittar or lute
  • anonymous c1800b
    anonymous. A Companion to the Magdalen-Chapel containing the hymns, psalms, ode and anthems, used there, set for the harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guitar. The music compos'd by the most eminent masters[An Appendix to the Magdalen Hymns &c.] (London, [England]: Longman, Clementi & Co.) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800c
    anonymous. The Duke of York's new slow March (The Cameronian March).[piano and flute or guitar] (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800d
    anonymous. Elegant extracts for the guittar, consisting of the most celebrated songs sung at the publick gardens, and from the latest operas and entertainments, canzonets, rondos, airs with variations, allemands, dances, &c. composed and properly adapted for that instrument by the most eminent masters (London, [England]: J. Preston)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800e
    anonymous. E're sorrow taught my tears to flow. For the voice, piano forte, guittar, violin, clarinett & german flute (Boston and New York [USA]: P.A. von Hagen and G. Gilfert) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990071059]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous c1800f
    anonymous. A Favourite glee (adapted for the guittar by H. Mountain) (With my jugg in one hand) (Dublin, [Ireland]: Elizabeth Rhames) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990071161]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800g
    anonymous. Henry, a favorite ballad with an accompaniment for the harp or piano forte [also arr. for flute and guitar] (London, [England]: Thomas Preston) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990071354]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800h
    anonymous. Maggie Lawder, with variations for the piano forte, also for the violin, german flute or guittar . . . Maggie lawder, a favorite Scotch song (O wha wadna be in love) (New York, [USA]: I. & M. Paff) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990071870]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800i
    anonymous. Morag. A favorite old Gaelic song set for the voice, piano forte, violin, flute, guitar etc. (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Muir, Wood, & Co.) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990071706]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800?a
    anonymous. Maggie Lawder, with variations for the piano forte, also for the violin, german flute or guittar . . . Maggie lawder, a favorite Scotch song (O wha wadna be in love) (New York, [USA]: S. Terrett)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800?b
    anonymous. The Merry roundelay, sung by Miss Phillips at the Rotunda [piano with text, guitar] (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Rice)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800?c
    anonymous. The Much admired song of Arabella the Caledonian maid with an harp accompaniment (Say have you seen my Arabella [voice and harp; arr. for flute or guitar]) (New York, [USA]: G. Gilfert)
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1800-1805
    anonymous. The hymns, anthems & tunes with the ode used at the Magdalen Chapel set for the organ, piano forte, voice, German flute or guitar (London, [England]: Broderip & Wilkinson) [BUC]
    • English guittar
  • Cooper c1800?
    Cooper, Isaac (c1755-c1820). Farewell ye fields an' meadows green . . . a favorite Scots song, set for voice, piano forte, flute or guitar (Glasgow, [Scotland]: A. Mac Goun) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991016484]
    • English guittar
  • Giordani c1800
    Giordani, Tommaso. Gentle river. A favourite ballad, for the pianoforte, german flute, guitar & violin (Dublin, [Ireland]: Hime) [BUC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990021349]
    • English guittar
  • Linley c1800
    Linley, Thomas (1733-1795). For tenderness form'd in life's early day. A favourite song [for voice and piano, arr. for guitar or flute] in the new comedy of The heiress . . . adapted to an air of Sigr. Paisiello (London, [England]: Ann Samuel and Peter Thompson) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991030011]
    • English guittar
  • Skirving c1800
    Skirving, William (c1743-1825). Miss Margt. Hamilton's quickstep, for the pianoforte, guitar & german-flute . . . The whim, or Miss Agnes Graham's favourite, by a lady (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Wood, Muir, & Co.) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990059929]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 147 [c1800]
    Vojtíšek, Antonín Fabián Jan Alois (1771-1820). Sonata 2da per la Chittara Inglese.
    [RISM ID no.: 550400450]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 148 [c1800]
    Vojtíšek, Antonín Fabián Jan Alois (1771-1820). Allegro per la Chittara Inglese.
    [RISM ID no.: 550400451]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 149 [c1800]
    Vojtíšek, Antonín Fabián Jan Alois (1771-1820). Un Trio per la Chittara Inglese con Accompagnamento d'Un Violino e Viola con Sordini.
    [RISM ID no.: 550400452]
    • English guittar, violin and viola
  • CZ-Pn Kinsky Ms 357 [c1800]
    Vojtíšek, Antonín Fabián Jan Alois (1771-1820). Variazioni in F per la Chittara Inglese.
    [RISM ID no.: 550401011]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pnm XLII A 119 [1800-1824]
    anonymous. Polonoise pour la Guittare angl.
    [RISM ID no.: 551004728]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pnm XLII A 335 [1800-1824]
    anonymous. Variations pour la Guittare anglaise.
    [RISM ID no.: 551005381]
    • English guittar
  • CZ-Pnm XLII E 334 [c1800]
    Vojtíšek, Antonín Fabián Jan Alois (1771-1820). Allegretto per la Chittara Inglese.
    [RISM ID no.: 551007676]
    • English guittar
  • PL-SA 582/A IX 62 [1800-1830]
    anonymous. [29 Guitar pieces].
    [RISM ID no.: 1001069914]
    • Engish guittar
  • S-Skma SP-R [c1800]
    Storace, Stephen (1762-1796). All vill hail the hoyous day: Sung by Mr. Bland.
    [RISM ID no.: 190023207]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous 1801a
    anonymous. Gentle Youth [Love in a Village] (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [OCLC: 498348876]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1801b
    anonymous. My lodging is on the cold ground: a favorite mad song (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [OCLC: 881830586]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1801c
    anonymous. Peace, or Old England Triumphant. A song, written on the preliminaries of peace being sign'd between Great Britain and France, 1801. The words by a gentleman of Salisbury, and set to music by an eminent master (Salisbury, [England]: J. & H. Banks)
    [OCLC: 1253927298]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous 1801-1810?
    anonymous. The match girl: a favorite ballad (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 931256056]
    • English guittar
  • Arnold 1801
    Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802). The Spanish guitar: sung with greatest applause by Miss De Camp, in the grand pantomimical drama call'd Obi, at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [RISM: 991013071 and OCLC: 500261775 and 932530113]
    • English guittar
  • Barthélemon 1801
    Barthélemon, François-Hippolyte (1741-1808). Durandarte and Belerma: A pathetic Scotch ballad, with an accompaniment for the harp (London, [England]: Broderip and Wilkinson)
    [OCLC: 497697244]
    • English guittar
  • Brooks 1801-1803
    Brooks, James (c1760-1810). The rose the sweetly blooming rose: a much admired rondo, sung by Miss Daniels, at Vauxhall Gardens (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 56698244]
    • English guittar
  • Costellow 1801-1803
    Costellow, T.  A pretty weeks work (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [OCLC: 57766635]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1801a
    Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814). Every inch a sailor (London, [England]: the author)
    [OCLC: 43157185]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1801b
    Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814). The original music of the grand serious pantomime drama of Alonso & Imogine: as performed at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden, at Sadlers Wells & at the American, Irish & Scotch theatres, arranged for the violin, guitar or German flute (London, [England]: Preston)
    [OCLC: 913331424]
    • English guittar
  • Dibdin c1801?
    Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814). Every inch a sailor . . . sung by Mr. Incledon . . . at Vauxhall (London, [England]: the author)
    [OCLC: 1114247367]
    • English guittar
  • Dignum 1801
    Dignum, Charles (c1765-1827). Fair Rosale: a favorite song: sung by Mrs Crouch at Liverpool, and by Master Welsh at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket (London, [England]: G. Goulding)
    [OCLC: 751034880]
    • English guittar
  • Mazzinghi 1801a
    Mazzinghi, Joseph (1765-1844). The poplar grove: sung by Mrs. Jones, at the Federal Street Theatre, in The turnpike gate, with the greatest applause (Boston, [USA]: P.A. Von Hagen)
    [OCLC: 69857606]
    • English guittar
  • Mazzinghi 1801b
    Mazzinghi, Joseph (1765-1844). Six favorite songs and two duetts: Sung by Mrs Billington & Mr Incledon, at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden (London, [England]: Goulding, Phipps & D'Almaine)
    [OCLC: 498513003]
    • English guittar
  • Moulds 1801a
    Moulds, John. The link-boy: a favorite song (London, [England]: G. Goulding)
    [OCLC: 181763897]
    • English guittar
  • Moulds 1801b
    Moulds, John. Moulines Maria: a favourite ballad, (taken from Sterns) (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 43143703]
    • English guittar
  • Piercy 1801
    Piercy, H. Laura, the poor little Savoyard: A favorite Ballad (London, [England]: author)
    [OCLC: 1331557887; RISM ID no.: 990049784]
    • English guittar
  • Rauzzini 1801
    Rauzzini, Venanzio (1746-1810). By him we love offended: sung by Mrs. Billington at both theatres in the Duenna (London, [England]: Thos. Jones)
    [OCLC: 43143836]
    • English guittar
  • Ross 1801
    Ross, John (1763-1837). Tho' Grief had nipp'd her early bloom: A favorite ballad (London, [England]: Broderip and Wilkinson)
    [OCLC: 1253893041 and 1253997202]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801a
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). All the World for my Laddie. A Scotch ballad, as sung by Miss Gray, at Astley's Amphitheatre. [For voice and piano with flute obbligato, or for two flutes, or guitar solo] (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [OCLC: 1253788072]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801b
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). His lovely Rose: Sung by Miss Gray, in the new grand spectacle called Fair Rosamond or Woodstock Bower . . . Written by Mr Upton (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [OCLC: 1061930074]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801c
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). When the jolly tar is call'd to fight: sung by Mr. Wallack in the new national military spectacle called Egypt, or British glory (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [OCLC: 49006069]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson c1801?
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). Adown in the valley. A favorite song (Did you ne'er hear a tale) [for voice and piano, arr. for flute or guitar] (New York, [USA]: J. Hewitt)
    [RISM ID no.: 991001388]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803a
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). A down a down down in the valley (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69663094; RISM ID no.: 990057320]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803b
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). Annie and Jemmie: a Scotch ballad (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69663272]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803c
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). Cottage on the moor (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69670842]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803d
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). His lovely rose (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69665962]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803e
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). The marriage day: sung by Miss Gray at Astley's Amphitheatre (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 40225262; RISM ID no.: 990057330]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803f
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). Old England, peace, and a woman: a much admired song (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69671283]
    • English guittar
  • Sanderson 1801-1803g
    Sanderson, James (1769-1841). You'll find a match in me (London, [England]: Edward Riley)
    [OCLC: 69688212]
    • English guittar and piano
  • Shield 1801-1806?
    Shield, William (1748-1829). The bud of the rose: sung by Mr. Bannister in Rosina (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 212392920]
    • English guittar
  • various 1801-1809
    various. A companion to the Magdalen-Chapel: containing the hymns, Psalms, ode and anthems used there; set for the harpsichord, voice, German-flute or guitar (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 869382741]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802a
    anonymous. A Fifth Sett of Psalms and Hymns used at the Magdalen Chapel, adapted for the Organ, Harpsichord, Voice, Violin, German Flute & Guitar (London, [England]: John Preston)
    [OCLC: 498636385]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802b
    anonymous. In the rough blast heaves the billow: sung by Mrs. Jordan, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, in the comedy of Fashionable friends (London, [England]: M. Kelly)
    [OCLC: 43136998, 1141161366 and 43137153]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802c
    anonymous. John Anderson my jo John: A favourite old Scots song. Set for the voice, piano forte, violin, Ger[man] flute & guitar (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: John Hamilton)
    [OCLC: 1253892500]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802d
    anonymous. The little sailor boy (Boston, [USA]: P.A. Von Hagen)
    [OCLC: 57235353 and 55727778]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802e
    anonymous. Love thou mad'ning power: an admired song, with an accompaniment for the piano forte, or harp (London, [England]: Preston & Son)
    [OCLC: 43136942]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802f
    anonymous. A New and Compleat Instruction Book for the English and Harp Guitars, with a Select Collection of Airs, Marches, Minuets &c. (London, [England]: G. Kiallmark)
    [RISM ID no.: 455031614]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • English guittar method
  • anonymous c1802g
    anonymous. O' say bonny lass, a favorite Scotch song [voice and bass; arr. for 2 guitars] (London, [England]: Riley & Willis) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990072016]
    • English guitar duet
  • anonymous c1802h
    anonymous. The Sun sets in Night: The Death Song of the Cherokee Indian's for the piano forte [followed by an arrangement for German flute or guitar] (London, [England]: Preston)
    [OCLC: 498806710]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1802?a
    anonymous. O' say bonny lass, a favorite Scotch song [voice and bass; arr. for 2 guitars] (New York, [USA]: G. Gilfert)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072017]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous c1802?b
    anonymous. O' say bonny lass, a favorite Scots song . . . set for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guittar (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Muir, Wood, & Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072018]
    • English guittar duet
  • Bailey 1802
    Bailey, Edward. Ella and Edwin: A sonnet. The words by Miss Vaughan (London, [England]: Goulding & Co.)
    [OCLC: 497541274]
    • English guittar
  • Bannister 1802
    Bannister, Charles (1741-1804). Admiral Benbow: as sung by Mr Bannister (with universal applause) at the Royalty Theatre (London, [England]: Muzio Clementi & Co.)
    [OCLC: 43182705]
    • English guittar
  • Bennison c1802?
    Bennison, T.T. From the mast head. A new ballad [voice, piano, flute or guitar] (London, [England]: T.T. Bennison)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013907]
    • English guittar
  • Cimador c1802
    Cimador, Giovanni Battista (1761-1805). La biondina. Arietta veneziana. Followed by an arrangement for flute or guitar (London, [England]: Monzani & Cimador) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991016146]
    • English guittar
  • Cooper c1802a
    Cooper, Isaac (c1755-c1820). Farewell ye fields an' meadows green . . . a favorite Scots song, set for voice, piano forte, flute or guitar (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Muir Wood) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990011001]
    • English guittar
  • Cooper c1802b
    Cooper, Isaac (c1755-c1820). Farewell ye fields an' meadows green . . . a favorite Scots song, set for voice, piano forte, flute or guitar (Edinburgh, [Scotland]: Muir Wood) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990011002]
    • English guittar
  • Denning 1802
    Denning, T. The Contented Maid. A favorite Song, written by G. Keate, etc. (London, [England]: J. Davies & Wellers)
    [OCLC: 1061643062]
    • English guittar
  • Fox 1802
    Fox, Mr. The parachute or, All the world balloon mad: A much admired comic song (London, [England]: author)
    [OCLC: 1030896631]
    • English guittar
  • Haydn 1802
    Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809). A pray to tender anguish: canzonet (London, [England]: Monzani & Cimador)
    [OCLC: 43236206]
    • English guittar
  • Kelly 1802
    Kelly, Michael (1762-1826). The lover's sigh: sung by Mrs. Billington, in the comic opera of Algonah (London, [England]: M. Kelly)
    [OCLC: 962369509]
    • English guittar
  • Kelly 1802-1808?
    Kelly, Michael (1762-1826). As the rough blast heaves the billow: As sung by Mrs. Jordan, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in the comedy of Fashionable friends (London, [England]: Lavenu & Mitchell)
    [OCLC: 223289004]
    • English guittar
  • Mallet 1802
    Mallet, Francis (1750-1834). A song [Negroe's humanity; part for guitar at end] (Boston, [USA]: Mallet and Graupner)
    [OCLC: 63128705 and 263027825]
    • English guittar
  • Moorhead 1802a
    Moorhead, John (1760?-1804). Tell me sweet bird: a favorite air, sung by Mrs H. Johnston in the comic opera of the Cabinet (London, [England]: J. Dale)
    [OCLC: 932529542]
    • English guittar
  • Moorhead 1802b
    Moorhead, John (1760?-1804). Tell me sweet bird: a favorite air, sung by Mrs H. Johnston in the comic opera of the Cabinet (London, [England]: T. Jones & Co.)
    [OCLC: 277235030 and 895045556]
    • English guittar
  • Preston 1802
    Preston, Thomas. At Lucy's door was Colin seen: a favorite canzonet, for the harp or piano forte [with a version for the guitar] (London, [England]: Preston)
    [OCLC: 43140574]
    • English guittar
  • Ross 1802a
    Ross, John (1763-1837). Thy blue waves o Carron: A favorite ballad: Set to music with an accompaniment for the piano forte (London, [England]: Broderip and Wilkinson)
    [OCLC: 1114261789]
    • English guittar
  • Ross 1802b
    Ross, John (1763-1837). Thy blue waves o Carron: A favorite ballad: Set to music with an accompaniment for the piano forte (London, [England]: Preston)
    [OCLC: 1253822110 and 1253835113]
    • English guittar
  • Schaffer c1802
    Schaffer, Francis C. What arm a sinking state can save. Rule New England. A new patriotic song [voice and piano; arr. for guitar or clarinet] (Boston, Providence, Newport, et al., [USA]: P.A. von Hagen, D. Vinton, W.B. Wilder, et al.) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991001608]
    • English guittar
  • xxx
    xxx. xxx (xxx)
    • English guittar
  • Mathews c1803
    Mathews, James. The western volunteer. A new song, adapted for the piano forte, guitar, german flute, one, or two voices (Bath, [England]: James B. Mathews) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 990040053]
    • English guittar
  • Piercy c1803
    Piercy, H. The beggar girl. A favorite ballad for the piano forte, harp, german flute or guitar (London, [England]: Goulding, Phipps & D'Almaine) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991024171]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous c1810
    anonymous. Each joy in thee possessing. A favorite duett sung with universal applause by Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Crouch at the theatre royal [for voice and piano; arr. for 2 flutes or 2 guitars] (Edinburgh, [Scotland] and London, [England]: Corri, Dussek & Co.) [WC]
    [RISM ID no.: 991010900]
    • English guittar duet
  • D-LB La 170 Bü 302 [c1810]
    Elfort. Ella's and Lilly: A favorite Song.
    [RISM ID no.: 450034505]
    • English guitar, piano and voice

Undated Sources:

  • anonymous
    Absent Jenny [voice and piano; arr. for flute or guitar] (London, [England]: Bland)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070401]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    Amoret & Phillis, sung by Mr. Dearl and Mrs. Forbes at Finch's Grotto Gardens. The words by young D'Urfey [2 voices, continuo; also flute and guitar] (London, [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070479]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    Arabella, the Caledonian maid, with an harp accompaniment. As sung by Mr. Johnstone at the theatre royal Covent Garden [arr. for flute or guitar at the end] (London, [England]: Fentum)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070525]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    Auld Robin Grays ghaist [voice and piano or guitar, flute] (London? [England]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070559]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    The Brown jugg, a particular favorite old song (Dublin, [Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070695]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    The Children in the wood, a favorite ballad for the harpsichord or piano-forte (The babes in the wood [voice and piano; arr. for flute and guitar]) (London, [England]: Cahusac & Sons)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070805]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    The Children in the wood, a favorite ballad for the harpsichord or piano-forte (The babes in the wood [voice and piano; arr. for flute and guitar]) (New York, [USA]: G. Gilfert)
    [RISM ID no.: 990070806]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    I said on the banks by the stream, sonnet. Written by the late Mr. Cunningham. The music composed by the author of The farewell [voice and piano; guitar/flute arr. at end] (London, [England]: Preston)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071424]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    Miss Asgill's minuet [for piano, violin, flute, or guitar] (London, [England]: Longman & Broderip)
    [RISM ID no.: 991009677]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    The New hunting song, sung by Mr. Dubellamy at the Rotunda [piano with text; arr. for flute or guitar] ([Dublin, Ireland]: John Lee)
    [RISM ID no.: 990071932]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    Shepherds I have lost my love . . . for the piano-forte, flute or guitar (London, [England]: G. Walker)
    [RISM ID no.: 991011034]
    • English guittar?
  • anonymous
    Song. God save the King, for the piano-forte, flutes and guitars [arr. for 2 voices, 2 flutes, or 2 guitars] (Hamburg, [Germany]: Johann August Böhme)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072508]
    • English guittar duet
  • anonymous
    Sweet babes in the wood, a ballad founded on the well known legend [piano with text; arr. for flute or guitar] (Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore, [U.S.A.]: B. Carr, J. Hewitt, and J. Carr)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072569]
    • English guittar
  • anonymous
    The Topers. A favorite song adapted for the harpsichord, violin, german flute and guittar. The words by I. Glanville [voice and piano; arr. for guittar] ([London, England]: L. L[avenu?])
    [RISM ID no.: 990072632]
    • English guittar
  • Bennison, T.T.
    The storm was hush'd, as sung by Miss Dixon [voice, piano, flute or guitar] (London, [England]: E. Riley)
    [RISM ID no.: 991013913]
    • English guittar
  • Carey, Henry
    God save Great George our King. Song . . . for the piano-forte, flutes and guitars (Hamburg, [Germany]: Johann August Böhme)
    [RISM ID no.: 990008852]
    • English guittars
  • Corsin
    1er Recueil d'ariettes, menuets variés pour le cistre ou guittare allemande par Mr. Corsin . . . [Op. 1] (Paris, [France]: Corsin)
    [RISM B/II p. 322]
    • English guittar or cittern
  • Davy, John
    Why fair maid in ev'ry feature. Crazy Jane. A ballad . . . [arranged for the german flute, violin, clarinett, or guittar] (New York and Boston, [USA]: G. Gilfert and P.A. von Hagen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990013112]
    • English guittar
  • F.B.
    Winter a new song (No more ye warbling birds) adapted for the harpsichord, german flute and guittar, set by F. B. (London, [England]: Longman, Lukey, and Co.)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072927]
    • English guittar
  • Hewitt, James (1770-1827)
    Alone on the banks. The wounded hussar [arr. for flute and guitar] (Philadelphia, [U.S.A.]: G. Willig)
    [RISM ID no.: 991020555]
    • English guittar
  • Hewitt, James (1770-1827)
    Come, buy of poor Kate, primroses I sell. The primrose girl [voice/piano, arr. for guitar] (New York, [USA]: James Harrison)
    [RISM ID no.: 991020561]
    • English guittar
  • J.L.B.
    The joys of liberty (Say ye mortals whats so sweet [voice, piano, flute, guittar]), set to music by J.L.B. (Liverpool, [England]: J.B. Rye)
    [RISM ID no.: 990072974]
    • English guittar
  • Weedon
    No longer I'll pipe . . . set to music [2 violins and piano, with flute or guittar arr. at end] (London, [England] John Bland)
    [RISM ID no.: 990068022]
    • English guittar




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