anonymous 1648


Il primo libro d'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola (1648)

I. Overview

There is no 1618 version of this book. This book is similar to those of Millioni and is one of a number of fairly short works of lighter dances and songs, not particularly well notated or printed. The contents equal those of Marchetti 1660.

Title: Il primo libro d'intavolatura della chitarra spagnola. (Rome: Catalani, 1648).

64 pp. in movable type (I:Rsc copy missing pp. 63-64)
57 pieces (+ 4 songs)
Foliation: ABC (8 ff. each) D (7 ff.)
Page Size -- I-Rsc: c15.5 cm. (width) X c9.8 cm.

II. Prefatory Material

p. (1) -- IL PRIMO LIBRO D'INTAVOLATURA DELLA CHITARRA SPAGNOLA. Con una regola facilissima per poter' imparare à sonare accordare, e far le lettere di detta Chitarra da se medesimo, Composto, e dato in luce da incerto Autore. Et in detto libro si contengono anco molte sonate passeggiate. non piu da altri date in luce. In Roma, per il Catalani. 1648 Con licenza de'Superiori. [title page]

p. 2 -- [guitar w/ nine frets; hand w/ finger names; = Marchetti 1660 except string numbers 1-5 added to guitar]

p. 3 -- Regola per imparare ad accordare la Chitarra Spagnola. . . . [Tuning; tuning check]

p. 4 -- Dichiaratione . . . [verbal alfabeto: + through D]

p. 5 -- [alfabeto: E-L]

p. 6 -- [alfabeto: K-S]

p. 7 -- [alfabeto: T-Z; Tagliate: A,C,D,E]

[Verbal alfabeto (with finger dots):]


[Tagliate chords and p. 34:]



[The K, Q, S, T, V, Z, and & chords are not used. Other chords used in the tablature:]


p. 8 -- Lettere, che corrispondono insieme per B Quadro . . . per B Molle [corrispondence charts; = Marchetti 1660 except E >> Z2 >> T4 (??)]

p. 9 -- MODO DI FARE IL TRILLO. . . . [trillo and repicco; right hand position, strokes]

p. 10 -- [cont., dots, tagliate chords, hands as repeat signs]

III. Notation

Tablature: Alfabeto and stroke signs are used, but there are no meter or rhythmic signs and no barlines.

Instrument: 5-course guitar

IV. Indices

Title information in brackets [ ] is editorial; information in parentheses ( ) is from the table of contents.

Index of Pieces:

(Sonate semplici)
p. 11Bergamasche (diverse)C[4/4]
p. 11[Bergamasca]G[4/4]
p. 11[Bergamasca]D[4/4]
p. 11Passagagli diversiG[3/4]
p. 11[Passacaglia]D[3/4]
p. 11[Passacaglia]C[3/4]
p. 12Gagliarda (Gagliarde diverse)D[3/2]
p. 12GagliardaG[3/2]
p. 13Villan di SpagnaD[4/4]
p. 13Villan di SpagnaG[4/4]
p. 13Ciaccona (Ciaccone diverse)G[3/4]
p. 13CiacconaF[3/4]
p. 14Follia per O (Follie diverse)g[3/4]
p. 14Follia per Ed[3/4]
p. 15Pavoniglia (Pavoniglie diverse)g[3/4]
p. 15Pavoniglia per Ed[3/4]
p. 16Ruggiero per A (Ruggieri diversi)G[4/4]
p. 16Ruggiero per CD[4/4]
p. 17MarchettaG[3/4]
p. 18Balletto (Ballo) di TrappolinoG[4/4]
p. 18To(r)tiglioned[4/4]
p. 19NapolitanaG[4/4]
p. 19Canariod[4/4]
p. 20Monica per Og[4/4]
p. 21Monica per Ed[4/4]
p. 22Aria di Fiorenza per AG[4/4]
p. 23Aria di Fiorenza per CD[4/4]
p. 24Spagnolettad[3/4]
p. 25Romanescag[4/4]
p. 26Aria N(u)ovaG[4/4]
p. 27Amorosette NinfeG[4/4?]
p. 28Corrente Francese (per O)g[3/4]
p. 29Corrente Francese (per +[?])D[3/4]
p. 30Ballo d'OssonaF[4/4]
p. 31CloridaG[4/4]
p. 32Aurilla miad[4/4]
p. 33Girumetta per CD[4/4]
p. 34Girumetta per BC[4/4]
(Sonate Passeggiate)
p. 36Pass'e mez(z)oG[4/4]
p. 38Aria di FiorenzaG[4/4]
p. 40Folliad[3/4]
p. 41Aurilla miad[4/4]
p. 42Burubu (Burubù)D[4/4]
p. 43Aria N(u)ovad[4/4]
p. 44Spagnolettad[3/4]
p. 45CloridaD[4/4]
p. 46Pavonigliag[3/4]
p. 47Pavoniglia doppiag[3/4]
p. 48Altro non è l mio cuore (core)F[4/4]
p. 49Amor poi che non giovanod[4/4]
p. 50Quella bell'amord[4/4]
p. 51Cruda, cruda tirannaC[4/4]
p. 52Balletto di Mantuad[3/4]
p. 53No no, non voi piu cortesaned[4/4]
p. 54Il TaschinoD[4/4]
p. 55La bella Dionorad[4/4]
p. 56Mal Francese (Franzese) mi tormentad[4/4]
p. 60Anno date, e stringete . . .C?
p. 61Un pitocco d'amor chiede pietà . . .g?
p. 62Non credete a Donne mai . . .G??
p. 63Volgi gl'occhi pietosi . . .--


Index of Genres (solo guitar only):

The following chart summarizes the solo guitar contents of the book by genre. Major genres are given by the form used in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2d ed., with the forms actually used in the book in parentheses. Lesser known titles are grouped under "miscellaneous dances" and "songs." Rhythmic variations and rotte are considered part of the main work.

miscellaneous songs . . . (Aria Nova, Amorosette Ninfe, Clorida, Aurilla mia, Burubu, Altro non è l mio cuore, Amor poi che non giovano, Quella bell'amor, Cruda cruda tiranna, No no non voi piu cortesane, Il Taschino, La bella Dionora, Mal Francese mi tormenta)1688[4/4]
miscellaneous dances . . . (Marchetta, Balletto di Trappolino, Napolitana, Ballo d'Ossona, Girumetta, Balletto di Mantua)7615 in [4/4] and
2 in [3/4]
Pavaniglia (Pavoniglia)404[3/4]
Ballo del Gran Duca (Aria di Fiorenza)330[4/4]
Bergamasca (Bergamasche)330[4/4]
Folia (Follia)303[3/4]
Passacaglia (Passagagli)330[3/4]
Chaconne (Ciaccona)220[3/4]
Corrente (Corrente Francese)211[3/4]
Galliard (Gagliarda)220[3/2]
Villano (Villan di Spagna)220[4/4]
Passamezzo (Pass'e mezo, Pass'e mezzo)110[4/4]
Tourdion (Tordiglione)101[4/4]
Totals:57332429 in [4/4],
26 in [3/4] and
2 in [3/2]


Index of Keys Used:

Keys used in the book; an * indicates that the key is only used in a passacaglia. Note that the pitch is relative and that since the guitarist was using tablature, there was no need to think in terms of traditional key signatures.

A major0 A minor0
B flat major0 B flat minor0
B major0 B minor0
C major4 C minor0
C sharp major0 C sharp minor0
D major11 D minor17
E flat major0 E flat minor0
E major0 E minor0
F major3 F minor0
F sharp major0 F sharp minor0
G major15 G minor7
A flat major0 A flat minor0


Index of Names:

CATALANI, -- [printer]
. . . In Roma, per il Catalani. 1648 Con licenza de'Superiori. / p. 1 [t.p.]

V. Bibliography

Boye, Gary R. "Giovanni Battista Granata and the Development of Printed Guitar Music in Seventeenth-Century Italy" (diss., Duke Univeristy, 1995).

Boye, Gary R. "Performing Seventeenth-Century Italian Guitar Music: the Question of an Appropriate Stringing" in Performance on Lute, Guitar and Vihuela: Historical Practice and Modern Interpretation, ed. V.A. Coelho (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

Boye, Gary R. "The Case of the Purloined Letter Tablature: The 17th-Century Guitar Books of Foriano Pico and Pietro Millioni." Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 11:1 (2005).

Hudson, Richard. Passacaglio and Ciaccona: From Guitar Music to Italian Keyboard Variations in the 17th Century (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1981).

Répertoire international des sources musicales: Einzeldrucke vor 1800. RISM B/VI/2 p. 535

Tyler, James, and Paul Sparks. The Guitar and Its Music: From the Renaissance to the Classical Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002).

Weidlich, Joseph. "Battuto Performance Practice in Early Italian Guitar Music." Journal of the Lute Society of America 11 (1978): 63-86.

VI. Exemplar

I-Rsc = Italy: Rome, Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Biblioteca Musicale Governativa (visited in 1992)

Condition: very ragged, stained and mildewed pages; all right hand lower corners dog-earred

Binding: white cardboard [original?]; wrinkled and stained; binding very weak

Manuscript additions:
Spine -- white tape with red: "REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SANTA CECILIA BIBLIOTECA A.C.S. [pencil:] 1 A.39"
[Several barely legible figures on cover in old ink: "2960 [?]/ 1676 / 16 - 76 / 4636 . . . (?)"]

Inside front cover -- white tape with red: "REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SANTA CECILIA BIBLIOTECA C.S.01.1.17" with purple stamp: "ANNULLATO"; White tape with blue: "R. BIBLIOTECA MUSICALE GOVERNATIVA DI S. CECILIA A.C.S.1.A.39"

p. 1 -- lower margin: "I[?]aine . . ." [old ink, illegible] "IL PR" of IL PRIMO highlighted in old ink [?]; "Spagn. . ." to right of LIBRO l.1 old ink [?]; l.3 above facilissima >> "faticossisima" in old ink [sic!]

[date: the "4" of 1648 has been highlighted in old ink by hand; part of what appears to be the original 4 is visible underneath]

p. 2 -- blurred purple stamp [and p. 62]
p. 5 -- beside "Per fa l'" left hand margin: "E" twice in old ink
p. 31 -- bottom: "min[znri or eranco?] old ink w/ blots
p. 62 -- old ink: "Ad uzus [?] mes Joseph [?] pindlensis [?]"
pp. 63-4 - MISSING

© Copyright Gary R. Boye 1995–2024

© Copyright Gary R. Boye 1995–2022

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