Chronological List of Tablatures from the 1500's

The following chronological list includes existing plucked-string tablatures from 1500-1599, as well as sources known to have existed that are now lost. Note that the list contains primarily music in some form of lute or guitar tablature, not music in staff notation that might possibly have been played on the lute or other plucked string instrument.

To search any of these lists, use the CTRL-F function. "CTRL-F = online version" will find over 230 links to digitized versions of the original sources found in libraries around the world. Additional sources can be found on major download sites such as IMSLP, but private and non-library sites are not included here.

The following sources were used in compiling this list:

Short FormFull Citation
[BOETTICHER 1979]Boetticher, Wolfgang. "Zur inhaltichen Bestimmung des für Laute intavolierten Handschriftenbestands." Acta Musicologica 51:2 (Jul.-Dec., 1979): 193-203.
[BROWN]Brown, Howard Mayer. Instrumental Music Printed before 1600: A Bibliography (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979)
[COELHO]Coelho, Victor. The Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth-Century Italian Lute Music. (New York: Garland, 1995).
[CRAIG-McFEELY 1992]Craig-McFeely, Julia. "Fragments of English Lute Music I: The British Library." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXXII (1992): 72-82
[CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]Craig-McFeely, Julia. "Fragments of English Lute Music II: Oxford Libraries." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXXIII (1993): 34-54.
[NG]The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (New York: Grove, 2001)
[POHLMANN] Pohlmann, Ernst. Laute, Theorbe, Chitarrone: die Lauten-Instrumente, ihre Musik und Literatur von 1500 bis zur Gegenwart, 2. Aufl. (Lilienthal (Bremen): Edition Eres, 1972).
[RISM A]Einzeldrucke vor 1800 (Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1971- ).
[RISM ID no.]RISM Online
[RISM B]Recueils imprimés: XVIe-XVIIe siècles (München: G. Henle, 1960- ).
[RISM B/VII]Boetticher, Wolfgang. Handschriftlich Überlieferte Lauten- und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (Munich: G. Henle, 1978) [**N.B.: Because this source is generally regarded  as outdated and unreliable, it is generally listed when it is the only known source for a citation.]
[RUDÉN]Rudén, Jan Olof. Music in Tablature: A Thematic Index with Source Descriptions of Music in Tablature Notation in Sweden (Stockholm: Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv, 1981)
[SMT]Sources manuscrites en tablature: Luth et théorbe (c.1500-c.1800), Christian Meyer, ed. (Baden-Baden & Bouxwiller, Valentin Koerner, 1991- )
[TYLER]Tyler, James. The Guitar And Its Music: From The Renaissance To The Classical Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)
[TYLER 1980]Tyler, James. The Early Guitar: A History and a Handbook (London: Oxford University Press, 1980)
[YAKELEY] Yakeley, M. June. "New Sources of Spanish Guitar Music for the Five-Course Guitar." Revista de musicología 19:1-2 (1996): 267-286. 

  • D-Bhm RH 0908 [1500-1599]
    anonymous. (Germany)
    [RISM ID no.: 1001090285]
    • chord diagram for lute
  • I-Bu MS 596. HH. 2 [c1500?-1560]
    (Naples? [Italy]) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 202]
    • 7-course lute? in Neapolitan tablature
  • I-Vnm Lat. 336, coll. 1581, fol. 1 [1500?]
    ([northern Italy]) [see: Harrán, Don. "In Pursuit of Origins: The Earliest Writing on Text Underlay (c. 1440)." Acta Musicologica 50:1/2 (Jan.-Dec. 1978): 217-240.]
    • 6-course bass lute? in a fingerboard diagram with note names
  • F-Pn Rés. Vmd ms. 27 [1501-1510]
    "Thibault Manuscript." (Venice? [Italy]) [SMT I p. 113]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature (vocal parts missing)
  • Puerto 1504
    Puerto, Diego del. Portus. Musice correctus seu emendatus in quo nemo periclitabitur . . .  (Salamanca, [Spain]: J. de Porras)
    • music treatise (mentions vihuela)
  • Dall'Aquila 1505 [LOST]
    Dall'Aquila, Marco (c1480-after 1538). [Intabulatura de lauto?]. (Venice, [Italy]: Marco dall'Aquila?).
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • Spinacino 1507a
    Spinacino, Francesco. Intabulatura de lauto, libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103811]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature 
  • Spinacino 1507b
    Spinacino, Francesco. Intabulatura de lauto, libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103812]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature 
  • Dalza 1508
    Dalza, Joan Ambrosio. Intabulatura de lauto, libro quarto. Padoane diverse, calate a la spagnola, calate a la taliana [sic]. Tastar de corde con li soi recercar drietro. Frottole. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103820]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Giovan Maria 1508 [LOST]
    Giovanni Maria Alemani. Intabulatura de lauto, libro tertio. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Bossinensis 1509
    Bossinensis, Franciscus. Tenori e contrabassi intabulati col sopran in canto figurato per cantar e sonar col lauto Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103829]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Bossinensis 1511
    Bossinensis, Franciscus. Tenori e contrabassi intabuati col sopran in canto figurato per cantar e sonar col lauto Libro secundo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103844]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Virdung 1511
    Virdung, Sebastian (c1465-c1518). Musica getutscht und aussgezogen durch Sebastianum Virdung Priesters von Amberg und alles Gesang auss den Noten in die Tabulaturen diser benanten dryer Instrumenten der Orgeln, der Lauten und der Flöten transferieren zu lernen Kurtzlich gemacht zu Eren den hoch wirdigen hoch gebornen Fürsten unnd Herren: Herr Wilhalmen Bischove zü Straszburg, seynem gnedigen Herren. (Basel, [Switzerland]: Michael Furter).
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Schlick 1512
    Schlick, Arnolt (c1460-after 1521). Tabulaturen etlicher Lobgesang und Lidlein uff die Orgeln und Lauten. Ein Theil mit zweien Stimmen zu zwicken und die drit dartzu singen etlich on Gesangk mit dreien von Arnolt Schlicken Pfaltz-gravischem Churfürstlichem Organisten tabulirt . . . (Mainz, [Germany]: Peter Schöffern).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103853]
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and German tablature
  • CH-Fcu Cap. Rés. 527 [1513?-1519]
    Falk, Peter. "Fribourg Manuscript." (Milan? [Italy]) [SMT I p. 31]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Bossinensis c1515
    Bossinensis, Franciscus. Tenori e contrabassi intabulati col sopran in canto figurato per cantar e sonar col lauto Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottaviano Petrucci).
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • US-Cn Case MS VM C. 25 [1517-1520]
    "Capirola Manuscript." (Venice? [Italy]). [RISM B/VII p. 79]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • A-Wn Ms. 9704 (Rec. 1711) [1519-1523]
    Thurner, Jakob. "Lautenbüchlein des Jakob Thurner." (Vienna? [Austria]). [SMT III/1 p. 120]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Virdung 151?
    Virdung, Sebastian (c1465-c1518). Musica getutscht und aussgezogen durch Sebastianum Virdung Priesters von Amberg und alles Gesang auss den Noten in die Tabulaturen diser benanten dryer Instrumenten der Orgeln, der Lauten und der Flöten transferieren zu lernen Kurtzlich gemacht zu Eren den hoch wirdigen hoch gebornen Fürsten unnd Herren: Herr Wilhalmen Bischove zü Straszburg, seynem gnedigen Herren. (Augsburg?, [Germany]: Johann Schönsperger?).
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • GB-Lbl C.48.h.1 [c1520]
    (Valencia, Spain?) [not in RISM; ms. addition to Lucius Marineus Siculus, Epistolarum familiarum. (Valladolid, 1514); see: Antonio Corona-Alcalde, "The earliest vihuela tablature: a recent discovery." Early Music XX:4 (1992): 594-600; one folio only]
    • 6-course vihuela in inverted Italian tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31389 [c1520]
    (Venice, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 180, incorrectly as 3rd quarter of the 16th century; see: Denys Stephens and John H. Robinson (eds.), British Library Additional Manuscript 31389: A Venetian Lute Manuscript of c1520. (London: Lute Society Music Editions, 2006)]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Banco Rari 62 [c1520]
    (Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 117]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40154 [c1520]
    "Deutsche Lautentabulatur." ([Germany?]) [SMT III/2 p. 128]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.56 [1522]
    Amerbach, Bonifacius. "Bonifacius Amerbach Lute Book." (Avignon, [France]). [SMT I p. 11]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Judenkünig 1523
    Judenkünig, Hans (c1445-1526). Ain schone kunstliche Underweisung in disem Büechlein, leychtlich zu begreyffen den rechten Grund zu lernen auff der Lautten und Geygen, mit Vleiss gemacht dürch Hans Judenkünig, pirtig von Schwebischen Gmünd, Lutenist, yetz zu Wien Osterreich. (Vienna, [Austria]: Singriener).
    [RISM ID no.: 993103951]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Judenkünig c1523
    Judenkünig, Hans (c1445-1526). Utilis et compendiaria introductio, qua ut fundamento iacto quam facillime musicum exercitium, instrumentorum et lutine, et quod vulgo Geygen nominant, addiscitur labore studio et impensis Ioannis Judenkünig de Schbebischen Gmundt in communem omnium usum et utilitatem typis excudendum primum exhibitum. (Vienna, [Austria]: Singriener?).
    [RISM ID no.: 990032736 (as 1515)]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-Mu 4° cod. ms. 718 [1523-1524]
    Wiltzell, Jorg. "Tabulaturbuch des Jorg Wiltzell." ([Germany?]). [SMT II p. 239]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Schlumberger 1525/32 [LOST]
    Schlumberger, J. Cythare germanice tabulature. (Mainz?, [Germany]: s.n.)
    • cittern
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 41950 [1525?]
    Blindhamer, Adolf (c1475-c1532). "Blindhamers Lautentabulatur." [SMT II p. 301 (in D-WERl)] [South Germany?]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 18688 [1526-1540]
    Craus, Stephan. "Lautentabulatur des Stephan Craus." (Ebenfuth? [Austria]). [SMT III/1 p. 125]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Agricola 1529
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Musica instrumentalis deudsch ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley Pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die Orgel, Harffen, Lauten, Geigen, und allerley Instrument und Seytenspiel, nach der rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetsen. Mart. Agricola. (Wittenberg, [Germany]: Georg Rhaw)
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German keyboard tablature
  • Attaingnant 1529
    Attaingnant, Pierre (c1494-c1514), publisher. Tres breve et familiere introduction pour entendre et apprendre par soy mesmes a jouer toutes chansons reduictes en la tabulature du lutz, avec la maniere d'accorder le dict lutz. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Attaingnant)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course lute (and voice?) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Vorsterman 1529
    Vorsterman, Guillaume, publisher. Livre plaisant et tres utile pour apprendre a faire et ordonner toutes tabulatures hors le discant dont et par lesquelles l'on peut facilement et legierement aprendre a jouer sur les manicordion, luc, et flutes. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Guillaume Vorsterman)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • D-B Mus. ant.theor. F 100 [c1529- ]
    (supplement to Attaingnant 1529; Italy?) [SMT II p. 19]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Tromboncino 152?
    Tromboncino, Bartolomeo (1470-after 1534), and Marco Cara (c1465-1525). Frottole de Misser Bortolomio Tromboncino et de Misser Marcheto Cara con tenori et bassi tabulati et con soprani in canto figurato per cantar et sonar col lauto. (Rome, [Italy]: L.A. Giunta)
    [RISM ID no.: 993114945]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Agricola 1530
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Musica instrumentalis deudsch ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley Pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die Orgel, Harffen, Lauten, Geigen, und allerley Instrument und Seytenspiel, nach der rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetsen. Mart. Agricola. (Wittenberg, [Germany]: Georg Rhaw)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German keyboard tablature
  • Attaingnant 1530
    Attaingnant, Pierre (c1494-c1514), publisher. Dixhuit basses dances. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Attaingnant)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104040]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Finé 1530
    Finé, Oronce (1494-1555). Epithoma musice instrumentalis ad omni modam hemispherii seu luthine et theoricam et practicam per Orontium Fineum delphinatem studiose collectum. (Paris, [France]: Pierre Attaingnant)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in diagrams [no music]
  • Francesco da Milano c1530?
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura da leuto del divino Francisco da Milano novamente stanpata [sic]. ([Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104153]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-MGs StA MR 115.1 Nr. 631 [1530-1560]
    anonymous. [Collection, 6 Instrumental pieces; Germany]
    [RISM ID no.: 1001077771]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature?
  • D-ROu mss Med 3 [c1530]
    anonymous. [ms. additions to 'Dispensatorus apothecarii Wittenbergensis Allexandris Untzy']
    [not in RISM or SMT; recent discovery Albert Reyermann]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Agricola 1532
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Musica instrumentalis deudsch ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley Pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die Orgel, Harffen, Lauten, Geigen, und allerley Instrument und Seytenspiel, nach der rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetsen. Mart. Agricola. (Wittenberg? [Germany]: Georg Rhaw?)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German keyboard tablature
  • Gerle 1532
    Gerle, Hans (c1500-1570). Musica Teusch auf die Instrument der grossen unnd kleinen Geygen, auch Lautten, welcher massen die mit Grundt und Art irer Composicion auss dem Gesang in die Tabulatur zu ordnen und zu setzen ist, sampt verborgener Applicacion und Kunst . . . vormals im Truck ney und ytzo durch Hans Gerle Lutinist zu Nurenberg aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hieronymus Formschneider)
    [RISM ID no.: 990020811 (RISM A/I) and 993104069 (RISM B/I)]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Gerle 1533
    Gerle, Hans (c1500-1570). Tabulatur auff die Laudten etlicher Preambel, Teutscher, Welscher und Francösischer stück, von Liedlein, Muteten, und schönen Psalmen, mit drey und vier stymmen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hieronymus Formschneider)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104093]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1512 [1533-1550]
    Lauttenpuechl. ([Germany?])
    [RISM ID no.: 456055162]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Casteliono 1536
    Casteliono, Giovanni Antonio, publisher. Intabolatura de leuto de diversi autori novamente stampata et con diligentia revista . . . (Milan, [Italy]: Giovanni Antionio Casteliono)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104148]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1536a
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura di liuto de diversi, con la bataglia, et altre cose bellissime, di M. Francesco da Milano, stampata nuovamente. (Venice, [Italy]: Francesco Marcolini)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104149]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1536b
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intavolatura de viola o vero lauto cioe recercate, canzone francese, mottete, composto per lo Eccellente et unico musico Francesco Milanese, non mai piu stampata. Libro primo della fortuna. (Naples, [Italy]: Joannes Sulzbach)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104154]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1536c
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intavolatura de viola o vero lauto composto per lo eccellente et unico musico Francesco Milanese non mai piu stampata. Libro secondo de la fortuna. (Naples, [Italy]: Joannes Sulzbach)
    [RISM ID no.: 991018636]
    • 6-course lute in Neapolitan tablature
  • Luscinius 1536
    Luscinius, Ottomar. Musurgia seu praxis musicae. Illius primo quae instrumentis agitur certa ratio, ab Ottomaro Luscinio argentino duobus libris absoluta. Eiusdem Ottomari Luscinii, de concentus polyphoni, id est, ex plurifariis vocibus compositi canonibus, libri totidem. (Strasbourg, [France]: Johann Schott)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Milán 1536
    Milán, Luis (c1500-after 1561). Libro de musica de vihuela de mano, intitulado El maestro. El qual trahe el mesmo estilo y orden que un maestro traheria con un discipulo principiante: mostrandole ordenadamente desde los principios toda cosa que podria ignorar, para entender la presente obra. (Valencia, [Spain]: Francisco Diaz Romano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990041388]
    • 6-course vihuela in inverted Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in inverted Italian tablature (with red numbers for the voice)
  • Neusidler 1536a
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Ein newgeordent künstlich Lautenbuch in zwen Theyl getheylt. Der erst für die anfahenden Schuler . . . Im andern Theyl sein begriffen vil ausserlesner kunstreicher Stuck von Fantaseyen Preambeln Psalmen und Muteten . . . auff die Lauten dargeben. Dergleichen vormals nie im Truck aber jetzo durch mich Hansen Newsidler Lutinisten . . . offenlich aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Johannes Petreius)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104150]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Neusidler 1536b
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Der ander Theil des Lautenbuchs. Darin sind begriffen vil ausserlesner kunstreycher Stuck von Fantaseyen, Preambeln, Psalmen, und Muteten die von den hochberümbten und besten Organisten als einem Schatz gehalten die sein mit sonderm Fleyss auff die organistisch Art gemacht und coloriert für di geübten unnd erfarnen diser Kunst auff die Lauten dargeben. Dergleichen vormals nie im Truck aber yetzo durch mich Hansen Newsidler Lutinisten und Bürger zu Nürnberg offenlich aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Johannes Petreius)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104151]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Verdelot 1536
    Verdelot, Philippe, and Adrian Willaert (c1490-1562). Intavolatura de li madrigali de Verdelotto da cantare et sonare nel lauto, intavolati par Messer Adriano, novamente stampata, et con ogni diligentia corretta. (Venice, [Italy]: Ottavio Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990068529 and 990066239]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 266 [1536-1570]
    Herwart, Johann Heinrich (1520-1583). (Augsburg, Germany) [SMT II p. 203]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054384]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • RUS-KA Geheimes Staatsarchiv Ms. Et. Min. 126e [1536] [LOST]
    [SMT III/2 p. 249]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • US-Wc MT 640 .N3 [1536- ]
    (German?) [not in RISM; ms. addition to Neusidler 1536a]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Gerle 1537
    Gerle, Hans (c1500-1570). Musica Teusch auf die Instrument der grossen unnd kleinen Geygen, auch Lautten, welcher massen die mit Grundt und Art irer Composicion auss dem Gesang in die Tabulatur zu ordnen und zu setzen ist, sampt verborgener Applicacion und Kunst . . . vormals im Truck ney und ytzo durch Hans Gerle Lutinist zu Nurenberg aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hieronymus Formschneider)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104179]
    **ONLINE VERSION (F-Pn)** [incomplete]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • GB-Evesham, Almonry Museum "Alcetur Bible" [1537-1540]
    Alcetur, John. [ms. addition to "Matthew" Bible of 1537]. (Evesham, Worcestershire, [England])
    • tuning chart for 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Narváez 1538
    Narváez, Luis de (c1505-after 1549). Los seys libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para tañer vihuela. (Valladolid, [Spain]: Diego Hernandez de Cordova)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104211]

    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature (with red numbers for the voice)
  • PL-WRk Ms. 352 [1538-1544]
    (Vienna, Austria) [SMT III/2 p. 232]
    • 6-course lute in German and Italian tablatures
  • D-Lr Ms. Mus. ant. pract. 1196 [1539-1547]
    [6 Instrumental pieces; SMT II p. 199]
    [RISM ID no.: 450103042]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Neusidler 1540
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Ein newes Lautenbüchlein mit vil schönen Liedern, die gantz artlich und lieblich auch teutsch und welsche Tentz auch welsche und frantzösiche Stück mit sondern Fleyss verfasst und zusamen gebracht durch mich Hansen Newsidler Luttenisten und Burger zu Nürnberg. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hans Guldenmundt)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104283]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Pagano c1540
    [anonymous broadside]. Come se ha da accordar il lautto . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Matio Pagano)
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature [one example only]
  • Verdelot 1540
    Verdelot, Philippe, and Adrian Willaert (c1490-1562). Intavolatura de li madrigali de Verdelotto da cantare et sonare nel lauto, intavolati par Messer Adriano, novamente stampata, et con ogni diligentia corretta. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990066240]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • A-Wn Ms. 960 [c1540]
    (Austria?) [SMT III/1 p. 119]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 18827 [c1540]
    [SMT III/1 p. 133]
    • 6-course lute in Italian and German tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 270 [1540-1560]
    Lauten-Tabulatur. [SMT II p. 215]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054640]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Agricola 1542
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Musica instrumentalis deudsch ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley Pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die Orgel, Harffen, Lauten, Geigen, und allerley Instrument und Seytenspiel, nach der rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetsen. Mart. Agricola. (Wittenberg, [Germany]: Georg Rhaw)
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German keyboard tablature
  • Luscinius 1542
    Luscinius, Ottomar. Musurgia seu praxis musicae. Illius primo quae instrumentis agitur certa ratio, ab Ottomaro Luscinio argentino duobus libris absoluta. Eiusdem Ottomari Luscinii, de concentus polyphoni, id est, ex plurifariis vocibus compositi canonibus, libri totidem. (Strasbourg, [France]: Johann Schott) treatise
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Agricola 1543
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Quaestiones vulgatiores in musicam, pro magdeburgensis scholae pueris digestae . . . Item de recto testudinis colle ex arte probato, de tonorum formatione, monochordo, ac lectionum accentibus . . . (Magdeburg, [Germany]: Michael Lotter)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute diagram in German keyboard tablature
  • Ganassi 1543
    Ganassi dal Fontego, Sylvestro di. Lettione seconda. Lettione seconda pur della prattica di sonare il violone d'arco da tasti, composta per Silvestro Ganassi dal Fontego desideroso nella pictura, la quale tratta dell'effetto della corda falsa giusta e media et il ponere li tasti con ogni rason e prattica, et ancora lo acordar ditto violone con la diligentia conveniente in diverse maniere et accomode ancora per quelli che sonano la viola senza tasti con una nuova tabulatura di lauto adottata di molti et utilissimi secreti a propositi nell'effetto dil valente di tal strumento e strumenti et ancora il modo di sonare piu parte con il violone unito con la voce. Opera utilissima a chi se diletta de imparare sonare. (Venice, [Italy]: Sylvestro di Ganassi dal Fontego)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute or viola da gamba in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute or viola da gamba in Italian tablature and voice in staff notation
  • Neusidler 1544a
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Das erst Buch. Ein newes Lautenbüchlein mit vil feiner lieblichen Liedern für die jungen Schuler die fein leicht und gantz ring zu lernen seind auch etlich feine Tentz welisch und frantzösiche Stück die fein artlich und lieblich collerirt mit sünderm Fleys verfast und zusamen gebracht durch mich Hansen Newsidler Lutennisten und Burger zu Nürnberg offentlich aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hans Günther)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104406]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Neusidler 1544b
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Das ander Buch. Ein new künstlich Lautten Buch für die anfahnenden Schuler die aus rechtem Grund und Kunst nach der Tabulatur gantz leicht ring zu lernen durch ein leicht Exempel dieser Pünbtlein . . . Mit vil schönen lieblichen Stücken teitscher und welscher Tentz auch vil artlicher guter welischer und frantzösischer Stück auch zwo Schlacht die vor Bafia und die frantzösisch die seind mit allem Fleys mit lieblicher Colloratur gemacht dies ein jeder zu seinem Lust gebrauchen mag. Durch mich Hansen Newsidler Lutinisten und Burger zu Nürnberg zusammen gebracht und offenlich aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hans Günther)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104405]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Neusidler 1544c
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Das dritt Buch. Ein new künstlich Lautten Buch darin vil trefflicher grosser meisterlichen Kunst Stück von Psalmen und Muteten . . . vor der kein nye in Druck kumen aber jtzo durch mich Hansen Newsidler Lutenisten und Burger zu Nürnberg . . . zusamen gebracht und offentlich aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hans Günther)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104407]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • S-Sk Ms. S. 226 [1544-1560]
    (Sweden?) [copy of Neusidler?; see RUDÉN p. 42]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Agricola 1545
    Agricola, Martin (c1486-1556). Musica instrumentalis deudsch ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley Pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die Orgel, Harffen, Lauten, Geigen, und allerley Instrument und Seytenspiel, nach der rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetsen darin das Fundament und Application der Finger und Zungen, auff mancherley Pfeiffen als Flöten, Kromphörner, Zincken, Bomhard, Schalmeyen, Sackpfeiffen und Schweitzerpfeiffen etc. Darzu von dreierley Geigen als welschen, polischen und kleinen Handgeiglein und wie die Griffe drauff auch auff Lauten künstlich abgemessen werden, item vom Monochordo, auch von künstlicher Stimmung der Orgelpfeiffen, und Zimbeln . . .  (Wittenberg, [Germany]: Georg Rhaw)

    • treatise
    • 6-course lute diagram in German tablature (no actual music)
    • 6-course lute in keyboard tablature
  • Phalèse 1545
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Des chansons reduictz en tablature de lut à deux, trois, et quatre parties. Avecq une briefve et familiaire introduction pour entendre et apprendre par soy mesmes à jouer dudict lut. Livre premier. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104443]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • F-B 247.975 [1545]
    (France?) [ms. addition to Phalèse 1545; SMT I p. 48]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 30513 [c1545-1570]
    [RISM ID no.: 806043628 (as keyboard pieces)]
    • 4- and 5-course diatonic cittern and gittern in French tablature
    • keybaord in staff notation
  • Abondante 1546
    Abondante, Giulio. Intabolatura de Julio Abondante sopra el lauto de ogni sorte de balli . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000180]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barberiis 1546a
    Barberiis, Melchiore de. Intabulatura di lautto, libro quarto, de la messa di A. Fevino, sopra Ave Maria. Intabulata & accomodata per sonare sopra il lautto dal reverendo messer pre Marchiore [sic] de Barberijs da Padova . . . da lui . . . posta in luce, di ditta messa. Agiontovi il nuovo modo di acordare il lautto, . . . (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104476]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barberiis 1546b
    Barberiis, Melchiore de. Intabulatura di lautto, libro quinto, de madrigali et canzon francese intabulati & accomodati per sonare sopra il lautto dal reverendo messer pre Merchiore de Barberiis da Padova sonatore eccellentissimo di Lautto da lui proprio nuovamenta à utilità di virtuosi posta in luce. Agiontovi il nuovo modo di accordare il lautto posto in fine. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104477]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barberiis 1546c
    Barberiis, Melchiore de. Intabulatura di lautto, libro sesto, di diversi motetti a quattro voce, intabulati, & accomodati per sonare sopra il lautto dal reverendo messer pre Merchiore de Barberiis da Padova sonatore eccellentissimo di lautto da lui proprio nuovamente à utilità di virtuosi posta in luce. Agiontovi il nuovo modo di accordare il lautto posto in fine. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104478]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Bianchini 1546
    Bianchini, Dominico (c1510-after 1576). Intabolatura de lauto di Dominico Bianchini ditto Rossetto di recercari motetti madrigali canzon francese napolitane et balli novamente stampati. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104479]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1546a
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura de lauto di Francesco da Milano novamente ristampata, libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104482]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1546b
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura de lauto di Francesco da Milano de motetti recercari, et canzoni francese novamente ristampata. Libro segondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104484]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Borrono 1546
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Pietro Paolo Borrono (c1490-after 1563). Intabolatura di lauto del divino Francesco da Milano, et dell'eccellente Pietro Paulo Borrono da Milano, nuovamente posta in luce, et con ogni diligentia corretta, opera nuova, & perfettissima sopra qualunche altra intavolature. Libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n. [Scotto?])
    [RISM ID no.: 993104486]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 15[4]6
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Perino Fiorentino (1523-1552). Intabolatura de lauto di M. Francesco Milanese et M. Perino, fiorentino, ricercate madrigali, et canzone francese: libro primo. (Rome, [Italy]: Valerio Dorico and Lodovico Fratello)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104774]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gerle 1546
    Gerle, Hans (c1500-1570). Musica und Tabulatur, auff die Instrument der kleinen und großen Geygen, auch Lautten, welcher massen die mit Grundt und Art jrer Composition, aus dem gesang in die Tabulatur zu ordnen und zu setzen ist . . . Von newem corrigiert und durch auss gebessert, durch Hansen Gerle Lauttenmacher zu Nürnberg. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hieronymus Formschneider)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104487]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Giovanni Maria da Crema 1546a
    Giovanni Maria da Crema (1492-1550). Intabolatura de lauto di recercari, canzon francese, motetti, madrigali, padoane, e saltarelli . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104480]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Giovanni Maria da Crema 1546b
    Giovanni Maria da Crema (1492-1550). Intabolatura di lauto di recerchari, canzon francese, motetti, madrigali, padoane, e saltarelli. . . libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104481]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Mudarra 1546
    Mudarra, Alonso (c1510-1580). Tres libros de musica en cifras para vihuela, e nel primero ay musica facil y dificil en fantasias: y composturas: y pavanas: y gallardas: y algunas fantasias para guitarra. El segundo trata de los ocho tonos (o modos) tiene muchas fantasias por diversas partes: y composturas glosadas. El tercero es de musica para cantada y tañida. Tiene motetes, psalmos, romances, canciones, sonettos en castellano: y italiano versos en latin. Villanzicos. (Seville, [Spain]: Juan de Leon?)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104490]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 6-course viheula and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
    • 6-course viheula and voice in Italian tablature
    • 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
  • Phalèse 1546a
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Des chansons reduictz en tablature de luc à trois et quatre parties. Livre deuxieme. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104475]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1546b
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carminum quae chely vel testudine canuntur, trium, quatuor, et quinque partium liber secundus. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104474]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1546c
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carminum pro testudine liber IIII. in quo continentur excellentissima carmina, dicta paduana & galiarda, composita per Franciscum mediolanensem: & Petrum Paulum mediolanensem, ac alios artifices in hac arte praestantissimos. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104483]

    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
  • Pifaro 1546
    Pifaro, Marcantonio del. Intabolatura de lauto . . . de ogni sorte de balli . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990049794]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Rotta 1546a
    Rotta, Antonio (c1495-1549). Intabolatura de lauto di lo eccellentissimo musicho messer Antonio Rotta di recercari, motetti, balli, madrigali, canzon francese da lui composti, & intabulati, & novamente posti in luce. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104489]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Rotta 1546b
    Rotta, Antonio (c1495-1549). Intabolatura de lauto de l'eccellentissimo musicho M. Antonio Rotta di recercari, motetti, balli, madrigali, canzon francese da lui composti & intaboladi novamente posti in luce. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104488]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Vindella 1546
    Vindella, Francesco. Intavolatura di liuto . . . d'alcuni madrigali d'Archadelt . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104491]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 1547
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Perino Fiorentino (1523-1552). Intabolatura de lauto de M. Francesco Milanese et M. Perino Fiorentino suo discipulo di recercate madrigali, & canzone francese novamente ristampata & corretta. Libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104519]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gintzler 1547
    Gintzler, Simon (c1490-after 1550). Intabolatura de lauto di Simon Gintzler musico del reverendissimo cardinale di Trento, de recercari motetti madrigali et canzon francese novamente posta in luce. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104520]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Neusidler 1547
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Das erst Buch. Ein newes Lautenbüchlein mit vil feiner lieblichen Liedern für die jungen Schuler . . . auch etlich feine Tentz welisch unnd frantzösiche Stück, die fein artlich unnd lieblich collerirt . . . verfast unnd zusamen gebracht durch mich Hansen Neusidler Lutenisten . . . offtentlich aussgangen. (Nuremburg, [Germany]: Christoff Gutknecht)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104524]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Phalèse 1547a
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Des chansons reduictz en tabulature de lut à deux, trois, et quatre parties. Avec une briefue & familiaire introduction pour entendre & apprendre par soy mesmes à iouer dudict lut, Livre premier. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104518]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1547b
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carminum quae chely vel testudine canuntur, duarum, trium, et quaturo partium, liber primus. Cum brevi introductione in usum testudinis. Omnia recens et elgantius quàm antea unquàm impressa. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104515]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1547c
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Des chansons gaillardes, paduanes & motetz, reduitz en tabulature de luc, par les excellentz maistres Francoys, de Milan, [A.] Rota, & Jean Maria de Crema & autres, livre cinquiesme. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104527]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1547d
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carminum pro testudine, in quo continentur excellentissima carmina, galliarda, paduana, ac moteta: composita per Franciscum Mediolanensem, A. Rota & Joannem Maria Cremens. ac alios in hac arte praestantissimos, liber quintus. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104530]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Teghi 1547a
    Teghi, Pietro. Des chansons & motetz reduictz en tablature de luc, à quatre, cincque et six parties, livre troixiesme. Composées par l'excellent maistre Pierre de Teghi paduan. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104521]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Teghi 1547b
    Teghi, Pietro. Carminum ad testudinis usum compositorum liber tertius. Ab excellentissimo artifice Petro Teghio patavino elgantissime concinnatus . . . (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104522]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Valderrábano 1547
    Valderrábano, Enriquez de. Libro de musica de vihuela intitulado Silva de sirenas. En el qual se hallara toda diversidad de musica. Compuesto por Enrriquez de Valderravano. Dirigido al Illustrissimo señor de las Casas de Avellaneda y Baçan, &c. (Madrid, [Spain]: Francisco Fernandez de Cordova)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104523]
    • 6-course vihuela, vihuela duet in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
  • Abondante 1548
    Abondante, Giulio. Intabolatura di lautto libro secondo. Madrigali a cinque, & a quattro, canzoni franzese a cinque & a quattro. Motteti a cinque, & a quattro, recercari di fantasia, napolitane a quattro intabulati & accomodati per sonar di lautto. (Venice, [Italy]: Hieronimo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104550]

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Borrono 1548
    Borrono, Pietro Paolo (c1490-after 1564). Intavolatura di lauto . . . opera perfettissima sopra qualunche altra intvolatura che da qua indrieto sia stampata, libro ottavo. (Venice, [Italy]: Hieronimo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006449 and 993104552]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1548
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura de lautto libro settimo. Recercari novi del divino M. Francesco da Milano. Estratti da li soi proprii esemplari li quali non sono mai piu stati visti ne stampati. Aggiontovi alcuni altri recercari di Iulio da Modena intabulati et acomodati per sonar sopra il lautto da M. Io. Maria da Crema sonatore excellentissimo opera veramente divina como e quelli che la sonarano et udirano sara palese. (Venice? [Italy]: Heironimo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104551]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Borrono 1548
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Pietro Paolo Borrono (c1490-after 1564). Intavolatura di lauto divino Francesco da Milano, et dell'eccellente Pietro Paulo Borrono da Milano. Nuovamente posta in luce . . . libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Giovanni Antonio da Castilliano)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104553]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-VEaf Ms. No. 223 [c1548-1560]
    "Accademia Filarmonica Ms.223." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 340]
    • 6-course lutes and voices in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Barberiis 1549a
    Barberiis, Melchiore de. Intabolatura di lauto libro nono intitolato il Bembo. Di fantasie, balli, passi e mezi, e padoane gagliarde, composte per il reverendo M. pre Melchioro de Barberis Padoano, musico, & sonator di lauto eccellentissimo. Dedicato al signor Torquato Bembo. (Venice, [Italy]: Heironimo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104604]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barberiis 1549b
    Barberiis, Melchiore de. Opera intitolata Contina, intabolatura di lauto di fantasie, motetti, canzoni, discordate a varii modi, fantasie per sonar uno solo con uno lauto, & farsi tenore & soprano: madrigali per sonar a dui lauti: fantasie per sonar a dui lauti: fantasie per sonar sopra la chitara da sette corde. Composta per il reverendo M. pre Melchioro de Barberis Padoano, musico, & sonator di lauto eccellentissimo. Libro decimo. (Venice, [Italy]: Heironimo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104605]

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 4-course "chitara" [guitar?] in inverted Italian tablature
  • Neusidler 1549
    Neusidler, Hans (c1508-1563). Das ander Buch. Ein new künstlich Lauten Buch erst yetzo von newem gemacht für junge und alte Schüler . . . mit vil schönen lieblichen teutschen, welschen, frantzösischen unnd lateynischen Stücken, Tentzen und Preamblen unnd die Schlacht vor Pavia . . . durch mich Hansen Newsidler . . . zusamen gebracht und offenlich aussgangen . . . (Nuremburg, [Germany]: Julius Paulus Fabritius)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104608]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Phalèse 1549
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carmina. Carminum quae chely vel testudine canuntur, liber primus. Cum brevi introductione in usum testudinis. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104603]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 272 [1549-1560]
    Wallisch Danntz. (Augsburg? [Germany]) [SMT II p. 217]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054775]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Bianchini 154?
    Bianchini, Francesco. Tabulature de lutz, en diverses formes de fantasie, bassedances, chansons, pavanes, pseaulmes, gaillardes. Composées par divers musiciens, & entablées, selon le jeu du lutz par M. Francescho Bianchini venetiano. Imprimées nouvellement. (Lyon, [France]: Jacques Moderne)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104525]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Paladino 154?
    Paladino, Giovanni Paolo. Tabulature de lutz en diverses sortes, comme chansons, pavanes, fantaisies, gaillardes, et la bataille le tout composé par M. Jean Paulo Paladin milanoys. (Lyon, [France]: Jacques Moderne)
    [RISM ID no.: 993114966]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Baïf c1550? [LOST]
    Baïf, Jean-Antoine de (1532-1589). Instruction pour apprendre la tablature de guiterne. [cited by Eitner, Quellen-Lexikon (1898-1904)]. (Paris? [France]: s.n.)
    • 4-course guittern or guitar treatise
  • Morlaye 1550 [LOST]
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1510-after 1570). Tabulature de guiterne où sont chansons, gaillardes, pavanes, bransles, allemandes, fantaisies, etc. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature?
  • Wyssenbach 1550
    Wyssenbach, Rudolf (c1517-before 1572), publisher. Tabulaturbuch uff di Lutten von mancherley lieplicher italianischer Dantzliedern mitsampt dem Vogelgsang und einer Fäldschlacht uss wälhscher Tabulatur, flyssig in thütsche gesetzt. (Zurich, [Switzerland]: Rudolf Wyssenbach)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104634]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature 
  • A-LIb Ms. 546 [c1550]
    (Germany?) [SMT III/1 p. 97]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-SAM Ms. M 2 [c1550]
    (South Germany or Austria?) [SMT I p. 33]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-KA Don Mus. Autogr. 1 [c1550]
    [Collection of 7 dances]. (Germany)
    [RISM ID no.: 453011178]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-LEm Ms. II.6.7 [c1550]
    (Germany?) [ms. addition to Neusidler 1536b; SMT II p. 155]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 267 [c1550]
    (Germany) [SMT II p. 211]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054572]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian and German tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 268 [c1550]
    (Augsburg?, Germany) [SMT II p. 213]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054610]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course soprano lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 269 [c1550]
    (Augsburg?, Germany) [SMT II p. 214]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054617]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course tenor lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 271 [c1550]
    (Augsburg?, Germany) [SMT II p. 216]
    [RISM ID no.: 456054659]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1511b [c1550]
    Herwart, Johann Heinrich (1520-1583). (Venice? Italy) [SMT II p. 221]
    [RISM ID no.: 456055066]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1511d [c1550]
    (Italy) [SMT II p. 224]
    [RISM ID no.: 456055136]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1627 [1550-1580]
    (Germany) [SMT II p. 229]
    [RISM ID no.: 1001000662]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian and German tablatures
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 2987 [1550-1575]
    Herwart, Johann Heinrich (1520-1583). "Herwart Manuscript." (Augsburg, Germany?) [SMT II p. 231]
    [RISM ID no.: 450306066]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German, French, and Italian tablatures
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 9516 [1550-1600]
    (Haldenwang, Germany) [SMT II p. 237]
    [RISM ID no.: 1001007266]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mu 4° Art. 206 [c1550]
    (Germany?) [ms. addition to Gerle 1546; SMT II p. 239]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • D-WB Sammlung I.9.11[c] [1550-1599]
    [7 Passamezzos and Saltarellos]. (Germany?)
    [RISM ID no.: 453005008]
    • 6-course? lute in unknown tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 60577 [c1550]
    "Winchester Manuscript" (f. 190). (England) [CRAIG-McFEELY 1992]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • IRL-Dm Ms. Z4.3.1-5 [c1550-c1575]
    (England) [ms. addition after Pietro Vinci, Il primo libro de madrigali a sei voci (Venice 1571); see: Greer, David, and John H. Robinson. "A Fragment of Tablature in the Marsh Library." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLIX (2009): 30-35.]
    • 4-course guitar (?) in French tablature
  • NL-DHnmi Ms.33.C.30 [1550-1560]
    (Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 85 (as NL-DHgm)]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • RUS-KA Stadtbibliothek Ms. Gen.2.150 [1550-1552] [LOST]
    "Stammbuch des Burggrafen Achatius zu Dohna." [SMT III/2 p. 241]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • US-NHub Osborn Music Ms. 31 [1550-1575]
    (Switzerland?) [Lute music; ms. purchased in 2018]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • B-Br Ms. Cab. II, 2801 [middle of the 16th century]
    (Belgium?) [RISM B/VII p. 59]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Gorlier 1551
    Gorlier, Simon. Le troysieme livre contenant plusieurs duos, et trios, avec la bataille de Janequin a trois, nouvellement mis en tablature de guiterne, par Simon Gorlier, excellent joueur. (Paris, [France]: Robert Gran Jon & Michel Fezandat)
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1551a
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Premier livre de tabulature de luth, contenant plusieurs motetz, chansons, fantasies, pavanes, gaillardes, almandes, branles, tant simples qu'autres: le tout composé par Adrian Le Roy. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037809]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1551b
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Premier livre de tabulature de guiterre, contenant plusieurs chansons, fantasies, pavanes, gaillardes, almandes, branles, tant simples qu'autres: le tout composé par Adrian Le Roy. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037804]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1551c [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Briefve et facile instruction pour apprendre la tabulature la tablature a bien accorder, conduire et disposer la main sur la guiterne. (Paris, [France]: Le Roy and Ballard?)
    • 4-course gittern in French tablature?
  • Le Roy c1551 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Second livre de guiterre. (Paris, [France] Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • 4-course guitar in staff notation (and voice?) and French tablature
  • Dentice 1552
    Dentice, Luigi. Duo dialoghi della musica del Signor Luigi Dentice gentil'huomo napolitano. Delli quali l'uno tratta della theorica, et l'altro della pratica: raccolti da diversi autori greci, et latini. Nuovamente posti in luce. (Rome, [Italy]: Matteo Cancer)
    • treatise
  • Gerle 1552
    Gerle, Hans (c1500-1570). Ein newes sehr künstlichs Lautenbuch, darinen etliche Preambel, unnd welsche Tentz, mit vier Stimmen, von den berumbsten Lutenisten, Francisco Milaneso, Anthoni Rotta, Joan Maria, Rosseto, Simon Gintzler und andern mehr gemacht, und zusamen getragen, aus welscher ihn teusche Tabulatur versetzt, durch Hanssen Gerle den eltern, Burger zu Nürenberg vormals nie gesehen, noch im Truck aussgangen. (Nuremberg, [Germany]: Hieronymus Formschneider)
    [RISM ID no.: 990020815]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Le Roy 1552a
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Tiers livre de tabulature de luth, contenant vingt & un pseaulmes. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037810]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute (and voice?) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Le Roy 1552b
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Tiers livre de tabulature de guiterre, contenant plusieurs préludes, chansons, basse-dances, tourdions, pavanes, gaillardes, almandes, bransles, tant doubles que simples. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037806]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Morlaye 1552a
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Premier livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons, fantasies, pavanes et gaillardes, composées par maistre Guillaume Morlaye joueur de leut, et autres bons autheurs. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990042277]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Morlaye 1552b
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Le premier livre de chansons, gaillardes, pavanes, bransles, almandes, fantaisies, reduictz en tabulature de guiterne par maistre Guillaume Morlaye joueur de lut. (Paris, [France]: Robert GranJon and Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990042276 and 993120047]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Morlaye 1552c
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Quatriesme livre contenant plusieurs fantasies, chansons, gaillardes, padvanes, bransles, reduictes en tabulature de guyterne, et au jeu de la cistre, par maistre Giullaume Morlaye, et autres bons autheurs. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990042275]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1552
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Hortus Musarum in quo tanquam flosculi quidam selectissimorum carminum collecti sunt ex optimis quibusque autoribus. Et primo ordine continentur ἀυτόµατα, quae fantasiae dicuntur. Deinde cantica quatuor vocum. Post, carmina graviora, quae muteta appellantur, eaque quatuor, quinque, ac sex vocum. Demum addita sunt carmina longe elegantissima duabus testudinibus canenda, hactenus nunquam impressa. Collectore Petro Phalesio . . . (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120042]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature 
  • Pisador 1552
    Pisador, Diego (1509/1510-after 1557). Libro de musica de vihuela, agora nuevamente compuesto por Diego Pisador, vezino de la ciudad de Salamanca, dirigido al muy alto y muy poderoso señor don Philippe principe de Espana . . . (Salamanca, [Spain]: Guilliermo Millis)
    [RISM ID no.: 990049887]

    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature (with red numbers for the voice)
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Ripa 1552
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Premier livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons et fantasies, composées par feu messire Albert de Rippe de Mantove, seigneur du Carois, ioueur de leut & varlet de chambre du roy . . . (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000688]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Wecker 1552a [LOST]
    Wecker, Hans Jacob (1528-1586). Discant Lautenbuch vonn mancherley schönen und lieblichen stucken mitt zwey lauten zusamen zu schlagen. (Basel, [Switzerland]: Ludwig Lück)
    • 6-course lute duet in German tablature
  • Wecker 1552b
    Wecker, Hans Jacob (1528-1586). Tenor Lautenbuch vonn mancherley schönen und lieblichen stucken mitt zwey lauten zusamen zu schlagen, Italienische lieder, Pass'emezi, Saltarelli, Paduane. Weiter Frantzösische, Teütsche, mit sampt mancherley däntzen, durch Hans Jacob Wecker von Basel auffs aller fleissigest auff zwo lauten züsamen gesetzt. (Basel, [Switzerland]: Ludwig Lück)
    [RISM ID no.: 1000000508]
    • 6-course lute duet in German tablature
  • D-B Mus. ms. 40588 [1552]
    (Zurich, Switzerland) [SMT II p. 48]
    [RISM ID no.: 466000002]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Royal Appendix 58 [after 1551]
    (England) [RISM B/VII p. 188]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Bakfark 1553
    Bakfark, Valentin (c1526-1576). Intabulatura Valentini Bacfarc transilvani coronensis liber primus. (Lyon, [France]: Jacques Moderne)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003662]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Brayssing 1553
    Brayssing, Grégoire. Quart livre de tabulature de guiterre contenant plusieurs fantasies, pseaulmes, et chansons: avec l'Alouette, & la Guerre, composées par M. Gregoire Brayssing de Augusta. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006917]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Dentice 1553
    Dentice, Luigi. Duo Dialoghi della Musica . . . delli quali l'uno tratta della theorica, et l'altro della pratica: raccolti da diversi autori greci, et latini. (Rome, [Italy]: Vincenzo Luchino)
    • treatise
  • Morlaye 1553
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Le second livre de chansons, gaillardes, padvanes, bransles, almandes, fantasies, reduictz en tabulature de guiterne, par maistre Guillaume Morlaye joueur de leut. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120080]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Paladino 1553 [LOST]
    Paladino, Giovanni Paolo. Premier livre de tablature de luth. (Lyon, [France]: Giovan Pullon de Trino) [reprinted as Paladin 1560]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Phalèse 1553
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Horti musarum secunda pars, continens selectissima quaedam ac iucundissima carmina testudine simul et voce humana, vel alterius instrumenti musici adminiculo modulanda. Iam recens collecta et impressa . . . (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120079]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Ripa 1553a
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Premier livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons et fantasies. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000688]

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1553b
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Quart livre de tabulature de luth, contenant plusieurs fantasies, chansons, & pavanes: composées par feu maistre Albert de Rippe de Mantove, . . .  (Paris, [France]: Le Roy, Adrian, and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120082]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Tye 1553a
    Tye, Christopher. The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre . . . wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play upon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr wyttes, and also for all Christians that cannot synge, to reade the good and Godlye storyes of the lyves of Christ hys Apostles. (London, [England]: Wyllyam Seres)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064906]
    • lute and/or voice(s) in staff notation (no tablature)
  • Tye 1553b
    Tye, Christopher. The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre . . . wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play upon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr wyttes, and also for all Christians that cannot synge, to reade the good and Godlye storyes of the lyves of Christ hys Apostles. (London, [England]: Nycolas Hyll)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064907]
    • lute and/or voice(s) in staff notation (no tablature)
  • Tye c1553
    Tye, Christopher. The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre . . . wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play upon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr wyttes, and also for all Christians that cannot synge, to reade the good and Godlye storyes of the lyves of Christ hys Apostles. (London, [England]: Wyllyam Seres)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064908]
    • lute and/or voice(s) in staff notation (no tablature)
  • Balletti 1554
    Balletti, Bernardino. Intabolatura de lauto . . . de varie sorte de balli . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003715]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Bianchini 1554
    Bianchini, Dominico. Intabolatura de lauto di Dominico Bianchini ditto Rossetto di ricercari motetti madrigali canzon francese napolitane et balli novamente ristampati. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990005370]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Fuenllana 1554
    Fuenllana, Miguel de. Libro de musica para vihuela intitulado Orphenica lyra. En el qual se contienen muchas y diversas obras. Compuesto por Miguel de Fuenllana. (Seville, [Spain]: Martin de Montesdoca)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019241]
    **ONLINE VERSION 1 (E-Mn)**

    **ONLINE VERSION 2 (E-Mn)**
    **ONLINE VERSION 3 (E-Mn)**

    • 5- and 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature (with red numbers for the voice)
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Ghelen 1554
    Ghelen, Jan van (the younger), publisher. Dit is een zeer schoon Boecxken om te leeren maken alderhande tabulatueren wten Discante. Daer duer men lichtelijck mach leeren spelen opt. clavecordium, luyte, fluyte. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Jan van Ghelen)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1554
    Le Roy, Adrian. Cinquiesme livre de guiterre, contenant plusieurs chansons a trois et quatre parties, par bons et excelens musiciens: réduites en tabulature par Adrian Le Roy. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037808]
    • 4-course guitar and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Morlaye 1554
    Morlaye, Guillaume. Premier livre de psalmes . . . reduitz en tabulature de leut par Maistre Guillaume Morlaye, réservé la partie du dessus qui est notée pour chanter en jouant. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990001774 and 990042278]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Ripa 1554a
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Second livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons, motetz et fantasies, composées par feu messire Albert de Rippe de Mantove, seigneur du Carois, joueur de leut, & varlet de chambre du Roy . . . (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000688 (attached to first book, Ripa 1553a]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1554b
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Troisiesme livre de tabulature de leut contenant plusieurs chansons, motetz et fantasies, composées par feu messire Albert de Rippe de Mantove, seigneur du Carois, ioueur de leut & varlet de chambre du Roy . . . (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000688 (attached to first book, Ripa 1553a]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1554c
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Quatriesme livre de tabulature de leut contenant plusieurs chansons, motetz et fantasies, composées par feu messire Albert de Rippe, de Mantove, seigneur du Carois, ioueur de leut et varlet de chambre du roy . . . (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000688 (attached to first book, Ripa 1553a]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • E-Mn R/14018 [1554 or after]
    (Spain) [ms. addition to Valderrábano 1547; see BROWN: 104]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
  • E-Mn R/14630 [1554 or after]
    (Spain) [ms. addition to Mudarra 1546; see: Antonio Corona-Alcalde, "A Vihuela Manuscript in the Archivo de Simancas." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXVI, Part 1 (1986): 9]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
  • Bermudo 1555
    Bermudo, Juan. Comiença el libro llamado declaracion de instrumentos musicales dirigido al illustrissimo señor el señor don Francisco de Cuniga, Conde de Miranda, compuesto por el muy reuerendo padre fray Juan Bermudo de la orden de los menores; en el qual hallaran todo lo que en musica dessearen, y contiene seys libros: segun en la pagina siguiente se vera: examinado y aprovado por los egregios musicos Bernardino de Figueroa y Chistoval de Morales. (Osuna, [Spain]: Juan de León)
    • treatise
    • 6- and 7-course vihuela and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Ripa 1555
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Cinquiesme livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons, fantaisies, motetz, pavanes et gaillardes. Composées par feu messire Albert de Rippe, de Mantove, seigneur du Carois, ioueur de leut, & varlet de chambre du Roy . . . (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120145 and 990000688]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1511c [1555-1580]
    (Italy?) [SMT II p. 223]
    [RISM ID no.: 456055125]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • UA-LVu Ms. 1400/I [1555-1592]
    "Hans Kernsthok's Lute Book." (Kraków, [Poland]) [SMT III/2 p. 263]
    [RISM ID no.: 1001077301]
    • 6-course lute in French and Italian tablatures
  • anonymous 1556
    anonymous [Elie Vinet?]. Discours non plus mélancoliques que divers, de choses mesmement qui appartiennent à la fin la manière de bien & justement entoucher les lucs & guiternes. (Poitiers, [France]: Enguilbert de Marnef)
    • treatise
  • Belin 1556
    Belin, Julien (c1530-after 1584). Premier livre contenant plusieurs motetz, chansons, & fantasies: reduictz en tabulature de leut, par maistre Julien Belin. Nouvellement imprimé . . . (Paris, [France]: Nicolas du Chemin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004493]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Drusina 1556
    Drusina, Benedictus de. Tabulatura continens insignes et selectissimas quasdam fantasias: cantiones germanicas, italicas, ac gallicas: passemezo: choreas: & mutetas, iam primum in lucem aeditas. Per Benedictum de Drusina elbingensem . . . (Frankfurt, [Germany]: Joan. Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120175]

    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1556
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura de lauto, novamente ristampata. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 991018638 and 993104701]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Heckel 1556a
    Heckel, Wolff (c1515-after 1562). Discant. Lautten Buch von mancherley schönen und lieblichen Stucken mit zweyen Lautten zusamen zeschlagen, und auch sonst das mehrer Theyl, für sich selbs alleyn gehnt. Gute teutsche, lateinische, französische, itallienishe, Stuck oder Lieder. Auch vilfaltige newe Dentz, sampt manicherley Fantaseyen, Recercari, Pavana, Saltarelli, unnd Gassenhawer &c. Durch Wolffen Heckel von München Burger zu Strassburg . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: Urban Wyss)
    [RISM ID no.: 990029066]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • Heckel 1556b
    Heckel, Wolff (c1515-after 1562). Tenor. Lautten Buch von mancherley schönen und lieblichen Stucken mit zweyen Lautten zusamen zeschlagen, und auch sonst das mehrer Theyl, für sich selbs alleyn gehnt. Gute teutsche, lateinische, französische, itallienishe, Stuck oder Lieder. Auch vilfaltige newe Dentz, sampt manicherley Fantaseyen, Recercari, Pavana, Saltarelli, unnd Gassenhawer &c. Durch Wolffen Heckel von München Burger zu Strassburg . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: Urban Wyss)
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • Le Roy 1556 [Old Style date: 1555]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Second livre de guiterre, contenant plusieurs chansons en forme de voix de ville: nouvellement remises en tabulature. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037805]
    • 4-course guitar and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • D-Us Ms. 131b [c1556]
    Lautenbuch Ulm (Ulm, [Germany]) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 199; SMT II p. 295]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Morlaye 1558a
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Second livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons, fantaisies, motetz, pavanes et gaillardes. Composées par maistre Guillaume Morlaye, joueur de leut, et autres bons autheurs. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120211]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Morlaye 1558b
    Morlaye, Guillaume (c1515-after 1570). Troisiesme livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons, fantasies, motetz, pavanes, et gaillardes. Composées par maistre Guillaume Morlaye, joueur de leut, et autres bons autheurs. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120212]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ochsenkun 1558
    Ochsenkun, Sebastian (1521-1574). Tabulaturbuch auff die Lauten von Moteten frantzösischen-welschen und teütschen geystlichen und weltlichen Liedern, sampt etlichen jren Texten, mit vieren fünffen und sechs Stimmen dergleichen vor nie im Truck assgangen . . . durch Sebastian Ochsenkun . . . zusamen ordinirt und gelesen. (Heidelberg, [Germany]: Johann Kholen)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047368]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute (and voice?) in German tablature
  • Ripa 1558
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Sixiesme livre de tabulature de leut, contenant plusieurs chansons et fantasies. (Paris, [France]: Michel Fezandat)
    [RISM ID no.: 1001250831]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Stowe 389 [1558-1560]
    "Ralph Bowle's Lute Book." (England)
    [RISM ID no.: 806940244]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1559
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Sixiesme livre de luth, contenant plusieurs chansons nouvellement mises en tabulature par Adrian Le Roy. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990037811]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Lieto 1559
    Lieto Panhormitano, Don Bartholomeo. Dialogo quarto di musica dove si ragiona sotto un piacevole discorso delle cose pertinenti per intavolare le opere di musica esercitarle con viola a mano over liuto con sue tavole ordinate per diversi gradi alti e bassi del reverendo don Bartholomeo Lieto panhormitano. (Naples, [Italy]: M. Cancer)
    • treatise with example for vihuela or lute in Italian tablature
  • Matelart 1559
    Matelart, Ioanne (before 1538-1607). Intavolatura de leuto de Joanne Matelart fiamengo musico. Libro primo novamente da lui composto intabulato & corretto & posto in luce . . . (Rome, [Italy]: Valerio Dorico)
    [RISM ID no.: 990040043]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
  • Paladin 1560
    Paladin, Jean Paul. Premier livre de tabulature de luth de M. Jean Paule Paladin, contenant fantasies, motetz, madrigales, chansons françoises, pavanes, & gaillardes: avec une briève instruction de la tablature dudit instrument, de nouveau adjoutée. (Lyon, [France]: Simon Gorlier)
    [RISM ID no.: 990048247]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 18790 [1560-1565]
    "Georg Fugger Lute Book." (Germany?) [SMT III/1 p. 130]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • F-Pm Ms. Rés. 44.108 [1560]
    (France?) [ms. copy of Le Roy 1551-1554; RISM B/VII p. 278]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • F-Pn Rés. 429 [c1560]
    (Bavaria) [SMT I p. 71]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • NL-DHnmi Ms. 20.860 [1560-1570]
    "Siena Lute Book." (Siena, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 84 (as NL-DHgm, Ms.28.B.39)]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
  • S-Uu Ms. Vokalmusik i h. 76:b [1560-1580]
    Morlaye, Guillaume? (France?) [see RUDÉN p. 49]
    [RISM ID no.: 190008616 . . .]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • S-Uu Ms. Vokalmusik i h. 76:c [1560-1580]
    Morlaye, Guillaume? (France?) [see RUDÉN p. 51]
    [RISM ID no.: 190006013 . . .]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course lute trio in French tablature
  • S-Uu Ms. Instr. musik i h. 412 [1560-1580]
    Morlaye, Guillaume? (France?)
    [RISM ID no.: 190006233 . . .]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • S-Uu Ms. Vokalmusik i handskrift 87 [1560-1580]
    Morlaye, Guillaume? "Codex Carminum Gallicorum." (southern France to Sweden) [see RUDÉN p. 46]
    [RISM ID no.: 190026951 . . .]
    • 6-course lute in Italian and French tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1561
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura di liuto di Francesco da Milano de motetti recercari et canzoni francese novamente ristampta. Libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104735]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1561
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Intabolatura di liuto . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022131]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-MÜwl Manuskript 439 [1561-1582]
    Schenckinck, Bernhard. "Das Stammbuch des Bernhard Schenckinck." (Münster, [Germany])
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in French tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 1562
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Perino Fiorentino (1523-1552). Intabolatura di liuto di M. Francesco da Milano et Perino Fiorentino suo discipulo. Di recercari, mardigali [sic], et canzoni francese. Novamente ristampata et corretta. Libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104745]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1562 [LOST]
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Il secondo libro de intabulatura di liuto, novamente composto per Messer Jacomo de Gorzanis. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Heckel 1562a
    Heckel, Wolff (c1515-after 1562). Discant. Lautten Buch, von mancherley schönen und lieblichen Stucken mit zweyen Lautten zusamen zuschlagen, und auch sonst das mehrer Theyl allein für sich selbst. Gute teutsche lateinische frantzösische italienische Stuck oder Lieder . . . Durch Wolffen Heckel . . . in ein verstendige Tabulatur nach geschibner Art aussgesetzt und zusamen gebracht. (Strasbourg, [France]: Christian Müller)
    [RISM ID no.: 990029067]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • Heckel 1562b
    Heckel, Wolff (c1515-after 1562). Tenor. Lautten Buch, von mancherley schönen und lieblichen Stucken mit zweyen Lautten zusamen zuschlagen, und auch sonst das mehrer Theyl allein für sich selbst. Gute teutsche lateinische frantzösische italienische Stuck oder Lieder . . . Durch Wolffen Heckel . . . in ein verstendige Tabulatur nach geschibner Art aussgesetzt und zusamen gebracht. (Strasbourg, [France]: Christian Müller)
    [RISM ID no.: 990029067]

    • 6-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • Le Roy 1562 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Livre de tabulature sur le luth par Adrian le Roy d'octante trois pseaumes de David . . . composées à quatre parties par Cl. Goudimel, mis en rime françoise par Cl. Marot et Th. de Besze. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • Paladin 1562 [LOST]
    Paladin, Antoine François. Tablature de luth, ou sont contenus plusieurs psalmes & chansons spirituelles. (Lyon, [France]: Simon Gorlier)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • Ripa 1562a
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Premier livre de tabelature de luth contenant plusieurs fantasies. Par maistre Albert de Rippe mantovan. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000689]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1562b
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Second livre de tabelature de luth contenant plusieurs fantasies. Par maistre Albert de Rippe mantovan. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120308]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1562c
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Tiers livre de tabelature de luth contenant plusieurs fantasies. Par maistre Albert de Rippe mantovan. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120309]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Ripa 1562d
    Ripa, Alberto da [Albert de Rippe] (c1500-1551) . Cinqiesme livre de tabelature de luth contenant plusieurs motetz, & fantasies. Par maistre Albert de Rippe mantovan. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120310]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 18821 [1562]
    Fugger, Octavianus. (Bologna, [Italy] and Augsburg, [Germany]) [SMT III/1 p. 131]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Abondante 1563
    Abondante, Giulio. Intabolatura di liuto . . . de ogni sorte de Balli, novamente ristampati, Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 991012350]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Bianchini 1563
    Bianchini, Dominico (c1510-after 1576). La intabolatura de lauto . . . di ricercari, motetti . . . novamente ristampata et corretta. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990005371]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Borrono 1563
    Borrono, Pietro Paolo (c1490-after 1564). La intabolatura de lauto . . . di saltarelli, padovane, balli, fantasie, et canzon francese . . . con ogni diligentia ristampata et corretta. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990006450]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1563a
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). La intabolatura de lauto di Francesco da Milano con la canzon de li uccelli, la Bataglia francese et altre cose . . . Novamente ristampate. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104751]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano 1563b
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). La intabolatura de lauto di Francesco da Milano de motetti recercari et canzone francese. Novamente ristampata & correcta. Libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104752]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 1563
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543), and Perino Fiorentino (1523-1552). La intabolatura de lauto di Francesco da Milano et M. Perino Fiorentino suo discepolo di recercate madrigali, et canzone francese. Novamente ristampata et corretta. Libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104753]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Galilei 1563
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). Intavolature de lauto di Vincenzo Galileo fiorentino, madrigali, e ricercate, libro primo. (Rome, [Italy]: Valerio Dorico)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019409]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1563
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Il secondo libro de intabolatura di liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022132]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Phalèse 1563
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Theatrum musicum in quo selectissima optimorum quorumlibet autorum ac excellentissimorum artificum cum veterum tum etiam novorum carmina summa diligentia ac industria expressa oculis proponuntur. Et primo ordine continentur ἀυτόµατα, quae fantasiae dicuntur, secundo cantilenae quatuor & quinque vocum. Postea carmina difficiliora quae muteta appellantur, eaque quatuor quinque & sex vocum. Deinde succedunt carmina longa elegantissima duabus testudinibus canenda. Postremo habes & eius generis carmina quae tum festivitate tum facilitate sui discentibus primo maxime satissfacient ut sunt passemezo gaillarde branles, & caet. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
  • Scotto 1563
    Scotto, Girolamo, publisher. La intabolatura de lauto de diversi autori, di Francesco da Milano, di alberto da Mantoa, di Marco da Laquila, di Io. Iacomo Albutio da Milano, di Pietro Pauolo Borono da Milano. Con alcune paduane, et saltrelli novi. Novamente ristampata, con ongi diligentia revista. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120329]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Vredeman 1563 [LOST]
    Vredeman [Vreedman], Sebastian (c1540-c1600). Carmina quae cythara pulsantur. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature?
  • Wyssenbach 1563
    Wyssenbach, Rudolf. Ein schön Tabulaturbuch auff die Lauten, von mancherley lieplicher italianischer Dantzliedern, mit sampt dem Vogelgsang und einer Feldschlacht erst neuwlich durch einen kunstlichen Lautenisten auss welscher Tabulatur fleyssig in teutsche gesetzt. (Zurich, [Switzerland]: Jacob Gessner)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120331]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-SAM Ms. M 1 [1563]
    (Basel, [Switzerland]) [SMT I p. 31]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ant. pract. W.510 [1563-1570]
    (Germany?) [ms. addition to Wyssenbach 1563; SMT III/2 p. 98]
    • 6-course lute in German and French tablatures
  • Bakfark 1564
    Bakfark, Valentin (c1526-1576). Premier livre de tabelature de luth contenant plusieurs fantasies, motetz, chansons françoises, et madrigalz par Vallentin Bacfarc. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003663]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Fuenllana 1564? [LOST]
    Fuenllana, Miguel de. Libro de música para vihuela intitulado Orphenica Lira: en el qual se contienen muchas y diversas obras, por Miguel de Fuenllana, dirigido al mui alto y mui poderoso Sr. D. Phelipe principe de Espana, rei de Inglaterra, de Nápoles, &c. (Madrid, [Spain]: Francisco Sánchez)
    • 5- and 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature (with red numbers for the voice)
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1564
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Il terzo libro de intabolatura di liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022134]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Le Roy 1564
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Second livre de cistre, contenant les commandemens de Dieu: six Pseaumes de David, & autres oeuvres faciles, avec l'intelligence de la tabulature, & accords, dudict instrument par Adrian Le Roy. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • Ochsenkun 1564 [LOST]
    Ochsenkun, Sebastian (1521-1574). Tabulaturen auff die Lauten inhaltendt Moteten, welsche und teutsche geystliche und weltlich Lieder, sampt iren Texten, mit vier, fünff und sechs Stimmen, &c. ordinirt durch Sebastian Ochsenkun irer Churfürstlichen Gnaden Musicum und Lautenisten. (Heidelberg, [Germany]: Joannem Maier)
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Pacalono 1564
    Pacalono [Pacoloni], Giovanni Massarotto. Tribus testudinibus ludenda carmina. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047680]
    • 6-course lute trio in French tablature
  • Viaera 1564
    Viaera, Frederic. Nova et elegantissima in cythara ludenda carmina quae videlicet in sola cythara vel etiam cum tribus testudinibus exhibita, mira dulcedine auditorum possunt oblectare, eaque omnia facilitate quam fieri potuit summa in tyronum usum composita. Et Primo quidem libro passomezi, padoani, saltarelli, ad Joannis Pacoloni tabulaturas (ut vocant) trium Testudinum, apprime congruentes, ut etiam sola cythara exhibendi. Deinde etiam alemandae branles & similia, et secundo quidem libro habes cantiones musicales quantum cythara rei admittit musicae habes et iam non minus iucundas. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120354]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • E-SIM Casa y Sitios Reales, Legajo 394, folio 130, Leaf B [c1564]
    ([Spain]) [see: Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. "A Vihuela Manuscript in the Archivo de Simancas." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXVI, Part 1 (1986): 3-20]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian lute tablature
  • H-Ba K 53/II [1564-1602]
    "Kodex Istvánffy." (Vienna, [Austria]) [SMT III/2 p. 81]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Alde 1565 [LOST]
    Alde, John. The Sequence of lutynge. (S.l., [England?]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • Bakfark 1565
    Bakfark, Valentin (c1526-1576). Harmoniarum musicarum in usum testudinis factarum, tomus primus . . . (Kraków, [Poland]: Lazarus Andreae)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003664]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1565
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Il secondo libro de intabolatura di liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022133]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Le Roy and Ballard 1565
    Le Roy, Adrian and Robert Ballard. Breve et facile instruction pour apprendre la tablature, à bien accorder, conduire et disposer la main sur le cistre. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • Santa María 1565
    Santa María, Tomás de. Libro llamado arte de tañer fantasia, assí para tecla come para vihuela, y todo instrumento en que se pudiere tañer a tres, y a quatro vozes y a más . . . el qual por mandado del muy alto consejo real fue examinado, y aprovado por el eminente musico de Su Magestad Antonio de Cabeçon, y por Juan de Cabeçon, su hermano. Compuesto por el muy reverendo padre fray Thomas de Sancta Maria . . . (Valladolid, [Spain]: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba)
    [RISM ID no.: 990057370]
    • keyboard/(vihuela) treatise (no tablature)
  • A-Wn Ms. Suppl. Mus. 8967 [1565]
    (Germany) [SMT III/1 p. 145]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-B Mus. ms. 40632 [1565-1570]
    (South Germany) [SMT II p. 65]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 1511a [c1565]
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). "Libro de intabulatura di liuto . . ." (Munich, [Germany]) [SMT II p. 219]
    [RISM ID no.: 456055009]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • D-Mbs Ms. Mus. 2986 [c1565]
    (Augsburg? Germany) [SMT II p. 231]
    [RISM ID no.: 450306064]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-CFVd Ms. without Sign. [c1565]
    Pacalono [Pacoloni], Giovanni Massarotto. (Padua, Italy) [newly discovered ms.; see: Rossi, Franco. Intavolatura manoscritta per liuto del Duomo di Castelfranco Veneto. Bibliotheca musica Bononiensis, Sezione IV, n. 103. (Sala Bolognese: Arnaldo Forni Editore, 2012).]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in Italian tablature
  • PL-Sorau Druck Sign. Nr. 538 [1565-1570] [LOST]
    (copy of Morlaye 1554 and Le Roy 1562) [RISM B/VII p. 323]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 1566: see Francesco da Milano and Perino Fiorentino 15[4]6
  • M. Neusidler 1566a
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Il primo libro intabolatura di liuto di Melchior Neysdler alemano, sonatore di liuto in Augusta, ove sono madrigali, canzon francesi, pass'emezi, saltarelli &amp alcuni suoi ricercari, novamente de lui posti in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047083]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • M. Neusidler 1566b
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Il secondo libro intabolatura di liuto di Melchior Neysidler alemano, sonatore di liuto in Augusta, ove sono motetti, canzon francesi, pass'emezi, saltarelli & alcuni suoi ricercari, novamente da lui posti in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047084]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Ballard 1567 [LOST]
    Ballard, Robert. An Exortation to all Kynde of Men how they shulde learn to play of the lute. (Paris? [France]: Robert Ballard)
    • lute treatise
  • Le Roy 1567 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Brève et facile instruction pour apprendre la tablature, à bien accorder, conduire et disposer la main sur le Luth. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • lute treatise
  • Becchi 1568
    Becchi, Marc'Antonio di (1522-after 1568). Libro primo d'intabulatura da leuto, di M. Antonio di Becchi parmegiano. Composta da lui novamente, et data in luce, con alcuni balli, napolitane, madrigali, canzon francese, fantasie, recercari. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004309]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Galilei 1568
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). Fronimo dialogo di Vincentio Galilei fiorentino, nel quale si contengono le vere, et necessarie regole del intavolare la musica nel liuto, posto nuovamente in luce & da ogni errore emendato. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019410]
    • 6-course lute treatise in Italian tablature with some staff notation
  • Ghelen 1568
    Ghelen, Jan van (the younger), publisher. Dit is een zeer schoon boecxken, om te leeren maken alderhande tabulatueren wten discante. Daer duer men lichtelijck mach leeren spelen opt clavecordium luyte end fluyte. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Jan van Ghelen)
    • treatise
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Le Roy 1568
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). A briefe and easye instru[c]tion to learne the tablature, to conducte and dispose thy hande unto the lute englished by J. Alford Londenor. (London, [England]: John Kyngston for James Roubothum [Rowbotham])
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Phalèse 1568
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Luculentum theatrum musicum, in quo (demptis vetustate tritis cantionibus) selectissima optimorum quorumlibet autorum, ac excellentissimorum artificum cum veterum, tum praecipuè recentiorum carmina, . . . Et primo ordine continentur ἀυτόµατα, quae fantasiae dicuntur, secundo cantilenae quatuor & quinque vocum. Postea carmina difficiliora quae muteta appellantur, eaque quatuor, quinque & sex vocum. Deinde succedunt carmina longe elegantissima duabus testudinibus ludenda. Postremo habes et eius generis carmina . . . ut sunt passomezo, gaillardes, branles, etc. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120453]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
  • Vredeman 1568
    Vredeman [Vreedman], Sebastian (c1540-c1600). Nova longeque elegantissima cithara ludenda carmina, cum gallica tum etiam germanica: fantasiae item passomezi, gailliarde, branles, almandes etc., nunc primum ex musica in usum citharae traducta. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067535]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • A-Wn S.A. 76.A.2 [1568- ]
    (Belgium?) [ms. addition to Phalèse 1568; SMT III/1 p. 145]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Bakfark 1569
    Bakfark, Valentin (c1526-1576). Harmoniarum musicarum in usum testudinis factarum, tomus primus . . . (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Joannis Latii)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003665]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barbetta 1569
    Barbetta, Giulio Cesare (c1540-c1603). Il libro primo dell'intavolatura de liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003838]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Galilei 1569
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). La seconda parte del dialogo di Vincentio Galilei fiorentino, della intavolatura di liuto. Posto nuovamente in luce, & corretto. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019410 with part 1]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Kargel 1569a [LOST]
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Carmina Italica, Gallica & Germanica ludenda cythara. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • cittern?
  • Kargel 1569b [LOST]
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Nova & elegantiss. Italica & Gallica carmina pro testudine. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute?
  • Kargel 1569c [LOST]
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Renovata cythara. (Mainz, [Germany]: s.n.)
    • cittern?
  • Rowbothum c1569
    Rowbothum [Rowbotham], James, publisher. The breffe and playne instruction to lerne to play on the gyttron and also the cetterne. (London, [England]: James Rowbothum) [4-page fragments at US-PHu and GB-Lam]
    • 4-course gittern in French tablature
  • Vredeman 1569
    Vredeman [Vreedman], Sebastian (c1540-c1600). Carminum quae cythara pulsantur liber secundus: in quo selectissima quaeque et iucunda carmina continentur: ut passomezzi, gailliardes, branles, alemande & alia . . . nunc primum summa qua fieri potuit facilitate in tyronum usum. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067536]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • D-LEm Ms. II.2.45 [1569-1593]
    [ms. additions to Ochsenkun 1558; SMT II p. 153]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Gorlier 156?a [LOST]
    Gorlier, Simon. Livre de tabulature de cistre. (Lyon, [France]: Simon Gorlier)
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature?
  • Gorlier 156?b [LOST]
    Gorlier, Simon. Livre de tabulature de guiterne. (Lyon, [France]: Simon Gorlier)
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature?
  • Gorzanis 156?
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Opera nova de lauto . . . messa in luce da suo figliolo Massimiliano, libro quarto. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022137; listed with 1579 edition]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Le Roy 156? [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Troisième livre de cistre. (Paris? [France]: Adrian LeRoy?)
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature
  • Antonelli 1570
    Antonelli, Cornelio. Il turturino. Il primo libro delle napolitane ariose da cantare et sonare nel leuto, composte da diversi eccellentissimi musici, & novamente per il Rever. P.E. Cornellio Antonelli da Rimino detto il Turturino, acomodate sul leuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120526]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Gorzanis 1570
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Il primo libro di napolitane che si cantano et sonano in leuto nuovamente composte da Jacomo Gorzanis leutanista cittadino della magnifica città di Trieste. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022135]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Le Roy 1570? [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Instruction de partir toute musique des huits divers tons en tablature de luth. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • lute treatise
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1570a
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Hortulus cytharae, in duos distinctus libros, quorum prior cantiones musicas longe pulcherrimas, passomezo, paduanas, galliardes, alemandes, branles, ad usum vulgaris cytharae: posterior similiter cantiones musicas passomezo, alemandes aliaque nonnulla in tabulaturam cytharae, italicae vulgò dictae, convenientem redacta, continet. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120527]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1570b
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Selectissima elegantissimaque, gallica, italica et latina in guiterna ludenda carmina, quibus adduntur et fantasiae, passomezi, saltarelli, galliardi, almandes, branles et similia, ex optimis elegantissimisque collecta et iam cum omni diligentia recens impressa. His accessit luculenta quaedam & perutilis institutio qua quisque citra alicuius subsidium artem facillimè percipiet. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120528]
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • A-Wn Mus. Ms. 19259 [1570-1580?]
    (Germany?) [SMT III/1 p. 135]
    • 6-course lute in French and German tablatures
  • B-Bc MS LIt. XY no. 24135 [1570-1580 (tablature section)]
    (Italy?) [BOETTICHER 1979 p. 203; see TYLER p. 31]
    • 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
  • GB-Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire, Cittern MS Rothschild vol. I, no. 411 [c1570; LOST?]
    (Germany?) [ms. addition to Ovid, Iohan. Posthii Germershemii tetrasticha in Ovidii Metamor. Lib. XV. . . (Frankfurt?, 1563); no longer available, but photocopies exist; see Renovata Cythara: The Renaissance Cittern Site by Andrew M. Hartig.]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Landau-Finaly Mus. 2 [1570-1575]
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). "Fronimo Autograph." (Venice, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 115]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40598 [1570-1583]
    (Germany?) [SMT III/2 p. 136]
    • 6- and 7-course lute, lute duet in German tablature
  • Fiorino 1571
    Fiorino, Gasparo. La nobilità di Roma versi in lode di cento gentildonne romane et le vilanelle a tre voci di Gasparo Fiorino, della città di Rossano, musico dell' et signore cardinale di Ferrara. Intavolate dal magnifico M. Francesco di Parise, musico ecc. in Roma. Nuovamente poste in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018166]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with parallel version in staff notation
  • Le Roy 1571
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Livre d'airs de cour miz sur le luth. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1571
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Theatrum musicum, longe amplissimum cui (demptis quae vetustate viluerant) authorum praestantiss. tum veterum, tum recentiorum carmina selectissima sunt inserta, maiori quam antehac fide et diligentia in usum publicum comparata. . . . Universa propemodum nunc recenter à peritissimis quibusque translatae in testudinis usum, velut Iulio Caesare paduano, Melchiore Nenslyder [sic] germano, et Sixto Kargl ac nonullis aliis quorum industria prae caeteris hodiè celebratur. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120541]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
  • US-Ws Ms. V. a. 159 [1565-1595]
    "Giles Lodge Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 344]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Jobin 1572
    Jobin, Bernhard, publisher. Das erste Buch newerlessner fleissiger ettlicher viel schöner Lautenstück, von artlichen Fantaseyen, lieblichen teütschen, frantzösischen unnd italiänischen Liedern, künstlichen lateinischen Muteten, mit vier und fünff Stimmen, auch lustigen allerhand Passomezen: in die teutsche Tabulatur, zu nutz und gefallen allen diser Kunst lehrbegirigen fürnämlich den jenigen so der frembden welschen Tabulatur etwas unerfahrner auff das verständlichest und richtigest zusamen getragen geordnet und auch selber getruckt durch Bernhard Jobin, Burger zu Strassburg. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990032607]

    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Fiorino 1573
    Fiorino, Gasparo. La nobilità di Roma, versi in lode di cento gentildone romane. Et le vilanelle a tre voci di Gasparo Fiorino della città di Rossano, . . . Intavolate dal magnifico M. Francesco di Parise . . . Novamenete ristampate. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990018167]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with parallel version in staff notation
  • Jobin 1573
    Jobin, Bernhard, publisher. Das ander Buch newerlessner kunstlicher Lautenstück von allerhand musicartichen Passomezo Gailliarden Branlen und angenemen teutschen Däntzen zu dienst unnd gefallen den diser Kunst ubenden inn die teutsche gebräuchliche Tabulatur gericht und zusammen getruckt durch Bernhard Iobin Burger zu Strasburg. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990032608]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • M. Neusidler 1573
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Tabulatura continens praestantissimas et selectissimas quasque cantiones, in usum testudinis, à Melchiore Neusydler italicè invulgatas, nunc typis germanicis redditas, per Benedictum de Drusina. (Frankfurt, [Germany]: Johannes Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047085]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1573a [LOST]
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Selectissima carmina ludenda in quinterna, cum tripudis & institutione ad arte in eandem. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature?
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1573b
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Selectissimorum pro testudine carminum liber continens optimas aliquot fantasias, paduanas, passomezos, et galliardas, à Francisco et Petro Paulo mediolanensibus, aliisque praestantissimis divinae musices auctoribus compositas. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104830]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1573c [LOST]
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Thesaurus musicus continens selectissima Alberti Ripae, Valentini Bacfarci, et aliorum praestantissimorum carmina, ad usum chelys, vel testudinis accomodata. Quibus adjecta sunt ingeniosae quaedam fantasiae, passomezi, alemandes, galliardae, branles, atque id genus ceatera, recens in lucem edita. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Teghi 1573
    Teghi, Pierre de. Cantionum gallicarum, et motettarum liber, ab excellentissimo musico Petro Teghio patavino . . . (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993104831]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Waissel 1573
    Waissel, Matthäus (c1540-1602). Tabulatura continens insignes et selectissimas quasque cantiones, quatuor, quinque, et sex vocum, testudini aptatas, ut sunt: praeambula: phantasiae; cantiones germanicae, italica, gallicae, & latinae: passemesei: gagliarde: & choreae. In lucem aedita per Matthaeum Waisselium. (Frankfurt an der Oder, [Germany]: Johan Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067633]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • H-Bn Hs. Anhang Mus. pr. 19 [1573-]
    (Germany) [ms. addition to Waissel 1573; RISM B/VII p. 374; BOETTICHER 1979 p. 201]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Kargel 1574
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Novae, elegantissimae, gallicae item et italica cantilenae, mutetae & passomezo, adjunctis suis saltarellis, mira dulcedinae in testudine canendae: in tabulaturam per M. Sixtum Kaergel lautenistam, . . . translatae, & typis excusae . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120591]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Le Roy 1574
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). A briefe and plaine instruction to set all musicke of eight divers tunes in tableture for the lute. With a briefe instruction how to play on the lute by tablature, to conduct and dispose they hand unto the lute, with certaine easie lessons for that purpose. All first written in French by Adrian Le Roy, and now translated into English by F. K., . . . (London, [England]: James Rowbothome)
    • 6-course lute treatise in French tablature with staff notation
  • Metzler 1574 [LOST]
    Metzler, Barthel. Galliarden. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in German tablature?
  • M. Neusidler 1574
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Teütsch Lautenbuch, darinnenn kunstliche Muteten, liebliche italianische, frantzösische, teütsche Stuck, fröliche teütsche Täntz, Passo e mezo, Saltarelle, und drei Fantaseien . . . aussgesetzt . . . durch Melchio Newsidler . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047086]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1574
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Thesaurus musicus continens selectissima Alberti Ripae, Valentini Bacfarci, et aliorum praestantissimorum carmina ad usum Chelys, vel testudinis accomodata. Quibus adjectae sunt ingeniosae quaedam fantasiae, passomezi, alemandes, galliardae, branles, atque idgenus caetera, recens in lucem edita. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120592]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Virchi 1574
    Virchi, Paolo (c1550-1610). Il primo libro di tabolatura di citthara di ricercari madrigali canzoni napolitane et saltarelli. Di Paolo Virchi . . . novamente posta in luce . . . (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067087]
    • 6- and 7-course chromatic cittern in Italian tablature
  • I-MOe Ms. C 311 [1574]
    "Bottegari MS." (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 212]
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • anonymous 1575 [LOST]
    [anonymous]. Jardinet de cistre. (Paris, [France]: s.n.)
    • cittern
  • Kargel 1575 [LOST]
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Renovata Cythara. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • cittern
  • Kargel and Lais 1575
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593), and Johan Dominico Lais. Toppel Cythar. Nova eaque artificiosa et valde commoda ratio ludendae cytharae, quam inventores sive compilatores duplam cytharam vocant: aliquot elegantissimis, italicis, germanicis, & gallicis cantionibus & saltationibus, exempli vice ornata. Neue und künstliche und noch nie vil ersehene oder ubliche Tabulatur auf die Lautengemäse Toppel Cythar mit sechs Cohren von etlichen italianischen teutschen und französischen Lidern und Tänzen: baides für sich selbs volkomenlich und auch zu andern Instrumenten dinstlich zuspilen und zugebrauchen: gestelt durch Sixtum Kärgel Lautenisten und Johan Dominico Lais. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120612]
    • 6-course chromatic cittern in Italian tablature
  • Phalèse 1575 [LOST]
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Hortulus cytharae. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    • cittern
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1575 [LOST]
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Des chansons réduitz en tabulature de lut à deux, trois et quatre parties avecq une briève et familière introduction pour entendre et apprendre par soy-mesmes à jouer dudict lut. Livre premier. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Strambi c1575
    Strambi, Antonio [printer]. Regole per accordare il liuto . . . (Rome, [Italy]: Antonio Strambi)
    • lute tuning chart with Italian tablature and staff notation [woodcut; 1 folio only]
  • Viola 1575 [LOST]
    Viola, Raphael. Raphaelis Violae Carminum pro testudine liber, continens fantasia mutetas, gallicas & italicas cantiones. (Louvain, [Belgium]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.23 [1575]
    Iselin, Ludwig. (Basel, Switzerland) [SMT I p. 6]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.39 [1575]
    (Germany) [SMT I p. 8]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-Bu Ms. F.X.11 [1575]
    Iselin, Ludwig. (Basel, Switzerland) [SMT I p. 28]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CZ-Bsa Ms. G 10,1400 [c1575]
    (Mikulov, Czech Republic) [SMT III/2 p. 11]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
    • 6-course chromatic cittern in French and German tablatures
  • D-W Druck 5 (2). Mus. fol. (suppl. ms.) [c1575]
    (Germany) [ms. addition to Ochsenkun 1558; SMT II p. 317]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • I-Fc Sig. F. III. 10431 [1575]
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). "Fronimo Autograph." (Venice, [Italy]) [RISM B/VII p. 124]
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • NL-At Ms. 208.A.27 [1575]
    (Germany) [SMTI p. 8; continuation of CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.39]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • US-NHub Music Ms. 13 [1575-1580]
    "Osborn Commonplace Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 234]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • US-NH Rare Ma 21, W632 [1575-1595]
    "Wickhambrook Manuscript." [RISM B/VII p. 235]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • Daza 1576
    Daza, Esteban (c1537-c1591). Libro de musica en cifras para vihuela, intitulado el Parnasso, enel qual se hallara toda diversidad de musica, assi motetes, sonetos, villanescas, en lengua castellana, y otras cosas, como fantasias del autor, hecho por Estevan Daça, vezino de la muy insigne villa de Valladolid, . . . (S.l., [Spain]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 991016975]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 6-course vihuela and voice in Italian tablature with ciphers
  • M. Neusidler 1576 [LOST]
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Il primo libro intabulatura di liuto, ove sono madrigali, motetti, canzon francesi, &c. in Venetia, appresso di Antonio Gardano. (Venice, [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Brunet 1578 [LOST]
    Brunet, Pierre. Tablature de mandorre. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • mandore
  • Cabezón 1578
    Cabezón, Antonio de. Obras de mú[sic]a para tecla, arpa [y] vihuela, de Antonio de Cabeçon . . . recopiladas y puestas en cifra por Hernando de Cabeçon su hijo. (Madrid, [Spain]: Francisco Sanchez)
    [RISM ID no.: 990007799]
    • keyboard/(vihuela) treatise (no vihuela tablature)
  • Kargel 1578
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Renovata cythara: hoc est novi et commodissimi exercendae cytharae modi: constantes cantionibus musicis, passomezo, padoanis, gaillardis, . . . ad tabulaturam communem redactis. Quibus accessit dilucida in cytharam isagoge, quo suo marte quilibet eam ludere discat. Neugestalt Cytharbuch. Darinn vilerlai art Gesäng . . . nach gemainer Tabulatur auf die teutsch Cythar . . . Durch Sixt Kärgel Lautenisten. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120660]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French number tablature (inverted Italian tablature)
  • Kargel and Lais 1578
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593), and Johan Dominico Lais. Toppel Cythar. Nova eaque artificiosa ratio ludendae cytharae, quam compilatores duplam cytharam vocant: aliquot elegantissimis italicis, germanicis et gallicis cantionibus et saltationibus exempli vice ornata . . . durch Sixt Kärgel Lautenist und Johann Dominico Lais. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120661]
    • 6-course chromatic cittern in Italian tablature
  • Le Roy 1578 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Briefve & facile instruction pour apprendre la tabulature à bien accorder, conduire & disposer la main sur la guiterne. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • guitar treatise
  • Phalèse 1578 [LOST]
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), publisher. Carmina in testudine. (Louvain, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • D-KNs Ms. without Sign. [1578]
    (Germany?) [SMT II p. 145]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Gorzanis 1579
    Gorzanis, Giacomo (c1520-c1578). Opera nova de lauto . . . messa in luce da suo figliolo Massimiliano, libro quarto. (Venice, [Italy]: Alessandro Gardane)
    [RISM ID no.: 990022137]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Tromboncino 157? [LOST]
    Tromboncino, Ippolito. Intabolatura de Tromboncino da cantar in liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature?
  • Kargel 1580
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Renovata cythara: hoc est novi, et commodissimi exercendae cytharae modi: constantes cantionibus musicis, passomezo, padoanis, gaillardis, allemanicis et aliis ejus modi pulchris exemplis: ad tabulaturam communem redactis quibus accessit dilucida in cytharam isagoge . . . dirch Sixt Kargel Lautenist. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120680]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French number tablature (inverted Italian tablature)
  • Viola 1580 [LOST]
    Viola, [Raphael]. Lautenbuch. (Louvain, [Belgium]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute?
  • D-B Mus. ant. pract. O.60 [1580] [LOST]
    (ms. copy of Ochsenkun 1562) [RISM B/VII p. 39]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-DEl Ms. BB 12150 [1580]
    Agricola, Philippus. "Philippus Agricola Lute Book." (Tübingen, Germany) [SMT II p. 77]
    • 7-course lute in German tablature
  • D-LE Antiquariat C.G. Boerner Ms. Katalog 27, Seite 29 [1580] [LOST]
    (ms. copy of Jobin 1572, 1573) [RISM B/VII p. 170]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • D-Sl G.I.4 [1580-1595]
    Fabrum, Hieronymus, and/or Johann Georg Brengger/Brencker. "Donaueschingen MS." (Bavaria?) [SMT II p. 80 (as D-DO)]
    • 6-, 7- and 8-course lute in German tablature
  • E-SIM Casa y Sitios Reales, Legajo 394, folio 130, Leaf A [after 1580]
    ([Spain]) [see: Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. "A Vihuela Manuscript in the Archivo de Simancas." Lute Society Journal (UK) XXVI, Part 1 (1986): 3-20]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian lute tablature
  • F-Pn Rés. 1109 [c1580]
    (France?) [ms. addition to Aristotle's De moribus, quae etica. (Paris, 1576); SMT I p. 89]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature
    • 4-course guitar in French tablature
  • F-Pn Rés. Vmb. 65 [1580]
    (Germany?) [ms. addition to Kargel 1574; SMT I p. 99]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in German tablature
  • GB-Lcm Ms. 2089 [1580-1590]
    (England) [RISM B/VII p. 194]
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature [vocal part(s) missing]
  • GB-Och Mus. 1280 [1580]
    (England) [3 fragments from book bindings; CRAIG-McFEELY 1993]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-Y MS M 91 (S) [c1580]
    (England) [contains one partial lute intabulation; see Goodwin, Christopher. "Some Recent Discoveries in Elizabethan Song." Lute Society Journal (UK) XL (2000): 32-50].
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • keyboad and/or voices in staff notation
  • I-Gu Ms. F.VII.1 [1580-1595]
    (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 125]
    • 7-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature with text only
  • IRL-Dm Ms. Z. 3.2.13 [1580-1600]
    "Marsh Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 97]
    • 6- and 7-course lute, lute duet in French tablature
    • bandora in French tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ant. pract. J.150 [c1580]
    (ms. addition to Jobin 1572) (Germany) [SMT III/2 p. 98]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40032 [c1580-1626?]
    "Naples Lute Book" or "Barbarino MS." (Naples?, Italy) [SMT III/2 p. 102]
    • 7-course lute and/or vihuela in Italian tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40161 [c1580]
    (Germany) [SMT III/2 p. 132]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40583 [1580-1585]
    (Germany) [SMT III/2 p. 133]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in German tablature
  • Caroso 1581
    Caroso, Fabritio. Il Ballarino . . . diviso in due trattati . . . ornato di molte figure, et con l'intavolatura di liuto . . . & il soprano della musica nella sonata di ciascun ballo. (Venice, [Italy]: Francesco Ziletti)
    [RISM ID no.: 990008896]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute (and melody instrument?) in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Barbetta 1582a
    Barbetta, Giulio Cesare (c1540-c1603). Novae tabulae musicae testudinariae hexachordae et heptachordae et heptachordae. Julij Caesaris Barbetti Paduani. Neu Lautenbuch auff sechs und siben Chorseyten gestellt durch Julium Caesarem Barbettum von Padua. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003840]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Barbetta 1582b
    Barbetta, Giulio Cesare (c1540-c1603). Il terctio libro de intavolatura de liuto . . . accomodato per sonar con sei et sette ordeni de corde secondo l'uso antico e moderno. (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003839]
    • 6-and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Brambilla 1582 [LOST]
    Brambilla, Ambrosius. Anleitung die Zither zu spielen, nebst Noten eines Psalmes. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • cittern treatise
  • Phalèse and Bellère 1582
    Phalèse, Pierre (c1510-c1577), and Jean Bellère, publishers. Hortulus citharae vulgaris continens optimas fantasias, cantionesque musicas pulcherrimas, et passomezos in varios tonos concinne variatos: paduanas, gailliardas, almandes, branles: aliaque nonnula iucundissima in tabulaturam citharae convenienter redacta, nunc primum in lucem elegantiore modo ac ordine edita. Accesit praeterea brevis et dilucida in citharam introductio, qua suo marte quilibet artem pulsandae citharae . . . (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120708]
    • 4-course diatonic cittern in French tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 168 [1582-1585]
    (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 113]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature with text only
  • Le Roy 1583 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). Instruction de partir toute musique des huits divers tons en tablature de luth. (Paris, [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard)
    • lute treatise
  • F-Pn Ms. Français 9152 [1583-1587]
    Cellier, Jacques. (France) [SMT I p. 154]
    • 7-course lute in French tablature
  • IRL-Dtc Ms. 410/1 [olim D. 3.30] [1583-1590]
    "Dallis lute-book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 96]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute quartet in French tablature
    • 6-course bandora in French tablature
    • cittern in French tablature
  • US-OAm Ms. Parton [1583-1590]
    "Walsingham Consort Books." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 249]
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature [N.B.: accompanying parts for flute, treble viol and bass viol are located in GB-Beverley (Yorkshire), East Riding Record Office, MSS DD.HO.20/1-3]
  • Adriaenssen 1584
    Adriaenssen [Adriansen], Emanuel (c1554-1604). Pratum musicum longe amoenissimum, cuius spatiosissimo, eoque iucundissimo ambitu, (praeter varii generis automata seu phantasias) comprehenduntur . . . Omnia ad testudinis tabulaturam fideliter redacta, per . . . Emanuelem Hadrianium . . . Adiuncta est singulis carminibus, in gratiam eorum, qui vivae vocis concentu oblectantur, distincta vocibus aliquot notularum descriptio . . . Opus novum. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120744]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute trio, lute quartet in French tablature
    • 6-course lute(s) and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Fallamero 1584
    Fallamero, Gabriel. Il primo libro de intavolatura da liuto, de motetti ricercate madrigali, et canzonette alla napolitana, a tre et quattro voci, per cantare, et sonare composte per Gabriel Fallamero gentilhuomo allessandrino. Novamente posto in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120745]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Galilei 1584
    Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591). Fronimo dialogo di Vincentio Galilei nobile fiorentino. Sopra l'arte del bene intavolare et rettamente sonare la musica negli strumenti artificiali si di corde come fiato, et in particulare nel liuto. Nuovamente ristampato, et dall'autore istesse arrichito, et ornato di novità di concetti, et d'essempi. (Venice, [Italy]: Girolamo Scotto)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019411]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute in staff notation
  • Krengel 1584
    Krengel, Gregorius. Tabulatura nova continens selectissimas quasque cantiones ut sunt madrigalia, mutetae, paduanae et vilanellae, testudini sic aptatas, ut quilibet singulas duplici modo ludere et concinere possit iam recens edita per Gregorium Krengel . . . (Frankfurt, [Germany]: Andrea Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120746]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 7-course lute duet in German tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Antonio di Galileo 6 [1584-1587]
    "Galilei MS." (ms. copy of Galilei 1584) (Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 114]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-SGc Fondo San Martino Ms. 31 [1584-1590]
    (Tuscany, Italy) [COELHO p. 169]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature
  • Barbetta 1585
    Barbetta, Giulio Cesare (c1540-c1603). Intavolatura de liuto . . . dove si contiene padoane, arie, baletti, pass'e mezi saltarelli per ballar à la italiana, & altre cose dilettevoli secondo l'uso di questi tempi, accomodato per sonar con sei e sette ordeni de corde. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990003841]
    • 6- and 7-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
  • Carrara 1585
    Carrara, Michele. Regola ferma e vera per l'intavolatura di liuto . . . (Rome, [Italy]: E. Roberti)
    • 8-course lute treatise in Italian, Neapolitan, and French tablatures
  • Le Roy 1585 [LOST]
    Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598). L'instruction pour la mandorre. (Paris? [France]: Adrian Le Roy and Robert Ballard?)
    • 4-string mandore
  • D-LEm Ms. I.II.104 [1585-1600]
    (Italy?) [ms. additions to Galilei 1584; SMT II p. 153]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • GB-Cu Ms. Additional 2764 (2) [1585-1590]
    (England) [binding fragments; RISM B/VII p. 77]
    • 6-course lute or bandora in French tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 31992 [1585-1590]
    "Paston MS" (England) [RISM B/VII p. 183]
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in Italian tablature [vocal part(s) missing]
  • GB-NO Ms. Mi LM 16 [1585-1595]
    "Francis Willoughby's Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 243]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 4-course cittern in French tablature
  • I-Bu MS 177/IV [1585-1600]
    (Naples?, Italy) [TYLER p. 39]
    • 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
  • S-Uu Ms. Vokalmusik i handskrift 89 [c1585]
    [one lute piece on f.161v in keyboard source; see RUDÉN]
    [RISM ID no.: 190006198]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature?
  • [Amat 1586]
    Amat, Juan Carlos. Guitarra espaňola, y vandola en dos maneras de guitarra, castellana, y cathalana de cinco ordenes, la qual enseňa de templar, y taňer rasgado, todos los puntos naturales, y b, mollados, con estilo maravilloso. Y para poner en ella qualquier tono, se pone una tabla, con la qual podrà qualquier sin dificultad cifrar el tono, y despues mencion tambien de la guitarra de quatro ordenes. (Barcelona, [Spain]: s.n.)
    • guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
  • Francesco da Milano 1586 [LOST]
    Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). Intabolatura de lauto. (Venice? [Italy]: Antonio Gardane)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • Kargel 1586
    Kargel, Sixt (c1540-after 1593). Lautenbuch, viler newerlessner fleissiger, schöner Lautenstück von artlichen Fantaseien, künstlichen music artlichen lateinischen Muteten, mit fünff und sechs Stimmen allerhand lieblichen teutschen . . . in die teutsch Tabulatur . . . geordnet, auff sechs und siben Chorseiten gericht durch Sixtum Kargel . . . (Strasbourg, [France]: Bernhard Jobin)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120809]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Verovio 1586
    Verovio, Simone. Diletto spirituale canzonette a tre et a quattro voci composte da diversi ecc.mi musici. Raccolte da Simone Verovio. Intagliate et stampate dal medesimo. Con l'intavolatura del cimbalo et liuto. (Rome, [Italy]: Martin van Buyten)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120810]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • F-VAL Ms. 429 [1586-1602]
    Croy, Charles de. "de Croy MS." (France) [SMT I p. 160]
    [RISM ID no.: 840005062]
    • 7-course lute in French tablature
    • 7-course lute and voice in French tablature and staff notation
  • Abondante 1587
    Abondante, Giulio. Il quinto libro de tabolatura da liuto . . . nella qual si contiene fantasie diverse, pass'e mezi & padoane. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000183]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • [Pacalono 1587 LOST]
    Pacalono [Pacoloni], Giovanni Massarotto. Tabulatura tribus testudinibus. (Milan, [Italy]: Simon Tini) [doubtful existence]
    • 6-course lute trio in Italian tablature?
  • Munday 1588
    Munday, Anthony. A banquet of daintie conceits. Furnished with verie delicate and choyse inuentions, to delight their mindes, who take pleasure in musique, and there-withall to sing sweete ditties, either to the lute, bandora, virginalles, or anie other instrument. (London, [England]: Edward White)
    • lute or bandora without notation [lyrics only]
  • Gintzler 1589?
    Gintzler, Simon (c1490-after 1550). Intabolatura de lauto . . . de ricercari, motetti, madrigali, et canzon francese . . . libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
    [RISM ID no.: 990021251; not verified in GB-Lbl]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Verovio 1589
    Verovio, Simone. Ghirlanda di fioretti musicali composta da diversi ecc.ti musici a 3 voci con l'intavolatura del cimbalo, et liuto . . . (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120867]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • CZ-JIa Zachariaš of Hradec MS [c1589] [LOST]
    (Hradec? [Czech Republic]) [from the library of Zachariaš of Hradec, donated to CZ-Jia in 1589, now LOST]
    • lute in unknown tablature type
  • Abondante 158? [LOST]
    Abondante, Giulio. Intavolatura di liuto del Pestrin lib. 7. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • Giuliani 158? [LOST]
    Giuliani, [Girolamo]. Intavolatura de chitara del Giuliani. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    • guitar
  • Vecchi 1590
    Vecchi, Orazio Tiberio (1550-1605). Selva di varia ricreatione di Horatio Vecchi, nella quale si contengono varij soggetti, à 3, à 4, à 5, à 6, à 7, à 8, à 9, & à 10 voci, cioè madrigali, capricci, balli, arie justiniane, canzonette, fantasie, serenate, dialoghi, un lotto amoroso; con una battaglia à diece nel fine & accomodatovi la intavolatura di liuto alle arie, ai balli, et alle canzonette. Novamente composta, e data in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990066063]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and instrumental ensemble in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Verovio 1590 [LOST]
    Verovio, Simone. Diletto spirituale canzonette a tre et a quattro voci composte da diversi ecc.mi musici. Raccolte da Simone Verovio. Intagliato et stampate dal medesimo. Con l'intavolatura del cimbalo et liuto. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • A-Wwilczek Ms. without Sign. [1590-1600] [LOST]
    [SMT III/1 p. 146]
    • lute in Italian and German tablatures
  • B-Br Ms. Cab. II, 275 [1590-early 17th century]
    Cavalcanti, Raffaelo. "Raffaelo Cavalcanti MS." (Florence, Italy) [RISM B/VII p. 57]
    • 7-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
    • 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature
  • D-Dl Ms. J. 307.m [c1590]
    Tabulatur Buch auff dem Instrument. (Germany)
    • 6-course cittern in French tablature
  • D-Z Ms. CXV, 3 [1590-1600]
    Arpin, Jan. "The Lute Book of Johannes Arpinus (1571-1606)." (Dornsdorf, [Czech Republic]) [SMT II p. 318]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in German tablature
  • F-Pn Rés. Vmf. ms. 50 [1590-1610]
    (Tuscany? [Italy]) [SMT I p. 129; COELHO p. 128; TYLER p. 90]
    • 8-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
    • 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature with text only
  • GB-Cu Ms. Additional 8844 [1590-1600]
    "Trumbull Lute Book" [olim GB-Rro Ms. Trumbull Addition Ms. 6]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-Eu Ms. Dc.5.125 [1590-1605]
    "Thistllethwaite Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 105]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-HAdolmetsch Ms. II.C.23 [1590-1600 (6c lute music), c1620 (7c lute music), 1640 (guitar music)]
    "'Medici' Lute Book." (Tuscany? [Italy]) [COELHO p. 167]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature
    • 5-course guitar in mixed tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Additional 41498 [1590]
    (England) [RISM B/VII p. 186]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • GB-Ob Ms. 340 [1590-1600]
    "Tenbury or Paston MS" [RISM B/VII p. 330 (as GB-T)]
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature [vocal part(s) missing]
  • GB-Ob Ms. Top. gen. c. 90 [c1590]
    "James Strangman fragment." (England) [see: Michael Gale, "Two Newly Discovered English Lute Tablature Fragments." Lute Society Journal (UK) XLVIII (2008): 54-70.]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • I-BDG Ms. ohne Signatur [c1590]  [LOST; but partial edition made previously by Chilesotti]
    (Italy?) [see: Chilesotti, Oscar. Da un codice del Cinquecento (Columbus, OH: Editions Orphée, 2002)]
    • 7-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 31 [1590-1600]
    (Florence, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 75]
    • 7-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 109 [c1590]
    (Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 111]
    • 6-course lute or vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute or vihuela and voice in Italian tablature with text only
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 179 [end of the 16th century]
    (Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 113]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-Ra Ms. Mus. 1608 [1590-1615]
    (Rome, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 140]
    • 7-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
    • fragments for 9-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
  • I-Tn Riserva musica IV, 43/2 [1590-1605]
    Caro, Annibal. (Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 332; see: Aprato, V. "Un manoscritto per liuto, rilegato con rari madrigali, richiama il nome di Annibal Caro." In: Miscellanea di studi. II. Il Gridelino: Quaderni di studi musicali. (Torino: Centro di Studi Piemontesi, 1989): p. 41–57.]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in Italian tablature with dashes for the vocal part
  • IRL-Dtc Ms. 408/1 [olim D. 1.21] [1590-1610]
    "William Ballet lute-book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 96]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • viol in French tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40163 [1590-1620]
    (Naples, Italy) [TYLER p. 85]
    • 5-course guitar and voice in alfabeto tablature and staff notation
  • PL-Tm Ms. J 4° 342- 102682 [1590]
    Sammenhammer, David. "Schone Psalm und Geistliche Lieder auf der Cither" (Germany?) [RISM B/VII p. 333]
    • 4-course cittern (and voice?) in Italian tablature
  • US-Cn Case MS VM.1734.5.G.37 [c1590]
    (Silesia?) [RISM B/VII p. 81, dated 1570-1585]
    • 6-course cittern in French tablature
  • US-NH Misc. Ms. 170, Filmer 2 [c1590]
    [Collection of 3 part books from an incomplete set] (England)
    [RISM ID no.: 900001635]
    • lute and/or voice(s) in staff notation (tablature part MISSING)
  • US-R Ms. Vault M140 .F398 [c1590]
    Ferrucio?, Hercules. Intabulatura di lauto, fior de virtu intitolata fior de virtu intitolata. [Italy]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • [Pacalono 1591 LOST]
    Pacalono [Pacoloni], Giovanni Massarotto. Tabulatura tribus testudinibus. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse) [doubtful existence]
    • 6-course lute trio in French tablature?
  • Verovio 1591
    Verovio, Simone. Canzonette a quattro voci, composte da diversi ecc.ti musici, con l'intavolatura del cimbalo et del liuto . . . (Rome, [Italy]: Simone Verovio)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120915]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • Vicentino 1591 [LOST]
    Vicentino, Ieronimo Celidono. Intabolatura di liuto di Ieronimo Celidono Vicentino sopra tutti li madrig: de Cipriano Rore a.4. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardane) [some pieces may have been copied into D-KA G I 4; see: Ness, Arthur J. "Briefly Noted: A Physician's Lute Book." Journal of the Lute Society of America XL (2007): 84-86.]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • Vincenti 1591a
    Vincenti, Giacomo, publisher. Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci. Composte da diversi auttori, et nuovamente date in luce. Libro primo. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120917]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with vocal models in staff notation
  • Vincenti 1591b
    Vincenti, Giacomo, publisher. Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci. Composte da diversi auttori, et nuovamente date in luce. Libro secondo. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120918]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with vocal models in staff notation
  • Vincenti 1591c
    Vincenti, Giacomo, publisher. Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci. Composte di diversi auttori, & nuovamente date in luce. Libro terzo. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120919]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with vocal models in staff notation
  • Waissel 1591
    Waissel, Matthäus (c1540-1602). Tabulatura Allerley künstlicher Preambulen, auserlesener Deudtscher und Polnischer Tentze, Passemezen, Gailliarden, Padoanen, Pavanen und Branlen: Auff der Lauten zu schlagen gantz fleissig zugerichtet. (Frankfurt an der Oder, [Germany]: Andreas Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067634]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.70 [1591-1594]
    "Lautten Stückh ettlicher feiner Preamblenn, Muttetenn, Fantasienn . . ." (Basel, Switzerland) [SMT I p. 11]
    • 9-course lute in German tablature
  • Adriansen 1592a [LOST]
    Adriansen [Adriansen], Emanuel (c1554-1604). Pratum musicum longe amoenissimum, cuius spatiosissimo eoque jucundissimo ambitu (praeter varii generis axiomata seu phantasias) comprehenduntur . . . Omnia ad testudinis tabulaturam fideliter redacta, per . . . Emanuelem Hadrianium . . . Adiuncta est singulis carminibus, in gratiam eorum, qui vivae vocis concentu oblectantur, distincta vocibus aliquot notularum descriptio. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse)
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute trio, lute quartet in French tablature
    • 6-course lute(s) and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Adriansen 1592b
    Adriansen [Adriansen], Emanuel (c1554-1604). Novum pratum musicum longe amoenissimum, cuius spatiosissimo, eoque iucundissimo ambitu (praeter varii generis aytomata, seu phantasias) comprehenduntur selectissimi diversorum autorum et idiomatum madrigales, cantiones, & moduli 4, 5 & 6 vocum . . . Omnia ad testudinis tabulaturam fideliter redacta, per id genus musices experientissimum artificem Emanuelem Hadrianum, anverpiensem . . . Tum etiam methodus ad omnes omnium tonorum cantiones, in gratiam illorum, qui in hac arte mediocriter versati . . . Opus plane novum, nec hactenus editum. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Pierre Phalèse and Jean Bellère)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120953]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Bellasio 1592
    Bellasio, Paolo (1554-1594). Villanelle a tre voci, con la intavolature del liuto, novamente composte & date in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990004513]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Bellère 1592 [LOST]
    Bellère, Jean, publisher. Le jardinet du cistre vulgaire. (Antwerp, [Belgium]: Jean Bellère)
    • cittern
  • Giovanelli 1592 [LOST]
    Giovanelli, Ruggero (c1555-1625). Canzon Giovanelli intavolate per liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Radino 1592
    Radino, Giovanni Maria. Intavolatura di balli per sonar di liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 990053455]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Verovio 1592
    Verovio, Simone. Diletto spirituale canzonette a tre et a quattro voci composte da diversi ecc.mi musici. Con l'intavolatura del cimbalo et liuto. (Rome, [Italy]: s.n.)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120946]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • Waissel 1592a
    Waissel, Matthäus (c1540-1602). Lautenbuch Darinn von der Tabulatur und Application der Lauten gründlicher und voller Unterricht: Sampt ausserlesenen Deudtschen und Polnischen Tentzen, Passamezen, Gaillarden . . . Auff der Lauten zu schlagen gantz fleissig zugerichtet. (Frankfurt an der Oder, [Germany]: Andreas Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067635]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Waissel 1592b
    Waissel, Matthäus (c1540-1602). Tabulatura Allerley künstlicher Preambulen, auserlesener Deudtscher und Polnischer Tentze, Passemezen, Gailliarden, Padoanen, Pavanen und Branlen: Auff der Lauten zu schlagen gantz fleissig zugerichtet. (Frankfurt, [Germany]: Andreas Eichorn)
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
  • Waissel 1592c
    Waissel, Matthäus (c1540-1602). Tabulatura Guter gemeiner Deudtscher Tentze Nicht allein auff einer Lauten in sonderheit Sondern auch auff zweyen Lauten durch Quarten zusamen zuschlagen. (Frankfurt an der Oder, [Germany]: Andreas Eichorn)
    [RISM ID no.: 990067636]
    • 6-course lute duet in German tablature
  • CZ-Pu Ms. 59r.469 [1592-after 1617]
    (Žatec, Czech Republic) [SMT III/2 p. 74]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature
    • (some French tablature in the introduction only)
  • D-Dl Ms. Mus. J.307 [1592-1605] [LOST]
    [RISM B/VII p. 94]
    • 6-course cittern in French tablature
  • Barley 1593 [LOST]
    Barley, William (c1565-1614), publisher. A new booke of citterne lessons with a plaine and easie instruction for to learne the tableture, to conduct and dispose thy hand, sette forth to the tunes of many psalmes as they be sung in churches, also pavins, galliards and divers other sweet and easy lessons. (London? [England]: William Barley)
    • cittern treatise
  • Danter 1593? [LOST]
    Danter, J. A moste perfect and true instruction whereby a man maye learne by his owne industrie to playe on the cytterne without the helpe of any teacher. (London, [England]: s.n.)
    • cittern treatise
  • Terzi 1593
    Terzi, Giovanni Antonio. Di Gio. Antonio Terzi da Bergamo, intavolatura di liutto, accomodata con diversi passagi per suonar in concerti a duoi liutti, et solo. Libro primo. Il qual contiene, motetti, contraponti, canzoni italiane, et francese, madrigali, fantasie, et balli di diversi sorti, italiani, francesi, et alemani. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064059]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute duet in Italian tablature (alternate versions)
    • 6-course lute and instrumental ensemble (alternate versions)
  • E-Mn Ms. 6001 [1593]
    "Ramillete de Flores Manuscript." (Spain) [Tyler 1980, p. 143]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
  • Carrara 1594
    Carrara, Michele. Il vero et sicuro modo per potere presto scompartire ogni musica et ridurla facilmente in qual si voglia sorte d'intavolatura di liuto commodissima per sonare. Autore M. Michele paduanis Carrara. (S.l., [Italy]: s.n.)
    • 8-course lute treatise in Italian, Neapolitan, and French tablatures
  • Denss 1594
    Denss, Adrian. Florilegium omnis fere generis cantionum suavissimarum ad testudinis tabulaturam accomodatarum, longe jucundissimum. In quo praeter fantasias lepidissimas, continentur diversorum authorum cantiones . . . redacta, per Adrianum Denss. (Cologne? [Germany]: Gerardus Grevenbruch)
    [RISM ID no.: 993120982]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • Gastoldi 1594
    Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (c1553-1609). Balletti a tre voci con la intavolatura del liuto, per cantare, sonare, & ballare. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
    [RISM ID no.: 990019745]
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Piccinini 1594 [LOST]
    Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c1638). Trattato sopra la tabulatura. (Bologna, [Italy]: s.n.)
    • lute treatise
  • D-BSstb C 39 2° [1594-1600]
    Praeambula q[ua]dam selectissima Diomedi, Caspari, aliorumq[ue]. (eastern Baltic region) [Helmut Lauterwasser, "A Previously Unknown Lute Tablature"]
    [RISM ID no.: 450119995]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-BSstb)**
    • 7- and 8-course lute in French tablature
  • I-PESo, MS P XVII. 211 [2-33] [1594]
    Intavolatura; Albani Manuscript (Italy)
    **ONLINE VERSION (I-PESo)** [**DOWN 5/3/2024]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
  • I-PESo, MS P XVII. 212 [2-34] [1594]
    Libro di musica esagrammato; Albani MS (Italy)
    • 10-course lute in Italian tablature
  • PL-Kj Mus. ms. 40143 [1594-1603]
    Besard, Jean-Baptiste, et al. (Cologne, [Germany]) [SMT III/2 p. 112]
    • 6-, 7-, and 8-course lute in French tablature
  • M. Neusidler 1595 [LOST]
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Il primo libro intabulatura di liuto di Melchior Neysidler alemanno ove sono madrigali, canzon framesi [sic], passemetzi, saltarelli, &c. (S.l., [Italy]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Vecchi 1595
    Vecchi, Orazio Tiberio (1550-1605). Selva di varia ricreatione di Horatio Vecchi, nella quale si contengono varij soggetti, à 3, à 4, à 5, à 6, à 7, à 8, à 9, & à 10 voci, cioè madrigali, capricci, balli, arie, justiniane, canzonette, fantasie, serenate, dialoghi, un lotto amoroso, con una battaglia à diece nel fine, & accomodatovi la intavolatura di liuto alle arie, ai balli, et alle canzonette. Novamente ristampata & corretta. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990066064]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
    • 6-course lute and instrumental ensemble in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Verovio 1595
    Verovio, Simone. Lodi della musica a 3 voci. Composte da diversi ecc.ti musici con l'intavolat.a del cimbalo e' liuto Libro primo. Raccolto, intagliato et stampato da Simone Verovio. (Rome, [Italy]: Simone Verovio)
    [RISM ID no.: 993122166]
    **ONLINE VERSION (D-Mbs)**

    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature with versions for staff notation and keyboard score
  • CDN-Mc Ms. without shelfmark [1595-1610]
    Vecchi, Orazio Tiberio (1550-1605), et al. "Intavolatura di liuto." (Bergamo?, Italy) [COELHO p. 104]
    • 8-course lute, lute duet in Italian tablature
  • E-Mn MP/2211/1 [c1595]
    [MS copy of pieces from Fuenllana 1554]
    • 6-course vihuela in Italian tablature
    • 4-course guitar in Italian tablature
  • GB-AB Ms. 27 [1595-1600]
    "Brogyntyn MS." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 3]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute trio in French tablature
    • lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature (mostly lack vocal parts)
  • GB-Cu Ms. Dd.2.11 [1595-1600]
    Holmes, Mathew. (England) [RISM B/VII p. 72]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
    • 6-course bandora in French tablature
  • GB-Cu Ms. Dd.3.18 [1595]
    (England) [RISM B/VII p. 73; cittern part book: GB-Cu Ms. Dd.14.24]
    • 6-course lute duet in French tablature
    • 6-course lute in French tablature (part book for a broken consort)
    • orpharion(s) in French tablature
    • [note: pieces for consort lack complete set of part books]
  • GB-Cu Ms. Dd.5.78.3 [1600]
    (England) [RISM B/VII p. 75]
    • 7- and 9-course lute in French tablature
    • lyra viol in French tablature
  • GB-Lbl Ms. Collection Hirsch M 1353 [1595-1600]
    "Hirsch Manuscript" (England) [RISM B/VII p. 192]
    • 6- and 7-course lute and lute duet in French tablature
  • I-Fn Ms. Fondo Magliabechiano, XIX, codice 30 [1595-1625]
    (Florence, [Italy]) [COELHO p. 73]
    • 7-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 7-course lute and voice in Italian tablature and staff notation
  • I-Lg Ms. 774 [c1595-1597]
    Intavolatura di leuto da sonare e cantare (Italy?) [RISM B/VII p. 195]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in Italian tablature
    • 6- and 7-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • NL-Lu Ms. Thysius 1666 [1595-1620]
    Smout, Adriaan Joriszoon [collector/copyist]. "Thysius MS." (Leiden, [Netherlands]) [RISM B/VII p. 161]
    • 7-, 8-, 9-, and 10-course lute in French tablature
    • lute quartet in French tablature
  • US-Ws Ms. V. b. 280 [1595-1610]
    "Dowland Lute Book." (England) [RISM B/VII p. 345]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in French tablature
  • Albinus c1596 [LOST]
    Albinus, Johannes. [lute book mentioned in Baron 1727, p. 64; current location and actual existence unknown] ([Germany?]: s.n., c1596?)
    • lute in unknown tablature type, apparently of the author's own design
  • Amat 1596 [LOST]
    Amat, Juan Carlos. Guitarra espaňola, y vandola en dos maneras de guitarra, castellana, y cathalana de cinco ordenes, la qual enseňa de templar, y taňer rasgado, todos los puntos naturales, y b, mollados, con estilo maravilloso. Y para poner en ella qualquier tono, se pone una tabla, con la qual podrà qualquier sin dificultad cifrar el tono, y despues mencion tambien de la guitarra de quatro ordenes. (Barcelona, [Spain]: s.n.)
    • guitar treatise with Catalan cifras
  • Barley 1596a
    Barley, William (c1565-1614), publisher. A new booke of tabliture, containing sundrie easie and familiar instructions shewing howe to attaine to the knowledge, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry instruments, as the lute, orpharion, and bandora . . . Whereunto is added an introduction to prickesong, and certaine famillar rules of descant . . . Collected together out of the best authors professing the practise of these instruments. (London, [England]: William Barley)
    [RISM ID no.: 993121016]
    • 6-course lute, bandora, or orpharion in French tablature
  • Barley 1596b
    Barley, William (c1565-1614), publisher. A new booke of tabliture for the orpharion: contayning sundrie sorts of lessons, collected together out of divers good authors, for the furtherance and delight of such as are desirous to practise on this instrument. Never before published. (London, [England]: William Barley)
    [RISM ID no.: 993121016]
    • 7-course orpharion in French tablature
  • Barley 1596c
    Barley, William (c1565-1614), publisher. A new booke of tabliture for the bandora: contayning sundrie sorts of lessons, collected together out of divers good authors for the furtherance and delight of such as are desirous to practise on this Instrument. Never before published. (London, [England]: William Barley)
    [RISM ID no.: 993121016]
    • 7-course bandora in French tablature
  • M. Neusidler 1596 [LOST]
    Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590). Melchioris Neusidleri teutsch Lautenbuch, darinnen künstliche Muteten, liebliche Italiänische, Frantzösische teutsche Stücke, fröliche teutsche Däntz, Passomezo, Saltarelle, und drey Fantaseyen. (Strasbourg, [France]: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • Orologio 1596
    Orologio, Alessandro (c1550-1633). Canzonette a tre voci . . . intavolate per sonar di liuto. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 990047472]
    • 6-course? lute and voices in Italian tablature and staff notation
  • D-KA Mus. Bd. A.678 [1596-1605]
    (Germany) [ms. additions to Ochsenkun 1558 and Jobin 1572/1573; SMT II p. 132]
    [RISM ID no.: 453011205]
    • 7-, 8- and 9-course lute in German tablature
    • lute treatise
  • Dowland 1597
    Dowland, John (1563-1626). The first booke of songes or ayres of foure partes with tablature for the lute: so made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the lute, orpherian or viol de gambo . . . also an invention . . . for two to playe upon one lute. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
    [RISM ID no.: 990015232]
    • 7-course lute or orpharion and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
    • one 7-course lute with two players in French tablature
  • Holborne 1597
    Holborne, Antony (c1545-1602). The cittharn schoole . . . hereunto are added sixe short aers neapolitanlike to three voyces, without the instrument: done by his brother William Holborne. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
    [RISM ID no.: 990030329]
    • cittern in French tablature
  • Morley 1597
    Morley, Thomas (c1557-1602). Canzonets or little short aers to five and sixe voices. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
    [RISM ID no.: 990042298]
    • 8-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Vecchi 1597
    Vecchi, Orazio Tiberio (1550-1605). Canzonette a tre voci di Horatio Vecchi, et di Gemignano Capi Lupi da Modena. (Venice, [Italy]: Angelo Gardano)
    [RISM ID no.: 990066051]
    • 6-course lute and voice in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • GB-Lam MS 601 [1597-1600]
    "Richard Mynshall lute-book." (England) [formerly in the collection of Robert Spencer; RISM B/VII p. 171]
    • 6-course lute in French tablature
  • PL-Elblag Biblioteka Publiczna Ms. without Sign. [1597-1609] [LOST]
    "Hans von Bodeck Stammbücher." [lost during World War II?]
    • travel diary with some musical notation: lute in French tablature?
  • Cavendish 1598
    Cavendish, Michael (c1565-1628). 14 ayres in tabletorie to the lute expressed with two voyces and the base violl or the voice & lute only. 6. more to 4. voyces and in tabletorie, And 8. madrigalles to 5. voyces. (London, [England]: Peter Short)
    [RISM ID no.: 990009225]
    • 8-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Gastoldi 1598
    Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (c1553-1609). Balletti a tre voci con la intavolatura del liuto, per cantare, sonare, & ballare. Di Gio. Giacomo Gastoldi da Caravaggio maestro di Cappella nella Chiesa Ducale di S. Barbara di Mantova. Novamente ristampati. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and Italian tablature
  • Reymann 1598
    Reymann, Matthäus (c1565-after 1625). Noctes musicae. (Heidelberg, [Germany]: Vögelin)
    [RISM ID no.: 990054601]
    • 7- and 8-course lute in French tablature
  • F-VE Ms. 698 [c1598] [LOST]
    (Italy) [SMT I p. 162]
    • 7-course lute in Italian and French tablatures
  • F-VE Ms. 711 [c1598] [LOST]
    (Germany) [lost since 1945; survives only in MS notes by M. Brenet in F-Pn Ms. nouv. acq. fr. 1141; SMT I p. 166]
    • 7-course lute in French tablature and inverted Italian tablatures
  • Allison 1599
    Allison, Richard (c1560-after 1610). The psalmes of David in meter, the plaine song, being the common tunne to be sung and plaide . . . the singing part to be either tenor or treble to the instrument . . . or for foure voyces. (London, [England]: William Barley)
    [RISM ID no.: 990000853]
    • 6-course lute and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature or:
    • 4-course cittern and voice(s) in staff notation and French tablature
  • Molinaro 1599
    Molinaro, Simone (c1565-c1615). Intavolatura di liuto di Simone Molinaro genovese. Libro primo nel quale si contengono saltarelli, pass'e mezi, gagliarde, e fantasie novamente composto et dato in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Ricciardo Amadino)
    [RISM ID no.: 990041585]
    • 6-, 7- and 8-course lute in Italian tablature
  • Morley 1599
    Morley, Thomas (c1557-1602). The first booke of consort lessons, made by divers exquisite authors, for six instruments to play together, the treble lute, the pandora, the cittern, the base-violl, the flute & the treble-violl. Newly set forth at the coast & charges of a gentle-man, for his private pleasure, and for divers others his frendes which delight in musicke. (London, [England]: William Barley)
    • 8-course lute, bass viol, flute, treble viol, pandora, and cittern in staff notation and French tablature
  • Terzi 1599
    Terzi, Giovanni Antonio. Il secondo libro de intavolatura di liuto di Gio. Antonio Terzi da Bergamo. Nella quale si contengono fantasie, motetti, canzoni, madrigali pass'e mezi, et balli di varie, et diverse sorti. Novamente da lui data in luce. (Venice, [Italy]: Giacomo Vincenti)
    [RISM ID no.: 990064060]
    • 6-course lute, lute duet, lute quartet in Italian tablature
    • bass lute in Italian tablature
  • E-Szayas Ms. Mus. A.IV.8 [1599-]
    Bezón, Matheo, and "Anton" (pupil). "Cancionero de Matheo de Bezón." (Italy?) [see: Daniel Zuluaga, "Spanish song, chitarra alla spagnola, and the Matheo Bezón and his 1599 alfabeto songbook." Resonance: Interdisciplinary Music Journal (Spring 2013).
    • 5-course guitar in alfabeto tablature
    • 5-course guitar and voice (text only) in alfabeto tablature
  • V-CVbav Chigi L. VI. 200 [1599]
    Duchessa di Traetta. "Libro de cartas y romances españoles del illustrisima Duchessa de Traetta mi señora que Dios guarde mil años." (Naples?, [Italy]) [YAKELEY p. 285; TYLER p. 95 (as I-Rvat)]
    • 5-course guitar and voice (text only) with alfabeto tablature
  • Marenzio 159? [LOST]
    Marenzio, Luca. Villanelle a 3, para tanger no laude. (S.l.: s.n.)
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature?
  • D-B Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohn Ms. Katalog 223, Nr. 67 [end of the 16th century] [LOST]
    [RISM B/VII p. 42]
    • lute in German tablature
  • D-KNh R 242 [end of the 16th century/beginning of the 17th century]
    "Elysabeth Romer's lutebook." (Germany) [SMT II p. 145]
    • 6- and 7-course lute in French tablature
  • F-LYm Ms. 6244 [end of the 16th century/beginning of the 17th century]
    (Italy) [SMT I p. 65]
    • 6-course lute in Italian tablature
  • GB-Ob Mus. Sch. D.237 [end of the 16th century]
    Tessier, Charles. (England) [NG: Tessier, Charles]
    • lute and voice in staff notation and French tablature
  • I-Rv ms. O 29 [end of the 16th century]
    Ancina, (Giovanni) Giovenale. (Italy) "Regole del canto figurato e del contrapunto." [POHLMANN p. 16]
    • treatise
  • S-Skma Sackska samlingen Tabulaturbok "Tabulaturbok" [end of the 16th century]
    (Germany) [see RUDÉN p. 35]
    • 6-course lute in German tablature


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